Since its release way back in 2005, Universal Analytics (also known as GA3 or Google Analytics 3) has had a significant impact on the way we are able to monitor, measure and make changes to our website performance.

It’s been through many significant updates to improve its functionality and usability over the years, but this time GA is hitting us with a hefty update. From 1st July 2023, Google Analytics 3 will no longer operate and will stop processing data.  

The information below is specifically relevant to those who use Google Analytics 3 for reporting. 

How will I collect analytics on my website’s traffic using Google Analytics 4?  

You can request a standardised monthly report which is generated by the Digital and Web Team using a centralised version of Google Analytics 4. This standardised report has been developed, tested, and refined in consultation with several areas across the University as well as external expertise. 

It contains meaningful information and metrics about your website, including information on pageviews, top pages visited, file downloads, and more.

See a sample of new standardised report 

Please note that you will no longer have access Google Analytics to collect analytics on your website’s traffic.  


Will I still have access to Awstats/Weblogs? 

Only if your website has not yet migrated to the new CMS. If your website has not migrated yet, then you can access Awstats/Weblogs analytics at 


What is the next step? 

If you wish to receive the monthly website traffic report for your website using GA4 data, please contact the IT Service Desk and list the email address that this report should be sent to. 

If you have any questions related to this change or website analytics, then please contact the Digital and Web Team within IT Services. You can contact the Digital and Web Team by contacting the IT Service Desk.