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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Alan Eustace, Ph.D. Candidate, School of Law, Trinity College Dublin

Alan Eustace

Ph.D. Candidate

c/o Law School
House 39
Trinity College, Dublin 2

Ph.D. Thesis: The Worker and the Constitution: A Theory of Constitutional Labour Law.

Supervisor: Prof. Mark Bell, Prof Rachael Walsh

Awards: Foundation Scholarship (TCD); Henry Hamilton Hunter Memorial Prize (TCD); Gold Medal (TCD); Law Faculty Prize for Private Law & Fundamental Rights (University of Oxford)

Research Interests: Labour law, constitutional law, human rights law, jurisprudence.

Education LL.B. (TCD, 2014-18); BCL (Oxford, 2018-19).

Employment Details: Graduate Teaching Assistant, TCD (2019-present).

Memberships / Associations: Irish Federation of University Teachers, Irish Association of Law Teachers.

Publications: ‘Bunreacht Behind Bars: The Irish Prison System in its Constitutional Context’ (2018) 21 Trinity College Law Review 89.