Yvonne Scannell

School of Law
Room 17, House 39
Trinity College, Dublin 2
Tel: (01) 896 1773
Fax: (01) 677 0449
Email: yvonne.scannell at tcd.ie
Areas of Interest
Irish and European Environmental Law, Planning Law, Contract, Legislation and Regulation, Administrative Law
Professional Qualifications
Administrative Functions
Awards and Honours
Education Details
Employment Details
Memberships / Associations
Selected Publications
Postgraduate Research Students
Honora Josephine Yvonne Scannell M.A. LL.M.(Cantab), Ph.D., LL.D. (h.c.), Barrister. Professor Yvonne Scannell teaches Irish and European Environmental Law, Planning Law, Legal Systems and Methods and Contract. She is a graduate of Trinity College, Dublin and Cambridge University. She has written six books and numerous articles on Environmental and Planning Law and some on Constitutional Law. She has been consistently nominated as one of Ireland’s leading environmental lawyers in professional surveys. Dr. Scannell has served on the Boards of Forfas, An Foras Forbartha, Habitat for Humanity, the Irish National Petroleum Corporation and on the Advisory Board of the EPA. She has worked for UNDP and the EU in Eastern Europe and she is on the Environmental Panel of the International Court of Arbitration. She is currently on the Boards of CIE, the EBS and Tara Mines. Dr. Scannell also practices as a consultant on Environmental and Planning Law with Arthur Cox, Solicitors.
Professional Qualifications
- LL.D (h.c.) Washington and Lee, Virginia, USA
- Ph.D. Dublin University
- Barrister at Law, Kings Inns, Dublin
- LL.M. (Cantab.) Law, Cambridge University
- B.A. (Mod.) Legal Science, Dublin University
- She is currently a Director of the Educational Building Society, CIE, and Tara Mines Ltd.
- She has also served on many Governmental bodies including the Advisory Board of the Environmental Protection Agency, the Environmental Awareness Bureau, the An Forbas Forbartha (the National Institute for Physical Planning and Development) and Forfas.
- She is on the editorial boards of the Irish Law Reports Monthly, the Irish Journal of Planning and Environmental Law.
- Dr. Scannell was a founder member and first chairwoman of the Irish Association of Environmental Law and she is a member of the European and International Councils for Environmental Law. She has served on the board of directors of several public companies.
Awards and Honours
- 2005 Judge on the Environmental Panel of the International Court of Arbitration.
- 2004 President of the EU Jury for the European Environmental Awards.
- 2000 Prix Michel Despax. Awarded by the European Council for Environmental Law for contribution to the development of European Environmental law.
- 1997 LL.D.(h.c.) University of Washington and Lee, Virginia, USA
- 1996 Frances E Lewis Fellowship to the University of Washington and Lee, Virginia, USA.
- 1994 Spirit of Columbus Award for contribution to the field of Environmental law.
Professional Endorsements
- A 'Highly Recommended Individual' in Environmental Practice PLC Which Lawyer? Yearbook, 2007
- A 'Leader' in Environment Practice Who's Who Legal: The International Who's Who of Business Lawyers, 2007
- A 'Leading Practitioner' in Environment Law Legal Media Group: Guide to the World's Leading Environment Lawyers, 2006.
Memberships /Associations
- European Council for Environmental Law, International Council for Environmental Law, Irish Association of Environmental Lawyers (Founder Member, First Chairwoman and Honory Vice-President), International Women's' Forum.
- Board of Editors: Irish Law Reports Monthly, Irish Journal of Planning and Environmental Law, Journal of Environmental Law. (OUP)
- Chairwoman: Women’s Political Association, European Year of the Environment, Environment Awareness Bureau 1987 . Advisory Board: Environmental Protection Agency. Board of Directors: An Foras Forbartha, Irish National Petroleum Corporation Ltd., Irish Refining Ltd. Bantry Bay Terminals Ltd. , Forfas 1999-2003.
- President of Jury for European Environment Prize 2004.
- Environmental and Land Use Law (Thomson Round Hall) (Brehon Series) (2005) clxiv +pp. 1067.
- Environmental and Planning Law, Irish Academic Press, 1995, lxxxvii + 584pp.
- The Habitats Directive in Ireland (with Clarke, Cannon, Doyle) (Centre for Environmental Policy and Law) (1999. Reprinted 2000). pp.224.
- Ireland, International Encyclopaedia of Laws, The Hague, Kluwer, 1994, 266 pp.
- The Law and Practice Relating to Pollution Control in Ireland, (2nd ed.) London, Graham and Trotman, 1982, 215 pp.
- The Law and Practice Relating to Pollution Control in Ireland, London, Graham and Trotman, 1974, 224pp.
Book Chapters and Articles
- The Regulation of Mining and Mining Waste in the EU, Washington and Lee Journal of Energy, Climate and the Environment, 3, (2), 2012, p177 - 267
- Local Government in Ireland in, editor(s)Angel-Manuel Moreno , Government in the Member States of the European Union: A Comparative Legal Perspective, Madrid, National Institute of Public Administration, Spain (Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública. IN, 2012, pp309 - 338.
- Renewable Energy Policies, Programmes and Progress in Ireland, Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law, Vol 29, No. 2, International Bar Association 2011 pp 155-176, ISSN 0264-6811.
- Climate Change Law in Ireland Part I, Irish Planning and Environmental Law Volume 18, Number 1, Roundhall 2011 pp 5-10.
- The Catastropic Failure of the Planning System, Dublin University Law Journal, 33, 2011 p396-438.
- Climate Change Law in Ireland Part II, Irish Planning and Environmental Law Volume 18, Number 2, Roundhall 2011 pp 56-65.
- The Human Rights to Water and Sanitation in Ireland in editor(s) L'eau potable et à L'assainissement, sa mise en oeuvre en Europe - The Académie de l'eau, 2011, pp327-346.
- Innovations and Adaptations to Climate Change in Ireland in editor(s F. Fraachia e M. Occhiena, Climate Change: law riposta del diretto, Napoli, Editorale Scientifica Napoli, 2010, pp 437-466.
- Policy and Planning for Sustainability: a legal framework for sustainable development in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland in editor(s) J. McDonagh, T. Varley, S. Shorthall, A Living Countryside? The Politics of Sustainable Development in Rural Ireland, London, Ashgate Publishing, 2009, pp. 25-53 [Yvonne Scannell and Sharon Turner].
- Environmental Law in editor(s) Anthony Hussey, Construction Projects Law and Practice, Dublin, Thompson, 2009, pp2-01 - 2-70
- A Right to Sanitation? In editor(s) Henri Smetts, Le Droit a L'Assainissement dans les Legislations Nationales, Paris, Academie de l'Eau, Paris, France, 2009, pp171-179.
- Actualite des Developpements Recent de l'interpretation du droit communautaire de l'environnment en Ireland 2007 (3) Revue Europeene de Droit de l'environnment p231-331.
- Environmental Law in Construction Projects Law and Practice (Thomson Round Hall), 2007, 2-01-2-70.
- "The Influences of EU EnvironmentalLaw in Ireland", Global Law, 2007, 2, 6.
- "Cronique Nationale Irelande en 2002, Revue Europeene de Droit de L'Environnment", 2006, 273-289.
- “Environmental Impact Assessment in Irish Law” (2004) 26 Dublin University Law Journal 200-234.
- Scannell Y., “Observations on Environmental Impact Assessment in Theory and in Practice" (2002) 24 Dublin University Law Journal 124-174.
- “Ireland" in 4 Yearbook of Environmental Law (Oxford University Press, 2002) 611-621.
- "Environmental Law" in Annual Review of Irish Law (eds. Byrne and Binchy) Round Hall, Sweet and Maxwell, 2002, 192-200.
- " Access to Justice in Environmental Matters in Ireland" in Access to Justice in Environmental Matters in the EU/Accès à la justice en matière d'environnement dans l'UE (Kluwer, The Hague, 2002) 279-312.
- “Environmental Law” in Annual Review of Irish Law, eds Byrne and Binchy, Dublin, Round Hall Sweet and Maxwell, 2001, 248-261.
- Scannell Y., “Access to Information, Public Participation and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters” in Human Rights the Citizen and the State (eds., Sarkin and Binchy (Round Hall Sweet and Maxwell ) ( 2001) 140-167.
- "Mechanismes de plainte et de recours nationaux non juricitionnels pur manque de respect des regles communautairs relatives a la protection de l'environnment en Irelande" in Mechanismes de plainte et de recours nationaux non juricitionnels pur manque de respect des regles communautaires relatives a la protection de l'environnment. Conseil Europeen du Droit de l'Environnement, (Madeira, 2001) 116-123.
- “Ireland” in 3 Yearbook of European Environmental Law (Oxford University Press , 2001) 639-656.
- “Environmental Law” in Annual Review of Irish Law, eds Byrne and Binchy, Dublin, Round Hall Sweet and Maxwell, 2000, 181-191.
- “Integrated Pollution Control Law in Ireland” in Public Law and the Environment (eds. Farris and Turner)United Kingdom Environmental Law Association, 2000, 139-162.
- “ Murphy v Attorney General- the Taxation of Married Women in Ireland” in Leading cases of the twentieth century” Ed. E.O’Dell, Dublin, Round Hall Sweet and Maxwell, 2000, 327 52.
- Scannell Y., "Ireland" in 2 Yearbook of Environmental Law (Oxford University Press, 2000) 499-510.
- Scannell Y., “DeValera’s Constitution and Ours” in Irish Women’s History (eds Urquharat and Hayes), (Routledge, London 2000) 71-79.
- Ireland in (2000) 9 European Environmental Law Review 322-325.
- “Environmental Law” in Annual Review of Irish Law, eds Byrne and Binchy, Dublin, Round Hall Sweet and Maxwell, 1998, 300-317.
- Criminal Penalties in EU Member States Environmental Law (Ireland).
- http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/crime/index.htm#studies
- Non-criminal Measures studies in EU Member States Environmental Law(Ireland) http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/crime/index.htm#studies