Have a look below for more information about where to get your hands on the IT tools you need and what we have done over the summer to help you settle into the new academic year with ease.

Need to know where to get started with IT? Or just need a refresher?

Our orientation video provides an overview to the way you'll use IT in Trinity. As well, it includes some helpful answers to frequently asked questions from new students.

You can learn more about all of the IT tools and resources you will use for your coursework on our Getting Started webpages for students.

Your username, your password and connecting to the Trinity network

It's true that you can't get much done without your username, password, and the internet. So, we worked hard over the summer to ensure reliability of IT services that you use; we also streamlined how you connect to IT services and introduced an easier method for resetting your password.

Reliability of IT services

Our work over the summer included high availability testing of IT services; this means that our services will continue uninterrupted and remain available for you. We also updated our servers' operating systems and installed a new load balancer which will allow for a more efficient distribution of network traffic.

Changing the way you log into Blackboard and other services

You may notice that when logging into Blackboard VLE it now looks like you're logging into Microsoft 365. We have made this change to unify the process of logging into all of the services you use. This means that you can now use two-step sign-in (TSSI) for logging into these services.

Self-Service Password Reset Tool

Speaking of Microsoft 365, you can now use it to change your password. The tool is available via office.tcd.ie.

Finding your way

Consider the Trinity Live mobile app as the holy grail in the palm of your hand. You can use it to explore campus, find locations and how busy they are, check out your timetable, review your library checkouts, and use it as digital identification.

Trinity Live is available on both iOS and Android.

Get IT help if you're ever stuck

You don't have to 'google it' if ever you need a hand with something IT related; we're happy to help and we're here to support you throughout your journey in Trinity.

You can contact us in a number of ways, including visiting us at the IT Service Desk in Aras an Phiarsaigh.