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Staff Guide - Mac: Web streaming and recording lectures using Panopto

This guide covers how to record and web stream a lecture to your students from within your module in Blackboard using the Panopto Lecture Capture Service. This option allows for one-way communications and may be useful in cases where students are unable to attend your lecture on campus due to social distancing requirements.

If you need to create virtual classrooms to enable two-way discussions with your students online in a tutorial/seminar type scenario, please use the Blackboard Collaborate Service instead of Panopto.


  1. Install the Panopto Lecture Capture software on your computer.
  2. Create a Panopto Lecture Capture Tool link in the module for lecture recordings.

Advice from Panopto Inc

Note: When using a PowerPoint presentation in your webcast, PowerPoint will not show on any device when viewing live because slides only process after a recording is complete. To have your presentation appear in your webcast, record the screen that you are presenting on by ticking the screen capture field in the Panopto Record window, this item is also highlighted further down in this guide. When watching from a mobile device or in the embedded player, only the primary video source will be available to view, thus it is recommended that the students watch the web stream from their web browser on their smartphones or tablets.

Blackboard Instructors

For instructions on how to record and web-stream your lectures using Panopto, please see the video guide on Blackboard.

Record and web-stream using Panopto