WCMS webauthor account - General information
Websites created under the tcd.ie domain can be categorised into two types:
- Websites maintained via Adobe Dreamweaver and hosted on the 'on-premises' Trinity web server
- Websites maintained via the Web Content Management System (WCMS) and hosted in a cloud server
The information on this page refers to websites hosted on the Web Content Management System (WCMS) only.
In order to login and publish web pages to the WCMS server, you must have a webauthor account and a specific set of permissions to the website you would like to edit.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a WCMS webauthor account?
A webauthor account gives you access to edit and create pages on the WCMS web server.
Why do I need a WCMS webauthor account?
If you are required to update a website on the WCMS web server, a webauthor account allows you to access the WCMS and edit the website that you have permissions to update.
Who can have a WCMS webauthor account?
Access to the WCMS web server is only available to registered Trinity staff.
See the IT and Cyber Security Policy for further information.
If you have employed an external web developer/contractor to update your site it is possible to apply for external third party access. Details are available in the IT and Cyber Security Policy (Section 9.1.9). The Third Party Agreement must be in place prior to access being facilitated.
How do I get a WCMS webauthor account?
A webauthor account can be requested for you by one of the following people in your department/school/unit.
- The designated departmental web administrator;
- The School Administrator or Head;
- The Head of Department.
To begin the request, one of the above people should email itservicedesk@tcd.ie with the details listed below:
- The full path (or URL) of all the files/folders the access is being requested for;
- The username, in short format (i.e. jbloggs and not Joe.Bloggs) of the person(s) for whom the access is being requested;
- Details of the access changes required e.g. the granting of write access, the withdrawal of write access, change in ownership;
New WCMS webauthor account holders are required to attend training as part of their account setup process. After completing their WCMS training, they will be notified that their account setup has been completed. Details of upcoming trainings will be sent to users as part of the account setup request process.
How do I get my WCMS webauthor account password?
Once you have completed training and your WCMS webauthor account is setup you will use your Trinity email address and password to access the WCMS.
What is the difference between a web administrator and a web author?
A web administrator (departmental web administrator) is the person with responsibility for the full department website.
They are listed here designated departmental web administrator
They can approve requests to give staff access to edit a website.
It is their responsibility to ensure that access is granted / revoked as staff move into and leave from the department.
A web administrator cannot revoke their own access, if they leave the department the Department Head / Head of School must email itservicedesk@tcd.ie to change the web administrator.
A web author is a staff member who has been given access to edit the departmental website
A department can have multiple web authors, it is the responsibility of the web administrator to ensure correct staff members have access to edit the site.