Using Software
As a Trinity staff member, you have access to different software, including Microsoft 365, storage and collaboration tools, MyTrinityApps, and other software you may need.
This page will give you an overview of the following items:
Microsoft 365
With Microsoft 365, you can access common applications such as Outlook, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
You can use Microsoft 365 either online or download it on up to five devices, including Windows, Mac, Android and iOS.
To get started, log in with your Trinity username and password at The first time you log in, you will be asked to set up two step sign-in.
Storage and collaboration tools with Microsoft 365
Microsoft 365 also includes GDPR compliant data storage and collaboration tools like OneDrive, Teams and SharePoint.
OneDrive is your private storage and working space where you can save your personal documents, files and backups. See OneDrive basics to get started.
Teams is a collaboration app that you can use for online meetings, calls, chat, and working together on team documents. See our Teams service page for more information.
SharePoint is a secure and central place to access, store, organise and share information. It is suitable for storing official documents such as centralised templates, procedure documents and policies. See our SharePoint service page for more information.
Data storage, sharing, and classification
See our web pages on data storage and sharing and data classification to ensure you pick the most appropriate storage solution for your files.
Access to Microsoft 365
Your Microsoft 365 account is yours to use during your time as a staff member. Once your contract ends your account will be closed, so please ensure you uninstall the software from any devices as well as move any personal documents off the Microsoft 365 cloud storage.
MyTrinityApps is an online cloud service where you can access a selection of popular academic software for use on Trinity-owned and personal computers.
To get started and to view the full list of software available, log in with your Trinity username and password at
Other software
For a full list of available software, see our software catalogue.
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