Digitised Manuscripts
All project manuscripts, and more besides, are discoverable on the Digital Collections site, but links to the project manuscripts are assembled here for ease of use.
The work to digitise the manuscripts is ongoing. The manuscripts selected demonstrate the variety and breadth of the Library's medieval manuscripts collection:
- TCD MS 35 A large and lavishly illustrated bible (14th century) https://doi.org/10.48495/x633f737d
- TCD MS 124 Gilbert the universal commentary on the book of lamentations (Canterbury, late 12th century) https://doi.org/10.48495/2801pp26g
- TCD MS 631 William Lambarde copy of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (1536-1601) https://doi.org/10.48495/vt150s16z
- TCD MS 502 John Of Worcester (mid 12th century) https://doi.org/10.48495/bn999f49h
- TCD MS 503 John of Worcester, Chronicula (mid 12th century) https://doi.org/10.48495/000004234
- TCD MS 301 A composite collection of sermons, patristic texts, saints lives and other religious items in prose and verse (First part written in the 13th and 14th centuries, and the second in the 15th century, produced in England) https://doi.org/10.48495/z603r548s
- TCD MS 270 John of Garland https://doi.org/10.48495/jm214x02z
- TCD MS 519 Benedict Burgh, Cato Major, middle English verse https://doi.org/10.48495/qn59qb40f
- TCD MS 602 William of Malmesbury, Gesta Pontificum Anglorum. This manuscript was also in the collection of St Augustine's Canterbury https://doi.org/10.48495/vq27zv242
- TCD MS 360 Catalogue of books in Saint Augustine's Abbey Library, Canterbury https://doi.org/10.48495/7p88cp52b
- TCD MS 174 Lives of saints with middle English and old English. This manuscript bears inscription in Old English (Salisbury, late 11th and early 12th century) https://doi.org/10.48495/6t053p10f
- TCD MS 514 A miscellany https://doi.org/10.48495/rj430b47n
- TCD MS 83 The York Missal https://doi.org/10.48495/jh343x643
- TCD MS 1747 https://doi.org/10.48495/g158bp354
- TCD MS 177 Matthew Paris, the 'Book of St Albans', a famous masterpiece of 13th century art https://doi.org/10.48495/8p58pm63q
- TCD MS 53 The Winchcombe Psalter, a lavishly illustrated New Testament and Psalter created in Winchcombe in Gloucestershire (mid 12th century) https://doi.org/10.48495/9s161f248
- TCD MS 524 Cartulary of Torre Abbey, St Saviour (13th century) https://doi.org/10.48495/5999nb565
- TCD MS 88 Breviary with calendar entries for Irish Saints (15th century) https://doi.org/10.48495/w95058287
- TCD MS 432 Trilingual verse collection in Latin, Middle English and French (Northampton, 15th century) https://doi.org/10.48495/3b591j087
- TCD MS 11275 Collection of 12 decorated fragment leaves (12th-15th centuries) https://digitalcollections.tcd.ie/concern/works/6w924m093?locale=en
- TCD MS 667 Honorius of Autun and miscellany (15th century) https://doi.org/10.48495/gh93h656j
- TCD MS 195 Sermon collections with music, and Wycliffite Psalms and Athanasian Creed in English (14th/15th century) https://doi.org/10.48495/v118rp622
- TCD MS 158 The Pricke of Conscience, Middle English and Latin verse miscellany with music and recipes https://doi.org/10.48495/bk128k29
- TCD MS 77 Antiphoner of Armagh (mid 15th century) https://doi.org/10.48495/6q182t51n
- TCD MS 78 Clondalkin Breviary (late 15th century) https://doi.org/10.48495/dj52w8569
- TCD MS 79 Antiphonary made for Christchurch Cathedral (late 15th century) https://doi.org/10.48495/pr76fc386
- TCD MS 80 Kilmoone Breviary (early 15th century) https://doi.org/10.48495/m326m959h
- TCD MS 100 A Gradual of Germanic origin with Hufnagel notation, medieval binding (15th century) https://doi.org/10.48495/9g54xt27c
- TCD MS 101 Antiphonal produced for female use for Bridgettine convent Marie Wijngaard, in Utrecht, medieval binding (15th century) https://doi.org/10.48495/w3763h300
- CD MS 101 Antiphonal produced for female use for Bridgettine convent Marie Wijngaard, in Utrecht, medieval binding (15th century) https://doi.org/10.48495/w3763h300
- TCD MS 109 Antiphonal with music, only Irish Franciscan missal to survive (1450-1499) https://doi.org/10.48495/cf95jn26q
- TCD MS 51 West Dereham Bible (St Albans, 1150-1180) https://doi.org/10.48495/6969z883x
- TCD MS 93 Psalter, made for Sir John Wingfield of Suffolk and his wife Elizabeth Fitzlewis who married c1450 (15th century) https://doi.org/10.48495/v405sk46x
- TCD MS 266 Waldensian manuscript https://doi.org/10.48495/76537996g
- TCD MS 505 Brut Chronicle etc. (15th century) https://doi.org/10.48495/2514nv93h
- TCD MS 91 Illuminated Psalter in French (late 13th century) https://doi.org/10.48495/cv43p647h
- TCD MS 96 Select religious services, probably written at Cremona, Italy (15th century) https://doi.org/10.48495/j3860h774
- TCD MS 48 Chronicles and prayers of Manasses (12th century) https://doi.org/10.48495/6108vn29k
- TCD MS 82 Kilcormac missal (14th/15th century) https://doi.org/10.48495/wd376611s
- TCD MS 86 Breviary from Ireland (15th century) https://doi.org/10.48495/t148ft66q
- TCD MS 103 Book of Hours from the Netherlands (15th century) https://doi.org/10.48495/mk61rs60j
- TCD MS 234 Heriger de Lobbes, De Corpore et Sanguine Dei (15th century) https://doi.org/10.48495/6108vn30b
- TCD MS 371 Compilation texts of Virgilius of Salzburg (12th century) https://doi.org/10.48495/8w32rg10k
- TCD MS 1497 Book of devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary, produced in Ethiopia https://doi.org/10.48495/cj82kj145
- TCD MS 104 Book of Hours, Paris (15th century) https://doi.org/10.48495/4j03d8389
- TCD MS 106 Psalter (15th century) https://doi.org/10.48495/m900p456c
- TCD MS 107 Book of Hours (15th century) https://doi.org/10.48495/6d5707042