Video Resources

Dr Massimo FaggioliVideo Recording - The Synod: An early assessment of the 2023 assembly in Rome

We are delighted to announce that the video of Pr. Massimo‘s talk is now available on the Loyola Institute YouTube page. The Synod on Synodality took place in Rome ending on 29th October 2023. The focus of this synod, ‘synodality’ referred to the way in which all members of the church participate in the church and its mission. Uniquely on this occasion Bishops are joined by ‘non-bishops’ – ordained and lay. Dr Massimo Faggioli, Villanova University, gave us some early reactions, and thoughts on this synod and its possible fruits.

View 'The Synod: An early assessment...' PODCAST


Yves Conger - Loyola Institute Lenten SeriesLoyola Institute Lenten Series - ‘True or False Reform Today‘ - Lecture by Prof Gemma Simmonds

Loyola Institute Lenten Series ‘Authentic, Effective Reform in the Church: Reading Yves Congar Today‘. This gound-breaking book by Yves Congar, ‘True and False Reform in the Church‘ influenced the future pope John XXIII and his vision for the Second Vatican Council. Our series of lectures sought to re-read Congar, and explore how this classic text can help us today in our synodal journey. The final lecture ‘True or False Reform Today‘ - lecture by Prof Gemma Simmonds is now available on our YouTube Channel.

View the 'True or False Reform Today' VIDEO


Yves Conger - Loyola Institute Lenten SeriesLoyola Institute Lenten Series - Is Reform Possible? Conditions for Authentic Reform- Lecture by Dr Fáinche Ryan

Loyola Institute Lenten Series ‘Authentic, Effective Reform in the Church: Reading Yves Congar Today‘. This gound-breaking book by Yves Congar, ‘True and False Reform in the Church‘ influenced the future pope John XXIII and his vision for the Second Vatican Council. Our series of lectures sought to re-read Congar, and explore how this classic text can help us today in our synodal journey. The second lecture - Is Reform Possible? Conditions for Authentic Reform- lecture by Dr Fáinche Ryan is now available on our YouTube Channel

View 'Is Reform Possible?... VIDEO


Yves Conger - Loyola Institute Lenten SeriesLoyola Institute Lenten Series - True and False Reform in the Church: What is Reform - Lecture by Dr Cornelius Casey

Loyola Institute Lenten Series ‘Authentic, Effective Reform in the Church: Reading Yves Congar Today‘. This gound-breaking book by Yves Congar, ‘True and False Reform in the Church‘ influenced the future pope John XXIII and his vision for the Second Vatican Council. Our series of lectures sought to re-read Congar, and explore how this classic text can help us today in our synodal journey. The First lecture - True and False Reform in the Church: What is Reform - lecture by Dr Cornelius Casey is now available on our YouTube Channel

View 'True and False Reform in the Church' VIDEO


Titus Brandsma: Ethical Resistance in Turbulent Times. A Carmelite Friar Facing National SocialismTitus Brandsma: Ethical Resistance in Turbulent Times. A Carmelite Friar Facing National Socialism

There was a full theatre in Trinity College Dublin on Wednesday (1st February) as the Loyola Institute and the Irish Province of Carmelites welcomed Dr Prof Fernando Millán, O.Carm. (Prior General 2007 – 2019) to lecture on this most interesting saint, and his resistance, as priest, teacher and journalist, to National Socialism, and his ongoing battle for truth and freedom in journalism, and for people’s lives. Titus Brandsma a Dutch Carmelite friar and theologian, was canonised on May 15th 2022. Brandsma is perhaps best known for his heroic resistance against the Nazi occupation and his death in the Dachau concentration camp. He was also a journalist of note, seeing journalism as an excellent ‘modern’ opportunity to give the spiritual life a place in the increasingly secularising society. Fr. Titus forcefully spoke out against Nazi’s anti-Jewish laws, and his ever-burning passion for truth and freedom shone through in his journalism, and his life. Recording now available on our YouTube Channel

Video 'Ethical Resistance in Turbulent Times...' VIDEO


Columcille in ContextColumcille in Context: Theologians and Historians in Conversation to Commemorate the 15th Centenary of the Birth of Saint Columba of Iona (521/ 2021)

The third lecture organised by Dr Alexander O’Hara, was delivered by Meredith Cutrer, DPhil Candidate, Oxford University on 8th September 2021. St Columba’s life and memory, as recorded and perpetuated by his monastic familia, consciously placed him in the tradition of a number of prominent late antique saints. This lecture considered the saints his community drew upon to craft St Columba’s image with a particular focus on the enduring interest his community evinced in the Egyptian Desert Fathers, St Antony of Egypt and St Paul of Thebes. This presentation shows how these monastic pioneers were a crucial component of the Columban familia’s cultural memory by examining key pieces of literature and art produced by his community from the seventh to the eleventh centuries.

View 'Columcille in Context...' VIDEO


Columcille in ContextColumcille in Context: Theologians and Historians in Conversation to Commemorate the 15th Centenary of the Birth of Saint Columba of Iona (521/ 2021)

Dr Alexander O‘Hara, Research Fellow in Historical Theology, Loyola Institute has organised the first lecture in this series was delivered by Professor Thomas O‘Loughlin, Professor Emeritus of Historical Theology, University of Nottingham, on the Feast of Columcille, and the online series will run throughout the remainder of the 2021.

View 'Columcille is Context...(2)' VIDEO


Listening to the Essence Of Things“Listening to the Essence Of Things“: Theology, language and meaning in the context of Laudato Si.

Prof Tina Beattie, Professor of Catholic Studies at Roehampton University, gave a public lecture titled: ‘Listening to the Essence of Things’: Theology, language and meaning in the context of Laudato Sí. This free public lecture took place on Wednesday 19th February at 7:30pm in the Loyola Institute.

View 'Listening to the Essence Of Things' VIDEO


Dr Con CaseyHope In This Time Of Need: Dr. Con Casey

Dr. Cornelius Casey gave a public lecture at the Loyola Institute, Trinity College Dublin on Wednesday 20 November 2019. His presentation was titled ‘Hope In This Time of Need.’

Listen to 'Hope in this Time of Need' PODCAST