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Staff Publications - School of Law

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Staff research involves rigorous theoretical engagement and critical analysis leading to research outputs published by leading national and international academic presses.

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19 non peer reviewed publications from 2024

Blockchain Ireland Legal and Regulatory Working Group, Smart Legal Contracts, 2024
Report; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: SERETAKA

Mary Rogan, Prison Inspection and Monitoring, North South Criminology Conference, Queen's University Belfaast, 2024
Conference Paper; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: ROGANMA

Mark Bell, Unleashing Potential: Reasonable Accommodations at Work, ILO Global Business and Disability Network Webinar, Online, 17 April, 2024
Oral Presentation; Presented; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: BELLM1

Mark Bell, Dignity Amid Digitalization: Bringing Catholic Social Teaching to the Platform Economy, European Academy of Religion Annual Conference, Fondazione per le Scienze Religiose, Palermo, 20 May, 2024
Conference Paper; Presented; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: BELLM1

Deirdre Ahern, Regulatory Sandboxes under the EU AI Act: Opportunities and Challenges, Milan Information Society Law Center Conference, University of Milan, 11-12 June, 2024, Information Society Law Center, University of Milan
Invited Talk; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: DAHERN

Felix E Mezzanotte, Corporate Sustainability Reporting: Double Materiality as Innovation, Rethinking Company Law, Newcastle University, United Kingdom, March 2024, 2024
Conference Paper; Presented; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: MEZZANOF

Christiane Ahlborn, Challenges to Human Rights Protection in the Digital Age, Protection of human rights in the context of digitalisation, Trinity College Dublin, 27 February 2024, 2024, European Law Students Association
Invited Talk; Presented; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: AHLBORNC

Christiane Ahlborn, 'Scenario 19: Hate Speech', Faculti, 2024, -
Film production; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: AHLBORNC; URL

Irish Language Rights and the Courts of Justice Act 1924 in, editor(s)Niamh Howlin , The Courts of Justice Act 1924, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2024, [Róisín Á Costello and Judge Úna Ní Raifeartaigh]
Book Chapter; In_press; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: COSTELRI

Maria Grazia Porcedda, Cybersecurity e Policy, Cybersecurity e realizzazione del mercato unico digitale, University of Bergamo, Italy, 23 February 2024, 2024, Prof. Peraro
Invited Talk; Presented; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: MARIAGRP

Maria Grazia Porcedda, From Research Assistant to Assistant Professor, Visuaal Career Day, TCD Business School, Tangent, 16 February 2024, 2024, Dr John Dinsmore
Invited Talk; Presented; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: MARIAGRP

Mark Bell, Ireland, Care as a Constitutional Value, TriCON webinar, 28 February , 2024
Oral Presentation; Presented; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: BELLM1

Mark Bell, Religious Discrimination at the Workplace and Recent CJEU Case-Law, EU Equality Law Seminar, Belfast, 19 February, 2024, Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission
Invited Talk; Presented; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: BELLM1

Mary Rogan, The Irish prison system, 2024
Working Paper; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: ROGANMA

Michael A Becker, 'Justice Update: All you need to know about ICJ Advisory Opinions', Asymmetrical haircuts: your international justice podcast, 2024, -
Broadcast; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: BECKERMA

Michael A Becker, 'Episode 23: Unhappy New Year! Genocide in the Courtroom', EJIL: The Podcast!, 2024, -
Broadcast; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: BECKERMA; URL

Michael A Becker, Desperate Times, Desperate (Provisional) Measures Rafah and South Africa"s Latest Action at the ICJ, Verfassungsblog, 2024
Journal Article; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: BECKERMA; URL

Ireland in, editor(s)Danny Busch and Matthias Lehmann , Prospectus Liability Rules in Europe and Beyond: Towards Uniformity, Oxford University Press, 2024, [Alexandros Seretakis]
Book Chapter; In_press; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: SERETAKA

Felix E Mezzanotte (with Alexandros Seretakis), Corporate Sustainability Reporting and Blockchain / Research Note / Duke University - The FinReg Blog, 2024, -
Miscellaneous; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: MEZZANOF