Bibliographic or reference management software automates the creation of bibliographies for many scholarly publications (for example, essays, theses, research papers, grant proposals, curricula vitae, book manuscripts...) a tedious and error-prone activity when performed manually. Researchers and students can save countless hours of typing and interpreting style requirements of scholarly publications by simply selecting the publication by name and generating a perfectly formatted document.
There are several different brands of reference management software, most with a free version and a more complete paid version with extra features or storage. For a comprehensive list see Wikipedia's comparison of reference management software - other notable examples examples include Zotero and Mendeley.
The latest version we have access to is now EndNote 21. The video below demonstrates the use of EndNote 20, but the differences are extremely minor and all the advice below is still accurate.
EndNote allows users to:
- Create a personalised database of references
- Type the references or import them from a database
- Create a bibliography for a thesis, assignment or journal article in the reference style required, and easily change the reference style
Trinity College Dublin has a site licence for EndNote and current staff and students are permitted to install a copy of the software on both their personal and College-owned machines, with the proviso that copies must be removed when the user leaves College.
EndNote is also installed on PCs in College Computer Rooms.
Contact Us
Please contact your Subject Librarian if you have an EndNote question.