Using IT for Teaching, Learning and Research
Learn about the IT facilities available.
This page will give you an overview of the following items:
Teaching and Learning IT
We have different teaching and learning IT resources available to help you give your students the best possible Trinity experience.
Blackboard is Trinity’s virtual learning environment (VLE).
You can use Blackboard to share module content with your students such as lecture notes, activities and announcements. You can also use it for running online assessments and giving feedback for your coursework.
Panopto is a lecture capture service. It allows you to record and share video, audio, PowerPoint and screen capture content with your students, colleagues, or a third-party audience. You can also use it to record within Blackboard and post your lecture recordings directly to your module.
Panopto is available in several classrooms and lecture theatres on campus and St James’s and Tallaght hospitals, but you can also download it on your own computer.
Collaborate is a virtual classroom application which can be added to your Blackboard modules.
It allows you to host live webinars and small group sessions where you can interact with your students using voice, video, lecture slides, polls, whiteboards, and text chat. You can also record your webinars for your students.
Staff guides for online assessment
We have put together staff guides for running online assessments, which include information on different options and technologies you can use.
Technology-enhanced learning
To help you set up your Blackboard modules, we’re running regular Technology-enhanced learning (TEL) sessions for Trinity staff.
Each session covers a different topic or technology that you may be using during your time in Trinity. There are both live and recorded sessions available.
IT services for research
We have different services available that you may need for your research.
Research Support System (RSS)
The Research Support System (RSS) is a web-based system that allows you to maintain a research profile.
You can use your RSS profile to showcase and update your academic interests, research expertise, publications, and conference papers.
Research IT
Research IT is Ireland’s premier high performance computing centre.
The centre provides Trinity researchers from all disciplines with the following services:
- Advanced computing (Linux and high performance computing)
- Data management
- Visualisation
- Software development facilities and expertise
- Training and walk-in workshops
Research data collection and storage when working remotely
Working remotely may create new challenges for researchers collecting, processing and storing data.
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