Dr. Zuleika Rodgers
Associate Professor/Head of Dept, Near & Middle Eastern Studies
Having taken my undergraduate degree at Trinity, I wrote my Ph.D. on the first-century Judean historian Flavius Josephus under the supervision of Prof. Sean Freyne. During my doctoral research, I studied in Jeruslem at the École Biblique et Archéologique française de Jérusalem and the Ratisbonne Institute. I have been working in the area of Hellenistic Judaism, publishing and organising conferences and I am co-edited (with Prof. Honora Chapman) the Blackwell Companion to Josephus. I am now focusing my research on the study of the Jewish experience in Ireland.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Jews in Ireland and Multiple Marginalities: Some Reflections on Historiography, Identity and Representation in, editor(s)Zuleika Rodgers and Natalie Wynn , Reimagining the Jews of Ireland: Historiography, Identity and Representation, UK, Peter Lang, 2023, pp6 - 21, [Zuleika Rodgers, Katrina Goldstone, Natalie Wynn]
Zuleika Rodgers and Natalie Wynn, Reimagining the Jews of Ireland Historiography, Identity and Representation:, UK, Peter Lang Group, 2023, 1 - 227pp
Josephus, Titus Flavius Judaism Second Temple/Hellenistic Judaism, Elmer, Christine / McKenzie, Steven Linn / Römer, Thomas Chr. / Schröter, Jens / Walfish, Barry Dov / Ziolkowski, Eric, Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception , first, 14, Berlin, Boston, de Gruyter, 2017, pp733 - 741, [Zuleika Rodgers]
Zuleika Rodgers and Honora Howell Chapman, Companion to Josephus, UK, Wiley Blackwell , 2016
A Twentieth-Century Irishman's First Century Palestine: George Moore's The Brook Kerith in, editor(s)Joel Baden, Hindy Najman and Eibert Tigchelaar , Sibyls, Scriptures, and Scrolls: John Collins at Seventy, Boston; Leiden, Brill, 2016, pp1128 - 1144, [Zuleika Rodgers]
Josephus's Biblical Interpretation in, editor(s)Matthias Henze , A Companion to Biblical Interpretation in Early Judaism, Grand Rapids, MI and Cambrdige, UK, Eerdmans, 2012, pp436 - 464, [Zuleika Rodgers]
Zuleika Rodgers, with Anne Fitzpatrick McKinley and Margaret Daly-Denton , A Wandering Galilean: Essays in Honour of Sean Freyne, Leiden, Boston, Brill, 2009
Monarchy vs. Priesthood: Josephus, Justus of Tiberius, and Agrippa II in, editor(s)Zuleika Rodgers with Anne Fitzpatrick McKinley and Margaret Daly-Denton , A Wandering Galilean: Essays in Honour of Sean Freyne, Leiden, Boston, Brill, 2009, pp173 - 184, [Zuleika Rodgers]
Zuleika Rodgers, Josephus' "Theokratia" and Mosaic Discourse: The Actualisation of Revelation at Sinai., The Significance of Sinai: Traditions about Sinai and Divine Revelation in Judaism and Christianity, Leiden, Boston, edited by George J. Brooke, Hindy Najman, Loren T. Stuckenbruck , Brill, 2008, pp129 - 148
Z. Rodgers, Making History: Josephus and Historical Method, Leiden, Brill, 2006, 471pp
Introduction in, editor(s)Z. Rodgers , Z. Rodgers, Making History: Josephus and Historical Method, Leiden, Brill, 2006, pp1 - 22, [Z. Rodgers]
Justice for Justus: a re-examination of Justus of Tiberias' role in Josephus' Autobiography in, editor(s)B. McGing and J. Mossman , The Limits of Ancient Biography, Swansea, The Classical Press of Wales, 2006, pp169 - 192, [Z. Rodgers]
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Zuleika Rodgers, 'Prof. Jacob Weingreen: His Life, Scholarship and Near Eastern Collection'., The Annual Richard D. Barnett Memorial Lecture, Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society, Institute of Archaeology, University College London , January 2017, 2017
Zuleika Rodgers, 'Re-Imagining the Jews of Ireland', In:'Re-Imagining the Jews of Ireland', 2017, TCD
Zuleika Rodgers, 'Jews in Ireland from British Subjects to Irish Citizens: 1916 and 2016', Annual Maccabean Society Lecture, Kings College London , 16 March, 2016, Maccabean Society
Zuleika Rodgers, 'Jews and Political Discourse', July , In:British Association for Jewish Studies, Annual Conference , 2014, TCD
Zuleika Rodgers, 'Irish Attitudes to Israel', American Jewish Committee Talk, West Chester, NY, November, 2014, American Jewish Committee
Zuleika Rodgers, ''History of Hebrew Scholarship at Trinity College Dublin"', Old Library, Trinity College Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, 2014, -
Zuleika Rodgers, Trinity Monday Discourse on 'Jacob Weingreen', Trinity Monday Discourse, TCD, April, 2013, College
Zuleika Rodgers, 'First Century Jews in Twentieth Century Ireland: George Moore's Essenes', Phebe McClatchy Conley Classics Lecture Series, California State University, Fresno , November, 2011, Department of Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures
Zuleika Rodgers, Jan Willem van Henten, Shlomo Berger, 'Re-interpreting Hellenistic Judaism in the Nineteenth through Twenty-First Centuries', September, In:'Re-interpreting Hellenistic Judaism in the Nineteenth through Twenty-First Centuries', 2011, University of Amsterdam
Zuleika Rodgers, Tradition and Innovation: Flavius Josephus and the Judean Priesthood, "HISTORIOGRAFIA E LITERATURA APOCALÍPTICA NO SÉC.I D.C.: ASPECTOS DA LITERATURA JUDAICA DO MEDITERRÂNEO ENTRE LEITURAS DO PASSADO E HISTORIOGRAFIA DO FUTURO", Universidade de Brasília , November, 2010, Prof. Vicente Dobroruka
Zuleika Rodgers, Retrospective Rivalry? Josephus and Justus of Tiberias , "HISTORIOGRAFIA E LITERATURA APOCALÍPTICA NO SÉC.I D.C.: ASPECTOS DA LITERATURA JUDAICA DO MEDITERRÂNEO ENTRE LEITURAS DO PASSADO E HISTORIOGRAFIA DO FUTURO", Universidade de Brasília, November, 2010, Prof. Vicente Dobroruka
Zuleika Rodgers, Translating Theocracy: Flavius Josephus and Biblical Interpretation, "HISTORIOGRAFIA E LITERATURA APOCALÍPTICA NO SÉC.I D.C.: ASPECTOS DA LITERATURA JUDAICA DO MEDITERRÂNEO ENTRE LEITURAS DO PASSADO E HISTORIOGRAFIA DO FUTURO", Universidade de Brasília, November, 2010, Prof. Vicente Dobroruka
HETI, A. McElligott, A. Kramer, Z. Rodgers, 'Antisemitism and Holocaust Denial: New Perspectives'', November, 2009, 2009
Zuleika Rodgers, Josephus' Biblical Interpretation, Irish Biblical Association Evening Lecture, Trinity College Dublin, November, 2008, Irish Biblical Association
Zuleika Rodgers, 'Academic Colloquium in Honour of Prof. Sean Freyne', 2007, 2007, TCD
Zuleika Rodgers, 'Workshop on the Reception of Hellenistic Judaism from the 18th Century to the Present', July , 2007, TCD
Zuleika Rodgers, Monarchy vs. Priesthood: Josephus, Justus of Tiberias and Agrippa II, SBL Josephus Group, Washington DC, November, 2006
Zuleika Rodgers, 'Josephus between Monarchy and Priesthood', Seminar in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity, University of Toronto , December, 2005, Seminar in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity
Zuleika Rodgers, 'Mediating Divine Will: Priests and Kings in the Writings of Josephus', Prophetic Imagination session, Association for Jewish Studies, Washington DC, December , 2005
Zuleika Rodgers, 'Making History: Josephus and Historical Method', 2004, 2004, TCD
Research Expertise
Member of the Royal Irish Academy Committee for Classical and Near Eastern Studies
Zutot: Perspectives on Jewish Culture (Leiden; Brill), Member of Editorial Board
British Association for Jewish Studies, President
British Association for Jewish Studies, committee member
British Association for Jewish Studies, Web Officer
International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, Irish Delegate to the Academic Working Group
Alexander Street, Twentieth Century Religious Thought Library: Volume II Judaism. Advisory Board
Program Chair, Society of Biblical Literature, Hellenistic Judaism Section
Northern British Isles Jewish Studies Partnership
Honorary Patron of the Holocaust Education Trust Ireland
AHRC Project on the Reception of Josephus in Jewish Culture, University of Oxford (collaborator)
Member of the Royal Irish Academy Committee for the Study of Near Eastern Religions
Chair, National Undergraduate Awards (Religions and Theology section)
Consultant for Leaving Certificate examinations in Religious Education, Dept of Education
National Undergraduate Awards (panel judge)
External Examiner for PhD thesis, University of Reading
External Examiner for PhD thesis, University of Southampton
External Examiner for PhD thesis, Hebrew University Jerusalem
Consultation, Junior Cycle Jewish Studies (NCCA)
Awards and Honours
Provost's Project Award
Trinity Global Engagement Award
Provost's Teaching Award
Bat Kol Scholarship, Ratisbonne Institute, Jerusalem
Bourse de L'École, École Biblique et Archéologique Française de Jérusalem
Trinity College Postgraduate Studies Award
Trinity College, Toplady Memorial Prize
Trinity College, 1734 Bishop Forster Divinity Premium
Trinity College, Lambert Prize for Biblical Greek
Trinity College, 1984 Prize for Biblical Greek
Trinity College, 1984 Prize for Biblical Greek
Trinity College, Carson Biblical Prize
British Association for Jewish Studies President 2013-2014 Web officer 2017- Committee member 2009-
European Association of Jewish Studies
Northern British Isles Jewish Studies Partners
Program Chair, Hellenistic Judaism Session, Society of Biblical Literature
Society of Biblical Literature
Academy Committee Classical and Near Eastern Studies, Royal Irish Academy
Association of Jewish Studies
International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, Irish Delegate to the Academic Working Group
International Association of Genocide Scholars
Canadian Society for Biblical Studies
Oriental Society of Toronto
Member of the Royal Irish Academy Committee for the Study of Near Eastern Religions