Named Collections - W

Illustration for New Song on the Surprising Victory of an Emigrant Female..., [Ireland], [c. 1860], from the J.D. White Collection. OLS X-I-531 no. 104
918 items.
This collection contains popular slip ballads printed in Dublin, Cork and Johnstown which refer to contemporary events including the Crimean War, crime and politics.
1,000 items approx.
This collection of books formerly belonged to Edward Worth of Rathfarnham.
Bequeathed by Edward Worth and delivered to the Library by his son-in-law, Robert Gallagher, June 1742.
Dr Edward Worth (1678-1733)
4,500 items approx. (Dr Steevens' Hospital).
Dr Edward Worth was a first cousin of Edward Worth of Rathfarnham. He was a physician in early 18th-century Dublin, and his collection is particularly important for students of History of Medicine, History of Science and the History of the Book. Details of the collection, held in Dr Steevens' Hospital, Dublin 8, may be found on the Edward Worth Library site.
World War I Recruiting Posters
234 items.
These posters and leaflets were issued by the British Army in Dublin during the war.
Presented by Rupert Magill, 1920.