IT Service Desk Statistics

IT Service Desk Statistics for 2023/2024

Summary for the Academic Year 2023-2024 to date

Review Total
Emails ( 32187
Phone Calls (896 2000) 14507
Walk-In (Aras an Phiarsaigh) 4300
Web Submissions ( 594

Monthly Statistics

Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total
Total Callers 2652 1188 218 79 4137
New and Logged in Service Desk System 2652 374 48 79 3153
Resolved/Closed 1053 288 27 38 1406
Avg Closure Within 1 Week (%)         44.59

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 1615
Average Queue Time 4:12
Average Maximum Queue Time 20.49
% Calls Answered Within Service Target* 75.53
*Service Target = 75% of all incoming calls answered within 5 minutes  

Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total
Total Callers 2101 971 196 19 3287
New and Logged in Service Desk System 2101 226 10 19 2356
Resolved/Closed 661 137 9 6 813
Avg Closure Within 1 Week (%)         34.50764007

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 1297
Average Queue Time 03:10
Average Maximum Queue Time 18:31
% Calls Answered Within Service Target* 82.60
*Service Target = 75% of all incoming calls answered within 5 minutes  

Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total
Total Callers 2405 1177 248 18 3848
New and Logged in Service Desk System 2405 306 27 18 2756
Resolved/Closed 693 182 21 2 898
Avg Closure Within 1 Week (%)         32.58

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 1032
Average Queue Time 3:30
Average Maximum Queue Time 16:33
% Calls Answered Within Service Target* 83.53
*Service Target = 75% of all incoming calls answered within 5 minutes  

Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total
Total Callers 1997 882 185 21 3085
New and Logged in Service Desk System 1997 221 24 21 2263
Resolved/Closed 708 151 18 4 881
Avg Closure Within 1 Week (%)         38.93

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 1178
Average Queue Time 3:07
Average Maximum Queue Time 15:45
% Calls Answered Within Service Target* 84.11
*Service Target = 75% of all incoming calls answered within 5 minutes  

Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total
Total Callers 2044 1044 297 13 3398
New and Logged in Service Desk System 2044 294 35 13 2386
Resolved/Closed 765 186 24 3 978
Avg Closure Within 1 Week (%)         41%

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 1303
Average Queue Time 04:04
Average Maximum Queue Time 12:23
% Calls Answered Within Service Target* 80
*Service Target = 75% of all incoming calls answered within 5 minutes  

Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total
Total Callers 2825 1358 333 23 4539
New and Logged in Service Desk System 2825 372 63 23 3283
Resolved/Closed 822 209 49 4 1084
Avg Closure Within 1 Week (%)         33.01

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 1294
Average Queue Time 04:27
Average Maximum Queue Time 23:22
% Calls Answered Within Service Target* 77.02
*Service Target = 75% of all incoming calls answered within 5 minutes  

Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total
Total Callers 2640 1073 307 32 4052
New and Logged in Service Desk System 2640 381 25 32 3078
Resolved/Closed 812 234 19 17 1082
Avg Closure Within 1 Week (%)         35.15

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 1282
Average Queue Time 04:18
Average Maximum Queue Time 22:49
% Calls Answered Within Service Target* 77.25
*Service Target = 75% of all incoming calls answered within 5 minutes  

Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total
Total Callers 3020 1319 319 67 4725
New and Logged in Service Desk System 3020 407 45 67 3539
Resolved/Closed 895 293 32 25 1245
Avg Closure Within 1 Week (%)         35.18

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 1319
Average Queue Time 4:30
Average Maximum Queue Time 18:27
% Calls Answered Within Service Target* 75.43
*Service Target = 75% of all incoming calls answered within 5 minutes  

Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total
Total Callers 1672 715 190 41 2618
New and Logged in Service Desk System 1672 268 19 41 2000
Resolved/Closed 635 184 13 17 849
Avg Closure Within 1 Week (%)         42.45%

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 715
Average Queue Time 3:49
Average Maximum Queue Time 26:02
% Calls Answered Within Service Target* 78.05%
*Service Target = 75% of all incoming calls answered within 5 minutes  

Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total
Total Callers 3397 1562 659 71 5689
New and Logged in Service Desk System 3397 538 106 71 4112
Resolved/Closed 785 329 86 41 1241
Avg Closure Within 1 Week (%)         30.18

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 1562
Average Queue Time 4:51
Average Maximum Queue Time 20.56
% Calls Answered Within Service Target* 70.85%
*Service Target = 75% of all incoming calls answered within 5 minutes  

Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total
Total Callers 2845 1337 439 56 5206
New and Logged in Service Desk System 2845 427 123 56 3865
Resolved/Closed 799 237 100 33 1492
Avg Closure Within 1 Week (%)         38.60

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 1337
Average Queue Time 3:35
Average Maximum Queue Time 17:45
% Calls Answered Within Service Target* 76.99%
*Service Target = 75% of all incoming calls answered within 5 minutes  

Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total
Total Callers 4589 1881 909 154 7533
New and Logged in Service Desk System 4589 587 207 154 5537
Resolved/Closed 1903 365 173 101 2542
Avg Closure Within 1 Week (%)         45.91%

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 1881
Average Queue Time 3:59
Average Maximum Queue Time 16:32
% Calls Answered Within Service Target* 72.97
*Service Target = 75% of all incoming calls answered within 5 minutes  

Weekly Statistics


Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 851 474 289 30 1644  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 851 136 63 30 1080 65.69
Assigned (Work not Started) 67 4 4 4 79 7.31
Work In Progress 132 1 1 0 134 12.41
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 304 19 7 7 337 31.20
Resolved/Closed 348 112 51 19 530 49.07
New and Logged by % 78.80 12.59 5.83 2.78    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 474
Average Queue Time 00:4:44
Maximum Queue Time 22:41:00
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 66.20%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 636 399 102 31 1168  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 636 117 7 31 791  
Assigned (Work not Started) 116 3 0 3 122 15.42
Work In Progress 48 5 1 3 57 7.21
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 211 14 4 10 239 30.21
Resolved/Closed 261 95 2 15 373 47.16
New and Logged by % 80.40 14.79 0.88 3.92    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 399
Average Queue Time 3:44
Maximum Queue Time 19:50
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 77.38



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 492 326 64 17 899  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 492 84 26 17 619  
Assigned (Work not Started) 104 8 7 4 123 19.87
Work In Progress 7 0 0 6 13 2.10
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 178 12 0 0 190 30.69
Resolved/Closed 203 64 16 7 290 46.85
New and Logged by % 79.48 13.57 4.20 2.75    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 326
Average Queue Time 5:02
Maximum Queue Time 20:49
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 67.83%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 579 279 60 24 942  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 579 66 14 24 683  
Assigned (Work not Started) 21 4 3 0 28 4.10
Work In Progress 105 0 0 5 110 16.11
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 223 6 2 5 236 34.55
Resolved/Closed 230 56 8 13 307 44.95
New and Logged by % 84.77 9.66 2.05 3.51    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 279
Average Queue Time 4:44
Maximum Queue Time        19:37
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 78.48%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 441 235 52 2 730  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 441 54 1 2 498  
Assigned (Work not Started) 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
Work In Progress 49 4 0 0 53 10.64
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 236 14 0 1 251 50.40
Resolved/Closed 156 36 1 1 194 38.96
New and Logged by % 88.55 10.84 0.20 0.40    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 235
Average Queue Time 3:35
Maximum Queue Time 13:56:00
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 78.60%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 504 231 35 5 775  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 504 53 0 5 562  
Assigned (Work not Started) 20 0 0 0 20 3.56
Work In Progress 52 10 0 0 62 11.03
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 229 6 0 3 238 42.35
Resolved/Closed 203 37 0 2 242 43.06
New and Logged by % 89.68 9.43 0.00 0.89    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 231
Average Queue Time 02:52
Maximum Queue Time 18:31
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 87.11



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 486 278 52 4 820  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 486 58 1 4 549  
Assigned (Work not Started) 23 4   0 27 4.92
Work In Progress 34 1 0 0 35 6.38
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 250 10 0 2 262 47.72
Resolved/Closed 179 43 1 2 225 40.98
New and Logged by % 88.52 10.56 0.18 0.73    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 278
Average Queue Time 3:21
Maximum Queue Time 16:16
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 76.65%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 572 258 51 5 886  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 572 55 1 5 633  
Assigned (Work not Started) 26 1 1 0 28 4.42
Work In Progress 62 2 0 0 64 10.11
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 299 16 0 3 318 50.24
Resolved/Closed 185 36 0 2 223 35.23
New and Logged by % 90.36 8.69 0.16 0.79    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 258
Average Queue Time 3:09
Maximum Queue Time 14:26:00
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 81.73%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 567 222 48 5 842  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 567 62 4 5 638  
Assigned (Work not Started) 20 2 0 1 23 3.61
Work In Progress 54 7 0 0 61 9.56
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 320 24 0 3 347 54.39
Resolved/Closed 173 29 4 1 207 32.45
New and Logged by % 88.87 9.72 0.63 0.78    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 222
Average Queue Time 4:04
Maximum Queue Time 13:53:00
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 82.68%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 476 213 45 5 739  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 476 51 4 5 536  
Assigned (Work not Started) 24 1 0 0 25 4.66
Work In Progress 58 2 0 0 60 11.19
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 270 19 0 4 293 54.66
Resolved/Closed 124 29 4 1 158 29.48
New and Logged by % 88.81 9.51 0.75 0.93    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 213
Average Queue Time 0:02:07
Maximum Queue Time 6:34
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 87.5



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 442 221 49 2 714  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 442 61 2 2 507  
Assigned (Work not Started) 28 0 0 0 28 5.52
Work In Progress 53 1 0 0 54 10.65
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 225 20 0 2 247 48.72
Resolved/Closed 136 40 2 0 178 35.11
New and Logged by % 87.18 12.03 0.39 0.39    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 221
Average Queue Time 2:51
Maximum Queue Time 0:15:35
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 83.67%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 505 249 48 8 810  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 505 70 7 8 590  
Assigned (Work not Started) 9 0 0 0 9 1.53
Work In Progress 58 6 0 0 64 10.85
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 308 22 3 7 340 57.63
Resolved/Closed 130 42 4 0 176 29.83
New and Logged by % 85.59 11.86 1.19 1.36    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 249
Average Queue Time 3:51
Maximum Queue Time 0:15:12
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 84.67%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 556 229 49 4 838  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 556 65 7 4 632  
Assigned (Work not Started) 70 3 0 0 73 11.55
Work In Progress 50 4 0 0 54 8.54
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 242 18 3 4 267 42.25
Resolved/Closed 194 40 4 0 238 37.66
New and Logged by % 87.97 10.28 1.11 0.63    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 229
Average Queue Time 0:03:40
Maximum Queue Time 8:42
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 84.65%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 434 211 47 2 694  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 434 40 2 2 478  
Assigned (Work not Started) 18 0 0 0 18 3.77
Work In Progress 49 2 0 0 51 10.67
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 254 11 0 0 265 55.44
Resolved/Closed 113 27 2 2 144 30.13
New and Logged by % 90.79 8.37 0.42 0.42    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 211
Average Queue Time 0:03:43
Maximum Queue Time 16:33:00
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 81.05%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 468 267 55 2 792  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 468 70 9 2 549  
Assigned (Work not Started) 51 4 0 0 55 10.02
Work In Progress 71 4 0 0 75 13.66
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 226 29 0 2 257 46.81
Resolved/Closed 120 33 9 0 162 29.51
New and Logged by % 85.25 12.75 1.64 0.36    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 267
Average Queue Time 0:03:56
Maximum Queue Time 13:50:00
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 80.40%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 528 220 39 6 793  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 528 47 2 6 583  
Assigned (Work not Started) 56 2 0 2 60 10.29
Work In Progress 70 7 0 0 77 13.21
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 253 6 1 2 262 44.94
Resolved/Closed 149 32 1 2 184 31.56
New and Logged by % 90.57 8.06 0.34 1.03    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 220
Average Queue Time 2:27
Maximum Queue Time 7:50:00
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 88.11%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 569 235 65 5 874  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 569 68 14 5 656  
Assigned (Work not Started) 38 2 1 1 42 6.40
Work In Progress 40 1 0 0 41 6.25
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 270 19 3 4 296 45.12
Resolved/Closed 221 46 10 0 277 42.23
New and Logged by % 86.74 10.37 2.13 0.76    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 235
Average Queue Time 3:10
Maximum Queue Time 15:45
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 83.15%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 402 182 34 4 622  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 402 48 3 4 457  
Assigned (Work not Started) 20 2 0 0 22 4.81
Work In Progress 46 0 0 0 46 10.07
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 203 12 1 4 220 48.14
Resolved/Closed 133 34 2 0 169 36.98
New and Logged by % 87.96 10.50 0.66 0.88    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 182
Average Queue Time 3:02
Maximum Queue Time 0:08:00
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 82.84%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 498 245 47 6 796  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 498 58 5 6 567  
Assigned (Work not Started) 35 11 0 0 46 8.11
Work In Progress 29 0 0 0 29 5.11
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 229 8 0 4 241 42.50
Resolved/Closed 205 39 5 2 251 44.27
New and Logged by % 87.83 10.23 0.88 1.06    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 245
Average Queue Time 3:07
Maximum Queue Time 13:28
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 86.67%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 497 241 48 3 789  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 497 73 4 3 577  
Assigned (Work not Started) 21 0 0 1 22 3.81
Work In Progress 28 8 3 0 39 6.76
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 248 20 0 0 268 46.45
Resolved/Closed 200 45 1 2 248 42.98
New and Logged by % 86.14 12.65 0.69 0.52    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 249
Average Queue Time 3:37
Maximum Queue Time 14:56
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 82.33%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 536 249 62 6 853  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 536 76 7 6 625  
Assigned (Work not Started) 29 0 0 0 29 4.64
Work In Progress 17 3 0 0 20 3.20
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 285 28 2 5 320 51.20
Resolved/Closed 205 45 5 1 256 40.96
New and Logged by % 85.76 12.16 1.12 0.96    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 249
Average Queue Time 3:37
Maximum Queue Time 14:56
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 82.33%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 504 279 85 3 871  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 504 75 9 3 591  
Assigned (Work not Started) 15 2 0 0 17 2.88
Work In Progress 48 6 0 0 54 9.14
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 268 16 2 0 289 48.90
Resolved/Closed 173 51 7 0 231 39.09
New and Logged by % 85.28 12.69 1.52 0.51    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 279
Average Queue Time 3:37
Maximum Queue Time 15:11
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 84.87%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 507 275 102 1 885  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 507 70 15 1 593  
Assigned (Work not Started) 8 2 0 0 10 1.69
Work In Progress 35 3 0 1 38 6.41
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 277 20 4 1 302 50.93
Resolved/Closed 187 45 11 0 243 40.98
New and Logged by % 85.50 11.80 2.53 0.17    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 275
Average Queue Time 3:58
Maximum Queue Time 14:28
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 74.01%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 458 250 67 5 780  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 458 55 8 5 526  
Assigned (Work not Started) 33 2 0 1 36 6.84
Work In Progress 38 1 1 0 40 7.60
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 214 14 2 3 233 44.30
Resolved/Closed 173 38 5 0 192 41.25
New and Logged by % 87.07 10.46 1.52 0.95    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 250
Average Queue Time 4:53
Maximum Queue Time 0:21:08
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 73:22%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 547 228 49 4 828  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 547 77 40 4 638  
Assigned (Work not Started) 137 2 2 1 142 22.26
Work In Progress 52 8 0 0 60 9.40
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 211 35 2 3 251 39.34
Resolved/Closed 147 39 6 0 192 30.09
New and Logged by % 85.74 12.07 1.57 0.63    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 228
Average Queue Time 6:16
Maximum Queue Time 0:23:22
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 66.67%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 543 287 99 5 994  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 543 74 21 5 643  
Assigned (Work not Started) 72 2 0 0 74 11.51
Work In Progress 35 5 1 0 41 6.38
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 271 30 2 3 306 47.59
Resolved/Closed 165 37 18 2 222 34.53
New and Logged by % 84.45 11.51 3.27 0.78    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 287
Average Queue Time 3:37
Maximum Queue Time 0:19:27
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 83.18%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 660 285 44 4 993  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 660 82 11 4 757  
Assigned (Work not Started) 79 5 0 0 84 11.10
Work In Progress 63 0 1 0 64 8.45
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 373 33 2 4 412 54.43
Resolved/Closed 145 44 8 0 197 26.02
New and Logged by % 87.19 10.83 1.45 0.53    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 285
Average Queue Time 3:29
Maximum Queue Time 0:11:25
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 82.02%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 617 308 74 5 1004  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 617 84 13 5 719  
Assigned (Work not Started) 59 3 0 2 64 8.90
Work In Progress 70 2 0 0 72 10.01
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 296 28 1 2 327 45.48
Resolved/Closed 192 51 12 1 256 35.61
New and Logged by % 85.81 11.68 1.81 0.70    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 308
Average Queue Time 3:07
Maximum Queue Time 0:11:33
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 83.33%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 509 296 80 1 886  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 509 92 8 1 610  
Assigned (Work not Started) 17   1 0 18 2.95
Work In Progress 44 7 0 0 51 8.36
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 285 34 0 1 320 52.46
Resolved/Closed 190 52 1 7 250 36.23
New and Logged by % 83.44 15.08 1.31 0.16    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 296
Average Queue Time 5:43
Maximum Queue Time 0:22:49
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 64.76%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 661 237 46 10 954  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 661 84 2 10 757  
Assigned (Work not Started) 7 8 0 0 15 1.98
Work In Progress 307 4 0 0 311 41.08
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 157 20 1 3 181 23.91
Resolved/Closed 190 52 1 7 250 33.03
New and Logged by % 87.32 11.10 0.26 1.32    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 237
Average Queue Time 2:52
Maximum Queue Time 0:00:13
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 84.64%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 675 216 76 9 976  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 675 90 9 9 783  
Assigned (Work not Started) 134 3 0 0 137 17.50
Work In Progress 75 5 1 3 84 10.73
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 285 25 2 2 314 40.10
Resolved/Closed 181 57 6 4 248 31.67
New and Logged by % 86.21 11.49 1.15 1.15    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 216
Average Queue Time 4:07
Maximum Queue Time 13:41:00
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 77.11%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 795 324 105 12 1236  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 795 115 6 12 928  
Assigned (Work not Started) 107 1 0 3 111 11.96
Work In Progress 60 12 0 1 73 7.87
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 350 28 1 2 381 41.06
Resolved/Closed 278 74 5 6 363 39.12
New and Logged by % 85.67 12.39 0.65 1.29    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 324
Average Queue Time 4:57
Maximum Queue Time 29:01:00
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 66.92%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 916 360 143 30 1449  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 916 122 13 30 1081  
Assigned (Work not Started) 196 16   10 222 20.54
Work In Progress 88 2   8 98 9.07
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 350 24 1   375 34.69
Resolved/Closed 282 80 12 12 386 35.71
New and Logged by % 84.74 11.29 1.20 2.78    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 360
Average Queue Time 4:47
Maximum Queue Time 22:47:00
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 69.66%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 872 377 93 14 1356  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 872 92 10 14 988  
Assigned (Work not Started) 281 5   5 291 29.45
Work In Progress 127 10     137 13.87
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 247 15 3 3 268 27.13
Resolved/Closed 217 62 7 6 292 29.55
New and Logged by % 88.26 9.31 1.01 1.42    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 377
Average Queue Time 3:38
Maximum Queue Time 16:58:00
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 79.53%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 744 337 66 13 1160  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 744 105 18 13 880  
Assigned (Work not Started) 135 4 0 7 146 16.59
Work In Progress 83 4 1 2 90 10.23
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 312 17 5 2 336 38.18
Resolved/Closed 214 80 12 2 308 35.00
New and Logged by % 84.55 11.93 2.05 1.48    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 337
Average Queue Time 4:46:00
Maximum Queue Time 17:37:00
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 72.38%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 488 245 17 10 760  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 488 88 4 10 590  
Assigned (Work not Started) 25 4 0 1 30 5.08
Work In Progress 1 0 1 0 2 0.34
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 280 13 2 4 299 50.68
Resolved/Closed 182 71 1 5 259 43.90
New and Logged by % 82.71 14.92 0.68 1.69    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 245
Average Queue Time 4:49
Maximum Queue Time 16:27
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 80.15%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 451 185 18 9 663  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 451 51 0 9 511  
Assigned (Work not Started) 61 5 0 2 68 13.31
Work In Progress 1 0 0 0 1 0.20
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 225 15 0 4 244 47.75
Resolved/Closed 164 31 0 3 198 38.75
New and Logged by % 88.26 9.98 0.00 1.76    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 185
Average Queue Time 3:28
Maximum Queue Time 15:30
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 79.26%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 557 224 70 16 867  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 557 94 3 16 670  
Assigned (Work not Started) 76 5 0 3 84 12.54
Work In Progress 1 0 0 0 1 0.15
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 262 27 2 6 297 44.33
Resolved/Closed 218 62 1 7 288 42.99
New and Logged by % 83.13 14.03 0.45 2.39    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 224
Average Queue Time 3:15
Maximum Queue Time 10:01
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 78.20%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 664 306 102 16 1088  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 664 123 16 16 819  
Assigned (Work not Started) 83 8 1 3 95 11.60
Work In Progress 5 0 0 0 5 0.61
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 323 24 3 6 356 43.47
Resolved/Closed 253 91 12 7 363 44.32
New and Logged by % 81.07 15.02 1.95 1.95    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 306
Average Queue Time 4:44
Maximum Queue Time 26:02
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 76.70%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 646 301 119 10 1076  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 646 136 19 10 811  
Assigned (Work not Started) 316 7 3 1 327 40.32
Work In Progress 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 170 41 4 2 217 26.76
Resolved/Closed 160 88 12 7 267 32.92
New and Logged by % 79.65 16.77 2.34 1.23    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 301
Average Queue Time 5:09
Maximum Queue Time 18:24
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 66.20%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 661 291 139 19 1110  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 661 107 14 19 801  
Assigned (Work not Started) 399 20 1 10 430 53.68
Work In Progress 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 131 26 2 0 159 19.85
Resolved/Closed 131 61 11 9 212 26.47
New and Logged by % 82.52 13.36 1.75 2.37    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 291
Average Queue Time 5:07
Maximum Queue Time 22:55
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 74.28%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 797 336 140 13 1286  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 797 95 41 13 946  
Assigned (Work not Started) 324 6 1 0 331 34.99
Work In Progress 1 2 0 0 3 0.32
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 266 24 5 5 300 31.71
Resolved/Closed 206 63 35 8 312 32.98
New and Logged by % 84.25 10.04 4.33 1.37    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 336
Average Queue Time 5:14
Maximum Queue Time 21:36
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 66.08%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 766 359 139 15 1279  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 766 103 17 15 901  
Assigned (Work not Started) 315 9 0 5 329 36.51
Work In Progress 1 1 0 0 2 0.22
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 262 30 3 2 297 39.96
Resolved/Closed 178 63 14 8 263 29.19
New and Logged by % 85.02 11.43 1.89 1.66    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 359
Average Queue Time 4:43
Maximum Queue Time 27:09
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 73.33%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 527 275 122 14 938  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 527 97 15 14 653  
Assigned (Work not Started) 288 10 1 4 303 46.40
Work In Progress 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 129 33 0 1 163 24.96
Resolved/Closed 110 54 14 9 187 28.64
New and Logged by % 80.70 14.85 2.30 2.14    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 275
Average Queue Time 4:05
Maximum Queue Time 14:36
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 74.39%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 586 313 92 13 1004  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 586 67 34 13 700  
Assigned (Work not Started) 320 8 0 4 332 47.43
Work In Progress 1 0 0 0 1 0.14
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 157 19 6 3 185 26.43
Resolved/Closed 108 40 28 6 182 26.00
New and Logged by % 83.71 9.57 4.86 1.86    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 313
Average Queue Time 2:55
Maximum Queue Time 13:12
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 81.32%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 775 363 145 12 1295  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 775 142 42 12 971  
Assigned (Work not Started) 377 13 0 3 393 40.47
Work In Progress 0 1 1 0 2 0.21
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 243 52 3 1 299 30.79
Resolved/Closed 155 76 38 8 277 28.53
New and Logged by % 79.81 14.62 4.33 1.24    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 363
Average Queue Time 5:14
Maximum Queue Time 31:47
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 62.20%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 687 311 122 8 1128  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 687 84 30 8 809  
Assigned (Work not Started) 167 2 0 1 170 21.01
Work In Progress 3 0 0 0 3 0.37
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 282 36 4 4 326 40.30
Resolved/Closed 235 46 26 3 310 38.32
New and Logged by % 84.92 10.38 3.71 0.99    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 311
Average Queue Time 3:16
Maximum Queue Time 8:46
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 82.13%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 797 350 80 23 1250  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 797 134 17 23 971  
Assigned (Work not Started) 107 11 2 3 123 12.67
Work In Progress 4 0 0 0 4 0.41
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 385 48 7 4 444 45.73
Resolved/Closed 301 75 8 16 400 41.19
New and Logged by % 82.08 13.80 1.75 2.37    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 350
Average Queue Time 2:57
Maximum Queue Time 17:18
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 82.29%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 978 467 196 20 1661  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 978 139 35 20 1172  
Assigned (Work not Started) 341 14 1 5 361 30.80
Work In Progress 3 0 0 0 3 0.26
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 310 42 4 0 356 30.38
Resolved/Closed 324 83 30 15 452 38.57
New and Logged by % 83.45 11.86 2.99 1.71 100  

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 467
Average Queue Time 3:34
Maximum Queue Time 21:07
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 78.89%



Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 1134 478 267 33 1912  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 1134 146 78 33 1391  
Assigned (Work not Started) 328 15 3 3 349 25.09
Work In Progress 1 0 0 0 1 0.07
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 404 41 5 5 455 32.71
Resolved/Closed 401 90 70 25 586 42.13
New and Logged by % 81.52 10.50 5.61 2.37    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 478
Average Queue Time 4:08
Maximum Queue Time 15:27
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 71.70%


Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 1374 499 254 47 2174  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 1374 151 39 47 1611  
Assigned (Work not Started) 189 19 3 12 223 30.52
Work In Progress 3 0 1 0 4 0.25
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 366 37 7 8 418 25.95
Resolved/Closed 816 95 28 27 966 59.96
New and Logged by % 85.29 9.37 2.42 2.92    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 499
Average Queue Time 3:25
Maximum Queue Time 13:08
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 81.79%


Call Source Email Phone Walk-In Web Total Status%
Total Callers 1103 437 192 54 1786  
New and Logged in Service Desk System 1103 151 55 54 1363  
Assigned (Work not Started) 387 15 3 11 416 30.52
Work In Progress 2 0 0 0 2 0.15
Pending (Waiting on More Info) 352 39 7 9 407 29.86
Resolved/Closed 362 97 45 34 538 39.47
New and Logged by % 80.92 11.08 4.04 3.9    

Telephone Calls to the IT Service Desk

Review Total
Total Number of Calls 437
Average Queue Time 4:52
Maximum Queue Time 16:28
% Calls Answered Within Service Target 59.53%


Statistics Archive

Click on the links below to view statistics for previous academic years: