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Staff research involves rigorous theoretical engagement and critical analysis leading to research outputs published by leading national and international academic presses.

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154 publications from 2019

Brazil, Patricia, Fennelly, David, Dublin University Law Journal, Vol 41(2), Dublin, Clarus Press, 2019, 1-250pp
Book; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: PBRAZIL

Róisín Á Costello, To what extent can cyber evidence repositories, and digital and open-source evidence, facilitate the work of the OTP, and the ICC more generally?, International Criminal Court Forum/UCLA, 2019, 2019
Report; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: COSTELRI

Róisín Áine Costello, World Bank Report on Women, Business and the Law, Irish Centre for European Law, 2019
Report; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: COSTELRI

Roisin Aine Costello, Citizen Datafication as a Condition of Access to Public Services: the Poverty of Privacy Rights in the EU, Data & Disorder Conference, Oxford Internet Institute & LSE Alan Turing Institute , 2019, 2019
Conference Paper; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: COSTELRI

Róisín Áine Costello, Remedies for Breach of Privacy, Review of Remedies for Breach of Privacy, by Jason Varuhas , SCRIPTed, 16, (1), 2019, p134 - 142, p78-63
Review; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: COSTELRI

Róisín Áine Costello, Law, Policy and the Internet, Review of Law, Policy and the Internet, by Lilian Edwards , International Journal of Law and Information Technology , 27, (2), 2019, p134 - 142, p204-208
Review; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: COSTELRI

Michael A Becker, Commissions of Inquiry: What Difference Do They Make? (workshop), 5-6 January 2017, 2019, Pembroke College, University of Cambridge, European Journal of International Law
Meetings /Conferences Organised; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: BECKERMA

Michael A Becker, International Commissions of Inquiry: What Difference Do They Make?, EJIL: Live!, Cambridge, UK, 15 December, 2019, European Journal of International Law
Invited Talk; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: BECKERMA; URL

Michael A Becker, The Challenges for the ICJ in the Reliance on UN Fact-Finding Reports in the Case Against Myanmar, EJIL:Talk!, 2019
Journal Article; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: BECKERMA; URL

Michael A Becker and Sarah MH Nouwen, International Commissions of Inquiry: What Difference Do They Make? Taking an Empirical Approach, European Journal of International Law, 30, (3), 2019, p819 - 841
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: BECKERMA; URL

Sarah Hamill and David Mangan, Reputation as Property: Perspectives from Property and Tort, 2019, Dublin
Meetings /Conferences Organised; Presented; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: HAMILLSA

Rachael Walsh, Climate Action and Constitutional Property Rights - Partners or Adversaries?, Dublin University Law Journal, 42, (2), 2019, p131 - 149
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: WALSHR1

Cox, Neville, Stephen Fry, The Meaning of Life and the Problem with Irish Blasphemy Law, Oxford Journal of Law and Religion, 8, (1), 2019, p247
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: NCOX

Liz Heffernan, Improperly Obtained Evidence in Anglo-American and Continental Law, Review of Improperly Obtained Evidence in Anglo-American and Continental Law, by Dimitrios Giannoupopoulos , Dublin University Law Journal, 42, (1), 2019, p223-225
Review; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: HEFFERL

Neville Cox, Behind the Veil: A Critical Analysis of European Anti-Veiling Laws, 1, Edward Elgar, 2019, 1-
Book; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: NCOX

Fennelly D, Data Protection Litigation: An update , InfoLaw Conference 2019, Dublin, 22 March 2019, 2019
Invited Talk; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: FENNELD

Fennelly D, Judicial Independence: Challenge and Change, University of Genoa, 2 October 2019 , 2019
Invited Talk; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: FENNELD

Fennelly, D., Dublin at the Data Protection Frontier, TCD Law School Law and Contemporary Challenges - Wednesday Mini-Lecture Series, Dublin, 3 April 2019, 2019
Invited Talk; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: FENNELD

Fennelly, D., Access to Justice: the European Dimension, FLAC@50 Access to Justice Conference, Trinity College Dublin, 17 May 2019 , 2019
Conference Paper; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: FENNELD

Fennelly D, Equality Litigation and its Challenges: the Case of Ireland, Equality Law in Europe: A New Generation Conference, European University Institute, Florence, 11 October 2019, 2019
Conference Paper; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: FENNELD

Gender and the Irish Constitution: Article 41.2, Symbolism and the Limitations of the Courts' Approach to Substantive Gender Inequality in, editor(s)Lynsey Black and Peter Dunne , Law and Gender in Modern Ireland: Critique and Reform, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2019, pp211 - 226, [Alan DP Brady]
Book Chapter; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: BRADYA8

Mark Bell , People with Intellectual Disabilities and Employment Discrimination Law: A US Case Study, International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, 35, 2019, p401 - 426
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: BELLM1

Suryapratim Roy and Giulia Mennillo, The Credit Rating Agency Paradox: Looking behind the Regulatory License, Governing through Instruments II: Standards, Ratings, and Certification, Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics Annual Conference , The New School, New York, June 27, 2019, 2019
Conference Paper; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: SUROY; URL

Aileen Kavanagh, Recasting the Political Constitution: From Rivals to Relationships, King's Law Journal, 30, 2019, p43 - 73
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: KAVANA23

Ciara O'Connell, Eva Aizpurua and Mary Rogan, The European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and the Gendered Experience of Imprisonment, Gender in Law and Courts: Uneasy Encounters?, European University Institute, 8 November 2019, 2019
Oral Presentation; Presented; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: ROGANMA

Felix E Mezzanotte, Comments on Argentina's New Leniency Program, Hofstra Journal of International Business & Law, 18, (2), 2019, p163 - 184
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: MEZZANOF

Felix E Mezzanotte, "Crypto-Assets and Securities Regulation: Recent Developments and Trends", Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law, 34, (8), 2019, p564 - 567
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: MEZZANOF

Ahern, Deirdre, (Panel Chair) Women in Leadership , Hearing Women's Voices: Irish Federation of University Women Annual Conference, Trinity College Dublin, 19 October 2019, 2019, Trinity Women Graduates / Irish Federation of University Women
Invited Talk; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: DAHERN

Management of a Company in, editor(s)Alistair Alcock , Gore-Browne on Companies, Bristol, 2019, [Ahern, Deirdre]
Book Chapter; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: DAHERN

Ahern, Deirdre, Regulatory Influences and Listed Companies Engagement with Diversity in their Annual Reports, Gender Diversity on Corporate Boards: Listed Companies' Self-Reporting on Diversity in their Annual Reports , The Long Room Hub, Trinity College Dublin, 2019
Oral Presentation; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: DAHERN

Ahern. Deirdre and Jain, Tanusree, Using Mandatory Quotas to Address Gender Imbalances In The Boardroom: Some Evidence From East And West, Hearing Women's Voices: Irish Federation of University Women Annual Conference, Trinity College Dublin, 19 October 2019, 2019, Trinity Women Graduates / Irish Federation of University Women
Invited Talk; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: DAHERN

Ahern, Deirdre, Opportunity-based Regulation: The Function of the Regulatory Sandbox for FinTech, Addressing the Global Challenge of Responsive FinTech regulation, Trinity College Dublin, 8 March 2019, 2019
Oral Presentation; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: DAHERN

Ahern, Deirdre (in conjunction with European Banking Institute), Addressing the Global Challenge of Responsive FinTech RegulationFinTech, 8 March 2019, 2019, Trinity College Dublin
Meetings /Conferences Organised; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: DAHERN

Ahern, Deirdre, Keynote: Sustainable Governance into the Future and the Impact of Artificial Intelligence, Annual Conference of the Chartered Governance Institute of the UK and Ireland, Dublin Castle, 16 May 2019, 2019, the Chartered Governance Institute of the UK and Ireland
Invited Talk; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: DAHERN

Ahern, Deirdre, The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Governance of Companies, Corporate Law and Finance Summer School, Trinity College Dublin, 23 July 2019, 2019, European Law Students Association
Invited Talk; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: DAHERN

Directors - Appointment, Removal and Vacation in, editor(s)Alistair Alcock , Gore-Browne on Companies, Bristol, LexisNexis UK, 2019, [Ahern, Deirdre]
Book Chapter; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: DAHERN

David Kenny and Eoin Daly, Report on the Constitutional Limits of the "Money Message" Procedure under Article 17.2 of the Constitution of Ireland, May, 2019, 1-20
Report; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: KENNYD4

Maria Grazia Porcedda, Prosecuting Cybercrime: Courts, Data Crime and the Cascade Effect, 2nd Conference on the Human Factor in Cybercrime, Leiden, 16-18 October 2019, edited by Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam , 2019
Oral Presentation; Presented; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: MARIAGRP

Maria Grazia Porcedda, The Cybercrime Cascade Effect and Criminal Justice Responses, EUROCRIM 2019 Conference, Ghent, Belgium, 18-20 September 2019, 2019
Oral Presentation; Presented; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: MARIAGRP

Oran Doyle and Rachael Walsh, Participatory Democracy in Ireland: Citizens' Assemblies, Studi Senesi, 131, 2019, p485 - 496
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profiles: WALSHR1 OJDOYLE

Oran Doyle and Tom Hickey, Constitutional Law: Text, Cases and Materials, 2nd, Dublin, Clarus Press, 2019, 1 - 650pp
Book; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: OJDOYLE

Brazil, Patricia, Irish Supreme Court Review, 1, Dublin, Clarus Press, 2019, 1 - 241pp
Book; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: PBRAZIL

O'Neill Ailbhe, The Right of Publicity - Privacy reimagined for a public world, Irish Jurist, 2019, p195 - 197
Review Article; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: ONEILLA4

Professor Mary Rogan, Dr. Ciara O'Connell, Sarah Curristan, Sophie van der Valk and Dr. Eva Aizpurua, "Experiencing a CPT visit - the impact on prisons and penal administrators", Thirty Years of monitoring prisons in Europe, KU Leuven, December 5 2019 , 2019
Invited Talk; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: ROGANMA

Social Welfare Law 2017-18 in, editor(s)Raymond Byrne and William Binchy , Annual Review of Irish Law 2018, Dublin, Round Hall, 2019, pp542 - 565, [Mel Cousins and Gerry Whyte]
Book Chapter; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: GWHYTE

Caoimhín MacMaoláin, Development of Irish laws on alcohol and sugar-sweetened beverages, Food Governance, Sydney, Australia, 3-5 July 2019, 2019
Conference Paper; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: MACMAOLC

Caoimhín MacMaoláin, Innovations of the revised EU rules on food safety and their implications for public consultation, Science, Transparency and Independence: The revised rules on EU risk assessment on food and EFSA, Brussels, 13 June 2019, edited by Prof Ellen Vos , 2019
Conference Paper; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: MACMAOLC

Caoimhín MacMaoláin, An Unhealthy State: Using Legislation to Address Public Health Issues in Ireland, European Public Law, 2019, p487 - 502
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: MACMAOLC; URL

David Prendergast, Book Review: JJ Child and RA Duff, Criminal Law Reform Now, Howard Journal of Crime and Justice, 58, (4), 2019, p585 - 586
Review; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: DPRENDER

David Prendergast, Limiting consent in criminal law: DPP v Brown [2018] IESC 67, Irish Supreme Court Review, Trinity College Dublin, 12 October 2019, edited by Eoin O'Dell , 2019
Conference Paper; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: DPRENDER

David Prendergast, Connecting Offence and Defence, Edinburgh Criminal Law Discussion Group Seminar, University of Edinburgh, 11 December 2019, edited by JP Fassnidge , 2019
Conference Paper; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: DPRENDER

David Prendergast, Criminal Law and Morality: the common architecture, Symposium on David O Brink's Fair Opportunity, Responsibility and Excuse, Somerville College, University of Oxford, 20 March 2019, edited by Anthony Skelton and Lisa Forsberg , 2019
Conference Paper; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: DPRENDER

David Prendergast, Recklessness in Irish Criminal Law, TCD Law Lunchtime Research seminar, Trinity College Dublin, 16 October 2019, 2019
Conference Paper; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: DPRENDER

Biehler, H., Undue Influence and Third Parties - An Update on the Position in Ireland, Irish Law Times, 37, (13), 2019, p186 - 193
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: HBIEHLER

Suryapratim Roy, Article 8 ECHR and Climate Change, Workshop on Applications of the Right to Private and Family Life under the European Convention on Human Rights, Dublin, 2019
Oral Presentation; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: SUROY

Suryapratim Roy, What is Residency?, Critical Perspectives in Investment Migration, Geneva, July , 2019
Oral Presentation; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: SUROY

Suryapratim Roy, Comparative Climate Litigation and Human Rights, European Society of International Law Climate Change Conference, Dundee, September, 2019, University of Dundee
Invited Talk; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: SUROY

Suryapratim Roy, I Will Surive, Review of The Wall, by John Lanchester , India Today, 2019
Review; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: SUROY; URL

Suryapratim Roy, Against Apathy, Review of Ice on Fire, India Today, 2019
Review; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: SUROY

Andrea Mulligan, Protecting the Best Interests of the Future Child in the Regulation of Gene Editing Technologies, European Association of Health Law Conference, Toulouse, September 2019, 2019
Oral Presentation; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: MULLIGA3

Andrea Mulligan, Protecting the Best Interests of the Child in the Regulation of Gene Editing Technologies, 33rd European Conference on Philosophy of Medicine and Healthcare (ESPMH), Oslo, August 2019, 2019
Oral Presentation; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: MULLIGA3

Sarah E. Hamill, Review of Property Law in a Globalizing World, by Amnon Lehavi , International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 2019
Review; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: HAMILLSA; DOI

The EU as norm creator for sustainable corporate groups? in, editor(s)B Sjåfjell and C Bruner , Cambridge Handbook of Corporate Law, Corporate Governance and Sustainability, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2019, pp190 - 203, [B Clarke and L Anderson]
Book Chapter; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: CLARKEBL

B.Clarke, The Irish Banking Culture Board, Innovation and other Contemporary Pivotal Issues in Financial Markets Law and Company Law - Selected National, International, European and Comparative Views, Sapienza University of Rome , 13 December 2019, 2019, Dr. Gudula Deipenbrock
Invited Talk; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: CLARKEBL

Sarah Arduin, Nudging within the Constraints of Administrative Law, 12th Annual Workshop on Economics, Psychology and Public Policy, ESRI, 29.11.2019, 2019
Conference Paper; Presented; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: ARDUINSA

Mark Bell , EU Anti-Discrimination Law: Navigating Sameness and Difference, Employment Law in a Time of Uncertainty, University College Dublin, 6 December, 2019
Conference Paper; Presented; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: BELLM1

Mark Bell , The Future of EU Labour Law: Insights from Christian Ethics, Studies - an Irish Quarterly Review, 108, (432), 2019, p458 - 468
Journal Article; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: BELLM1

Cliodhna Murphy, Desmond Ryan, Work, Dignity and Non-Citizens: Reflections from the Irish Constitutional Order, Public Law, Issue 1 January 2020, 2019, p30-40
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: DRYAN14

Dr. Eva Aizpurua, Sophie van Der Valk, Sarah Curristan, 'Prisoners' and Staff views of Prison Oversight', Visiting Committee Training Day, IPS College, 2 December 2019, 2019
Oral Presentation; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: ROGANMA

Maria Grazia Porcedda, Learning from common experience to steer the future of data, EU-China Symposium on Data Security and Personal Information protection, Brussels, 29 November, 2019, Privacy Hub, Vrije Universiteit Brussels and Cybersecurity Association of China
Invited Talk; Presented; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: MARIAGRP

Maria Grazia Porcedda, The regulation of security incidents and the making of cyber security law, EU Cybersecurity Law workshop, Cyber and Data Security Lab, VUB , Brussels, 11 October, 2019, Cyber and Data Security Lab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Invited Talk; Presented; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: MARIAGRP

Suryapratim Roy, Is Climate Change an Issue of Human Rights, The Irish Times, October 15, 2019, 2019, -
Miscellaneous; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: SUROY; URL

'Changing Ireland, Changing Law': Access to Justice and Understanding the Lived Experience in, editor(s)Edited by Laura Cahillane and Jennifer Schweppe , Case Studies in Legal Research Methodologies: Reflections on Theory and Practice , Dublin, Clarus Press Ltd. , 2019, pp81 - 99, [Mary Rogan and Ivana Bacik]
Book Chapter; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: ROGANMA

"Majority Rule and Minority Protections: Theoretical Frameworks and National Practice in the Shadow of the EU: The Case of Ireland" in, editor(s)A.J. Viera Gonzalez and C. Teichmann , Conflicts of Interest between Majorities and Minorities in the EU Member States Private Company Law, Spain, Thomson Reuters Aranzadi, 2019, pp117 - 169, [Deirdre Ahern]
Book Chapter; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: DAHERN

Deirdre Ahern, Regulators Nurturing FinTech Innovation: Global Evolution of The Regulatory Sandbox as Opportunity-Based Regulation, Indian Journal of Law and Technology, 15, (2), 2019, p345 - 378
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: DAHERN

Porcedda, Maria Grazia and David S. Wall, Cascade and Chain Effects in Big Data Cybercrime: Lessons from the TalkTalk hack, 2019 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW), IEEE European Symposium on Security & Privacy (S&PW), First Workshop on Attackers and Cyber-Crime Operations , Stockholm, 20 June 2019, IEEE, 2019, pp10.1109/EuroSPW.2019.00056
Conference Paper; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: MARIAGRP; DOI

Mary Rogan, Prison inspection and monitoring bodies: a new role in the AFSJ?, EU Law and Detention Seminar, Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge University, 17 September 2019, 2019
Oral Presentation; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: ROGANMA

Mary Rogan, "What constitutes evidence of poor prison conditions after Aranyosi and Căldăraru? Examining the role of inspection and monitoring bodies in European Arrest Warrant decision-making" , New Journal of European Criminal Law, 10 , (3), 2019, p209 - 226
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: ROGANMA; URL

Mary Rogan, Prison Inspection and Monitoring: The Need to Reform European Law and Policy, European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research , 2019, p1 - 21
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: ROGANMA

Mark Bell , The Definition of Key Concepts in EU Anti-Discrimination Law, Academy of European Law: Applying EU Anti-Discrimination Law , Barcelona, 24 October, 2019
Conference Paper; Presented; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: BELLM1

Biehler, H., Security for Costs and Corporate Plaintiffs - Recent Developments, Irish Law Times, 37, (7), 2019, p98 - 103
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: HBIEHLER

Mark Bell, Regulating the Future of Human Work: A Christian Ethics Perspective, 4 October, 2019, Trinity College Dublin
Meetings /Conferences Organised; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: BELLM1

Mark Bell , The Future of EU Labour Law: Insights from Christian Ethics, Regulating the Future of Human Work: a Christian Ethics Perspective, Trinity College Dublin, 4 October, 2019
Conference Paper; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: BELLM1

Mark Bell, The Equality Provisions of the EU Charter and their Potential in Relation to Domestic Law, FLAC: The EU Charter and the ECHR: Practice and Potential, The Law Society of Ireland, 18 October, 2019
Conference Paper; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: BELLM1

Ivana Bacik, , 'A Feminist Perspective on Prostitution Law Reform under Part 4 of the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Act 2017' , Irish Criminal Law Journal, 29, (3), 2019, p58 - 67
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: ICBACIK

Equal Treatment in, editor(s)Teun Jaspers, Frans Pennings, and Saskia Peters , European Labour Law, Cambridge, Intersentia, 2019, pp131 - 200, [Mark Bell and Ann Numhauser-Henning]
Book Chapter; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: BELLM1

Bacik, Ivana, Book Review, Juno Mac and Molly Smith, Revolting Prostitutes: the fight for sex workers' rights. , Dublin Review of Books, (114), 2019, p1-4
Review Article; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: ICBACIK

Suryapratim Roy, Discursive and Distributive Choices in the EU Social Market Economy, Review of 'The EU Social Market Economy and the Law:Theoretical Perspectives and Practical Challenges for the EU (Abingdon: Routledge, 2019)' , by Delia Ferri and Fulvio Cortese , Common Market Law Review, 56, (5), 2019, p1427 - 1430
Review; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: SUROY; URL

, ''Changing Ireland, Changing Law': Access to Justice and Understanding the Lived Experience' in, editor(s)Cahillane, Laura and Schweppe, Jennifer (Eds) , Case Studies in Legal Research Methodologies: Reflections on Theory and Practice, Dublin, Clarus Press, 2019, pp81 - 98, [Bacik, Ivana and Rogan, Mary]
Book Chapter; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: ICBACIK

Sarah Arduin, A regulatory framework for nudging, IAREP (International Association for Research in Economic Psychology) and SABE (Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics) Annual Conference, Croke Park, Dublin, 2-4.09.2019, 2019
Conference Paper; Presented; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: ARDUINSA

Suryapratim Roy, Urgenda II and its Discontents , Carbon and Climate Law Review , 13, (2), 2019, p130 - 141
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: SUROY; URL

B Clarke, Good Information Driving Good Decision Making - Board Engagement and Information Asymmetry, Supporting the Agenda for Good Governance of State Boards, Dublin, 16 May 2019, 2019, Public Affairs Ireland
Invited Talk; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: CLARKEBL

B Clarke, Organisational Culture and the Role of Lawyers, Summer ELSA Law School, Trinity College Dublin , 24 July 2019, 2019
Invited Talk; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: CLARKEBL

B Clarke, Organisational Culture: What Happens When No One is Looking?, TCD Law School's Lecture Series, TCD, 20 March 2019, 2019
Invited Talk; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: CLARKEBL

B Clarke, Corporate Governance of Financial Institutions: the Role of Culture, European Banking Institute Annual Conference,, Frankfurt, 22 February 2019, 2019, EBI
Invited Talk; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: CLARKEBL

Ireland in, Carsten Gerner-Beuerle, Federico M Mucciarelli, Edmund-Philipp Schuster and Mathias Siems , 'The Private International Law of Companies in Europe, UK , Hart, 2019, pp461-488 , [B. Clarke and D Kenny]
Book Chapter; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: CLARKEBL

Worker rights under the Cross-border Mergers Directive 2005/56/EC: an Introduction in, Jan Cremers and Sigurt Vitols , Exercising voice across borders: workers' rights under the EU Cross-border Mergers Directive, Belgium , ETUI, 2019, pp29-44 , [B Clarke]
Book Chapter; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: CLARKEBL

Unmasking directors and shareholders to prevent the abuse of companies in, editor(s)H. Birkmose, M. Neville and K. Engsig Sørensen , Abuse of companies , The Netherlands, Wolters Kluwer , 2019, pp209-230 , [B Clarke]
Book Chapter; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: CLARKEBL

Sarah Hamill, Review of New Perspectives on Land Registration , by Amy Goymour, Stephen Watterson, and Martin Dixon (eds) , Legal Studies, 39, (3), 2019, p550-553
Review; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: HAMILLSA; DOI

Sarah Hamill, Public Rights of Way Over Private Land: Aberration, Interruption, or Correction?, Colloquium: Intersections in Private Law, Sydney, Australia, August 2019, 2019
Oral Presentation; Presented; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: HAMILLSA

Sarah Hamill, Time, Contingency, and the Duty to Act like an Owner: What Adverse Possession Reveals about property, New Work in Property and Trusts Symposium, University College London, May 2019, 2019
Oral Presentation; Presented; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: HAMILLSA

The Failed Referendum to Abolish the Ireland's Senate: Rejecting Unicameralism in a Small and Relatively Homogenous Country in, editor(s)Richard Albert, Antonia Baraggia, Cristina Fasone , Constitutional Reform of National Legislatures Bicameralism under Pressure, Edward Elgar, 2019, pp163 - 182, [David Kenny]
Book Chapter; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: KENNYD4

Jain, T.; Sharma, K. & Ahern, D. , Crossing borders: The impact of western gender diversity laws in non-western corporate boards, International Association for Business and Society, San Diego, USA, 2019
Oral Presentation; Presented; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: DAHERN

Liz Heffernan, Recent Adjustments to the Adversarial Law of Evidence, ICJA Conference Report, Sexual Offences: The Challenge of Balancing Rights in the Criminal Justice System, Dublin Castle, Dublin, 4 June 2019, 2019
Conference Paper; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: HEFFERL

Liz Heffernan, The Transition to the Undergraduate Study of Law: A Short Case Study, Irish Law Times, 37, (8), 2019, p116-120
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: HEFFERL

Overusing the Criminal Justice System: the Case of Ireland in, editor(s)P.H.P.H.M.C. Van Kempen and M. Jendly , Overuse in the Criminal Justice System: On Criminalization, Prosecution and Imprisonment, Cambridge, Intersentia Ltd., 2019, pp391 - 415, [Mary Rogan and Michael Reilly]
Book Chapter; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: ROGANMA

Minimising Prisonisation and the Harms of Custody in, editor(s)P.H.P.H.M.C Van Kempen and M. Jendly , Overuse in the Criminal Justice System: On Criminalization, Prosecution and Imprisonment, Cambridge, Intersentia Ltd., 2019, pp213 - 228, [Mary Rogan]
Book Chapter; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: ROGANMA

Oran Doyle, Erik Longo, Andrea Pin, Populism: A Health Check for Constitutional Democracy, German Law Journal, 20, (3), 2019, p401 - 407
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: OJDOYLE

Mary Rogan and Sophie Van der Valk, Complaints procedures in prisons and recent case law, Public Law Conference , UCD , 23rd May, 2019, 2019
Conference Paper; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: ROGANMA

Mary Rogan, Reflection on Law, Brain Health and Diversity , Diversity and Brain Health: Perspectives from the LGBT+ Community in Ireland, Trinity Long Room Hub, 4th June, 2019, 2019, Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health at the Global Brain Health Institute (GBHI) and the School of Law
Invited Talk; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: ROGANMA

Mary Rogan, Battling the elements: capturing the hard to hear stories, Considerations and Challenges in Life Story Research, Trinity Long Room Hub, 6th June, 2019, 2019
Oral Presentation; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: ROGANMA

Mark Bell, The Principle of Equal Treatment and the European Pillar of Social Rights , Berkeley Comparative Equality and Anti-Discrimination Law Study Group Annual Conference, Stockholm University, 17 June, 2019
Conference Paper; Presented; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: BELLM1

Dr Konstantinos Stylianou (Leeds), Dr Alexandros Seretakis (TCD), Dr Felix Irresberger (Leeds), and Dr Iain Clacher (Leeds), RESPONSE TO THE FINANCIAL CONDUCT AUTHORITY PUBLIC CONSULTATION CP19/3:GUIDANCE ON CRYPTOASSETS, 2019, -
Miscellaneous; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: SERETAKA

Ahern Deirdre and Seretakis Alexandros, Symposium Addressing the Global Challenge of Responsive Fintech Regulation, 8 March 2019, 2019, Dublin Ireland
Meetings /Conferences Organised; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: SERETAKA

Alexandros Seretakis, Legal Aspects of ICOs, Presentation at the Blockchain Ireland Legal Working Group, Dublin Ireland, 16 April 2019, 2019
Oral Presentation; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: SERETAKA

Biehler, H., The Rationale for the Duty to Provide Reasons for Administrative Decisions, Irish Jurist, 61, 2019, p148 - 158
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: HBIEHLER

Desmond Ryan, Vicarious Liability for Independent Contractors: Orthodox Principles "On the Move"?, Irish Employment Law Journal, 16, (1), 2019, p4 - 9
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: DRYAN14

Litigating the Right to Inclusive Education under Irish Law in, editor(s)Gauthier de Beco, Shivaun Quinlivan, Janet Lord , The Right to Inclusive Education in International Human Rights Law, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2019, pp497 - 513, [Gerry Whyte]
Book Chapter; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: GWHYTE

David Prendergast, The judicial role in protecting democracy from populism, German Law Journal, 20, (2), 2019, p245 - 262
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: DPRENDER

Mark Bell , Using Law to Foster Labour Market Inclusion for People with Intellectual Disabilities, Research Seminar, National University of Ireland Galway, 1 April, 2019
Invited Talk; Presented; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: BELLM1

Biehler, H., The Criteria for Appeals to the Supreme Court, Irish Law Times, 37, (1), 2019, p7 - 13
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: HBIEHLER

Surrogacy Law in Ireland: The Troubling Consequences of Legislative Inertia in, editor(s)Peter Dunne and Lynsey Black , Law and Gender in Modern Ireland, Hart Publishing , 2019, pp117 - 136, [Andrea Mulligan]
Book Chapter; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: MULLIGA3

Sarah Arduin, Taking meta-regulation to the United Nations human rights regime: the case of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Law and Policy, 41, (4), 2019, p10.1111/lapo.12136
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: ARDUINSA

Eva Aizpurúa, Mary Rogan , La situación de las prisiones y los centros de menores en España: Analizando las observaciones del CPT, Boletín Criminológico, 1, (182), 2019, p1-11
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: ROGANMA; URL

Sarah Hamill, The Properties of Universities and Universities' Property: Academic Freedom, Freedom of Expression, and Accessing Campuses, Free Speech on Campus, Toronto, ON, February 2019, 2019
Invited Talk; Presented; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: HAMILLSA

LGBTI asylum applications in Ireland: status determination and barriers to protection in, editor(s)Guler, Shevtsova and Venturi , LGBTI Asylum Seekers and Refugees from a Legal and Political Perspective, Springer, 2019, pp141 - 163, [P Brazil and S Arnold]
Book Chapter; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: PBRAZIL

Blockchain, Securities Markets and Central Banking in, editor(s)Philipp Hacker, Ioannis Lianos, Georgios Dimitropoulos, and Stefan Eich , Regulating Blockchain. Techno-Social and Legal Challenges, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2019, [Alexandros Seretakis]
Book Chapter; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: SERETAKA

Alexandros Seretakis, Financial Services Law in Ireland: Authorisation, Supervision, Compliance, Enforcement, Review of Financial Services Law in Ireland: Authorisation, Supervision, Compliance, Enforcement, by Finbarr Murphy , Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation, 34, (3), 2019, p129-130
Review; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: SERETAKA

Alexandros Seretakis and Georg Gutfleisch, Brexit and Alternative Investment Fund Managers, Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation, 34, (4), 2019, p134 - 144
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: SERETAKA

Mark Bell , Brexit: where are we now and what happens next? Politics, Trade and Labour Law, Brussels European Employee Relations Group, Brussels, 30 January, 2019
Conference Paper; Presented; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: BELLM1

EU Equality Law and Precarious Work in, editor(s)Uladzislau Belavusau and Kristin Henrard , EU Anti-Discrimination Law Beyond Gender, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2019, pp75 - 94, [Mark Bell ]
Book Chapter; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: BELLM1

Fennelly, D., The Irish Legal System and Irish Legal Profession, Boston College, Dublin, Dublin, 15 January 2019, 2019, Boston College
Invited Talk; Presented; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: FENNELD

Caoimhín MacMaoláin, Irish Food Law, 1, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2019, 1 - 400pp
Book; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: MACMAOLC; URL

David Kenny, Criminal Assets Bureau v Murphy - just the exclusionary rule in a civil context, or a new approach to unconstitutionality in the criminal process?, Irish Supreme Court Review , 1, (1), 2019, p187 - 204
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: KENNYD4

Prostitution Law in, editor(s)Lynsey Black and Peter Dunne , Law and Gender in Modern Ireland, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2019, pp21 - 38, [Ivana Bacik ]
Book Chapter; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: ICBACIK

Ailbhe O'Neill, Reflections on Referenda in Ireland - Response, The Role of Referendums in the UK Constitutional Order: Comparative Perspectives , Durham University, 31 January , 2019, Durham Law School
Invited Talk; Presented; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: ONEILLA4

Ailbhe O'Neill, Budgetary Procedures Under the Irish Constitution, Special section: "The medium-term constitutional implications of the Eurozone crisis in countries under financial assistance" (Quaderni costituzionali) , (1), 2019, p1 - 5
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: ONEILLA4

Ailbhe O'Neill Eoin Carolan, Media Law in Ireland, 2nd, Ireland, Bloomsbury, 2019, 1-623pp
Book; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: ONEILLA4

Ailbhe O'Neill, Open Justice Revisited - Gilchrist and Rogers v. Sunday Newspapers Ltd., Irish Supreme Court Review, 1, 2019, p1-18
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: ONEILLA4

Sarah E Hamill, "Goodwill or Good excuse?: the origins and afterlife of Ulster Transport Authority v James Brown & Sons", Reputation as Property: perspectives from tort and property, Trinity College Dublin, January 2019, 2019
Oral Presentation; Presented; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: HAMILLSA

Electoral Amendment (Political Funding) Act 2012 - Commentary' in, editor(s)Erika Rackley and Rosemary Auchmuty , Women's Legal Landmarks, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2019, pp589 - 596, [Bacik, Ivana]
Book Chapter; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: ICBACIK

Sarah E. Hamill, Review of Legal History, Social & Legal Studies, 2019
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: HAMILLSA; DOI

Oran Doyle, Clearing the Legal Decks for the Abortion Referendum: The Supreme Court, Constitutional Precedent and Legal Certainty, Irish Supreme Court Review, 1, 2019, p223 - 241
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: OJDOYLE

Philosophical Foundations of Natural Rights, Rainer Grote, Frauke Lachenmann, Rüdiger Wolfrum, Max Planck Encylopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law, Heidelberg, Oxford University Press, 2019, [Oran Doyle and John Martin Gillroy]
Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: OJDOYLE

Oran Doyle, Populist Constitutionalism and Constituent Power, German Law Journal, 20, (2), 2019, p161 - 180
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: OJDOYLE

Frank Clarke, David Kenny, Aine Ryall, How Courts Decide: adjudicative process of Supreme Administrative Courts, ACA (association of Supreme Administrative Courts) Europe, 2019
Report; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: KENNYD4

The Use of Foreign Law in Irish Constitutional Adjudication in, editor(s)Giuseppe Ferrari , Judicial Cosmopolitanism: The Use of Foreign Law in Contemporary Constitutional Systems, Brill, 2019, pp69 - 93, [Oran Doyle and Tom Hickey]
Book Chapter; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: OJDOYLE

Unearthing the 'Constitutional' in Quasi-Constitutionality in, editor(s)Richard Albert and Joel Colon Rios , Quasi-Constitutionality and Constitutional Statutes: Forms, Functions and Applications, Routledge, 2019, pp89 - 93, [Oran Doyle]
Book Chapter; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: OJDOYLE

McCarthy-Jones, S., Bulfin, A., Nixon, E., O'Keane, V., Bacik, I. & McElvaney, R., Associations Between Forced and "Persuaded" First Intercourse and Later Health Outcomes in Women, Violence Against Women, 25, (5), 2019, p528 - 548
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profiles: MCCARTSI ENIXON ICBACIK ; DOI

Gender and migration in Irish law in, editor(s)Peter Dunne and Lynsey Black , Law and Gender in Modern Ireland, Hart, 2019, pp249 - 262, [Patricia Brazil]
Book Chapter; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: PBRAZIL

Children and Young People's Experiences of Migration in Ireland in, editor(s)Fanning and Michaels , Immigrants as Outsiders in the Two Irelands, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2019, pp145 - 163, [Brazil, Cosgrave and Mannion]
Book Chapter; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: PBRAZIL

Appraisal Rights in the US and the EU in, editor(s)Thomas Papadopoulos , Cross-Border Mergers Directive: EU perspectives and national experiences , Springer, 2019, [Seretakis Alexandros]
Book Chapter; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: SERETAKA

Ireland in, editor(s)Carsten Gerner-Beuerle, Federico M Mucciarelli, Edmund Schuster and Mathias Sims , The Private International Law of Companies in the European Union, Munich, CH Beck, 2019, pp461 - 488, [Blanaid Clarke and David Kenny]
Book Chapter; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: KENNYD4

The Expressive Dimension of Article 24 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in, editor(s)De Beco, G., Lord, J. and Quinlivan, S. , The Right to Inclusive Education in International Human Rights Law, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2019, pp10.1017/9781316392881.007 , [Sarah Arduin]
Book Chapter; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: ARDUINSA