Current Postgraduate Research Students
The Law School currently has approximately 40 Postgraduate Research Students (PGR) on its Ph.D. and M.Litt programmes.

Ph.D. thesis title: Protecting Freedom of Expression Whilst Countering Terrorism (Comparative Study between the UK and Egypt).
Supervisor: Professor Aileen Kavanagh

Ph.D. thesis title: The compatibility between Shari'a Law and International Human Rights regarding freedom of expression.
Supervisor: Professor Neville Cox

Ph.D. thesis title: A Critical Analysis of the Effectiveness of Investor Protection Tools and Public Enforcement Strategies Aimed at Mitigating Asset Manager Greenwashing Practices in European Union Sustainable Finance Policy.
Supervisor: Dr Felix Mezznotte

Ph.D. thesis title: The Right to Freedom of Thought: Protecting the Forum Internum from Emerging Technological Threats.
Supervisor: Professor Neville Cox

Ph.D. thesis title: Using Law to Formulate a Humanistic Ethics of Artificial Intelligence.
Supervisor: Professor Neville Cox

Ph.D. thesis title: Examining the Implementation of the Double Materiality Principle in Corporate Sustainability Reporting in Ireland.
Supervisor: Dr. Felix Mezzanotte

Ph.D. thesis title: No Leniency for Luck, Attempted Murder as Intended Murder, The Theoretical Debate of Eliminating the Distinction between Murder and Attempted Murder.
Supervisor: Dr. David Prendergast

Ph.D. thesis title: Locating Migrant Workers in the Just Transition.
Supervisors: Professor Mark Bell & Dr. Surya Roy

Ph.D. thesis title: Fostering New Challenges to Legal Systems: A Theory For Decentralised Artificial Intelligence Legal Personality
Supervisor: Prof Deirdre Ahern

Ph.D. thesis title: Constitutional Referendums in Ireland - Sovereignty, Democracy, and Popular Engagement.
Supervisor: Prof Aileen Kavanagh

Ph.D. thesis title: Rule of Law and Preventive Measures: Toward Property Rights Protection Within Counter-Terrorism Regimes.
Supervisor: Prof Rachael Walsh

Ph.D. thesis title:The Influence of Creditors on Corporate Direction Across Common Law Jurisdictions
Supervisor: Professor Deirdre Ahern

Ph.D. thesis title: Investigating the Effectiveness of Directors' Duties in the Face of Climatic Risks.
Supervisor: Prof Deirdre Ahern

Ph.D. thesis title: Realist Sustainability and Energy Security-The Norwegian Experiment.
Supervisor: Prof Suryapatim Roy

Ph.D. thesis title: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Navigating a Regulatory Framework for the Digital Health Revolution.
Supervisors: Dr Andrea Mullign, Prof Dave Lewis

Ph.D. thesis title: The Problem of Control in Data Protection Law and AI Regulation.
Supervisor: Prof Eoin O'Dell

CORALE: Conscientious Objection after Repeal: Abortion, Law and Ethics.
Principal Investigators: Dr Andrea Mulligan, Professor Joan Lalor

Ph.D. thesis title: Establishing “The Referendum Gaze”: A Paradigm to Determine whether an Irish Referendum is Populist or Elitist.
Supervisor: Prof David Kenny

Ph.D. thesis title: Group Data Protection in the EU: Lessons from Ubuntu.
Supervisor: Dr. Maria Grazia Porcedda

Ph.D. thesis title: The Protection of Climate Migrants: towards the creation of a relevant legal status and framework.
Supervisor: Dr. David Fennelly

Ph.D. thesis title: Citizen-led Constitutional Reform: Assessing the Promise of Deliberative Democracy.
Supervisor: Prof Rachael Walsh

Ph.D. thesis title: Efficacy of Legal Safeguards for Protecting Minority Rights in India: An Analysis of Judicial Decisions and Legislative Reforms.
Supervisor: Prof Oran Doyle & Prof Suryapatim Roy