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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Dr. Gillian Wylie
Associate Professor, School of Religion
Head of School, School of Religion School Office


I am originally for Scotland - where I did my studies in Politics and International Relations at the University of Aberdeen. In 2001 I became a full time lecturer on the M.Phil in International Peace Studies. As well as teaching on the M.Phil in International Peace Studies, I co-ordinate our School's PG Diploma in Conflict and Dispute Resolution Studies and supervise a large number of masters and doctoral students - particularly in the field of gender, conflict and peace. My research specialism lies in human trafficking, the politics of international migration, globalization and gender issues. I am an editorial board member of the Journal of Human Trafficking (Taylor and Francis). I have served as my School's Director of Postgraduate Teaching and Learning and as the Head of Discipline in the Irish School of Ecumenics in recent years. I am committed to civic engagement, particularly the issue of how universities respond to refugees facing crisis in Europe.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Maja Halilovic Pastuovic and Gillian Wylie, Challenging the youth assumptions behind P/CVE: acknowledging older extremists, Critical Studies on Terrorism, 17, 2024, p1 - 17 Journal Article, 2024

Representing Human Trafficking as Gendered Violence: Doing Cultural Violence in, editor(s)Caroline Williamson Sinalo and Nicoletta Mandolini , Representing Gender Based Violence: Global Perspectives, London, Plagrave, 2023, pp69 - 88, [Gillian Wylie] Book Chapter, 2023

Jagoe, C., Toh, P.Y.N., Wylie, G., Disability and the Risk of Vulnerability to Human Trafficking: An Analysis of Case Law, Journal of Human Trafficking, 2022 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Irish Journal of Sociology, 28, 3, (2020), 255 - 348p, Fitzgerald, S. O'Neill, M, and Wylie, G., [eds.] Journal, 2020

Fitzgerald, Sharron; O'Neill, Maggie; Wylie, Gillian, Social justice for sex workers as a 'politics of doing': Research, policy and practice, Irish Journal of Sociology, 28, (3), 2020, p257 - 279 Journal Article, 2020

Fitzgerald, Sharron A;O' Neill, Maggie;Wylie, Gillian, Guest editors' introduction, Irish Journal of Sociology, 28, (3), 2020, p255 - 256 Journal Article, 2020

Peacebuilding in response to migration: From securitization to peace in the context of the crisis for migrants in Europe in, editor(s)Sean Byrne, Thomas Matyok, Imani Michelle Scott , Companion to Peace and Conflict Studies, London, Routledge, 2020, pp291 - 300, [Gillian Wylie] Book Chapter, 2020

Sian Maseko, Grainne Kilcullen, Amiera Sawas, Gillian Wylie, GBV Programming in Contexts Affected by Conflict: A Learning Paper, Dublin, July, 2018, 1-47 Report, 2018

Wylie, G,, Moving Beyond the Exclusionary Politics of Migration: A Response from the Social Sciences, Biblical Interpretation, 26, (4), 2018, p544 - 553 Journal Article, 2018

Ward, Eilis and Wylie, Gillian, Feminism, Prostitution and the State: the Politics of Neo-Abolitionism, London, Routledge, 2017, 1 - 162pp Book, 2017 URL

Gillian Wylie, Review of The Oxford Handbook of Gender and Conflict, by NiAoilain, F., Cahn, N., Haynes, D. and Valji, N. , International Journal of the Red Cross, 99, (3), 2017, p1181-1185 Review, 2017

Gillian Wylie, The International Politics of Human Trafficking, London, Palgrave MacMillan, 2016, 1 - 192pp Book, 2016 URL

Eilis Ward and Gillian Wylie, 'Reflexivities of discomfort': Researching the Sex Trade and sex Trafficking in Ireland, European Journal of Women's Studies, 2014, p251 - 263 Journal Article, 2014

Human Waste? Reading Bauman's Wasted Lives in the Context of Ireland's Globalization in, editor(s)Louis Brennan , Enacting Globalization: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on International Integration, Basingstoke, Palgrave MacMillan, 2013, pp57 - 66, [Gillian Wylie] Book Chapter, 2013

Siobhan Clarke, Gillian Wylie and Hans Zomer, 'ICT 4 the MDGs? A Perspective on ICTs Role in Addressing Urban Poverty in the Context of the Millennium Development Goals' , Information Technology and International Development , 9, (4), 2013, p55 - 70 Journal Article, 2013

Ward, Eilis and Wylie, Gillian, Researching the Nature and Extent of Human Trafficking in Ireland, The Protection Project: Journal of Human Rights and Civil Society, 5, 2012, p59 - 72 Journal Article, 2012

Speaking with a Forked Tongue: Contrary Political Discourses and the Irish State's Construction of Human Trafficking in, editor(s)Christien van den Anker and Ilse van Liempt , Human rights and labour migration: the wider context of trafficking for forced labour, Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2011, pp129 - 144, [Deirdre Coghlan and Gillian Wylie] Book Chapter, 2011

Eilis Ward and Gillian Wylie, What Colour is Grey? Researching Trafficking against the Discursive Grain, Incorporating Human Trafficking in Academic Institutions: The European Experience A Regional Conference , University of Amsterdam, 25-26 November, 2011, 2011 Conference Paper, 2011

Deirdre Coghlan and Gillian Wylie, Defining Trafficking/Denying Justice: Forced Labour in Ireland and the Consequences of Trafficking Discourse, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 37, (9), 2011, p1513 - 1526 Journal Article, 2011

Gillian Wylie and Penny McRedmond, Human Trafficking in Europe: Character, Causes, Consequences, 1, Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2010, 1 - 310pp Book, 2010

Trafficking in Women, Networks of Knowledge and the Cultural Construction of Europe in, editor(s)Jürgen Barkhoff and Helmut Eberhart (eds.) , Networking across Borders and Frontiers. Demarcation and Connectedness in European Culture and Society., Bern, Peter Lang, 2009, pp155 - 168, [Gillian Wylie] Book Chapter, 2009

Trafficking in Human Beings, Roland Robertson Jan Aart Scholte, Encyclopaedia of Globalisation, 1, London, Routledge, 2007, [Gillian Wylie] Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2007

Beyond the Performance of 'Sex Wars': The Trafficking-Migration Debate nad Global Anti-Trafficking Networks in, editor(s)Karen Fricker and Ronit Lentin , Performing Global Networks, Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007, pp105 - 120, [Gillian Wylie] Book Chapter, 2007

Gillian Wylie, Securing States or Securing People? Human Trafficking and Security Dilemmas, Studies: An Irish Quarterly Revue, 95, (377), 2006, p7 - 18 Journal Article, 2006

Doing the Impossible: Collecting Data on the Extent of Human Trafficking in, editor(s)Christien Van den Anker Jeroen Doomernick , Trafficking and Women's Rights, Basingstoke, Palgrave, MacMillan, 2006, [Gillian Wylie] Book Chapter, 2006

Wylie G., Women's Rights and 'Righteous War': An Argument for Women's Autonomy in Afghanistan, Feminist Theory, 4, (2), 2003, p217 - 223 Journal Article, 2003

Wylie G., Challenging the State Socialist Order: A New Social Movement in Poland, East European Politics and Societies, 15, (3), 2001, p698 - 721 Journal Article, 2001

Wylie G, Social Movements And International Change: The Case Of "Détente From Below", Journal of International Peace Studies, 4, 1999, p61 - 82 Journal Article, 1999

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Dong Jin Kim, David Mitchell and Gillian Wylie, Peace and Conflict in a Changing World: Key Issues in Peace Studies, 1, Cham, Switzerland, Palgrave, 2024, 1 - 224pp Book, 2024

The Peacebuilding Role of Women within and between Ireland and Korea in, editor(s)Mitchell, D. and Kim, D-J. , Reconciling Divided Societies: Peace Processes in Ireland and Korea, London, Routledge, 2022, [Wylie, G. and Kim, D-J.] Book Chapter, 2022

Wylie, G., 'Bloody Processes' and the Contentious Politics of Norm Emergence, Norm Dynamics and Norm Collisions Workshop, WZB Berlin Social Science Centre, 21-22 September , 2020, Dr Sassan Gholiagha, Prof Anna Holzschieter and Dr Andrea Liese Invited Talk, 2020

Wylie, G., Gendering Peace: Beyond Add Women and Stir, Gaming for Peace, Trinity College Dublin, 10-11 January, 2019 Conference Paper, 2019

Wylie, G., The Neglected Norm - Why Labour Trafficking and its Victims are so Hard to See. , Conference on Severe Labour Exploitation and Human Trafficking in Ireland, Maynooth University, 11 May, 2018, Dr David Doyle and Dr Cliodhna Murphy (NUIM) Invited Talk, 2018

Killcullen, G., Sawas, A., Maseko, S. and Wylie G., Designing Gender Based Violence Programming in Fragile States and Contexts Affected by Violence, Dublin, Christian Aid Ireland, July, 2018, p1 - 47 Report, 2018 URL

Wylie, G., Teaching Peace Studies in a Cross-Border Context, 2018 Tbilisi International Peace Conference (TIPC) - Peace Studies: Global and Local Perspectives'., Ambassador Hotel, Tblisi Georgia, 19th September, 2018 Conference Paper, 2018

Wylie, G., Neither Panacea nor Perpetual Victims: Recognising Women's Complex Lives in the Politics of Peacebuilding, Tbilsi International Peace Conference 2017, Rooms Hotel, Tbilisi Georgia, 6th October , 2017 Conference Paper, 2017

Kilcullen, G., Maseko, S., Sawas, A, and Wylie, G., Ending Gender-Based Violence - Lessons from Conflict Affected State, Ending Violence in Turbulent Times: Conflict Research Society Annual Conference, Oxford, September 18-19 , 2017 Conference Paper, 2017

Wylie, G., 'The Securitization of Borders and Human Insecurity - the Case of Europe 2016' , Borderlands for Peaceful Coexistence in Korea and Beyond' Institute for Trans-division and Border Studies, Shinhan University, , Seoul, South Korea , 10-11 November 2016, 2016 Conference Paper, 2016

Wylie, G., Human Trafficking and the 'Migration Crisis', Forced to Flee: Conflict in Syria and the Movement of People, Dublin City University, 15.11.15, 2015, DCU's Institute for International Conflict Resolution and Reconstruction (IICRR) and Trocaire Invited Talk, 2015

Ward, E. and Wylie G., 'Reflexivities of Discomfort', 3rd European Conference on Politics and Gender , Barcelona, 21-23 March, 2013, 2013 Conference Paper, 2013

Eilis ward and Gillian Wylie, Submission to Oireachtas (Irish Parliament) Committee on Justice, Equality and Defence, Review of Prostitution Policy in Ireland, Oireachtas Committees on Justice: Review of Legislation on Prostitution, 2012 Invited Talk, 2012 URL

Deirdre Coghlan and Gillian Wylie, Defining Trafficking/Denying Justice: Forced Labour and the Limits of Trafficking Discourse, BISA Special Workshop on Borders, Migration and Justice, University of west of England, Bristol, 12-14 May 2008, 2008 Conference Paper, 2008

Eilis Ward and Gillian Wylie, The Nature and Extent of Trafficking of Women into Ireland for the Purposes of Sexual Exploitation 2000-2006, Galway , Galway Social Science Research Centre, October, 2007, 1, 48 Report, 2007

Deirdre Coghlan and Gillian Wylie, Trafficking and Forced Labour for Other Purposes than Prostitution: The Irish Case, Researching and Theorising Migration in the European Context, a European Science Foundation workshop, Brussels, 29-30 November 2007, 2007 Conference Paper, 2007

Gillian Wylie, Trafficking in Women, Networks of Knowledge and the Cultural Construction of Europe, Networking Across Borders and Frontiers, Conference of the Coimbra Group Task Force on Culture, Arts and Humanities, Graz, Austria, 27-29 September 2007, 2007 Conference Paper, 2007

Wylie G., Dysfunctional Societies are not Civil Societies: Or Are They?, A Place for All? Comparing Civil Society in Northern Ireland and Scotland, a conference of the Irish School of Ecumenics and the Centre for Theology and Public Issues, University of Edinburgh, Belfast, September 7-9, 2004, pp1 - 16 Conference Paper, 2004

Wylie G., Globalising Resistance by Resisting Globalisation: Building Alliances Despite Difficulties between Anti-Trafficking Feminists, Feminism Resisting Globalisation, Women's Studies Association of Britain and Ireland Conference, University College Dublin, July 8-10, 2004, pp1 - 16 Conference Paper, 2004

Wylie G., Challenging Human Commodification: Ecumenical Responses To The Trafficking Of Women For Sexual Exploitation, Milltown Studies, 53, 2004, p14 - 37 Journal Article, 2004

Wylie, G., Genteel Revolutionaries: Anna and Thomas Haslam and the Irish Women's Movement, Review of Genteel Revolutionaries: Anna and Thomas Haslam and the Irish Women's Movement, by Carmel Quinlan , Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review, 92, (368), 2003, p84-86 Review, 2003

Wylie G., Secreted Lives: Eastern European Women and Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation in Ireland, Migrant Women Transforming Ireland conference, Dublin, April, 2003, pp1 - 18 Conference Paper, 2003

Wylie G., Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review, 92, 2003, p84-86 Review, 2003

Wylie G., The Future of the European Union: What, How and Why?, Studies: an Irish Quarterly Review, 91, (362), 2002, p125 - 133 Journal Article, 2002

Wylie G., Search: A Church of Ireland Journal, 24, 2001, p81-83 Review, 2001

Wylie G., Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 28, 1999, p711-712 Review, 1999

Research Expertise


My research encompasses two distinct and inter-related areas - human trafficking and the gendering of violence and peace. Critical trafficking studies is a growing field internationally and I am to the fore in shaping this area. Critical trafficking studies question the way knowledge of human trafficking is constructed, political responses to trafficking and the collateral damage to migrants these responses do. In 'The International Politics of Human Trafficking' (Palgrave 2016) and 'Feminism, Prostitution and the State' (Routledge 2017), I contribute to this by analysing the gendered politics of anti-trafficking norm formation at global (UN), regional (EU) and local (Irish) levels. In these and subsequent publications, I demonstrate that the criminalisation of trafficking by states and the 'victim/rescue' discourses of NGOs further the contemporary securitization of migration, to the detriment of exploited migrants. International recognition of my work includes membership of the editorial boards of the Journal of Human Trafficking and Frontiers: Society and Social Change. My second major research strand explores the gendering of violence and peace. My 2016-18 IRC New Foundations Grant with NGO partner Christian Aid Ireland researched 'responding to gender-based violence in contexts affected by conflict'. The learning from this research stressed the importance of an 'ecological' approach to GBV (from the personal to the political). The research has direct and important impacts, being used by the partner NGO to address GBV through programming in Zimbabwe and Myanmar. My expertise in the gendering of violence and peace is deployed as gender advisor to two H2020 projects on radicalisation, violent extremism and community resilience, PERICLES (2016-19) and PAVE (2019-2022). I co-curate a dissemination spin-off from PERICLES, Genderhub, a public engagement website of blogs and e-resources on the gendering of extremism. Forthcoming output from PAVE will provide innovative research and policy insights on gender, radicalisation, violence and peacebuilding.


  • Title
    • Designing GBV programming in fragile states and contexts affected by violence
  • Summary
    • This project is a collaboration with Christian Aid Ireland to research best practice programming in responding to gender based violence.
  • Funding Agency
    • Irish Research Council
  • Date From
    • 1.1.17
  • Date To
    • 30.9.17
  • Title
    • 'Trafficking for Forced Labour: The Irish Case'
  • Summary
    • This project was part of a six country study on 'Trafficking in Industries Other than the sex Industry Across Europe'. It involved empirical research into the extent of labour trafficking in Ireland and analysis of the root causes of migrant worker exploitation and analysis of policy responses.
  • Funding Agency
    • Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Date From
    • 2005
  • Date To
    • 2008


contemporary slavery; Global Civil Society; Globalisation; Human Trafficking; Migration; Sex Trafficking; Trafficking; UN1325; women, peace and security



COST Action Proposal External Evaluator January 2022

Member of the Board of Christian Aid Ireland 2015-present

External evaluator National University of Ireland Travelling Studentship Scheme Awards Scheme 2018 2018

External evaluator of the 2017 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships Call 2017

Member of conflict research academic and civil society group providing a response to Irish Government's Public Consultation on Ireland's Third National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security - UN Resolution 1325 2018

Work Package Leader - Erasmus Plus Capacity Building in Higher Education Project - PESTUGE Creating a Graduate Curriculum in Peace Studies in Georgia (2015-18) 2015-18

Co-leader TCD Equality Fund Project 'Learning to Build New Lives: Trinity College Responding in Times of Crisis' 2017

Review of book proposals for Palgrave, Routledge, Sage

Member of conflict research academic and civil society group providing a response to Irish Government's Public Consultation on the new White Paper on Irish Aid (2018) 2018

Member of International Advisory Board for research into Presbyterians Response to the Troubles (Queens University Belfast) 2017

Peer reviewer for journals including British Journal of Sociology, Cold War Studies, Comparative European Politics, Contemporary Justice Review, International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics, Journal of Human Trafficking,Comparative European Politics, Ethics and Social Welfare, Social Politics, Sexuality research and Social Policy, Signs.

Christian Aid 'From Violence to Peace' - External Advisory Group - a group of international academics and development practitioners advising CA on the development of this strategic aim. 2017-present

Member of International Advisory Board - Queens University Belfast research project commissioned by Department of Justice (NI) into Prostitution in Northern Ireland 2014

Representing TCD on Coimbra Group committee on university responses to the refugee crisis January 2017

Book manuscript pre- publication reviews for Rowan and Littlefield (in 2018) and University of Minnesota Press (in 2013)

Member of Trocaire project review committee 2004-2013

External examiner for PhD in University College Cork 7.10.16

External Examiner PhD Dublin City University 04.03.14

External examiner PhD University of West of England 2011

External Examiner PhD UCD 9.4.21

Editorial Board member and reviewer for Journal of Human Trafficking (Taylor and Francis) 2015

External Examiner Kimmage Development Studies MA 2007-2009

Member of the editorial board of the Jesuit publication Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review 2001-2012


Member of Political Studies Association of Ireland 2011 – present

Member of Conflict Research Society 2016 – present

Irish Sex Work Research Network (founding Board member) 2018 – present

Irish Peace and Conflict Experts Network 2018 – present