Professor Sarah Alyn-Stacey
Professor In, French
Professor In, Cntr for Medieval & Renaissance Studies
Before taking up her lectureship in French Renaissance Literature at Trinity (1996), Dr Alyn Stacey, FTCD, held posts at the Sorbonne (Paris IV), the University of Saint Andrews, and the University of Wales, Swansea. Her teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate level extends across the early modern period (14th century-18th century)and also embraces film and contemporary French literature. Dr Alyn Stacey is Director of the Trinity Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, a Trinity Research Centre ( She founded the Centre in 1999 and in 2001 established its inter- and multi-disciplinary MPhil in Medieval Language, Literature and Culture.
COLLEGE POSITIONS: Head of French (2022-) Board of Trinity College (2016-2024); University Council (2018-2021); Standing Committee of Fellows (2010-2024); Finance Committee (2018-2021); Central Fellowship Committee (2019-present); Grounds and Gardens Consultative Group of Trinity College (2016-present); Capitation Committee (2021-present); Trinity Ball Committee (2021-present); Chair of the Board of the Graduate Student Union (2021-present).
AWARDS FOR RESEARCH/CONTRIBUTIONS TO DISCIPLINE: Fellowship of Trinity College (2004); election to the Académie de Savoie (2005); Chevalier de l'Ordre National du Mérite (2017); Postgraduate Supervisor of the Year (2018).
CONTRIBUTION TO DISCIPLINE: Society for Renaissance Studies: founding member of Irish Branch (1997), Irish Representative for over 10 years, Associate Editor of the Society's journal (1996-2006), member of Executive Committee (1996-2014); Society for French Studies: member of Executive Council (2000-2006); H-France: member of Editorial Board (2013-2018); 2014-present: Chief Editor of refereed series 'Court Cultures of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance' (Oxford, Peter Lang).
KEY AREAS OF RESEARCH: Marc-Claude de Buttet (1529/31-1586); the Court of Savoy under Marguerite de France and Duke Emmanuel-Philibert; critical editions of early-modern French texts; religious and political dissent in early-modern Savoy;the French Renaissance Court; French Renaissance political poetry;the Savoyard archives (Turin; Geneva; Chambéry; Annecy; Paris); Franco-Irish cultural links.
Refereed publications: 11 books (5 single-authored; 6 edited volumes), 19 chapters, 9 articles, 9 book reviews.
1.Marc-Claude de Buttet: OEuvres poetiques I. Le Premier Livre des vers (1560). Édition critique avec introduction, commentaires et glossaire, (Paris, Honoré Champion, 2022), 234 pp. ISBN:978-2-7453-5795-3
2.Marc-Claude de Buttet: OEuvres poetiques II. Le Second Livre des vers (1560). Édition critique avec introduction, commentaires et glossaire (Paris, Honoré Champion, 2022), 175 pp. ISBN:978-2-7453-5795-3
3.Marc-Claude de Buttet: OEuvres poetiques III. Les Vers de circonstance (1559-1575) et divers autres vers. Édition critique avec introduction, commentaires et glossaire (Paris, Honoré Champion, 2022), 234 pp. ISBN:978-2-7453-5795-3
4. (ed. with Joanna Poetz) New Perspectives on Heretical Discourse and Identities: the Waldensians in Historical Context, Medieval and Early Modern French Studies, 19 (Oxford, Peter Lang, 2021), 355 pp. . ISBN 978-1-78997-714-1 5
5. (ed.) Political, Religious and Social Conflict in the States of Savoy, 1400-1700, Medieval and Early Modern French Studies, 13 (Oxford, Peter Lang, 2014), 327 pp. ISBN: 9783034308311
6. (ed.) Court and Humour in the French Renaissance: Essays in Honour of Professor Pauline Smith (Geneva, Peter Lang (2009) 272 pp. ISBN 9783039105595
7. Marc-Claude de Buttet (1529/31-86), l'honneur de la Savoie, Études et Essais sur la Renaissance, 70 (Paris, Honoré Champion, 2006), 235 pp. ISBN 2-7453-1317-7
8. Marc-Claude de Buttet: "L'Amalthée" (1575), Textes de la Renaissance, 74 (Paris, Champion 2003), 584pp. ISBN 2-7453-0875-0
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Sarah Alyn Stacey, `"Ô mondaine inconstance!" : Joachim Du Bellay, Notre-Dame and Les Antiquitez de Rome (1558)', `"Viens, sois ma lumière": A Celebration of the Re-opening of the Cathedral of Notre-Dame', Trinity Long Room Hub, Trinity College Dublin, 30 November 2024, 2024
Sarah Alyn Stacey, `Du nouveau sur la bibliothèque de Jean de Piochet: un tome annoté du Perceforest (Gilles de Gourmont, 1532; Archives départementales de la Manche, BIB ANC C257)', Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance, 86, (2-3), 2024, p289 - 325
Annual Conference of the International Courtly Literature Society 2024, Trinity College Dublin
Sarah Alyn Stacey, '"Quand tu verras des Grans l'estat si peu durer": some observations on the political dimensions of Ronsard's "Le Tombeau de Marguerite de France'", Conference: 'Francophone Politics and Poetry Across the Centuries'', Trinity College Dublin, 27 May 2024, 2024
Sarah Alyn Stacey, 'Elizabeth I and her court through the prism of Ronsard's verse', Conference: 'A Homage to Pierre de Ronsard (1524-1585) on the 500th Anniversary of his birth 11-12 September 2024: Pierre de Ronsard in Context', Trinity College Dublin, 11-12 September 2024, 2024
Sarah Alyn Stacey, '"Je sçay que je devrois [...] /Tousjours d'un vers entier chanter vostre merite": Ronsard's constructions in verse of Marguerite de France, Duchess of Savoy', International Courtly Literature Society Annual Conference 2024, Trinity College Dublin, 18-19 June 2024, 2024
Sarah Alyn Stacey, Les Oeuvres poetiques de Marc-Claude de Buttet: vol. 1: 'Le Premier Livre des vers' (1560). Edition critique avec introduction, commentaires et glossaire, Paris, Honoré Champion, 2022, 1 - 234pp
Sarah Alyn Stacey, Les oeuvres poetiques de Marc-Claude de Buttet: vol. 2: 'Le Second Livre des vers' (1560). Edition critique avec introduction, commentaires et glossaire, Paris, Honoré Champion, 2022, 235 - 410pp
sarah alyn stacey, Les oeuvres poetiques de Marc-Claude de Buttet: vol. 3: 'Les vers de circonstance (1559-1575) et divers autres vers. Edition critique avec introduction, commentaires et glossaire, Paris, Honoré Champion, 2022, 411 - 684pp
Introductory Essay: Trinity College Dublin as a Waldensian lieu de m'emoire in, editor(s)Sarah Alyn Stacey (Chief Editor) with Joanna Poetz , New Perspectives on Heretical Discourse and Identitties: The Waldensians in Historical Context, Oxford, Peter Lang, 2021, pp1-11 , [sarah alyn stacey]
Sarah Alyn Stacey, The Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis (1559) and a Marriage between two Courts: Marguerite de France and Emmanuel-Philibert, Duke of Savoy', Annual Conference of the International Courtly Literature Society, 12-13 April 2021, 2021
Review of Contributions: Part II in, editor(s)Sarah Alyn Stacey (Chief Editor) with Joanna Poetz , New Perspectives on Heretical Discourse and Identitties: The Waldensians in Historical Context, Oxford, 2021, pp17 - 23, [sarah alyn stacey]
Sarah Alyn Stacey (with Joanna Poetz), New Perspectives on Heretical Discourse and Identities: the Waldensians in Historical Context, collection of articles, Oxford, Peter Lang, 2021, 1-355pp
Marina Benedetti, 'Of manuscripts and men: the case of the Waldenses [by Marina Benedetti]', New Perspectives on Heretical Discourse and Identitties: The Waldensians in Historical Context, Oxford, Peter Lang, 2021, 27 - 50, 27-50
sarah Alyn Stacey, 'The rest to some faint meaning make pretence...': Some Observations on the Conditions of Communication and Interpretation with Particular Reference to French Renaissance Poetry, Decoding the Past: Critical Editions and their Editors, Trinity College Dublin, 1-2 November 2019, 2019
sarah alyn stacey, A Review Essay: Ellen R. Welch, A Theater of Diplomacy: International Relations and the Performing Arts in Early Modern France, H-France Forum, 12, (3:4), 2017, p1-5
sarah Alyn Stacey, Editing Early-Modern Texts: the Example of French Renaissance Poetry, Critical Editions and Editorial Practices, Trinity College Dublin, 27 October 2017, 2017
Sarah Alyn Stacey, Aurélie Delattre and Adeline Lionetto (eds), La Muse de l'éphémère: Formes de la poésie de circonstance de l'Antiquité à la Renaissance (Paris, Classiques Garnier), Review of La Muse de l'éphémère: Formes de la poésie de circonstance de l'Antiquité à la Renaissance (Paris, Classiques Garnier), , by Aurélie Delattre and Adeline Lionetto (eds), , French Studies, 70, (3), 2016, p429-430
Sarah Alyn Stacey, 2. Marco and Andrea Merlotti (eds), Stato sabaudo e Sacro Romano Impero, Annali dell'Istituto italo-germanico in Trento Quaderni 92 (Bologna: Il Mulino, 2014), Speculum, 91:3 (July 2016), Review of 2. Marco and Andrea Merlotti (eds), Stato sabaudo e Sacro Romano Impero, Annali dell'Istituto italo-germanico in Trento Quaderni 92 (Bologna: Il Mulino, 2014), by Marco and Andrea Merlotti (eds) , Speculum, 91, (3), 2016, p759-760
Sarah Alyn Stacey, 'Un esprit inventif: Marc-Claude de Buttet : "la nouvelle poësie bien différente de l'accotumée"', Mémoires de l'Académie des Sciences, Belles Lettres et Arts de Savoie, neuvième série, tome 1 (201, 1, 2015, p331 - 362
Sarah Alyn Stacey, Political, Religious and Social Conflict in the States of Savoy, 1400-1700, Oxford, Peter Lang, 2014, 327pp.pp
Court Cultures of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, Oxford, Peter Lang, 2014-2025
'Marc-Claude de Buttet's "Apologie [...] pour la Savoie" (1554): conflicting Perceptions of the 1536 French Invasion of Savoy', in, editor(s)Sarah Alyn Stacey , Political, Religious and Social Conflict in the States of Savoy 1400-1700, Oxford, Peter Lang, 2014, pp77-95 , [Sarah Alyn Stacey]
Sarah Alyn Stacey, Un esprit inventif : Marc-Claude de Buttet et la 'nouvelle poёsie bien différente de l'accotumée' (Discours de réception, Salon de l' Académie de Savoie ; 28 November 2014), 2014
'Introduction' in, editor(s)Sarah Alyn Stacey , to Political, Religious and Social Conflict in the States of Savoy 1400-1700 , Oxford, Peter Lang, 2014, pp1 - 13, [Sarah Alyn Stacey]
Sarah Alyn Stacey, 'Pléiade Poetics: Réécriture, transcendance and immanence' (ADEFFI Annual Conference,17-19 0ctober 2014), 2014
'An Edition of the "Apologie de Marc-Claude de Buttet pour la Savoie" (1554) in, editor(s)Sarah Alyn Stacey , Political, Religious and Social Conflict in the States of Savoy 1400-1700, Medieval and Early Modern French Studies, no.13 , Oxford, Peter Lang, 2014, pp97-123 , [Sarah Alyn Stacey]
Sarah Alyn Stacey, The Medieval Imagination: 'Mirabile dictu'. Essays in Honour of Yolande de Pontfarcy Sexton, ed. Phyllis Gaffney and Jean-Michel Picard (Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2012), Modern Language Review, 108, (4), 2013, p1259 - 1261
'Moral Authority and the Pursuit of Pleasure in Marguerite de Navarre's "Heptameron"' in, editor(s)Eavan O'Brien , Representing Women's Authority in the Early-Modern World: Struggles, Strategies and Morality, Rome, Aracne Editrice, 2013, pp25 - 58, [Sarah Alyn Stacey]
Sarah Alyn Stacey, 'Retirez vous en vous, mais préparez vous premierement de vous y recevoir' (Essais, 1,39): Montaigne's apologia for retreat' , Association des études françaises et francophone d'Irlande (ADEFFI) , Galway, 19-21 October 2012, 2012
Sarah Alyn Stacey, 'Texts, Transitions and Tensions: The French Occupation of Savoy in 1536 and its Aftermath', Latin and Vernacular: Texts, Transitions and Tensions in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, organised by the Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Bergen and the Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Trinity College Dublin; Trinity College Dublin, 7-8 September 2012, Latin and Vernacular: Texts, Transitions and Tensions in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, 7-8 September 2012, 2012
'Patria non immemor': Ireland and the Liberation of France' in, editor(s)Gerald Morgan and Gavin Hughes , Southern Ireland and the Liberation of France, Geneva and Oxford, Peter Lang, 2011, pp1 - 22, [Sarah Alyn Stacey]
Sarah Alyn Stacey, Commemorating Chivalry: Didacticism and the Worthy Cause, The Writing and Representation of War in Medieval Europe, University of Bergen, 7-8 September 2011, 2011
Le Poète Savoyard de la Renaissance; Marc-Claude de Buttet 1529/31-1586 in, editor(s)Louis Terreaux , Histoire de la literature savoyarde, Montmélian, Académie de Savoie, 2010, pp203-229 , [Sarah Alyn Stacey]
Sarah Alyn Stacey, Review of Jane Conroy (ed.) "Franco-Irish Connections: Essays, Memoirs and Poems in Honour of Pierre Joannon" Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2009, H-France Review, 10, (195), 2010, p195
Sarah Alyn Stacey, Review of "The French Renaissance Court", New Haven, CT, Yale University Press, (2008) , by Robert Knecht , French Studies, 64, (4), 2010, p482-483
Sarah Alyn Stacey, 'Tourmenter, tuer et damner les hommes': Women and Vice in Marguerite de Navarre's Heptaméron, Forum for the Study of Early Modern Women in Continental Europe, Trinity College Dublin, 2-3 September 2010, 2010
Between Two Courts: Nationhood and Diplomacy in the Works of Marc-Claude de Buttet 1554-1561 in, editor(s)S. Alyn Stacey , Court and Humour in the French Renaissance: Essays in Honour of Professor Pauline Smith, Geneva, Peter Lang, 2009, pp57 - 80, [S. Alyn Stacey]
S. Alyn Stacey, Conflicting Poetries and Identities: the Representation of the Habsburg-Valois Wars in the French Renaissance, Cultures of War, University of Warwick, 25 April 2009, 2009
Introduction in, editor(s)S. Alyn Stacey , Court and Humour in the French Renaissance: Essays in Honour of Professor Pauline Smith, Geneva, Peter Lang, 2009, pp7 - 15, [S. Alyn Stacey]
Sarah Alyn Stacey, Paradox and Politics: Franco-Savoyard Relations in the Work of Marc-Claude de Buttet (1554-), University of Wales, Bangor, 2 June 2009, 2009
S. Alyn Stacey, Between Two Courts: Nationhood and Diplomacy in the Works of Marc-Claude de Buttet, Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, Geneva, 28-30 May 2009, 2009
Sarah Alyn Stacey, Court and Humour in the French Renaissance: Essays in Honour of Professor Pauline Smith , edition, Geneva, Peter Lang, 2009, 1 - 272pp
Sarah Alyn Stacey, Nationhood in the Poetry of Marc-Claude de Buttet, History Seminar of the University of Liverpool, University of Liverpool, April, 2007, 2007
S. Alyn Stacey, 'Que sa conscience et sa vertu reluisent en son parler': Telling Lies and Telling the Truth in Montaigne's Essais, Annual Conference of the Association des Etudes francaises et francophones d'Irlande, Trinity College Dublin, 5-6 October 2007, 2007
Alyn Stacey S. , Marc-Claude de Buttet (1529/31-86), l'honneur de la Savoie, Paris, Champion, 2006, 235pp
Sarah Alyn Stacey, Review of Ullrich Langer (ed.), "The Cambridge Companion to Montaigne" Cambridge University Press, 2005, Renaissance Studies, 21, (1), 2006, p140-142
S. Alyn Stacey, La Providence et le hasard dans la poésie de la Pléiade, Hasard et Providence: XIVe-XVIIe Siecles, Centre d'Etudes Superieures de la Renaissance, Tours, 3-9 July 2006, 2006
Sarah Alyn Stacey, Review of Jean-Philippe Beaulieu (ed.), Hélisenne de Crenne : les angoisses douloureuses qui procèdent d'amour, Saint-Etienne, Saint-Etienne University Press, 2005, The Modern Language Review, 101, (4), 2006, p1108-1108
S. Alyn Stacey, Honour, Privilege and Intellectual Activity at the Court of Savoy under Marguerite de France, International Conference of the Society for Renaissance Studies, University of Edinburgh, 6-8 July 2006, 2006
S. Alyn Stacey, 'Une nouvelle poesie bien diferente de l'accotumee': the Fortunes of Metrical Verse inn French Renaissance Poetry, Renaissance Greek Conference, Trinity College Dublin, September 2005, 2005
Sarah Alyn Stacey, Véronique Desnain, Culture and Conflict in 17th-Century France and Ireland, Dublin, Four Courts, 2004, 288pp
Introduction in, editor(s)Sarah Alyn Stacey and Véronique Desnain , Culture and Conflict in 17th-Century France and Ireland, Dublin, Four Courts, 2004, pp9 - 17, [Alyn Stacey S.]
Harmony and Disharmony in Saint-Amant's Cosmos in, editor(s)Sarah Alyn Stacey and Véronique Desnain , Culture and Conflict in 17th-Century France and Ireland, Dublin, Four Courts, 2004, pp82 - 100, [Alyn Stacey S.]
Sarah Alyn Stacey, Marc-Claude de Buttet: "L'Amalthée" (1575), Paris, Champion, 2003, 584pp
Heroism in Sport: Ireland and France in, editor(s)Sarah Alyn Stacey , Essays on Heroism in Sport in Ireland and France, Lampeter, Edwin Mellen Press, 2003, pp1 - 18, [Alyn Stacey S.]
Alyn Stacey S., Essays on Heroism in Sport in Ireland and France, Lampeter, Edwin Mellen Press, 2003, 185pp
On ne s'entendait plus et c'était parfait ainsi: Misunderstandings in the Novels of Agnès Desarthe in, editor(s)Gill Rye and Michael Worton , Women's Writing in France: New Writers, New Literatures in the 1990s, Manchester, MUP, 2002, pp106 - 117, [Alyn Stacey S.]
Alyn Stacey S., Quand plein d'ennui estrange/Buttet traçoit cette euvre": Marc-Claude de Buttet et la publication du Premier Livre des vers, Nouvelle Revue du Seizième Siècle, 2, 2002, p25 - 35
Pétrarque et le pétrarquisme plurilinguistique: émergence d'un texte européen in, editor(s)Pierre Blanc , Dynamique d'une expansion culturelle: Pétrarque en Europe du XIVe au XXe siècle, Paris, Champion, 2001, pp259 - 273, [Alyn Stacey S.]
Alyn Stacey S., On ne s'entendait plus et c'était parfait ainsi: Misunderstandings in the Novels of Agnès Desarthe, Women's Writing in France in the 1990s: New Writers, New Literatures?, Institute of Romance Studies, University of London, 21-22 January, 2000
Alyn Stacey S., French Studies: The Sixteenth Century, The Years Work in Modern Language Studies, 59, (1997), 1998, p82 - 121
Alyn Stacey S., Platonic Allusion in French Renaissance Poetry, International Conference Secret Spaces/Forbidden Places, Herstmonceux Castle, Sussex, 24-26 April 1998, 1998
Alyn Stacey S., Kieslowski's Bleu, Blanc, Rouge; an exercise in intertextual interweaving, Twenty-Fourth Annual Symposium of the Royal Irish Academy: Intertextuality: Continuities and Discontinuies, Trinity College Dublin, 7-8 November, 1997
Alyn Stacey S., French Studies: The Sixteenth Century, The Years Work in Modern Language Studies, 58, (1996), 1997, p85 - 118
S. Alyn Stacey, E. Le Calvez and M.-C. Canova-Green., Texte(s) et Intertexte(s), Faux Titre 139, Amsterdam-Atlanta, Rodopi, 1997, 294pp
L'Intertextualité translinguistique: réécritures francophones de sources italiennes à la Renaissance' in, editor(s)E. Le Calvez, M.-C. Canova-Green, S. Alyn Stacey , Texte(s) et Intertexte(s), Amsterdam-Atlanta, Rodopi, 1997, pp97 - 112, [Alyn Stacey S.]
Alyn Stacey S., British section of the Bibliographie internationale de l'Humanisme et de la Renaissance, vol. xxviii. Travaux parus en 1992, Genève, Droz, 1996, 387 et passimpp
Renaissance Studies, Oxford, OUP then Wiley Blackwell, [Associate Editor], 1996-2007
Alyn Stacey S., 'Me narcisant sus une ombre infidelle: reflections on the Narcissus myth in French Renaissance Literature, Reclothing the Muse: Renaissance Rewritings of Classical Sources, Society for Renaissance Studies-University of Swansea, 17-18 May, 1996
Marc-Claude de Buttet et sa trouppe fidelle savoisienne in, editor(s)M.T. Bouquet-Boyer , Actes du Colloque international Claude Le Jeune et son temps en France et dans les états de Savoie, 1530-1600, Berne, Peter Lang, 1995, pp127 - 140, [Alyn Stacey S.]
A la recherche d'un style poétique: quelques résonances de Ronsard dans L'Amalthée de Marc-Claude de Buttet in, editor(s)Jean Balsamo , Mélanges de poétique et d'histoire littéraire au XVIe siècle offerts à Louis Terreaux, Paris, Champion, 1995, pp133 - 150, [Sarah Alyn Stacey]
Alyn Stacey S., 'De peintes fleurs tant n'a la mouche à miel: Transplanting Italian Flowers into French Soil, British Comparative Literature Association: Cities, Gardens, Wildernesses, University of Edinburgh, 12-15 July 1995, 1995
Alyn Stacey S., Pétrarque et le pétrarquisme plurilinguistique: émergence d'un texte européen, Dynamique d'une expansion culturelle: Pétrarque en Europe du XIVe au XXe siècle, CNRS-Université de Savoie, Turin-Chambéry, 11-15 December, edited by M.t.Bouquet-Boyer , 1995
Alyn Stacey S., Balsamo J., Review of Les Rencontres des Muses: italianisme et anti-italianisme dans les lettres françaises de la fin du XVIe siècle (Geneva, Slatkine, 1992), The Modern Language Review, XC, (1), 1995, p182-183
Alyn Stacey S., Intertextualité mythologique: érosion et interprétants, Michigan Romance Studies: Réinterprétations:études sur le seizième siècle, 15, 1995, p55 - 75
Alyn Stacey S., J'amasse, trie & choisis: réécritures françaises de sources italiennes, Texte(s) et Intertexte(s), Institut Français du Royaume-Uni, 20-21 May, 1994
Alyn Stacey S., Les reliques cendreuses: Wealth and Glory in 16th-Century French Poetry, Romance Studies: Money in Literature, 24, 1994, p7 - 25
Alyn Stacey S., Deux uvres retrouvées de Marc-Claude de Buttet: "Chant de Liesse et Sur la venue d'Anne d'Este, Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance, 56, (2), 1994, p405 - 417
Alyn Stacey S., Took J.F., Review of Dante: Lyric Poet and Philosopher: An Introduction to the Minor Works (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1990), Forum for Modern Language Studies, 29, (2), 1993, p191
Alyn Stacey S., Les reliques cendreuses: Wealth and Glory in 16th-Century French Poetry', Romance Studies Colloquium, Gregynnog, 2-24 September, 1993
Alyn Stacey S., Marc-Claude de Buttet et sa "trouppe fidelle" savoisienne, Colloque international Claude Le Jeune et son temps en France et dans les états de Savoie 1530-1600, Centre d'Etudes Franco-Italiennes des Universités de Savoie et de Turin, Turin and Chambéry, 4-7 November, 1991
Alyn Stacey S., Marguerite de Savoie and Marc-Claude de Buttet: an Unpublished Letter, Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance, 50, (2), 1988, p367 - 372
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Sarah Alyn Stacey, Conflict and Society in Savoy 1400-1700/Les Conflits en Savoie 1400-1700 , 26-28 May 2010, 2010, Trinity College Dublin
Sarah Alyn Stacey, Beyond Normandy in World War 2: Occupation, Resistance and Remembrance , 19 November 2010, 2010, Trinity College Dublin
Sarah Alyn Stacey, 'Les dés sont sur le tapis': Ireland in World War II , 12 June 2009, 2009, Trinity College Dublin
S. Alyn Stacey, Ireland and World War 2, 12 June 2009, 2009, Trinity College Dublin
Sarah Alyn Stacey, Early-Modern Gardens in Perspective , November, 2009, 2009, Trinity College Dublin
Sarah Alyn Stacey, The Biennial International Conference of the Society for Renaissance Studies , 10-12 July 2008, 2008, Trinity College Dublin
Sarah Alyn Stacey, The Southern Irish and the Liberation of France in World War II , 6 June 2008, 2008, Trinity College Dublin
S. Alyn Stacey, Southern Ireland and the Liberation of France, 6 June 2008, 2008, Trinity College Dublin
Sarah Alyn Stacey, Cultures of War , 1 March 2008, 2008
Sarah Alyn Stacey, The Hill of Tara: the Historical and Cultural Significance , 21 May 2007, 2007, Trinity College Dublin
Alyn Stacey S., Culture and Conflict in 17th-Century France, 11-13 November 1999, 1999, Trinity
Sarah Alyn Stacey, Patronage, Piety, Prophecy: Savonarola and After , 25 November 1998, 1998, Trinity College Dublin
Alyn Stacey S., Ireland and France: Heroism in Sport, 9 July, 1998, Trinity College
Alyn Stacey S., Reclothing the Muse: Renaissance Rewritings of Classical Sources, 17-18 May, 1996, Society for Renaissance Studies-University of Swansea
Alyn Stacey S., International Conference on Critical Theory, Texte(s) et Intertexte(s), 20-21 May, 1994, Institut Français DU Royaume-Uni
Research Expertise
My principal areas of research: Marc-Claude de Buttet (1529/31-1586); the Court of Savoy under Marguerite de France and Duke Emmanuel-Philibert; critical editions of early-modern French texts; religious and political conflict in Savoy; the French Renaissance Court; French Renaissance political poetry; the Savoyard archives (Turin; Geneva; Chambéry; Annecy; Paris); Franco-Irish cultural links. My research focus is constructed to combine historical, political and literary strands and relies heavily on access to rare primary sources in a variety of languages (French, Latin, Italian) in various European archives and libraries (Switzerland, Italy, France, Britain). Current research project (supported by funding from the ASSBF of the Faculty of Arts): religious dissent in early-modern Normandy with particular reference to archival sources, political-religious discourse, and rare editions of various works.Recognition
EDITORIAL BOARDS Chief Editor of the refereed publications series of the Trinity Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 'Court Cultures of the Middle Ages and Renaissance' (Peter Lang);2013-2018: member of the Editorial Board of H-France, the interdisciplinary digital journal recognised as the largest scholarly organisation for francophone history and culture; 1996-2007: Associate Editor of refereed journal Renaissance Studies (Oxford, Blackwell).
2015-present: member of the Board of the Silk Road Film Festival; 1994-2014: member of the Executive Council of the Society for Renaissance Studies, the leading society for the promotion of interdisciplinary research in the Renaissance in the British Isles; 2012-2014: founder and co-ordinator of the Renaissance Studies Undergraduate Essay Prize; 1996-2008: founder and representative of the Irish Branch of the Society for Renaissance Studies; 2000-2006: member of the Executive Council of the Society for French Studies, the premier professional organization for scholars in the field in the British Isles; 1996-present: reviewer of various book proposals, articles for learned journals, grant applications
Awards and Honours
Post Graduate Supervisor of the Year (TCD): Dean of Graduate Studies Postgraduate Awards 2018
Chevalier de l'Ordre National du Mérite
M.A. (jure officii), Trinity College Dublin
Election to the Académie de Savoie
Fellowship of Trinity College (2004)
Member of the Executive Council of French Studies.
Member of the Executive Council of the Society for Renaissance Studies
Membership of the Society for Early Modern French Studies
Elected to membership of the Academie de Savoie