Purchasing Laptops
Advice on purchasing laptops that you need for your course or projects.
Starting your studies can be an expensive time and while the IT Services computer rooms are available to you on campus; you may be considering buying a laptop for use in your studies.
Luckily, we have some advice on discounted laptops, which may help you with your coursework and projects.
As a student of Trinity, you can avail of discounts on both Windows and macOS laptops via the HEAnet store.
When purchasing a laptop, you should ensure that it meets the minimum technical requirements for connecting to the Trinity network, as well as the minimum specifications to carry out your coursework.
Laptop Technical Requirements
If you are thinking of purchasing a laptop for use in Trinity, please be aware of the requirements for connecting to the network.
- Technical requirements for student Wi-Fi
- Technical requirements for wired connection for postgraduates in offices and labs
In addition to this, some courses may have additional technical requirements that you should be aware of.
For example, the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering lists their laptop minimum spec recommendations on this page - Electronic Engineering Laptop recommendations.
Before purchasing a laptop, it's best to check with the course admin office, or on their website, to see if there are device requirements that you should be aware of.
Websites Offering Discounts
HEAnet Store
Students can avail of discounts on both Windows laptops and Apple laptops via the HEAnet Store.
Servicing and Repairs
Refresh is an on-campus paid-for service, run by the Student's Union, that offer servicing and repairs for personally owned laptops.
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