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Dr. Igor Candido
Associate Professor, Italian


Igor Candido is Associate Professor in Italian at Trinity College Dublin. He holds two doctoral degrees in Italian literature, a Ph.D. from the Johns Hopkins University (2011) and a Dr.Phil. from the University of Turin, Italy (2009). In 2013-2014 he was the recipient of the Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship to conduct research at Freie Universität Berlin. He has lectured and taught in Italy, the US, Germany, Ireland and written on Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio, Poliziano, De Sanctis, Pascoli, Emerson, Longfellow. He has provided the critical edition of Ralph Waldo Emerson's translation of Dante's Vita nuova (Aragno editore, 2012) as well as a monograph on Boccaccio as reader and imitator of Apuleius of Madauros (Boccaccio umanista. Studi su Boccaccio e Apuleio, Longo editore, 2014). He has just finished editing a volume titled Petrarch and Boccaccio. The Unity of Knowledge in the Pre-modern World (Walter De Gruyter, 2018) and is currently working on a new commented edition of Petrarch's The Life of Solitude (Toronto University Press, under contract). He is also editing a special issue of Ecdotica(Carocci editore, 2025). His new research project is tentatively titled "The Prehistory of the Novel. Studies in the Origins and Silent Transmission of Western Narrative Fiction." He is one of the editors of: Lettere italiane, and Archivio Novellistico Italiano and is a member of the scientific board of the "Rassegna Europea della Letteratura Italiana" and "Griselda Online". He collaborates with Italian and American journals such as "L'Indice dei libri del mese" and "Modern Language Notes".

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Apulée et la loi pétrarquienne de l'imitation in, editor(s)Joseph Dalbera , Les Métamorphoses d'Apulée à travers les lieux et les âges Réceptions, réécritures, héritages, Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2024, pp103 - 122, [Igor Candido] Book Chapter, 2024 URL

Il Dante dei puritani e l"eredità della teologia gotica in, editor(s)I. Pontoriero and M. Veglia , "E sarai meco senza fine cive". Temi, personaggi e fortuna della cultura politica e giuridica di Dante, Bologna, Bologna University Press, 2023, pp145 - 162, [Igor Candido] Book Chapter, 2023 DOI

I due sensi della Vita nova o delle ipostasi d'Amore in, editor(s)Paolo Borsa, Anna Maria Cabrini , Dante e il prosimetro: dalla "Vita nova" al "Convivio",, Milan, Lededizioni, 2023, pp35 - 62, [Igor Candido] Book Chapter, 2023 DOI URL

Mulier ficta: la creazione del personaggio femminile da Dante a Manzoni in, editor(s)I. Candido, C. Fenoglio, G. Ricca, D. Santero , La letteratura permanente. Poeti, scrittori, critici per Giorgio Ficara, Milan, La Nave di Teseo, 2022, pp197 - 209, [Igor candido] Book Chapter, 2022

"The Vita Nuova Will Yet Have American Successors": Translating Dante in Nineteenth-Century New England in, editor(s)J. Blakesley and F. Coluzzi , English Life of the Vita Nuova, London, Routledge, 2022, pp76 - 92, [Igor Candido] Book Chapter, 2022

Linking the ancients to posterity: Petrarch's ideal and intended readership in De vita solitaria in, editor(s)Bernhard Huss , Affects and Community-Formation in the Petrarchan World, Berlin, 2022, pp53 - 61, [Igor Candido] Book Chapter, 2022 URL

Igor Candido, Chiara Fenoglio, Raffaello Palumbo Mosca, Silvia Ricca, Daniele Santero, La letteratura permanente. Poeti, scrittori, critici per Giorgio Ficara, Milano, La Nave di Teseo, 2022, 1 - 624pp Book, 2022

Igor Candido, Singleton's unpublished edition of the Vita nuova, Modern Language Notes, 137, (1), 2022, p175 - 208 Journal Article, 2022 URL

Le lettere perdute di Francesco Bruni a Petrarca, Boccaccio, Salutati e tre inedite a Francesco e Bene del Bene in, editor(s)Sabrina Ferrara , Échanges épistolaires autour de Pétrarque et Boccace, Paris, Honoré Champion, 2021, pp329 - 358, [Igor Candido] Book Chapter, 2021

Igor Candido, Avventurati incontri. , Review of Testi e vicende del Trecento, by Renzo Bragantini , L'Indice dei libri del mese, (7/8), 2021, p41 Review, 2021 URL

Igor Candido, Dante conviviale: mito classico e dottrina cristiana in Pascoli, Rivista di letteratura italiana, 39, (3), 2021, p45 - 55 Journal Article, 2021 URL

Igor Candido, Psyche's Textual Journey from Apuleius to Boccaccio and Petrarch. In: The Afterlife of Apuleius, Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies , 140, 2021, p65 - 78 Journal Article, 2021 DOI URL

Igor Candido, Carte d'identità letterariedei narratori decameroniani, Griseldaonline, 19, (2), 2020, p221 - 244 Journal Article, 2020 DOI URL

Igor Candido, «Un modello di edizione insieme critica ed esegetica»: la Vita nuova di Barbi, Studi danteschi, 85, 2020, p1 - 25 Journal Article, 2020

Igor Candido, 'Boccaccio', Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy, Dordrecht, Springer, 2020, - Bibliography, filmography, etc., 2020 URL DOI

Igor Candido, Boccaccio Reading Cino Reading Dante in Filostrato V 62-66, Modern Language Notes, 134, (supplement), 2019, p105 - 117 Journal Article, 2019 DOI URL

Igor Candido, Per una rilettura della Vita Nova: la prima visio in somniis, Lettere italiane, 71, (1), 2019, p21 - 50 Journal Article, 2019

Introduction in, editor(s)Igor Candido , Petrarch and Boccaccio. The Unity of Knowledge in the Pre-modern World, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2018, pp1 - 14, [Igor Candido] Book Chapter, 2018

Igor Candido, 'The Bible of Love:' Emerson's and Rossetti's Early Translations of The Vita Nuova, Studj romanzi, n.s., 2018, p125 - 148 Journal Article, 2018

Igor Candido (ed.), Petrarch and Boccaccio. The Unity of Knowledge in the Pre-modern World, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2018, 1 - 380pp Book, 2018 URL DOI

Igor Candido, Visuali retrospettive, Review of Dante leggero, by Marco Veglia , L'Indice dei libri del mese, (12), 2018, p27 Review, 2018

I confini del Decameron: Fiammetta e Corbaccio a confronto in, editor(s)Philippe Guerin, Manuele Gragnolati , Aimer ou ne pas aimer: une question, deux textes: Boccace Elegia di madonna Fiammetta et Corbaccio. Colloque International organisé par les Universités Sorbonne nouvelle - Paris 3 et Sorbonne Université, 25-26 janvier 2018 , Paris, PSN, 2018, pp191 - 207, [Igor Candido] Book Chapter, 2018

Dante, Petrarch, and Boccaccio on Conversion. in, editor(s)Igor Candido , Petrarch and Boccaccio. The Unity of Knowledge in the Pre-modern World, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2018, pp153 - 175, [Igor Candido] Book Chapter, 2018

Igor Candido, Review of L'eccezione italiana: L'intellettuale laico nel Medioevo e l'origine del Rinascimento, by Ronald Witt , LÍndice dei libri del mese, (2), 2018, p19 Review, 2018

Igor Candido, Review of La realtà come invenzione. Forme e storia della novella italiana , by E. Menetti, , L'Indice dei librid el mese, 2017, p21 Review, 2017

Igor Candido, Boccaccio sulla via del romanzo. Metamorfosi di un genere tra antico e moderno, Archivio novellistico italiano, 1, 2016, p6 - 26 Journal Article, 2016

Legere quod scripserunt primi, scribere quod legant ultimi: itinerari della lettura (e della scrittura) tra Petrarca e Boccaccio in, editor(s)G. Rizzarelli and C. Savettieri , C'è un lettore in questo testo? Rappresentazioni letterarie della lettura in Italia, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2016, pp43 - 67, [Igor Candido] Book Chapter, 2016 URL

Archivio Novellistico Italiano, 1, 1, (2016), Igor Candido, [eds.] Journal, 2016 URL

Igor Candido, L'esilio di Dante nella letteratura inglese e americana tra Otto e Novecento (con una premessa storica al Dante dei puritani), Letture classensi, 45, 2016, p85 - 103 Journal Article, 2016 URL

Igor Candido, Il cor inquietum di Dante e il cor quietum di Boccaccio nella Storia di Francesco de Sanctis, Lettere italiane, 67, (2), 2015, p225 - 249 Journal Article, 2015

Igor Candido, Review of The Booke of Ovyde Named Methamorphose. Ed. by R. J. Moll. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Medieval, 2013, by William Caxton , The Medieval Review , 2015 Review, 2015 URL

Boccaccio rinnovatore di generi classici in, editor(s)F. Ciabattoni, E. Filosa and K. Olson , Boccaccio 1313-2013. Proceedings of the Second Triennial American Boccaccio Association Conference, Ravenna, Longo editore, 2015, pp225 - 236, [Igor Candido] Book Chapter, 2015 URL

Igor Candido, Il pane tra le favole o del Convivio di Boccaccio: l'Introduzione alla Quarta Giornata, Heliotropia, 12, 2015, p51 - 85 Journal Article, 2015 URL

Christopher Celenza, Il Rinascimento perduto. La letteratura latina nella cultura italiana del Quattrocento . Ed. and trans by Igor Candido, Rome, Carocci, 2014 Book, 2014 URL

Igor Candido, Boccaccio umanista. Studi su Boccaccio e Apuleio, Ravenna, Longo editore, 2014, 1 - 165pp Book, 2014 URL

Igor Candido, Ovidio e il pubblico del Decameron, Levia Gravia, 15-16, 2014, p1 - 15 Journal Article, 2014

Branca e il MS Hamilton 90 della Staatsbibliothek di Berlino in, editor(s)Cesare De Michelis and Gilberto Pizzamiglio , Le lezioni Di Vittore Branca, Florence, Olschki, 2014, pp35 - 52, [Igor Candido] Book Chapter, 2014 URL

Igor Candido, Review of Il giusto Enea e il pio Rifeo. Pagine dantesche. Florence: Leo Olschki, 2012, by Edoardo Fumagalli , The Medieval Review , 2013 Review, 2013 URL

Igor Candido, Review of Tre studi sul "De mulieribus claris". Milan: LED, 2012, by Elsa Filosa , Studi sul Boccaccio, 41, 2013, p403-408 Review, 2013

Igor Candido, Poetry and Imagination: Emerson interprete di Dante, in Vita Nuova, Turin, Aragno editore, 2012, 1 - 175pp Book, 2012 URL

Venus duplex: Apuleio dal Teseida alla Comedia delle ninfe fiorentine in, editor(s)E. Filosa and M. Papio , Boccaccio in America. Proceedings of the ABA Conference, Amherst, Longo editore, 2012, pp221 - 239, [Igor Candido] Book Chapter, 2012 URL

Vita Nuova, Igor Candido, (Filosofia anglo-americana), Torino:, Aragno editore, 2012, 1 - 308 Critical Edition (Book), 2012 URL

Igor Candido, Review of Dante. Il paradigma intellettuale. Un'inventio degli anni fiorentini. Florence: Olschki, 2011, by Maria Luisa Ardizzone , L'Indice dei libri del mese, (5), 2012, p22 Review, 2012

Igor Candido, Review of La Commedia di Dante Alighieri, a c. di R. Hollander. Florence: Olschki, 2011), by Dante Alighieri , L'Indice dei libri del mese, (6), 2012, p22 Review, 2012

Igor Candido, Review of Boccaccio's Expositions on Dante's Comedy, by Michael Papio , Studi sul Boccaccio, 39, 2011, p412-416 Review, 2011

Igor Candido, La straordinaria fortuna di Dante in America, L'Indice dei libri del mese, 1, 2011, p14 Review Article, 2011

Igor Candido, Review of Dante e la questione della lingua di Adamo (D.v.e., I 4-7; Par. XXVI 124-38). Rome: Salerno, 2010, by Massimiliano Corrado , L'Indice dei libri del mese, (4), 2011, p23 Review, 2011

Igor Candido, Review of Dante. Storia di un visionario. Bari: Laterza, 2008, by Guglielmo Gorni , Lettere italiane, 51, (2), 2011, p334-338 Review, 2011

Igor Candido, Review of Fuga in "Paradiso". Storia intertestuale di Cunizza da Romano. Ravenna: Longo editore, 2010, by Valter Puccetti , L'Indice dei libri del mese, 11, 2011, p43 Review, 2011

Igor Candido, Review of Perché Dante? Rome: Aracne, 2010, by John A. Scott , L'Indice dei libri del mese, 1, 2011, p14 Review, 2011

Igor Candido, Review of Filologia e critica dantesca. Brescia: La Scuola, 2008), by Saverio Bellomo , Modern Language Notes, 125, (1), 2010, p248-250 Review, 2010

Igor Candido, Review of Girolamo Cardano, De sapientia libri quinque,Florence: Olschki, 2008, by Marco Bracali , Neo-Latin News , 58, (1-2), 2010, p100-102 Review, 2010

Igor Candido, European Influences and American Identity in Longfellow's Dantism, Dante Studies, 129, 2010, p103 - 123 Journal Article, 2010

The Role of the Philosopher in Late Quattrocento Florence: Poliziano's Lamia and the Legacy of the Pico-Barbaro Epistolary Controversy in, editor(s)Christopher S. Celenza , Angelo Poliziano's Lamia in Context , Leiden, Brill, 2010, pp95 - 129, [Igor Candido] Book Chapter, 2010 URL

Igor Candido, Rassegna di studi danteschi in Nord America (1990-2010), Lettere italiane, 62, (1), 2010, p114 - 150 Journal Article, 2010

Modern Language Notes, 124, 5, (2009), Igor Candido and Francesco Caruso, [eds.] Journal, 2009 URL URL

Igor Candido, La fabula di Amore e Psiche dalle chiose del Laur. 29.2 alle due redazioni delle Genealogie di Boccaccio e ancora in Dec. X, 10, Studi sul Boccaccio, 37, 2009, p171 - 196 Journal Article, 2009

Igor Candido, Review of Parole come fatti. La metafora relizzata e altre glosse al 'Decameron'. Napoli: Liguori, 2008, by Pier Massimo Forni , Lettere italiane, 48, (4), 2008, p630-634 Review, 2008

Igor Candido, Review of Dante nella crisi religiosa del Cinquecento italiano. Da Trifon Gabriele a Lodovico Castelvetro. Rome: Vecchiarelli, 2005, by Davide Dalmas , Modern Language Notes, 123, (1), 2008, p198-201 Review, 2008

Igor Candido, Apuleio alla fine del Decameron: la novella di Griselda come riscrittura della lepida fabula di Amore e Psiche, Filologia e critica, 32, (1), 2007, p3 - 17 Journal Article, 2007

Igor Candido, Il Libro della Scrittura, il Libro della Natura, il Libro della Memoria: l'esegesi dantesca di C. S. Singleton fra tradizione giudaico-cristiana e trascendentalismo emersoniano, Modern Language Notes, 122, (1), 2007, p46 - 79 Journal Article, 2007

Igor Candido, Review of The Lost Italian Renaissance: Humanists, Historians, and Latin's Legacy. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004, by Christopher Celenza , Lettere italiane, (3), 2007, p453-458 Review, 2007

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Igor Candido, Metamorfosi d'Amore nella Vita nova, Seminario dottorandi, University of Pisa, Pisa, 15.12.2021, 2021, A. Borrelli, M. C. Cabani Invited Talk, 2021

Igor Candido, Linking the ancients to posterity: Petrarch"s De vita solitaria, Workshop ONLINE "Affects and Community- Formation in the Petrarchan, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Berlin, 11/12.3, 2021 Invited Talk, 2021

Igor Candido, Beatrice oltremondana: Dall'Eden all'Empireo, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Berlin, 12.7.2021, 2021 Invited Talk, 2021

Il Dante dei puritani tra esilio e teologia gotica, International conference «E sarai meco sanza fine cive». Temi, personaggi e fortuna della cultura politica e giuridica di Dante, Bologna, 30.11.21-2.12.21, 2021, Marco Veglia Invited Talk, 2021

Igor Candido, Teoria e storia del dantismo americano,, SCUOLA ESTIVA INTERNAZIONALE IN STUDI DANTESCHI, XIV edition, Università Cattolica, Milan, 13.7-25.9, 2020 Invited Talk, 2020

Igor Candido, Francesco Bruni's Lost Letters and Petrarch's Florentine Circle, Échanges épistolaires autour de Pétrarque et Boccace, Tours, Univ. Francois Rabelais, 16 June, 2019, S. Ferrara Invited Talk, 2019

Igor Candido, Accoppiamenti giudiziosi: intimità dei personaggi decameroniani, L"arte di narrare le passioni in Europa , University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, 9 May, 2019, E. Menetti Invited Talk, 2019

Igor Candido, Preliminary Observations on a new bilingual edition of Boccaccio's Decameron., BonHum, Tours, Univ. Francois Rabelais, 25 January, 2019 Invited Talk, 2019

Igor Candido, La storia della salvezza in Dante: dalla Vita Nova al Purgatorio, 13.12.2019, 2019, M. Zaccarello Invited Talk, 2019

Igor Candido, I confini del Decameron: Fiammetta e Corbaccio a confronto, Aimer ou ne pas aimer: une question, deux textes: Boccace Elegia di madonna Fiammetta et Corbaccio. Colloque International organisé par les Universités Sorbonne nouvelle - Paris 3 et Sorbonne Université, 25-26 janvier 2018, Paris, 26 January 2018, 2018, Manuele Gragnolati and Philippe Guerin Invited Talk, 2018 URL

Igor Candido, Forme dell'immaginazione e rappresentazioni della lettura nella letteratura italiana', Pisa, Scuola Normale, 13-14 November, 2018 Invited Talk, 2018

Igor Candido, Psyche's Textual Journey from Apuleius to Boccaccio and Petrarch, The Afterlife of Apuleius, London, April 3-4, 2016, Warburg Institute Invited Talk, 2016

Igor Candido, I 'romanzi' di Boccaccio tra antico e moderno, Padua, March 17, 2016, University of Padua Invited Talk, 2016

Igor Candido, 'The Bible of Love:' Emerson's and Rossetti's Early Translations of The Vita Nuova, Dante's Vita Nuova: Archaeologies of a Text, New York, April 8, 2016, Maria Luisa Ardizzone and Teodolinda Barolini Invited Talk, 2016 URL

Igor Candido, L'esilio di Dante nella letteratura inglese tra Otto e Novecento, Letture classensi, Ravenna, October 31, 2015, Biblioteca classense Invited Talk, 2015

Igor Candido and Gaia Gubbini, Dante and the Knowledge of His Time, December 10, 2015, Berlin Meetings /Conferences Organised, 2015

Igor Candido, Boccaccio alessandrino: filologia, intertestualità, ermeneutica, Rome, February 26, 2015 Invited Talk, 2015

Igor Candido, Lettura del De vita solitaria di Petrarca, Turin, June 1, 2015, University of Turin Invited Talk, 2015

Igor Candido, Love's Metaphors Lost: Boccaccio's Fiammetta and the Birth of the Psychological Novel, Metaphors and Other Ways we Choose by, Berlin, November 7, 2015, Topoi Invited Talk, 2015

Igor Candido, Boccaccio sulla via del romanzo. Metamorfosi di un genere tra antico e moderno, Berlin, July 6, 2015, Freie Universitaet Invited Talk, 2015

Igor Candido, Dante's Theological Judgment and Boccaccio's Suspension of Assent, The Unity of Knowledge in the Pre-modern World: Petrarch and Boccaccio between the Middle Ages and the Early Renaissance, Berlin, June 11-12, 2014, Igor Candido Invited Talk, 2014

Igor Candido, The Unity of Knowledge in the Pre-modern World: Petrarch and Boccaccio between the Middle Ages and the Early Renaissance, June 10-13, 2014, Berlin Meetings /Conferences Organised, 2014

Igor Candido, "Diresti ch'ei scrivesse il Proemio leggendo le Eroidi di Ovidio": ars amatoria e ars consolatoria nel Decameron, Convegno «Umana cosa è aver compassione degli afflitti...»: raccontare, consolare, curare nella narrativa europea da Boccaccio al Seicento, Turin, December 12-13-14 , 2013 Invited Talk, 2013

Igor Candido, Review of Studi sul Boccaccio 39, 2011, American Boccaccio Association Newsletter, 2013, p12-13 Review, 2013

Igor Candido, Dante in the Light of John's Revelation: Rereading Vita Nuova 3 and Purgatorio 30, Dartmouth, February 5, 2013 Invited Talk, 2013

Igor Candido, Branca e il MS Hamilton 90 della Staatsbibliothek di Berlino, Convegno Le lezioni di Vittore Branca, Padua and Venezia, May 7-8, 2013 Invited Talk, 2013

Igor Candido, Il pane tra le favole o del convivio di Boccaccio: l'Introduzione alla Quarta Giornata, Convegno Boccaccio politico, Bologna, July 19-21, 2013 Invited Talk, 2013

Igor Candido, Boccaccio and Myth: Eros, Psyche, and Classical Myth in the Fourteenth Century, Johns Hopkins University, 2011 Thesis, 2011

Igor Candido, Dante's unquiet heart and Boccaccio's quiet heart in De Sanctis's History of Italian Literature, Conference: Francesco de Sanctis and the Unity of Italy, Los Angeles, April 28-30, 2011, L. Ballerini and M. Ciavolella Invited Talk, 2011

Igor Candido, "The Cardinal Facts of European History": Ralph Waldo Emerson e la letteratura italiana, University of Turin, 2009 Thesis, 2009

Igor Candido and Francesco Caruso, Freccero Symposium, May 2-3, 2008, Baltimore Meetings /Conferences Organised, 2008

Igor Candido, Apuleio alla fine del «Decameron»: tra riscrittura e mitopoiesi, Conference "Classico e moderno", Turin, January 16, 2008 Invited Talk, 2008

Igor Candido, Ricordo di Mauthausen, Gusen, Ebensee e di Marziano Guglielminetti. Bollettino Aned, 2007, - 14-16 Miscellaneous, 2007

Igor Candido, "Poesia e immaginazione": Emerson interprete di Dante, University of Turin, 2004 Thesis, 2004

Research Expertise


My research has been comparative in two directions. My interest in Dante and medieval culture led me to a scholarly project tracing the appreciation of Dante in North America, from its real roots in the era of Emerson to the twentieth-century. In a book concerning Emerson"s translation of Dante"s New Life, I have presented a historical study that sets Emerson's work in context, a study that accompanies the first critical edition of his Dantean translation; in a critical study of American scholarship on Dante I offer a comprehensive reading of American Dante criticism in the post-Singleton era; in an article appeared in "Dante studies", I propose an innovative reading of Longfellow"s Dantism in the light of the unpublished lectures delivered at Harvard College from 1838 to 1852. My first monograph received 10 reviews, 6 in newspapers, which highlighted the interest in the work beyond my academic field and could anticipate the impact that it was going to exercise on the field of comparative studies. My study on Emerson and Dante opened new research paths: I am now working on a new monograph that will consider Emerson"s interest in and knowledge of Italian literature as a whole. The new monograph should appear in the series "Routledge Studies in Nineteenth Century Literature." Dante's medieval context is equally important for me. For this reason, I worked on Boccaccio as a writer and interpreter of myths. By combining textual criticism, reception studies, and cultural history, my project for the first time defined Boccaccio"s literary and philosophical debts to Apuleius of Madauros. My study successfully challenged the scholarly paradigm of Vittore Branca's "Boccaccio medievale", which for almost fifty years was an admired standby. One of the foremost Boccaccio scholars has indeed labeled my "Boccaccio umanista" as our `own Boccaccio", the new Boccaccio of the current generation of scholars. At the centre of my research lies a set of problems in the "Decameron": in particular, I demonstrated that the fable of Eros and Psyche is the most important source of the Griselda tale (Dec. X, 10), a tale that enjoyed wide circulation from Petrarch"s translation into Latin and Chaucer"s adaptation in his Clerk's Tale. I then became convinced that Boccaccio"s classicism needed to be rethought; he was an avid student of Apuleius not only as a source of myths, but also as a source for Neoplatonic philosophy. By using palaeographic, philological, and hermeneutical instruments and methods, my monograph provided the first comprehensive study on Boccaccio as reader, glossator, and imitator of Apuleius, as well as a new thought-provoking contribution on his still underestimated humanism. In investigating the diffusion of Apuleius in medieval Italy, I conducted an innovative reassessment not only of Boccaccio, but of medieval textual culture at large. More specifically, the analysis of Boccaccio"s reading strategies contributed to challenge authoritative narratives that assume a sharp divide between Middle Ages and Renaissance humanism. My second monograph received 8 scholarly reviews.


  • Title
    • Petrarch and Boccaccio as Pre-Modern Humanists
  • Summary
    • The first aims to provide the first comprehensive study on Boccaccio as reader, glossator, and imitator of Apuleius. At the center of this research lies a set of problems in the Decameron and its particular focus revolves around Boccaccio's rewritings of the fable of Cupid and Psyche. The second project aims to provide a new commented edition of Petrarch's De vita solitaria for the LPIL series of Toronto University Press.
  • Funding Agency
    • Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
  • Date From
    • January 2013
  • Date To
    • December 2014
  • Title
    • Global Humanities Junior Research and Teaching Stay at Freie Universitaet Berlin
  • Funding Agency
    • Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst
  • Date From
    • October 2015
  • Date To
    • February 2016



Member of the International Research Network of the University of Turin "Institutions of the novel". My contribution is to the study of the prehistory of the literary genre. 2022

Member of BONHUM Boccace Numérique Humaniste (Boccace Digital Humanist). Model of Digital Publishing of Texts and French Translations of Boccaccio. BoNHum is pilot project that proposes a publishing prototype combining fundamental research with the new digital technologies, in order to provide scholars with a new approach to canonical texts. This PRCI project has the ambition to promote Boccaccio's work as a cultural and literary heritage of Europe in age of Humanism. PI: Dr. Sabrina Ferrara. 2020

Member of 2017-2019 TEEBOC [Translated Electronic Edition Boccaccio texts with Commentary]: This project brings together a Groupement de Recherche International (GDRI) dedicated to the annotation, translation and digitalization of the entire corpus of Giovanni Boccaccio"s works. The Principal Investigator is Dr. Sabrina Ferrara (Centre d"études supérieures de la Renaissance, Université François-Rabelais, Tours). Dr Igor Candido is the project co-ordinator for activities 2 and 3 (Meetings, seminars, conference organization). 2017

Member of Editorial Board, Lettere italiane. Lettere italiane is one of the oldest and most prestigious journals of Italian literature. 2018

Member of the editorial board, Archivio Novellistico italiano. The Archivio is the only journal devoted to the novella. 2015

Member of the editorial board of the Journal Griseldaonline 2019

Member of the Scientific Board of the Funded Project "Narrare le passioni" PI: Prof. Elisabetta Menetti, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. 2018

Awards and Honours

Global Humanities Research Fellowship - The Thematic Network "Principles of Cultural Dynamics" (DAAD funded exchange program), Freie Universität Dahlem Humanities Center and Johns Hopkins University Humanities Center, July 2015- February 2016 2015-2016

Fellow-by-Courtesy, Dept of German and Romance Languages, Johns Hopkins University, March 2015-March 2016. 2015-2016

Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship, Freie Universität Berlin, Dahlem Humanities Center, 2013-2014 2013-2014

Gilman Fellowship, The Johns Hopkins University, 2010-2011 2010-2011

Gilman Fellowship, The Johns Hopkins University, 2009-2010 2009-2010

Singleton Fellowship, The Johns Hopkins University, 2008-2009 2008-2009

Gilman Fellowship, The Johns Hopkins University, 2007-2008 2007-2008

Gilman Fellowship, The Johns Hopkins University, 2006-2007 2006-2007

Singleton Fellowship, The Johns Hopkins University, 2005-2006 2005-2006

PhD fellowship in Italian studies, XX Ciclo, Università degli Studi di Torino 2007-2008 2007-2008

PhD fellowship in Italian studies, XX Ciclo, Università degli Studi di Torino 2006-2007 2006-2007

PhD fellowship in Italian studies, XX Ciclo, Università degli Studi di Torino 2005-2006 2005-2006

Prize for the best Thesis in Lettere Moderne, University of Turin 2005

"Presidente della Repubblica" Special Prize for Poetry, Savigliano 2002


American Boccaccio Association 2012