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Christian Theology (M.Phil.)

This Masters in Christian Theology enables participants to gain an in-depth knowledge of core issues in contemporary Christian theology.

Students are introduced to historical scholarship and to rigorous contemporary theological investigation. A written dissertation is a key part of the M.Phil. This enables participants to engage in advanced study of a particular topic of interest in the field. In the process of writing, participants are offered one-to-one academic supervision. Participants in this M.Phil. will learn research skills, as well as analytic, written, and verbal communication skills. These are highly valued and effective in a great variety of careers.

A visit to the Chester Beatty Library where Loyola Institute alumnus Emma Rothwell, then Education Officer for Chester Beatty Library brought students on a tour of the ‘First Fragments’ exhibition

Some of the post-graduate class of 2023/24 with Dr Michael Kirwan and Dr Fáinche Ryan.

Course Structure and Assessment

The course incorporates both taught and research components. Students must take six taught modules (10 ECTS each) comprising three core and three optional elective modules and write a 15,000 word dissertation (30 ECTS). Students are assessed via written contributions for each module. Some of the modules on offer include:

Core Modules

  • Violence and Grace in the Human Narrative
  • The First Words: Theology/ies of the Bible
  • Readings in Classical Theological Texts

Elective Modules*

  • Jesus of Nazareth: Son, Christ, Word
  • Ministry and Church in a Challenging Era
  • Theology and the Arts

What Our Students Say

Sr Solange Uzoigwe , Dr Fáinche Ryan and MPhil student Colette Varley enjoy the sunshine outside Loyola Institute.

It was a surprise to me to discover that the class group is so diverse. We are from different nationalities, ages, beliefs and yet the depth of cooperation and unity among classmates is amazing. The lecturers are well informed and passionate about their subjects. Writing the essays for each module is an engaging and enjoyable task, and at once challenging. I have learnt to analyze and be critical in my thinking when approaching theological questions; and the lecturers are always willing to help students improve their work. The seminars/workshops organised by the Institute are very productive and many things about God are becoming clearer. Solange Uzoigwe

Luke Duggan

For me, the most enjoyable aspect of the MPhil so far has been the diversity of topics covered in the course. I have been able to engage with theology from a philosophical, historical, and even a literary perspective, and the assigned readings have covered everything from medieval scholasticism to contemporary feminist thinkers. This has consolidated some of the knowledge I already had, but it has also exposed me to topics I wouldn’t otherwise have encountered. Luke Duggan

Who is this course for?

- For graduates in theology (or other related disciplines) the M.Phil. offers a structured programme of study at an advanced level.

- For those who have an interest in theological questions this degree will help them become better informed and more articulate in Christian theology.

- For chaplains, pastoral workers, and others engaged in Church ministry, the M.Phil. will serve as an ideal opportunity for further in-depth reading, writing and study of the core disciplines of theology, in a way that furthers professional development.

For teachers of religious education this degree provides an excellent opportunity to explore theological issues at a deeper level so benefiting you and your students. While the M.Phil. is designed to be complete in itself, it can serve as preparation for those wishing to proceed to further research in the field.


Details of scholarships available here.

Admissions Requirements

Admission to this course is at graduate level. Applicants will normally hold a good honours degree (minimum 2.1) in theology from a recognized university.

Applicants who have a primary degree in other disciplines will be considered.

Exceptional cases, where applicants do not fully meet the above criteria, but make a reasonable case for admissions otherwise, will be considered by the Dean of Graduate Studies.

Course Times

The course is delivered full-time over one year (12 months) or part-time over two years. Lectures will normally be held on Monday and Thursday evenings. Some elective modules may be held during the day.

Course Director and Further Information

Prof. Michael J. Kirwan, Director of the Loyola Institute is the course Director of the M.Phil. and leads the team of academics who deliver the M.Phil. Prof Kirwan can be contacted by email at Programme Administrator: Ms Helen McMahon at Tel(s): +353-1-8964772.

How to Apply

Apply here to do one year full-time M.Phil. in Christian Theology.

Apply here to do two year part-time M.Phil. in Christian Theology.


EU Students

M.Phil. in Christian Theology (full-time over 1 year) €9,870

M.Phil. in Christian Theology (part-time over 2 years) €6,460

Non-EU Students

Postgraduate Degree in Christian Theology (full-time over 1 year) €18,310

Postgraduate Degree in Christian Theology (part-time over 2 years) €10,900

For details of fees see here


For details of scholarships see here

Pre-arrival Information for Dublin International M.Phil. Students

We recommend you read the following Trinity College Dublin links for all international students prior to arrival:

International Students handbook here