Millions of people use online dating services or apps. When interacting with someone new, it’s always good to remain cautious. Below we have listed some tips to help keep you safe when connecting with someone online.

Use a different photo for your profile

If you use the same photo for your dating profile and for example your Instagram or Facebook profile, it’s easier for someone to find you on social media.

Avoid suspicious profiles

If you’ve connected with someone with no bio, linked social media accounts, just one picture, and in general very little information, the account may be fake.

Check out the person you’ve matched with on social media

If you know their name or handles on social media, look them up and make sure they aren’t “catfishing” you by using a fake social media account to create their dating profile.

Block and report suspicious users

Examples include users who request financial assistance, are minors, send harassing messages, threaten you, try to sell you something, or seem to have created a fake profile.

Watch out for suspicious behaviour

Some examples of common suspicious behaviour include asking for financial assistance, claiming to be currently living, working, or travelling abroad, disappearing suddenly then reappearing under a different name, overly romantic too early, and requesting personal information.

Wait to share personal information

Never give someone you haven’t met with in person your personal information. Also, legitimate dating services will never send you an email to ask for your login details, so if you receive a request for these, delete it and consider reporting.

Never respond to requests for financial help

No matter how convincing and compelling someone’s reason may seem, never respond to a request to send money, especially overseas or via wire transfer.

Further information, including safety tips for when meeting someone in person is available on Rainn's website.

Source: Online Dating and Dating App Safety Tips – Rainn