We have received reports of a phishing email with the subject line "Review Change In Employee Benefits Plan March".

This email appears to come from "Note from tcd", but is in fact NOT from a Trinity account.

The contents of the email is as follows:

From: Note from tcd

Subject: Review Change In Employee Benefits Plan March

Good morning!

Attached you will find the updated Trinity College Dublin Employee benefit plan/Health Coverage Enrollment. Please keep this for your records!. Additional benefit plan information is located and updated on this page as well.

Should you have any questions or want any additional information, please let me know.

DO NOT respond to this email, click on the attachment or give away your username and password to the link connected to the attachment.

DO delete or report the email as phishing.

If you have already responded to the email or clicked on the attachment and given away your username and password, immediately:

Learn more about Phishing