We have received reports of a phishing email with the subject 'Tcd NOV Annual Leave Compliance' currently targeting the Trinity community.

This email appears to come from 'Tcd_HR_Compliance_Dept' but is in fact NOT from a Trinity account. It is a malicious phishing email containing a hyperlink. The full content of the email is shown below.

If you receive this email, do not click on the hyperlink within the email or interact with it in any other way. Instead, report it to the IT Service Desk (itservicedesk@tcd.ie).



From: Tcd_HR_Compliance_Dept
Subject: Tcd 2023 NOV Annual Leave Compliance for jbloggs@tcd.ie

Requested by : HR Department

Position : Director of Human Resources

Dear jbloggs,

Kindly use the below excel link to check the staff memo referring to the above subject from HR department regarding low compliance to the Annual Vacation Plan for NOV 2023.


Please do note that all names highlighted in red are those who are yet to comply to the Annual Leave Plan for 2023.

Names of employees marked in Green color have met all the requirements for the 2023 Annual Leave Plan

Should you have further questions, kindly reply this email.

Thanks & Regards,

Tcd Global HR Team

HR Manager