Try the new Microsoft Teams
Everyone in Trinity who uses Teams can now switch to the new and improved version of the app. The new Teams installs faster and loads faster, letting you effortlessly work with your colleagues on files and in channels, connect video and audio calls, and have chats.
Why not try the new Microsoft Teams now?
How do I get the new Microsoft Teams?
Open the Teams app or Teams online and look for the ‘Try the new Teams’ toggle. Simply toggle on the new Teams. That's it.
The older version of Teams will close and new Teams will open.

What will happen to my content when switching to new Teams?
Your content (your chats, posts, files, channels, etc.) will not be affected by switching to new Teams. Everything you see and have access to in your current version of Teams will be there in new Teams as well.
The toggle to revert back to Classic Teams
You can toggle back to Classic Teams until mid-May 2024, but Microsoft is moving everyone in Trinity to the new Teams by July 2024.
- March 2024
Release of new Microsoft Teams
- April 2024
Microsoft will start automatically upgrading all Trinity classic Teams to the new Teams, but the toggle to revert to classic Teams will still be available.
- mid-May 2024
Classic Teams users will be updated automatically and toggle to revert will disappear.
- July 2024
All users in Trinity will be on the new Microsoft Teams