When working in an IT Services computer room, always remember: any files saved directly to a computer in the room will be automatically deleted when you log off. To avoid losing your work, always save your files to a secure location before logging out.
Where to Save Your Work
MyZone Drive (Google Drive)
All Trinity students have access to MyZone Drive (myzone.tcd.ie), a secure online storage space where you can save your work and access it from any device with an internet connection.
External Storage (USB Key, External Hard Drive, or Cloud Backup)
For extra security, save a second copy of important files to a USB key, external hard drive, or another cloud service to ensure you always have a backup.
Why This Matters
We regularly clear down data from computers in our Computer Rooms to maintain system performance and security. Once data is deleted, it cannot be recovered—so always save your work before you log off!
If you have any questions, please contact the IT Service Desk.