Professor Anna Chahoud
CHAIR OF LATIN (1870), Classics
I studied Classics in Bologna (Laurea in Lettere Classiche, 1991) and Pisa (Dottorato di Ricerca in Filologia greco-latina, 1996), and worked in England (Reading, 1997-8, and Durham, 1998-1999) before coming to Ireland in 1999. My research concentrates on early Latin and the transmission of Latin texts from antiquity to the early modern period. I have long been engaged in the study of fragmentary Republican satire, working on a new edition of, and the first English-language commentary, on the fragments of Lucilius. I am the author of a systematic study of Lucilius, of articles on Republican Latin and the grammatical tradition, and co-editor (with E. Dickey) of Colloquial and Literary Latin (Cambridge University Press 2010). I contributed to the New Oxford Dictionary of National Biography and am consulting editor for the Bryn Mawr Classical Review. I am a Fellow of Trinity College (FTCD[2007]) and College Public Orator.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Monica R. Gale, Anna Chahoud, The Augustan Space: The Poetics of Geography, Topography and Monumentality, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2024
Anna Chahoud, Non-literary Latin, standards and stylisation: Some observations on 'archaism', Thesaurus Linguae Latinae International Summer School on Latin Lexicography,, Munich, Bavarian Academy of Sciences, 31 July 2024, 2024, Thesaurus Linguae Latinae
Introduction: What is Early Latin? in, editor(s)J. N. Adams, A. Chahoud, G. Pezzini , Early Latin: Constructs, Diversity, Reception, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2023, pp1-14 , [Giuseppe Pezzini, Anna Chahoud]
Early Latin to Neo-Latin: Festus and Scaliger in, editor(s)J.N. Adams, A. Chahoud, G. Pezzini , Early Latin: Constructs, Diversity, Reception, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2023, pp563-581 , [Anna Chahoud]
A. Campus, A. Chahoud, G. Lusini, S. Marchesini, Tempus Tacendi: Quando il silenzio comunica, Verona, Alteritas Press, 2023
How 'Early Latin' is Lucilius? in, editor(s)J. N. Adams, A. Chahoud, and G. Pezzini , Early Latin: Constructs, Diversity, Reception, Cambridge, 2023, pp351-372 , [Anna Chahoud]
J. N. Adams, Anna Chahoud, Giuseppe Pezzini, Early Latin: Constructs, Diversity, Reception, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2023
The Language of Catullus in, editor(s)I. DuQuesnay and A. J. Woodman , The Cambridge Companion to Catullus, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2021, pp116 - 142, [Anna Chahoud]
Introduzione in, editor(s)A. Chahoud, M. Rosellini, E. Spangenberg Yanes , Rationes Rerum 14: Latin Grammarians Forum 2018-2019, 2021, pp1-14 , [Anna Chahoud]
Rationes Rerum: Latin Grammarians Forum 2018-2019, 14, (2021), 1-336p, A. Chahoud, E. Spangenberg Yanes, M. Rosellini, [eds.], 2019
The Orator and the Poet: J. V. Luce on Robert Lowell in, editor(s)Eve Cobain and Philip Coleman , Robert Lowell and irish Poetry, Oxford, Berlin, Bern, Brussels, New York, Vienna, Peter Lang, 2020, pp1 - 5, [Anna Chahoud]
Lucilius on Latin spelling, grammar and usage in, editor(s)Giuseppe Pezzini and Barney Taylor , Nature and Language in the Classical Roman World, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2019, pp46-78 , [Anna Chahoud]
A. Chahoud, J. V. Luce+, B. McGing, Honoris Causa: orations delivered by the public orator in praise of honorary graduates of the University of Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, during the chancellorship of Mary Robinson 1998-2019, Dublin, 2019, 545 pp.pp
I vizi di Ovidio: variabili morfosintattiche ed effetti stilistici in, editor(s)L. Nicolini and A. Bonandini , Omnia mutantur. Nuove letture sul lessico e lo stile di Ovidio, Florence, Sismel, 2019, pp17 - 34, [Anna Chahoud]
Anna Chahoud, 'Lucilius', First Edition, (Oxford Bibliographies), Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2018, - 29 pp., 13265 words
Verbal Mosaics: Speech Patterns and Generic Stylisation in Lucilius in, editor(s)B.W. Breed, Rex Wallace, E. Keitel , Our Lucilius: Satire in Second Century Rome, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2018, pp132 - 161, [Anna Chahoud]
A pseudo-classical dialogue in TCD MS 632 in, editor(s)Anna Chahoud , Fabellae Dublinenses Revisited and other essays in honour of Marvin Colker, Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, 2017, pp153 - 182, [Anna Chahoud and Ernesto Stagni]
Anna Chahoud (ed.), Fabellae Dublinenses Revisited and Other Essays In honour of M. L. Colker (Hermathena Special Issue 2017) , Dublin, 2017
Varro's Latin and Varro on Latin in, editor(s)'R. Ferri and A. Zago (eds.) , The Latin of the Grammarians: Reflections about Language in the Roman World, Pisa, 2016, pp15 - 31, [Anna Chahoud]
Quid ago? Quid facimus? 'Deliberative' Indicative Questions from Early to Late Latin in, editor(s)J. N. Adams and Nigel Vincent , Early and Late Latin: Continuity and Change, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2016, pp217 - 245, [Anna Chahoud]
Anna Chahoud, 'The Augustan Space: A Bimillennium, Rome AD 14 - Dublin 2014', Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, 2014, -
Anna Chahoud, 'The Letter', C'è chi crede nei sogni per Mario Geymonat, Rome, Teti, 2014, 35 - 36
Anna Chahoud, The Augustan Space, 12-15 June 2014, 2014, Trinity College Dublin, Anna Chahoud and Monica Gale
Lucilio: L'invenzione di un'identità in, editor(s)Luca Canali , Altri classici, 2013, pp1-14 , [Anna Chahoud]
Anna Chahoud, 'John Victor Luce, Public Orator 1972-2005',, 2012, -
The Language of Roman Verse Satire in, editor(s)James Clackson , Blackwell Companion to the Latin Language, Malden, MA and Oxford, Blackwell, 2011, pp367 - 383, [Anna Chahoud]
Anna Chahoud, Trinity Treasures: MSS Case Studies, 24 September, 2010, Trinity College Dublin
E. Dickey and A. Chahoud (eds.), Colloquial and Literary Latin, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2010, 515pp.pp
Romani ueteres atque urbani sales: a note on Cic. De Orat. 2.262 and Lucil. 173M in, editor(s)C.S. Kraus, J. Marincola, C. Pelling , Ancient Historiography and Its Contexts: Studies in honour of A. J. Woodman, Oxford, OUP, 2010, pp87 - 96, [Anna Chahoud]
Anna Chahoud, Latin Identities: Post-Reformation Sources in Europe, 16-18 September 2010, 2010, Trinity College Dublin
Idiom(s) and literariness in classical literary criticism in, editor(s)Eleanor Dickey and Anna Chahoud , Colloquial and Literary Latin, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2010, pp42 - 64, [Anna Chahoud]
Alterità linguistica, latinitas e ideologia tra Lucilio e Cicerone in, editor(s)Renato Oniga , Plurilinguismo letterario, Udine, 2008, pp38 - 56, [Anna Chahoud]
Antiquity and Authority in Nonius Marcellus in, editor(s)David Scourfield , Texts and Culture in Late Antiquity: Inheritance, Authority, and Change, Classical Press of Wales, 2007, pp69 - 96, [Anna Chahoud]
Christopher Pitt (1699-1748), New Oxford DNB, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2004, [Anna Chahoud]
Thomas Twining (1735-1804), New Oxford DNB, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2004, [Anna Chahoud]
William Broome (1689-1745), New Oxford DNB, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2004, [Anna Chahoud]
Floyer Sydenham (1710-1787), New Oxford DNB, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2004, [Anna Chahoud]
John Potenger (1647-1733), New Oxford DNB, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2004, [Anna Chahoud]
Anna Chahoud, Review of Latin Language and Latin Culture, by J. Farrell , Classics Ireland, 11, 2004
George Adams (1698-1768?), New Oxford DNB, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2004, [Anna Chahoud]
Anna Chahoud, The Roman satirist speaks Greek, Classics Ireland, 11, 2004, p1 - 46
Anna Chahoud, C. Lucilii Reliquiarum Concordantiae, Hildesheim-Zürich-New York, Olms-Weidmann, 1998, i - 368pp
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Anna Chahoud, Timpanaro e la storia della lingua latina, O tenebris tantis. La filologia latina (e dintorni) di Sebastiano Timpanaro, University of Pisa, 24-25 /11/2023, 2023
A. Chahoud, Latino arcaico e lingua d'uso negli Studi luciliani, La filologia di Italo Mariotti, Bologna, 19.04.23, 2023
A. Chahoud, Lucilio uetustissimus? La testimonianza di Prisciano, L'Ars grammatica di Prisciano come fonte di tradizione indiretta (ERC AdG PAGES), Rome, 6-8/09/2023, 2023
La poesia insegna a vivere. Omaggio a Mario Geymonat in, editor(s)A. Lombardo , Quaderni della Palabra 4, Venice, 2023, [A. Chahoud, C. Kerrigan, L. Fort, G. Della Pietà]
A. Chahoud, Lingua d'arte e lingua d'uso Latina, University of Genoa, 19-28/04/22, 2022
A. Chahoud, Variazioni di registro nell'Ennio Minore, University of Florence, 27/10/22, 2022
Le donne e la guerra. Tre testi in omaggio a Mario Geymonat in, editor(s)Anna Lombardo , Quaderni della Palabra 3, Venice, 2022, [Anna Chahoud, C. Kerrigan, L. Fort, and A. Lombardo]
A. Chahoud, Latino `arcaico" e Petronio: qualche osservazione, Cantiere Petroniano IV, University of Florence, 26/05/22, 2022
A. Chahoud, Respondent to Latin Session, The Politics of Archaism in the Imperial Period, University of Bristol, 1/7/22, 2022
Omaggio a Mario Geymonat. Lines for the Present Moment: Virgil"s Georgics in, editor(s)A. Lombardo , Quaderni della Palabra 2, Venice, 2021, [Anna Chahoud, C. Kerrigan, C. Franco]
A. Chahoud, Scritture Nascoste Scritture Invisibili, Online, 22/01/21, 2021, S. Marchesini, A. Campus, P. Poccetti
Charlie Kerrigan, Anna Chahoud, and Rodolfo Funari, Omaggio a Mario Geymonat: Virgilio, Ecloga 9, 2020, - 225-239
A. Chahoud, La satira perduta: I disiecta membra di Lucilio, Tradizione frammentaria e tradizione indiretta, University of Genoa, 16/05/19, 2019
Research Expertise
My research focuses on two main areas - Early Latin language and literature and the transmission of Latin texts from antiquity to the early modern period. I am especially interested in the interaction between literary and spoken language in the process of formation of genre-specific poetic diction in Roman Republican literature. My primary interest is in early Roman satire; my commentary on the fragments of Lucilius (in progress) investigates the relationships between hexametrical poetry and the comic register on the one hand and stylized prose on the other. I am also working on an edition of fragments of Republican Latin satire, political invective and popular verse for Harvard University Press, which explores the relationship between the literary genre and colloquial, sub-literary and non-literary Latin. My concern with the survival of fragmentary texts through the grammatical and scholarly tradition of Classical and Late Antiquity has led to a wider study of ancient Latin linguistics in its own right.Projects
- Title
- Lucilius, Satires
- Summary
- Critical edition with commentary of the fragments of the 2nd century BC satirist C. Lucilius (Cambridge University Press)
- Date From
- In Progress
- Title
- Latin Texts in Ireland
- Summary
- I have initiated a collaborative project with European partners on the study and possible digitization of select Medieval and Renaissance Latin manuscripts in Trinity College, for which I obtained a small but very valuable grant from the LRH; the project is intended to encourage international research on TCD resources and as a first step towards establishing a Trinity-based centre for the study of Latin transmission and textual criticism, in conjunction with the MPhil in Classics programme.
- Funding Agency
- Long Room Hub (PRTLI4)
- Date From
- 2009
- Date To
- 2010
- Title
- Latin Identities: Post-Reformation Sources in Europe
- Summary
- The workshop was intended as a scoping exercise, with a view to setting up a European network for the study of Greco-Roman influences in early modern Latin texts of the counter-Reformation, with an emphasis on non-canonical genres (e.g. praise poetry, satire) and minority areas of reception of classical culture (e.g. Scottish Puritan Latin). Such texts (a) provide a corrective to the picture of the role of classical influences in the formation of European literature, (b) supply a primary-source context for cultural, political and religious debates in early modern Europe; and (c) afford opportunities for research on largely unpublished material.
- Funding Agency
- European Science Foundation
- Date From
- 16/09/2010
- Date To
- 18/09/2010
- Title
- Augustus Bimillennium at Trinity College Dublin
- Summary
- Series of grouped under the title 'The Augustan Space' aim to explore the impact of the cultural programme of the Emperor Augustus (d. AD 14) on the formation of European identities. Questions addressed include tradition and transformation; nationalism and inclusiveness; monumentalisation of history and destabilising power of literature. Events include an international conference; poetry and music recital; exhibition of artwork based on digitised items from College collections (manuscript, maps and coins).
- Funding Agency
- Long Room Hub
- Date From
- May 2013
- Date To
- June 2014
ERC SH5 Cultures and Cultural Production Panel Member/Chair
MC Member [IS1407 IE] to COST Action IS1407 Ancient European Languages and Writing (AELAW)
Manuscript, Book and Print Cultures Research Theme, TLRH, Trinity College
NWO Summit Grant Panel member
Classics Advisory Board, Trinity College Dublin
Scientific Evaluator, Anvur Italian Universities VQR 2004-2010
External Examiner, Maynooth University
External Assessor, Quality Review, Classics, University College Cork
TCD Representative, Central Council of the Classical Association of Ireland
Scientific Evaluator, European Science Foundation
Evaluator, Ireland Undergraduate Awards
Evaluator HH Stewart Scholarship, National University of Ireland
Awards and Honours
TLRH Research Incentive Scheme, 4000
Trinity Association and Trust, 3000
Visiting Scientist, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa
PRTLI IV (LRH New Initiative) 5000
ESF Exploratory Workshop, 6000
Dictionary of Medieval Latin from Celtic Sources (Royal Irish Academy), Editorial Board
Internationale Thesaurus-Kommission, Thesaurus Linguae Latinae, Bavarian Academy of Sciences (Munich), Irish Delegate (nominated by the Royal Irish Academy)
Bryn Mawr Classical Review, Consulting Editor
Commentarius Rinuccinianus Editorial Board
Classical Association of Ireland
Réseau Poesie Augustéenne, Associate member