The library formerly known as the Berkeley was denamed in April 2023.

Following the de-naming of the Library, the Trinity Legacies Review Working Group (TLRWG) made a public call for suggestions for a new name for the building and its collections.

Between 15th November 2023 and 18th February 2024, over 850 submissions were received by the working group consisting of names of people, places, dates, and concepts which could be linked to Trinity College Dublin and its values of being “Inquisitive, Pioneering, Responsible, Inclusive, and Collaborative”.

These submissions were designed to provide stimulus to the deliberations of the working group, rather than a vote for any particular option

In September 2024, after a process of deliberation including consideration of the 855 public submissions, the TLRWG identified several options for the renaming of the Library, with their preferred recommendation being The Eavan Boland Library. 

After a Board meeting in October 2024, an announcement was made that Trinity  is renaming its library after the acclaimed Irish poet Eavan Boland.

The Eavan Boland Library will be the first building on Trinity’s city centre campus to be named after a woman. Eavan Boland was one of the foremost women in Irish literature, publishing many collections of poetry, a memoir Object Lessons (1995), as well as teaching and lecturing in Ireland and in the US. 

The full list of submitted names, and the reasoning behind them, may be found at the link below.