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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Dublin University Law Journal

The Dublin University Law Journal (DULJ) is published by Clarus Press on behalf of the School of Law, Trinity College, Dublin. The DULJ is a leading peer-reviewed journal publishing original, critical, and authoritative scholarly analysis on a broad range of legal issues and contemporary law in an international and comparative context. The journal publishes longer articles providing in-depth analysis; shorter articles, comments and case-notes providing up-to-date analysis of recent developments; and book reviews.

Find the DULJ for more details including notes for contributors. The Editors can be contacted here



Re-forming Law Reform

To mark its 50th Anniversary, the Law Reform Commission of Ireland is partnering with Trinity Law School to host an academic conference on the history and future of law reform. Papers from the conference will, subject to double blind academic peer review, be published in the Dublin University Law Journal in 2026. The conference will take place in Trinity College Dublin on the afternoon of Thursday 18 September, the day before a related conference in Dublin Castle organised by the Law Reform Commission itself, Half a Century of Change: The Journey of Law Reform.

Further details, including call for papers are available from the event page.