Extra-Mural Course in Employment Litigation
Date: Commencing 17 January 2013
Venue: Arts Building, Trinity College Dublin
[ About ] [ Topics ] [ Speakers ]
[ Programme ] [ Reservations and Fees ][ CPD Points ]
About the Conference
The Extra-Mural course in Employment Litigation at Trinity College Dublin aims to provide participants with an up-to-date understanding of employment litigation in Ireland. In order to do this, the course integrates an analysis of substantive employment law issues with a consideration of key procedural rules, enabling practitioners to further appreciate how the governing doctrinal principles of employment law are applied in a practical setting.
In particular, the course aims to provide a thorough overview of the many different legal fora in which redress is sought in the employment context in Ireland, and of the nature of the litigation that is instituted in each forum. Throughout the course, attention is focused upon topical and emerging judicial and legislative developments in the area and on the effects of these developments on employment litigation in practice.
The course will delivered in weekly two-hour sessions over six evenings in January and February 2013.
Directed by Des Ryan BL, the course lectures are delivered by leading expert practitioners in the area of employment litigation. Senior Counsel, Junior Counsel, Solicitor and Academic perspectives are combined in the expertise of the team of lecturers. Through this integrated delivery of lectures, participants� learning experience is enhanced by a combination of conceptual and practical perspectives
- Employment Litigation in Context
- Employment Litigation as Distinct from Industrial Relations Law
- The Key Common Law and Statutory Framework
- Reform of Employment Dispute Resolution Bodies
- Managing and Defending Claims relating to Bullying, Harassment and Stress at Work
- Employment Equality Litigation
- Social Media in the Workplace: Implications for Litigation
- Investigations in the Workplace
- Termination of Employment: Redundancy, Unfair Dismissal, Wrongful Dismissal
- Remedies in Employment Litigation
MARGUERITE BOLGER SC is a Senior Counsel specialising in employment law. She has appeared in many key bullying and harassment cases. Ms Bolger is a co-author (with Cliona Kimber) of Sex Discrimination and the Law (Thomson Round Hall, 2000), a new edition of which is currently being prepared, and a member of the Editorial Board of the Irish Employment Law Journal (Thomson Round Hall). She is an external examiner in employment law at the Honorable Society of King’s Inns.
PROFESSOR NEVILLE COX BL LL.B., Ph.D., (Dub.), Barrister, is Associate Professor and a Fellow of Trinity College Dublin. He is author of, amongst other books, Defamation Law (2008), and co-author of Employment Law in Ireland (2009). He is Director of the Master of Laws degree programmes at Trinity.
CLIONA KIMBER BL is a practising barrister specialising in employment and equality law and regularly appears before the EAT, Equality Tribunal, Labour Court as well as the Civil Courts. She is author (with Marguerite Bolger) of Sex Discrimination Law (Thomson Round Hall, 2000), a new edition of which is currently being prepared, and co-author of Disability Discrimination Law. She was previously the Editor of the Employment Law Reports and the Irish Employment Law Journal. Ms Kimber writes and lectures extensively on the subject of employment and equality law.
TERENCE MCCRANN is Head of the Employment Law Group at McCann Fitzgerald Solicitors and is recognised as one of Ireland’s leading employment law experts. He advises and guides clients in this complex area, and assists employers in developing risk management strategies in respect of employment and litigation issues.
TOM MALLON BL is a practising barrister who specialises in employment law. He is co-author, with Dr. Mary Redmond, of the recently published Strikes: An Essential Guide to Industrial Action and the Law (2010).
DR. DES RYAN BL is a practising barrister specialising in Employment Law and a Lecturer in Employment Law at Trinity College Dublin. Co-author of Employment Law in Ireland (2009), he has published widely on Employment Law in a number of journals, including the Irish Employment Law Journal, and is the Employment Law correspondent for the Thomson Round Hall Annual Review of Irish Law. He advises on all aspects of employment litigation.
The right to rearrange and substitute lectures and lecturers is reserved
All lectures take place between 5 - 7 pm on Thursdays (commencing 17 January 2013)
17 January 2013 The Framework of Employment Litigation in Ireland: Key Concepts, Institutions and Practicalities in 2013
Lecturer: Dr. Des Ryan BL
24 January 2013 Employment Equality Litigation: Key Issues in 2013
Lecturer: Marguerite Bolger SC
31 January 2013 Bullying, Harassment and Stress at Work: Key Principles and Recent Developments
Lecturer: Professor Neville Cox BL
7 February 2013 Social Media: New Questions in Employment Litigation
Lecturer: Cliona Kimber BL
14 February 2013 Investigations in the Workplace: Key Principles for Employment Litigation
Lecturer: Terence McCrann
21 February 2013 Litigation Arising out of the Termination of Employment
Lecturer: Tom Mallon BL
This Extra-mural course is derived from the Employment Litigation module taught on the Master in Laws degree programmes at the School of Law. The extra-mural course is suitable for individuals with professional experience in the subject matters whether legal or otherwise.
Reservation and Fees
If you would like further information on this course please contact:
Kelley McCabe or Soraya Sobrevia
CPD Conference Programmes, School of Law, House 39, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2
Telephone (01) 896 2772; Fax (01) 677 0449; Email: lawevent at tcd.ie.
To reserve your place, please complete and return this form to the address/email above.
to the address/email above.
Fees:* €850 per person CPD Members Fees: €600 for individuals members to attend full course.
€500 for associate members to attend the full course.
Reduced Rates: €650 for legal executives, trainee solicitors, barristers of 5 years standing or less Per Lecture Rate:
€150 per lecture *Cheques should be made payable to TCD NO 1 Account
CPD Hours/Points :
12: Certificates of attendance will be forwarded after the conference.