Exciting Upgrades to Panopto Service within Blackboard VLE

04 Sep 2024

We are thrilled to announce that we’ve recently implemented significant upgrades to the Panopto service within our Blackboard Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).


Here's what you need to know

Most features will remain the same, but a small number will work differently or have been discontinued by Panopto.  After the upgrade and before the new academic year, you should take some time to familiarise yourself with the updates listed below. 

The Panopto Lecture Capture tool link has moved, but you can move it back

For modules from 2023-24 and older, the existing Panopto tool link in your module’s left-hand menu will be replaced. The new link, called Panopto Lecture Capture, will be located further down the menu, but you can move it higher if needed. *Also note, by default this link will be visible to students; if you want to hide this link, then right-click and select hide. 

Configure Panopto with your module

The three-step process of configuring the Panopto service with your module has been simplified into just one easy step!  You'll notice that there will be a slightly new look to the main Panopto content area within the module. 

Panopto Create button

The main features under the +Create button for Panopto within the module remain the same allowing you to record your lectures using the Panopto capture recorder, the Panopto application recorder, upload video content, create new sub folders and create a playlist of videos as before. 

Existing Panopto Lecture Recordings in historical modules

The lecture recording embedded links you have in your historical modules will continue to work after the upgrade. 

Copying Lecture Recordings from one year to the next

You will continue to copy any required recordings to the next academic year from the previous year as you have done previously.  Please see our video guide for instructions. 

The Panopto Student video assignment has been renamed to Panopto Student Submission

This feature has been renamed as the Panopto Student Submission. 

The workflow to create a video assignment for your students is very similar. The workflow for students to create and submit their video assignment is also similar. Updated instructional guides and video tutorials are available for both staff and students. 

Panopto Quizzing feature

Panopto has introduced a new quizzing feature where you can add quiz questions within your lecture video from within Blackboard. 

You can add quiz questions in at any point of the video, as well as to videos already published. In playback, the video will halt until the quiz questions are completed.

Video guides for the new features

To help you get the most out of these updates, we’ve created a series of video guides that walk you through the new features and how to use them effectively:

How to set-up the Panopto Lecture capture tool and record

This video will show you how to set-up the Panopto Lecture capture tool and use it to record within Blackboard.

Installing and Using Panopto on Windows devices

This video will show you how to download and use the Panopto application tool on a Windows devices.

This video will show you how to download and use the Panopto application tool on a Mac.

This video will show you how to download and use the Panopto application tool on a Mac.

How to copy a Panopto recording to a different module

This video will show you how to copy Panopto recordings from one module to another module. For example, if you wanted to copy a recording from a previous academic year to the current academic year.