Professor Blanaid Clarke
McCann FitzGerald Chair in Corporate Law, Law
Blanaid holds the McCann FitzGerald Chair in Corporate Law at Trinity College Dublin where she lectures in: Corporate Governance in the EU; Contract Law; Company Law; and Responsible Business, Ethics and ESG. She is Convenor of the School"s Corporate Law, Governance and Capital Markets Research Group and Director of the LLM Programmes in the Law School.
Her research interests include: governance (corporate governance, fund governance and central bank governance); ethics; financial services law; securities law; and takeover law and she has published extensively in these areas.
Blanaid is the Irish representative on the OECD Corporate Governance Committee and a member of the European Securities and Markets Authority's Shareholder Transactions Working Group (previously the Takeover Bids Network).
She is Deputy Chairman of the Irish Banking Culture Board and works with the Irish Takeover Panel. She is also a member of the Institute of Banker's Certified Investment Fund Director Institute Advisory Committee.
Blanaid is a Vice President of the Academic Board of the European Banking Institute and Deputy Chair of the Royal Irish Academy's Ethics, Politics, Law and Philosophy Committee. She is a member of: the European Model Company Act Group and the University of Oslo's Sustainability Law Research Group.
Previously, she was also a member of: the IMF's Safeguards Assessments - 2022 External Expert Panel (2021-2022), the Irish Central Bank Commission (2010-2018); the European Securities and Markets Authority's Securities and Markets Stakeholder Group (2018-2020); the European Commission's Informal Expert Group on Company Law (2014-2018); and the Reflection Group on the Future of EU Company Law (2010-2011). She was on the editorial board of the Journal of Business Law and was one of the editors of Palmer's Company Law and (2009-2021) and Legal Studies (2011-2016).
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
The new Irish individual accountability regime and its role in driving cultural change in, editor(s)Andreas Kokkinis and Anat Keller , Corporate Governance and Culture in Financial Firms, Edward Elgar, 2025, [B Clarke]
Regulation of AIFMs and AIFs in Ireland in, editor(s)Dirk Zetzsche , The Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive, Kluwer Law International, 2025, [B Clarke (with A.Dempsey)]
B Clarke, Suitability Assessments: Assessing Bank Directors" Knowledge, Skills and Experience, European Business Law Review, 36, 2025, p231-
The Genesis of the Takeover Directive in, editor(s)M.Winner, S.Emmenegger, A.Recalde and R.Skog , Unfinished Business? Two Decades with the EU Takeover Directive, Cambridge University Press, 2025, [B Clarke (with R Skog)]
B Clarke, The Quest for Strong Non-Executive Directors: What are we looking for?, Joint IMF-Sarb Regional Central Bank Governance Forum, Johannesburg and online, 3 October 2024, 2024
Sustainable Finance: Country Report Ireland (forthcoming) in, editor(s)Jens Ekkenga and Martin Winner , Sustainable Finance in the EU, Tubingen, Germany, Mohr Siebeck, 2024, pp106 - 129, [Blanaid Clarke(with Felix E Mezzanotte)]
B Clarke (and R Skog), The Genesis of the Takeover Directive, 2024
B Clarke, The Role of the Financial Services Board in the Third Decade of the 21st Century: Board Skills and Decision Making, Transformation in the Third Decade of the 21st Century - Challenges and Pressing Issues in the Realms of Company Law and Financial Markets Law, 8th Annual Conference of the Female Scholars' Network in Company and Financial Markets Law, Berlin, 10 May 2024, 2024
B Clarke, The Genesis of the Takeover Directive, 20 Years EU Takeover Directive, Vienna, 7 November 2024, 2024
B.Clarke & A.Egli, Governance Challenges for the Boards of Investment Funds and Fund Managers: Evidence from Ireland, School of Law, Legal Studies Research Paper Series Paper N0. 13/2023, 2023
Blanaid Clarke, Purpose,Values and Governance in Big Tech Companies, Bond Law Review, 34, (2), 2022, p35 - 67
The Market for Corporate Control in the EU in, editor(s)H.Birkmose, M.Neville and K.Engsig Sørensen , Instruments of EU Corporate Governance, The Netherlands, Kluwer Law International B.V., 2022, pp285 - 308, [Blanaid Clarke]
Company Law Legal Systems - Ireland in, editor(s)D.Busch, C.Gortos and G.Mc Meel , Liability of Financial Supervisors and Resolution Authorities, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2022, pp321 - 348, [Blanaid Clarke]
Cultural Reforms in Irish Banks - A Pandemic Report Card in, editor(s)C. Gortsos and G. Ringe , Financial Stability amidst the Pandemic Crisis: On Top of the Wave, Frankfurt, European Banking Institute, 2021, pp404 - 434, [B. Clarke]
Senior Executive Accountability in the Financial Services Sector - An Irish Case Study in, editor(s)Ronald J. Gilson, Mats Isaksson, Erik Lidman Johan Munck and Erik Sjöman , Festschrift in honour of Rolf Skog , Sweeden, Norstedts Juridik, 2021, pp311 - 329, [B. Clarke]
B. Clarke, Senior Executive Accountability and Responsibility in Financial Institutions, The Irish Jurist, 66, 2021, p74-100
The Role of the Central Bank of Ireland as an Independent Financial Regulator in, D.Farrell and N. Hardiman , Oxford Handbook of Irish Politics, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2021, pp683 - 701, [B. Clarke]
CRD IV - The EU's response to corporate governance failings in credit institutions" in, editor(s)D Cash and R Goddard , Regulation and the Global Financial Crisis: Impact, Regulatory Responses, and Beyond , Routledge, 2020, pp190-209 , [B. Clarke]
"Cultural reforms in Irish banks. Walking the walk during the COVID-19 pandemic in, editor(s)C. Gortsos and G. Ringe , Pandemic Crisis and Financial Stability, Frankfurt, European Banking Institute, 2020, pp127-154 , [B. Clarke]
Regulation of AIFMs and AIFs in Ireland in, editor(s)D.Zetzsche , The AIFM Directive- European Regulation of Alternative Investment Funds, Kluwer Law International, 2020, pp911-924 , [B.Clarke (and M.White) ]
Ireland in, S. Allegrezza , The Enforcement Dimension of the Single Supervisory Mechanism, Milano, Wolters Kluwer, 2020, pp341 - 380, [B.Clarke]
Rachael Walsh and Sarah Hamill (chapter authors) Deirdre Ahern and Suryapratim Roy (report editors), Policy Responses to Covid-19 In Ireland: Supporting Individuals, Communities, Businesses, and the Economy, COVID-19 Legal Observatory, Trinity College Dublin, December, 2020, p1 - 108
Worker rights under the Cross-border Mergers Directive 2005/56/EC: an Introduction in, Jan Cremers and Sigurt Vitols , Exercising voice across borders: workers' rights under the EU Cross-border Mergers Directive, Belgium , ETUI, 2019, pp29-44 , [B Clarke]
Unmasking directors and shareholders to prevent the abuse of companies in, editor(s)H. Birkmose, M. Neville and K. Engsig Sørensen , Abuse of companies , The Netherlands, Wolters Kluwer , 2019, pp209-230 , [B Clarke]
The EU as norm creator for sustainable corporate groups? in, editor(s)B Sjåfjell and C Bruner , Cambridge Handbook of Corporate Law, Corporate Governance and Sustainability, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2019, pp190 - 203, [B Clarke and L Anderson]
Ireland in, Carsten Gerner-Beuerle, Federico M Mucciarelli, Edmund-Philipp Schuster and Mathias Siems , 'The Private International Law of Companies in Europe, UK , Hart, 2019, pp461-488 , [B. Clarke and D Kenny]
B Clarke (with S. Griffith and D Awrey), Resolving the Crisis in U.S. Merger Regulation: A Transatlantic Alternative to the Perpetual Litigation Machine , 2018
B Clarke (with S. Griffith and D Awrey),, Resolving the Crisis in U.S. Merger Regulation, Yale Journal on Regulation , 35, (1), 2018, p1 - 65
Governance aspects of mutual funds in Ireland in, editor(s)W Birdthistle and J Morley , Research Handbook on the Regulation of Mutual Funds, UK and USA, Elgar, 2018, pp360 - 381, [B Clarke (and M White) ]
A Transatlantic Perspective on Shareholder Litigation in Public Takeovers in, editor(s)S.Griffith, J.Erickson, D. H. Webber, and V. Winship (eds) , Elgar, 415-438 (November 2018) , Research Handbook On Representative Shareholder Litigation, UK, Elgar, 2018, pp415 - 438, [B Clarke (with D Awrey)]
Blanaid Clarke, Individual Accountability in Irish Credit Institutions - Lessons to be Learned from the UK's Senior Managers Regime , Common Law World Review , 47, (1), 2018, p35 - 52
Banking Regulation in, editor(s)W.Roche, P.O'Connell and A.Prothero , Austerity and Recovery in Ireland, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2017, pp107 - 123, [B. Clarke]
"EU Takeover Regulation as a Means of Safeguarding the Interests of Employees: Re-opening Pandora's Box" chapter in Helmut Siekmann (editor) , in, editor(s)Helmut Siekmann , Festschrift for Theodor Baums zum siebzigsten Geburtstag, Germany, Mohr Siebeck, 2017, pp215 - 235, [Blanaid Clarke]
National Implementation in the EU: Ireland in, editor(s)G.Moss, B.Wessels and M.Haentjens , EU Banking and Insurance Insolvency (Second Edition), Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2017, pp349 - 363, [Blanaid Clarke]
Ireland in, editor(s)D Busch and C Van Dam , A Bank's Duty of Care, England, Hart/Bloomsbury, 2017, pp285 - 327, [Blanaid Clarke]
The Duties of Parent Companies in, H. Søndergaard Birkmose , Shareholders' Duties in Europe, Netherlands, Kluwer Law International, 2017, pp229 - 254, [B. Clarke ]
B. Clarke, Duty of Care, Skill and Diligence - from Warm Baths to Hot Water, The Irish Jurist, LVI, 2016, p139 - 160
The Role of Employees in the Takeover Bids Directive in, editor(s)Cremers J and Vitols S. , Takeovers with or without worker voice: worker rights under the EU Directive on Takeover Bids, Brussels, ETUI, 2016, pp33 - 49, [Blanaid Clarke]
Blanaid Clarke (and Gail Henderson), Directors as guardians of the Public Interest, Journal of Corporate Law Studies, 16, (1), 2016, p187 - 220
"Deposit Guarantee Schemes" in, editor(s)M.Haentjens and B.Wessels , Research Handbook on Crisis Management in the Banking Sector, Research Handbooks in Financial Law series. , UK, Edward Elgar Publishing , 2015, pp345 - 365, [Blanaid Clarke]
"The role of board directors in promoting environmental sustainability" in, editor(s)B.J. Richardson and B. Sjåfjell , Company Law and Sustainability , UK, Cambridge University Press, 2015, pp148 - 174, [Blanaid Clarke]
Blanaid Clarke, Irish Company Law as a Means of Furthering the Climate Change Agenda, International and Comparative Corporate Law Journal , 11, (3), 2015, p104 - 139
Blanaid Clarke & Gail Henderson, "Are Public Interest Directors a Good Idea? Lessons from the Irish Banking Crisis" (September 15, 2015). UCD Working Papers in Law, Criminology & Socio-Legal Studies Research Paper No. 11/2015. , 2015
Takeovers Regulation in, editor(s)Geoffrey Morse (Co-ordinating Editor) , Palmers Company Law , London, Thompson Sweet & Maxwell, 2014, pp12065 - 12125, [B. Clarke]
Blanaid Clarke, The EU's Shareholder Empowerment Model in the Context of the Sustainable Companies Agenda, European Company Law , 2, 2014, p103-
B. Clarke, The Market for Corporate Control: New Insights from the Financial Crisis in Ireland" , Seattle University Law Review , 36, 2013, p63-
Blanaid Clarke, "The Takeovers' Directive - A Meaningful Contribution to Stakeholders Rights in Europe" , International and Comparative Corporate Law Journal, 10, (1), 2013, p80 - 97
Deirdre Ahern and Blanaid Clarke, Listed Companies' Engagement with Diversity: A Multi-Jurisdictional Study of Annual Report Disclosures, 2013
Blanaid Clarke (with J. Antunes, T. Baums et al) , "Response to the European Commission's Action Plan on Company Law and Corporate Governance" , European Company and Financial Law Review, 10, 2013, p304 - 327
"Ireland: Crisis in the Banking System" in, editor(s)S. Konzelmann and M. Fovargue-Davies , Banking Systems in the Crisis: The Faces of Liberal Capitalism , London, Routledge, 2012, pp107 - 133, [B. Clarke and N. Hardiman ]
B.Clarke, Irish Company Law Mapping Paper, University of Oslo Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 2012-35. , 2012
Liability of Asset Managers in Ireland in, editor(s)D. Busch and D. DeMott , Liability of Asset Mangers , Oxford University Press, 2012, pp369 - 409, [B. Clarke and A. Bates ]
B.Clarke and N.Hardiman, Crisis in the Irish Banking System (February 1, 2012). UCD Geary Institute Discussion Paper Series WP2012/03, UCD Working Papers in Law, Criminology & Socio-Legal Studies Research Paper No. 02/2012 , 2012
Legal Studies, UK, Wylie, [Co- editor], 2011-2018
B.Clarke, "Directors' Duties During an Offer Period - Lessons from the Cadbury PLC Takeover" UCD Law Working Papers in Law, Criminology & Socio-Legal Studies Research Paper No.44/2011 , 2011
Corporate Law Scholarship in Ireland in, editor(s)J. Schweppe and T. Mohr , Thirty Years of Legal Scholarship: The Irish Association of Law Teachers , Dublin, Roundhall Press, 2011, [B.Clarke]
B.Clarke, Reviewing Takeover Regulation in the Wake of the Cadbury Acquisition: Regulation in a Twirl , Journal of Business Law, 2011, p298-
Where Was The 'Market For Corporate Control' When We Needed It? in, editor(s)W. Sun , Corporate Governance and the Global Financial Crisis: International Perspectives , Cambridge University Press, 2011, [B. Clarke ]
B.Clarke, Lessons Learned - The Corporate Governance Code For Credit Institutions And Insurance Undertakings, Dublin University Law Journal , 33, 2011, p172-
The EU Takeovers Directive - A Shareholder Or Stakeholder Model?" in, editor(s)P. Zumbansen and C. Williams , The Embedded Firm: Labour, Corporate Governance And Finance Capitalism , Cambridge University Press , 2011, [. B. Clarke ]
B.Clarke, Reinforcing the Market for Corporate Control, European Business Law Review, 2011, p517-
Journal of Business Law , UK, Sweet&Maxwell, [eds.], 2010-2018
Corporate Governance in Banks of Ireland in, editor(s)A. Kostyuk, F. Takeda, and K. Hosono , Anti-Crisis Paradigms of Corporate Governance in Banks: A New Institutional Outlook , Kiev, Virtus Interpress, 2010, [T. Lynn, R. Sharma and B. Clarke ]
B.Clarke, "Reinforcing the Market for Corporate Control" UCD Working Papers in Law, Criminology & Socio-Legal Studies Research Paper No. 39/2010, 2010
B.Clarke, Directors' Duties in a Changing World: Lessons from the Cadbury Plc Takeover, European Company Law , 7, 2010, p204-
B.Clarke and T.Lynn, "The Irish Corporate Governance System" UCD Working Papers in Law, Criminology & Socio-Legal Studies Research Paper No. 38/2010, 2010
Corporate Governance" An Oxymoron? - The Role Of Corporate Governance in the Current Banking Crisis in, editor(s)I. Mcneill and J. O'Brien , The Future Of Financial Regulation , Hart Publishing, 2010, [B. Clarke]
Corporate Governance Regulation and Board Decision Making During Takeovers in, editor(s)A. Thankom and J. Turner , Corporate Governance and Development , Edward Elgar, 2009, [B. Clarke]
B.Clarke, Insider Dealing: Getting Under the Skin of Fyffes Plc v DCC Plc & Others, Journal of Business Law , 2009, p68-
B.Clarke, The Takeovers Directive - Is a Little Regulation Better Than No Regulation?, European Law Journal , 15, (2), 2009, p174-
B.Clarke, "Where was the 'Market for Corporate Control' when we Needed it?" UCD Working Papers in Law, Criminology & Socio-Legal Studies Research Paper No. 23/2009, 2009
The Relationship between Corporate Governance and Takeovers in Ireland in, editor(s)R. Keane and A. O'Neill , Corporate Governance - An Irish Perspective , Dublin, Thomson Roundhall, 2009, pp50 - 66, [B. Clarke]
B. Clarke, Contract Cases and Materials , 4th Edition, Gill & Macmillan, 2008
Inside Information and the Market Abuse Directive in, editor(s)P. Ali and G. Gregoriou , Insider Trading: Regulation and Analysis , London, CRC Press, 2008, [B. Clarke]
B.Clarke, Takeover Regulation- Through the Regulatory Looking Glass, German Law Journal , 8, 2007, p381-
The Market for Corporate Control and the Implications of the Takeover Directive (2004/25) in, P.Ali and G. Gregoriou , International Corporate Governance after Sarbanes-Oxley , New Jersey, John Wiley & Sons, 2006, [B. Clarke]
B.Clarke, Articles 9 and 11 of the Takeover Directive (2004/25) and the Market for Corporate Control , Journal of Business Law , 2006, p355-
B.Clarke, European Takeover Regulation and Directive 2004/25/EC, The Company and Securities Law Journal , 24, 2006, p93-
B.Clarke, Regulating Poison Pill Devices, Journal of Corporate Law Studies , 4, 2004, p51-
Cross Border Mergers in Company Law: Removing the Final Barriers - Ireland in, International Federation of European Law XX Congress, Reports and Conclusions , London, British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 2002, [B. Clarke and G. Fitzgerald]
Accommodating the Special Needs of the Financial Markets - R v Panel on Takeovers and Mergers; Ex Parte Datafin plc in, editor(s)E. O'Dell , Leading Cases of the Twentieth Century, Roundhall Sweet & Maxwell, 2000, [B. Clarke]
B.Clarke, European Takeover Regulation - The Latest Draft of the 13th Company Law Directive, European Business Law Review , 10, 1999, p482-
B. Clarke, Takeovers and Mergers Law in Ireland , Round Hall Sweet & Maxwell, 1999
B.Clarke, The Draft 13th Directive and Employees - an Irish Law Perspective, European Business Law Review , 9, 1998
B.Clarke, Corporate Responsibility in Light of the Separation of Ownership and Control, Dublin University Law Journal , 19, 1997, p50-
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
B Clarke, Common Conduct Standards under the Central Bank's Individual Accountability Regime: A Case Study Approach,, McCann FitzGerald, Dublin, 16 January 2025, 2025
B Clarke, Administrative measures and sanctions in the Banking Union and the Capital Markets Union: status quo and the way forward " Insights from Ireland, Capital Markets and Banking Unions, Law and the Courts: Challenges and Perspective, International Colloquium in memoriam of Luís Silva Morais, University of Bologna, 13 February 2025, 2025
B Clarke, Board and Senior Management Stewardship for the Future, Strategic Foresight Symposium: Putting Strategic Foresight into Practice, Central Bank of Ireland, 11 February 2025, 2025
B Clarke, Navigating Accountability: Insights from the Irish Individual Accountability Regime, Berne, 29 October 2024, 2024, Finma
B Clarke, The IBCB Case Studies and Beyond, Irish Banking Culture Board Annual Conference Dublin, Dublin, 17 October 2024, 2024
B Clarke, Ethical Decision Making for Sustainability and Governance, McCann FitzGerald, Dublin, 14 March 2024, 2024
B Clarke, Sustainability and ESG, Dublin International Disputes Week 2024 Conference, Dublin Castle, 2 October 2024, 2024
B Clarke, EMCA & the Digitalisation Directive II, EMCA Network Annual Event, Vienna & Online, 25 September 2024, 2024
B Clarke, Board Profiles, Skills and Qualifications, International Monetary Fund Central Bank High-Level Governance Forum, Yerevan, Armenia, Online, 28 February 2024, 2024
B Clarke, The Takeovers Directive: An Academic"s Reflection, University of Bolzano,Italy, 5 November 2024, 2024
B.Clarke, Mutual Fund Governance in Practice: A Purposive and Values-Based Approach ?, Sustainable Capitalism and the Corporation, Monash University Campus, Prato, Florence, 22 July 2023, 2023
B.Clarke, Comparative Takeovers and Securities Law Australia, Ireland and the US, 14 July 2023, In:Sustainable Capitalism and the Corporation, 2023, McCann FitzGerald, Dublin
B.Clarke, The Mutual Fund Board: a Lynchpin or a Weak Link in the Drive for Sustainable Investments, International Conference on Sustainability and Supply Chains in the Face of the Climate Crisis, University Carlos III, Madrid, 3 November 2023, 2023
B.Clarke, The Twitter Acquisition through the Prism of the Irish Takeover Panel Rules, Comparative Takeovers and Securities Law Australia, Ireland and the US, McCann FitzGerald, Dublin, 14 July 2023, 2023, TCD, Monash University and Vanderbilt University
B.Clarke, Panel Participant, Navigating a complex regulatory environment-the Fund Director"s perspective, Institute of Bankers and IQ-EQ, Dublin, 30 March 2023, 2023
B.Clarke, Board Profiles, Skills and Qualifications, Seventh Central Bank High-Level Governance Forum: Sound Board Oversight, Key Enablers of Good Governance, and Developments in Digitalization and Central Bank Digital Currencies, Dubai, 1 May 2023, 2023, International Monetary Fund in collaboration with Hawkamah, the Institute of Governance
B.Clarke, Making Individual Accountability Work " The Challenge for Industry and Regulators (Panel Discussant), Central Bank of Ireland, Financial System Conference: Achieving Good Outcomes in an Uncertain World, Dublin, 8 November 2023, 2023
B.Clarke, Investment Fund Governance Survey, Certified Investment Fund Director Annual Seminar 2023, Dublin, 29 September 2023, 2023
B.Clarke, The new Individual Accountability Framework (Panel Discussant), The new Individual Accountability Framework in Financial Services Ireland, UCD, 10 November 2023, 2023
B.Clarke, Individual Accountability in the Financial Services Sector -The Central Bank (Individual Accountability Framework) Bill 2022, Enhancing Accountability in Corporate and Financial Governance,, Monash University Campus, Prato, Florence, 10 October 2022, 2022
B.Clarke, Governance and Culture in the Banking Sector, Banking Union after Next Generation EU, DCU Brexit Institute, 3 November 2022, 2022
B.Clarke, The Continued Use of the UK Corporate Governance Code for Irish Listed Companies, McCann FitzGerald, Dublin, 17 November 2022, 2022
B.Clarke, Evolving Challenges for Governance over Alternative Investments - Panel Participant, Certified Investment Fund Director Annual Conference, Dublin, 30 September 2022, 2022
B.Clarke, Director Accountability and Ireland's new Individual Accountability Framework, Edinburgh Centre for Commercial Law, 26 October 2022, 2022
B.Clarke, Individual Accountability in the Financial Services Sector: An Irish Case Study, Conference on Contemporary Corporate Governance Corporate Governance Forum, Stockholm, 31 May 2022, 2022
B. Clarke, "The Special Purpose of Big Tech Companies", Corporate Purpose Conference, Online, University of Oslo, 16 April 2021, 2021
B.Clarke, Independent Investment Fund Directors " an Irish Case Study, UCL Centre for Ethics and Law and Institute of Directors Centre for Corporate Governance (Online), 12 October 2021, 2021
B.Clarke, "Irish Banking Culture Board", NY Fed Supervisors" Roundtable, NY Online, 19 April 2021, 2021
B.Clarke, Collective Accountability (Keynote Address), Society of Legal Scholars of UK and Ireland, Durham University (Online), 2 September 2021, 2021
B.Clarke, The Financial Crisis: Corporate Law and Corporate Governance (Keynote Address), Irish Association of Law Teachers Annual Conference, Cork, 20 November 2021, 2021
B Clarke, Corporate Governance of Financial Institutions: the Role of Culture, European Banking Institute Annual Conference,, Frankfurt, 22 February 2019, 2019, EBI
B.Clarke, The Irish Banking Culture Board, Innovation and other Contemporary Pivotal Issues in Financial Markets Law and Company Law - Selected National, International, European and Comparative Views, Sapienza University of Rome , 13 December 2019, 2019, Dr. Gudula Deipenbrock
B Clarke, Organisational Culture and the Role of Lawyers, Summer ELSA Law School, Trinity College Dublin , 24 July 2019, 2019
B Clarke, Organisational Culture: What Happens When No One is Looking?, TCD Law School's Lecture Series, TCD, 20 March 2019, 2019
B Clarke, Good Information Driving Good Decision Making - Board Engagement and Information Asymmetry, Supporting the Agenda for Good Governance of State Boards, Dublin, 16 May 2019, 2019, Public Affairs Ireland
B Clarke, "Individual Accountability for Regulatory Breaches: the Irish Experience", Regulation of the Banking Sector: Challenges and Emerging Issues conference, University of Bristol , 11 May 2018, 2018
B Clarke, "Brexit, financial services and contract continuity" , TRiSS - IIEA 'Bitesize' workshop series, Aspects of Brexit, TCD, 20 September 2018, 2018, TRiSS - IIEA
B.Clarke, The Role of law in fostering individual accountability within banks , Toward an integrated enforcement of banking regulation: the case of the Single Supervisory Mechanism, University of Luxembourg, 29 November 2018, 2018
B.Clarke, Board Culture and Behaviour , Culture, Diversity and the Way Forward for Corporate Governance in Ireland , Trinity College Dublin, 25 October 2018, 2018, Central Bank and Trinity Law School
B.Clarke, Insights into Changing Bank Culture and Behaviour , Contemporary Issues in Financial Markets Law and Company Law - Legal Challenges of Digitalisation - Fintech, Insurtech and other Developments, Berlin, 16 November 2018, 2018
B Clarke, "Regulation of Takeovers in Ireland and the UK" , Oceans Apart: Corporate and Securities Litigation and Regulation in Comparative Perspective conference,, MCCann FitzGerald, Dublin, 26 April 2018, 2018, Trinity College Dublin, Oxford University and Fordham University
B Clarke, Public Interest Directors and Corporate Governance Reform in the UK, Centre for Law Markets and Regulation , University of New South Wales, Sydney, 14 November 2017, 2017, Law School, UNSW
Blanaid Clarke, Holding Individuals Responsible for Regulatory Breaches in Banks", Contemporary Issues in Financial Markets Law and Company Law - National, International, European and Comparative Perspectives Conference , Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, London, 15 December 2017, 2017
Blanaid Clarke, Autonomy and Accountability - performance, rules and trust , The Road to Better Governance in Organisations: Principles, Rules or Values , Dublin, 16 March 2017, 2017, Institute of Public Administration
B Clarke, The Meaning of "Impact" and "Engagement", ERC Research Impact Day, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, 6 November 2017, 2017, Accounting for Social Change Research Group, QUT
Blanaid Clarke, Public Interest Directors - Update, Vanderbilt-Ghent Symposium on Corporate Law and Financial Regulation , University of Ghent, 23 May 2017, 2017
Blanaid Clarke, Early Intervention Measures under CRD IV, the SSM and SRM regulations (conditions for the application of both) and the early intervention phase under the SRM regulation , Reflections on Competent authorities' Measures in EU Banking Law ( organised by Malta Financial Services Authority and European Banking Institute), Malta, 9 June 2017, 2017
Blanaid Clarke, Shareholders Rights Directive II (2017/828/EC) amending Directive 2007/36/EC as regards the encouragement of long-term engagement, Regulatory Update, McCann FitzGerald Solicitors, Dublin, 28 June 2017, 2017, McCann FitzGerald Solicitors
Blanaid Clarke, "Implications of Brexit on the Financial Services Sector" , The legal implications of a potential Brexit , Dublin, 5 May 2016, 2016, Irish Centre for European Law and IBEC
Blanaid Clarke, The Takeovers Directive: An Overview, The Takeovers Directive: Ten years On, Trinity Long Room Hub, 22 April 2016, 2016
Blanaid Clarke, "Datafin Revisited: Judicial Review During a Takeover Bid", Centre for European Legal Studies and the Centre for Corporate and Commercial Law Seminar Series,, University of Cambridge , 4 November 2015, 2015
Blanaid Clarke, "The Role of Culture in Good Corporate Governance" , CUCC Annual Conference; Compliance Through Communication, , Trinity College Dublin , 18 August 2015, 2015
Blanaid Clarke, "The Duty of Parent Companies" , 11th Nordic Company Law Conference on Shareholders' Duties , University of Aarhus, Denmark , 10 November 2015, 2015
Blanaid Clarke, "Company Formation" , European Model Companies Act Conference, Vienna , 10/11 September 2015, 2015
Blanaid Clarke, "Shareholders as Guardians of Long Term Growth - Is EU Faith Misguided?" , . Presentation to Corporate and Securities Panel "Improving Approaches and Substance", 2014 Massey Prize Symposium, , University of Texas , 26 September , 2014, University of Texas
Blanaid Clarke, "Board Directors: What can we expect of them?" , ERC Lessons in the Management of 'People Risk' Seminar Series, Dublin, 26 March, 2014
Blanaid Clarke, "The Role of Audit Committees in Good Governance of Central Banks" , High Level Forum on Central Bank Governance- Audit Oversight and Assurance Mechanisms , Dubai, UAE, 9 December , 2014, Hawkamah and the IMF
Blanaid Clarke, Jose Antunes et al,, Response to the European Commission's Action Plan on Company Law and Corporate Governance , 2014
Blanaid Clarke, "The Role of Diversity in Good Governance" , Assistant Secretary Network Annual Conference, Farmleigh, Dublin , 4 May , 2014, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform
Blanaid Clarke, "Judicial Review" , Conference of International Takeover Regulators, London, 22 May , 2014
Blanaid Clarke, "Corporate Governance under the Capital Requirements Directive and Regulation" , McCann FitzGerald Presentation , Dublin, 8 May , 2014
Blanaid Clarke, "The Takeover Directive - from a stakeholder rights perspective" , GOODCORP meeting organised by the European Trade Union Institute, Brussels and the University of Oslo , Brussels, (17 September 2013), 2013
Blanaid Clarke (with D. Ahern) , Can a 'Comply or Explain' Approach Inspire an Effective Commitment to Board Diversity? , the 12th European Corporate Governance and Company Law Conference, Dublin , 16 May 2013, 2013
Blanaid Clarke, "Gender Diversity on European Company Boards' , ERA Annual Conference on European Company Law,, Triers, Germany, 26 September 2013, 2013
B.Clarke, The Takeovers Directive Report 2012, Post-crisis Trajectories of European Corporate Governance: Dealing with the Present and Shaping the Future, University of Leeds , 21 September 2012, 2012
B.Clarke, Regulating risk management at listed companies: panacea or bitter pill?, ERA Annual Conference on European Company Law 2012, Trier, 27 September 2012, 2012
B. Clarke (with J. Antunes, T. Baums et al), Report of the Reflection Group on the Future of EU Company Law , Available at SSRN:, European Commission Internal Market and Services, April, 2011
Palmer's Company Law, Sweet & Maxwell, [eds.], 2009-2018