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Panopto Rollover Guide

This guide describes how to roll over (copy) your Panopto videos from your 2023/24 Blackboard modules to the new 2024/25 modules.

You will need to check with your school office that you are timetabled to the 2024/25 modules in CMIS if they are not listed for you in Blackboard.

Separate guides are available for copying your Blackboard modules or Turnitin assignment.

Panopto rollover steps

  1. After signing into Blackboard, go to your new Blackboard module 2024/25 and ensure you have set up the Panopto Lecture Capture service.
    1. If not, click the + sign in the module and choose Tool Link from the drop-down menu.

    2. Give the Panopto tool link a title, like My Lecture Recordings, then click the arrow for the <Type> field and choose the Panopto Lecture Capture option from the drop-down menu.

    3. You can decide whether to tick the available to users tick box if you want this recordings area to be seen or hidden by your students. Click the submit button to add the Panopto tool link to the left-hand menu panel.

    4. Click on your Panopto tool link, in this case <My Lecture Recordings> to commission (add) your module with Panopto. This will create a new folder storage location for your Panopto videos for the 2024/25 module.

  2. Exit out of your current year module 2024/25 and go into your previous academic year 2023/24 module where your Panopto recordings are stored.
  3. Click on your Panopto link in the table of contents in the left-hand menu.

    • For modules from 2023-24 and older, the existing Panopto tool link in your module’s left-hand menu will be replaced. The new link, called Panopto Lecture Capture, will be located further down the menu, but you can move it higher if needed.
  4. Once in the Panopto content area, hover over each recording you want to copy from this module to a new academic year module. Tick the small square radio box that appears in front of the recording icon to select the recording, and do the same for the rest of the recordings you want to copy. Click the Copy button in the toolbar above the recordings in the floating toolbar

  5. Click the down arrow for the <choose a folder> field and choose your relevant 2024/25 module to copy your recordings to. Click the <copy> button to copy them across from the 2023/24 module to the 2024/25 module.

  6. Now, you can exit out of your previous year's module, 2023/24, and go into this year's module, 2024/25. Click on your Panopto tool to see that those recordings have been copied to the current year module. You may wish to add a date restriction to any videos you do not want students to see currently. Click on Settings next to a video then under Overview scroll down to Availability.

  7. You have successfully copied content from the previous year's module 2023/24 to this year's module 2024/25.