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Course Details

The MPhil (Master’s Degree), Post Graduate Diploma (PGDip) and Postgraduate Certificate (PGCert) in Applied Intercultural Communications are designed as both stand-alone and linked courses through the top-up progression. They are delivered by the Centre for Global Intercultural Communications at Trinity College Dublin and are part of the postgraduate suite of courses in the School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies.

Why Applied Intercultural Communications?

The significance of the increase in global mobility is unquestionable. In many workplaces, cultural diversity is currently the norm. Intercultural communication plays an important role in the functioning of societies, organisations and in individual performance. However, whilst working in a culturally diverse environment makes interpersonal, social and professional interactions more interesting and exciting, cross-cultural communication comes with its challenges. The cultures in which people have been brought up and our intercultural encounters influence the way we communicate. Anxiety, disorientation, and exclusion are common consequences of miscommunication across and between cultures. In a globalised world, any attempt to optimise intercultural communications requires a good understanding of the role of self and social awareness in the interpretation of cultural dimensions. The interplay between sociability, solidarity and inclusion in specific professional and wider social contexts determines and drives the sustainability, fairness and success of human interactions. Developing intercultural competences is vital for advancing equitable global collaborations between society, industry and academia.

Applied focus

Our applied mode relies on the use of case studies to illustrate how intercultural communication works on the ground in global contexts. The programmes combine international case studies, student-led case studies and practical activities, based on the participants’ experiences. The applied focus is complemented by theory, research and practice-driven components, potentially linking African, Asian, Latin American and Caribbean, and Middle Eastern case studies to European and North American cultures and contexts. Students gain an understanding of the concepts and models related to intercultural communication and learn how to apply Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EEDI) perspectives and digital literacy to develop equitable collaborations and partnerships with people from different backgrounds.

What will you learn in these programmes?

The programmes will provide participants with novel perspectives and methods for effective intercultural communication at work, strategic partnerships, inclusive leadership and global engagement.

Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Communicate effectively within multicultural teams, showing an appreciation of different cultural perspectives and values
  • Engage in collaborative learning and apply digital literacy and communicative features to produce a critical reflective account underpinned by a global outlook
  • Relate the analysis of cultural diversity to different cultural perspectives in a variety of social and professional contexts
  • Design, write, carry out and discuss research reflecting an understanding of the state of the art, using appropriate research methods to support professional practices
  • Design, analyse, reflect and present a project to diverse audiences using multiple media and platforms
  • Identify research topics; formulate hypotheses and questions; conduct literature review that highlights the gaps; and carry out a study that contributes to the body of knowledge, including the understanding and the improvement of intercultural and professional practices
  • Use the knowledge and skills gained for further research and programmes of study in applied intercultural communications and related areas.

Who is this course for?

These programmes will be of interest to organisations and individuals wishing to further develop their skills, careers and business opportunities by applying intercultural communication methods to succeed in multicultural contexts. Our flexible course delivery, through full time, part time and multiple entry route options, will enable students to develop effective intercultural communication skills for successful engagements with diverse audiences. We accept a range of students who bring different experiential learning abilities. Thus, the programme could equally suit those looking for reskilling and upskilling opportunities, either in employment already or seeking new horizons. Therefore, it is likely that a class could be shared with leaders, entrepreneurs, employers and employees and others looking for postgraduate training and education to acquire competency in applied intercultural communications for the workforce. Our flexible learning modalities include both online and face-to-face contact, with a view to supporting active learning and successful learner engagement in academic provisions.