IT and Cyber Security Policy
There is a published IT and Cyber Security Policy to which all Trinity staff and students are obliged to adhere to. This document and a full range of supporting material with advice on practical ways that all members of the University can help to protect the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of Trinity information technology resources are available on the IT Security Website.
Mandatory Cyber Security Training
Maintaining GDPR compliance and ensuring robust data security are critical priorities for Trinity and essential for all members of our community. To support this shared responsibility and our obligations, all staff are required to complete Cyber Security and Data Protection training modules.
Phishing awareness
The most frequent cause of cyber security incidents is phishing emails. Phishing emails are fraudulent emails that are hoping to trick you into providing your computer account login details or other personal information. It's important that staff and students be familiar with how to recognise phishing emails and handle them appropriately.
Things to remember when creating a password
- Length - Make your passwords long with 8 or more characters.
- Complexity - always:
- have a mix of upper and lowercase characters
- include at least one numeric character OR a special character such as ! @ $ % * _ - + = ~
- but don’t include £ € : ? | space
- Obscurity - Good passwords are randomised combinations of characters, don’t use dictionary words or include part of your first name, last name, or username.
What you can do
Cyber security incidents are reported every year and all users of the Trinity data network have a responsibility to ensure that they have taken all possible steps to keep their data secure. This applies whether they are using Trinity-owned or privately-owned devices.
Below we have outlined some useful links to help you keep your data secure.