Mailing lists - Route mailing lists
Each Route list allows list members and other authorised users to contact all students in that route.
Determining the route mailing list address
Once you locate your route in the table below, note the reference code in the left column. The mailing list address is For example, for the route 'Education and Business PDE Double (Strand) Standing 1' the reference code is 'RPFEDEDBU-1DF-1' and so the mailing list address is
If you need assistance please see our Mailing Lists FAQ.
RUDDMATHE-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Acting and Theatre Standing 1 |
RUBDMACTI-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Acting Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBDMACTI-1SF-2 | ROU Group for Acting Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBDMACTI-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Acting Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPTMDAREC-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Addiction Recovery Standing 1 |
RPTMDAREC-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Addiction Recovery Standing 1 |
RPTMDAREC-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Addiction Recovery Standing 2 |
RPCMDAMFA-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Advanced Ageing and Frailty Studies Standing 1 |
RPCNMAPMF-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Advanced Practice - Midwifery (P.Grad.Cert FWK) Standing 1 |
RPTNMAMID-4SP-2 | ROU Group for Advanced Practice - Midwifery Standing 2 |
RPCNMAPNF-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Advanced Practice - Nursing (P.Grad.Cert FWK) Standing 1 |
RPDMDARTC-2SO-1 | ROU Group for Advanced Radiation Therapy Practice (Online) Clinical Practice - Top-up Diploma Standing 1 |
RPTMDARTC-2SO-1 | ROU Group for Advanced Radiation Therapy Practice (Online) Clinical Practice - Top-up Masters Standing 1 |
RPCMDARTC-1SO-1 | ROU Group for Advanced Radiation Therapy Practice (Online) Clinical Practice Standing 1 |
RPDMDARTC-1SO-1 | ROU Group for Advanced Radiation Therapy Practice (Online) Clinical Practice Standing 1 |
RPDMDARTT-2SO-1 | ROU Group for Advanced Radiation Therapy Practice (Online) Treatment Planning - Top-up Diploma Standing 1 |
RPTMDARTT-2SO-1 | ROU Group for Advanced Radiation Therapy Practice (Online) Treatment Planning - Top-up Masters Standing 1 |
RPCMDARTT-1SO-1 | ROU Group for Advanced Radiation Therapy Practice (Online) Treatment Planning Standing 1 |
RPDMDARTT-1SO-1 | ROU Group for Advanced Radiation Therapy Practice (Online) Treatment Planning Standing 1 |
RPEEGASAG-1SM-1 | ROU Group for Advanced Spatial Analysis using GIS - MC Module Standing 1 |
RPENMAHAP-1SM-1 | ROU Group for Advancing Health Assessment Practice Healthcare Practitioners - MC Module Standing 1 |
RPTNMAHWT-1SP-3 | ROU Group for Ageing Health & Wellbeing in Intellectual Disability (M.Sc. Top-up) Standing 3 |
RPTNMAHWI-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Ageing Health & Wellbeing in Intellectual Disability (M.Sc.) Standing 1 |
RPTNMAHWI-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Ageing Health & Wellbeing in Intellectual Disability (M.Sc.) Standing 1 |
RPTNMAHWI-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Ageing Health & Wellbeing in Intellectual Disability (M.Sc.) Standing 2 |
RPCNMAHWF-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Ageing Health & Wellbeing in Intellectual Disability (P.Grad.Cert FWK) Standing 1 |
RPDNMAHWT-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Ageing Health & Wellbeing in Intellectual Disability (P.Grad.Dip Top-up) Standing 2 |
RPEEGAPMA-1SM-1 | ROU Group for Air Pollution Monitoring Assessment Control - MC Module Standing 1 |
RPRMDANAT-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Anatomy Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPMMDANAT-3SF-2 | ROU Group for Anatomy Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRMDANAT-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Anatomy Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBHHAMHC-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Ancient and Medieval History and Culture Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBHHAMHC-2SF-2 | ROU Group for Ancient and Medieval History and Culture Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBHHAMHC-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Ancient and Medieval History and Culture Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBHHAMHC-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Ancient and Medieval History and Culture Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBHMAHCC-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology MAJ and Classical Civilisation MIN Standing 2 |
RUBHMAHGK-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology MAJ and Greek MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJHAHFR-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology and French Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHAHFR-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology and French Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHAHFR-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology and French Standing 2 |
RUBJHAHGG-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology and Geography Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHAHGG-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology and Geography Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHAHGG-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology and Geography Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHAHGG-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology and Geography Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHAHGR-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology and German Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHAHGR-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology and German Standing 2 |
RUBHHAHGK-2JF-2 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology and Greek Standing 2 |
RUBJHAHHI-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology and History Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHAHHI-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology and History Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHAHHI-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology and History Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHAHHI-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology and History Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHAHHA-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology and History of Art and Architecture Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHAHHA-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology and History of Art and Architecture Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHAHHA-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology and History of Art and Architecture Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHAHHA-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology and History of Art and Architecture Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHAHIR-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology and Irish Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHAHIR-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology and Irish Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBHHAHLT-2JF-2 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology and Latin Standing 2 |
RUBJHAHRE-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology and Religion Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHAHRE-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology and Religion Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHAHRE-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology and Religion Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHAHSP-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHAHSP-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHAHSP-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBHAAHCC-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology MAJ and Classical Civilisation MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBHAAHCC-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology MAJ and Classical Civilisation MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBHBAHCC-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology MAJ and Classical Civilisation MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJBAHFR-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology MAJ and French MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJAAHGG-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology MAJ and Geography MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJAAHGR-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology MAJ and German MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBHAAHGK-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology MAJ and Greek MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJMAHHI-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology MAJ and History MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJAAHHA-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology MAJ and History of Art and Architecture MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJAAHHA-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology MAJ and History of Art and Architecture MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJBAHHA-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology MAJ and History of Art and Architecture MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJAAHRE-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology MAJ and Religion MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJMAHRE-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology MAJ and Religion MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJSAHAR-1SF-2 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology Single Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJSAHAR-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology Single Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJSAHAR-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology Single Honours Standing 4 |
RUBHHAHAR-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology Standing 3 |
RUBHHAHAR-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Ancient History and Archaeology Standing 4 |
RPENMASPH-1SM-1 | ROU Group for Application of Simulation Practice in Healthcare - MC Module Standing 1 |
RPTPSABAN-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Applied Behaviour Analysis Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTPSABAN-2SF-2 | ROU Group for Applied Behaviour Analysis Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPDEGABRC-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Applied Building Repair & Conservation Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTMDCNPS-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Applied Clinical Neuropsychology Standing 1 |
RPDSPAEBD-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Applied Economics and Big Data (P.Grad.Dip) Standing 1 |
RPTLLAICO-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Applied Intercultural Communications (M.Phil) Standing 1 |
RPDLLAICO-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Applied Intercultural Communications (P.Grad.Dip) Standing 1 |
RPDLLAICT-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Applied Intercultural Communications (Top-up) Standing 2 |
RPTLSALIN-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Applied Linguistics Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTLSALIN-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Applied Linguistics Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPTPSAPSY-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Applied Psychology Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTSPASDT-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Applied Social Data Science (Framework) Standing 1 |
RPTSWASRE-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Applied Social Research Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTSWASRE-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Applied Social Research Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTSWASRE-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Applied Social Research Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RFCEDASAP-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Arts, Science and Inclusive Applied Practice Standing 1 |
RFCEDASAP-1SF-2 | ROU Group for Arts, Science and Inclusive Applied Practice Standing 2 |
RPEMDAMFA-1SM-1 | ROU Group for Assessment & Management of Frailty in Ageing Adults - MC Module Standing 1 |
RUBBUECPO-2MF-2 | ROU Group for BESS Business Economics and Political Science Standing 2 |
RUBBUECSO-2MF-2 | ROU Group for BESS Business Economics and Sociology Standing 2 |
RUBBUPOSO-2MF-2 | ROU Group for BESS Business Political Science and Sociology Standing 2 |
RPMBIBIOC-3SF-1 | ROU Group for Biochemistry Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRBIBIOC-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Biochemistry Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPMBIBIOC-3SF-2 | ROU Group for Biochemistry Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRBIBIOC-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Biochemistry Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRBIBIOC-2SP-3 | ROU Group for Biochemistry Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRBIBIOC-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Biochemistry Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRBIBIOC-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Biochemistry Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBSCBBBI-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Biochemistry Standing 3 |
RUBSCBBBI-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Biochemistry Standing 4 |
RPTNSBCON-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Biodiversity and Conservation Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUIEGBIOE-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Bioengineering Standing 3 |
RUIEGBIOE-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Bioengineering Standing 4 |
RUIEGBIOE-2SF-5 | ROU Group for Bioengineering Standing 5 |
RUBSCBBCL-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Biological and Biomedical Sciences Columbia Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBSCBBCL-1SF-2 | ROU Group for Biological and Biomedical Sciences Columbia Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBSCBBCL-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Biological and Biomedical Sciences Columbia Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBSCBBCL-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Biological and Biomedical Sciences Columbia Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBSCBBSC-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Biological and Biomedical Sciences Standing 1 |
RUBSCBBSC-1SF-2 | ROU Group for Biological and Biomedical Sciences Standing 2 |
RPTEGBIOE-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Biomedical Engineering Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTMDBIOS-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Biomedical Sciences Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRNSBOTA-2SP-1 | ROU Group for Botany Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPMNSBOTA-3SF-1 | ROU Group for Botany Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRNSBOTA-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Botany Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRNSBOTA-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Botany Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRNSBOTA-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Botany Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRNSBOTA-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Botany Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBSCBBBO-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Botany Standing 3 |
RUBSCBBBO-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Botany Standing 4 |
RPEBUPPBH-2SM-1 | ROU Group for Business & Human Rights: Principles & Practice - MC Module Standing 1 |
RPTBUBAFE-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Business Administration - Flexible Executive Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTBUBAFE-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Business Administration - Flexible Executive Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPTBUBADM-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Business Administration Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTBUBADM-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Business Administration Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTBUBADM-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Business Administration Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPTBUBANA-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Business Analytics Standing 1 |
RUBBEBUEC-2JF-2 | ROU Group for Business and Economics Standing 2 |
RUBBEBUEC-2JF-3 | ROU Group for Business and Economics Standing 3 |
RUBBEBUEC-2JF-4 | ROU Group for Business and Economics Standing 4 |
RUBBEBUPO-2JF-2 | ROU Group for Business and Political Science Standing 2 |
RUBBEBUPO-2JF-3 | ROU Group for Business and Political Science Standing 3 |
RUBBEBUPO-2JF-4 | ROU Group for Business and Political Science Standing 4 |
RUBBEBESS-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Business Economics and Social Studies Standing 1 |
RPMBUBUML-3SF-1 | ROU Group for Business for Master in Letters Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBJABUCS-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Business MAJ and Computer Science MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJABUCS-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Business MAJ and Computer Science MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJBBUCS-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Business MAJ and Computer Science MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBABBUCS-3MF-4 | ROU Group for Business MAJ and Computer Science MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJBBUCS-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Business MAJ and Computer Science MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJMBUCS-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Business MAJ and Computer Science MIN Standing 2 |
RUBBABUEC-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Business MAJ and Economics MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBBABUEC-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Business MAJ and Economics MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBBBBUEC-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Business MAJ and Economics MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBBBBUEC-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Business MAJ and Economics MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBBMBUEC-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Business MAJ and Economics MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJABULW-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Business MAJ and Law MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJBBULW-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Business MAJ and Law MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBBABUPO-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Business MAJ and Political Science MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBBABUPO-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Business MAJ and Political Science MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBBBBUPO-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Business MAJ and Political Science MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBBBBUPO-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Business MAJ and Political Science MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBBMBUPO-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Business MAJ and Political Science MIN Standing 2 |
RUBBABUSO-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Business MAJ and Sociology MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBBABUSO-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Business MAJ and Sociology MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBBBBUSO-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Business MAJ and Sociology MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBBBBUSO-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Business MAJ and Sociology MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBBMBUSO-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Business MAJ and Sociology MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJSBUSI-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Business Single Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJSBUSI-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Business Single Honours Standing 4 |
RPRBUBUSI-2SP-1 | ROU Group for Business Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRBUBUSI-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Business Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRBUBUSI-2SP-2 | ROU Group for Business Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRBUBUSI-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Business Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRBUBUSI-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Business Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRBUBUSI-2SP-3 | ROU Group for Business Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRBUBUSI-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Business Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRBUBUSI-2SP-4 | ROU Group for Business Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRBUBUSI-2SP-5 | ROU Group for Business Single Pathway Standing 5 |
RPRBUBUSI-2SP-6 | ROU Group for Business Single Pathway Standing 6 |
RUBBEBUSI-2SF-2 | ROU Group for Business Standing 2 |
RUBBEBUSI-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Business Standing 3 |
RUBBEBUSI-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Business Standing 4 |
RUBAHBUFR-2DF-1 | ROU Group for BusSt for Langs and French Double (Strand) Standing 1 |
RUBAHBUFR-2DF-2 | ROU Group for BusSt for Langs and French Double (Strand) Standing 2 |
RUBAHBUFR-2DF-3 | ROU Group for BusSt for Langs and French Double (Strand) Standing 3 |
RUBAHBUFR-2DF-4 | ROU Group for BusSt for Langs and French Double (Strand) Standing 4 |
RUBAHBUGR-2DF-1 | ROU Group for BusSt for Langs and German Double (Strand) Standing 1 |
RUBAHBUGR-2DF-2 | ROU Group for BusSt for Langs and German Double (Strand) Standing 2 |
RUBAHBUGR-2DF-3 | ROU Group for BusSt for Langs and German Double (Strand) Standing 3 |
RUBAHBUGR-2DF-4 | ROU Group for BusSt for Langs and German Double (Strand) Standing 4 |
RUBAHBUPL-2DF-1 | ROU Group for BusSt for Langs and Polish Double (Strand) Standing 1 |
RUBAHBUPL-2DF-2 | ROU Group for BusSt for Langs and Polish Double (Strand) Standing 2 |
RUBAHBUPL-2DF-3 | ROU Group for BusSt for Langs and Polish Double (Strand) Standing 3 |
RUBAHBUPL-2DF-4 | ROU Group for BusSt for Langs and Polish Double (Strand) Standing 4 |
RUBAHBURU-2DF-1 | ROU Group for BusSt for Langs and Russian Double (Strand) Standing 1 |
RUBAHBURU-2DF-2 | ROU Group for BusSt for Langs and Russian Double (Strand) Standing 2 |
RUBAHBURU-2DF-3 | ROU Group for BusSt for Langs and Russian Double (Strand) Standing 3 |
RUBAHBURU-2DF-4 | ROU Group for BusSt for Langs and Russian Double (Strand) Standing 4 |
RUBAHBUSP-2DF-1 | ROU Group for BusSt for Langs and Spanish Double (Strand) Standing 1 |
RUBAHBUSP-2DF-2 | ROU Group for BusSt for Langs and Spanish Double (Strand) Standing 2 |
RUBAHBUSP-2DF-3 | ROU Group for BusSt for Langs and Spanish Double (Strand) Standing 3 |
RUBAHBUSP-2DF-4 | ROU Group for BusSt for Langs and Spanish Double (Strand) Standing 4 |
RPTMDCSUR-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Cancer Survivorship (M.Sc.) Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTMDCSUR-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Cancer Survivorship (M.Sc.) Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTMDCSUR-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Cancer Survivorship (M.Sc.) Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPCMDCSUF-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Cancer Survivorship (P.Grad.Cert Framework) Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPDMDCSUR-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Cancer Survivorship (P.Grad.Dip) Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPVPHCCPP-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Cardiology in Clinical Pharmacy Standing 1 |
RPRLSLCOS-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Centre for Language and Communication Sciences Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRLSLCOS-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Centre for Language and Communication Sciences Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRLSLCOS-2SP-2 | ROU Group for Centre for Language and Communication Sciences Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRLSLCOS-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Centre for Language and Communication Sciences Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRLSLCOS-2SP-3 | ROU Group for Centre for Language and Communication Sciences Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRLSLCOS-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Centre for Language and Communication Sciences Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRLSLCOS-2SP-6 | ROU Group for Centre for Language and Communication Sciences Single Pathway Standing 6 |
RUBSCCSCI-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Chemical Sciences Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBSCCSCI-1SF-2 | ROU Group for Chemical Sciences Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPMCHCHEM-3SF-1 | ROU Group for Chemistry Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRCHCHEM-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Chemistry Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPMCHCHEM-3SF-2 | ROU Group for Chemistry Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRCHCHEM-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Chemistry Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRCHCHEM-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Chemistry Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRCHCHEM-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Chemistry Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBSCCSCH-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Chemistry Standing 3 |
RUBSCCSCH-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Chemistry Standing 4 |
RUBSCCSBI-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Chemistry with Biosciences Standing 3 |
RUBSCCSBI-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Chemistry with Biosciences Standing 4 |
RUBSCCSCM-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Chemistry with Molecular Modelling Standing 3 |
RUBSCCSCM-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Chemistry with Molecular Modelling Standing 4 |
RPTSWCPWE-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Child Protection and Welfare Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPDSWCPWE-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Child Protection and Welfare Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPENMCAUI-1SM-1 | ROU Group for Childhood Adversity: understanding the - MC Module Standing 1 |
RPTENCHLI-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Children's Literature Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTENCHLI-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Children's Literature Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTENCHLI-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Children's Literature Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPGNMCNUR-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Children's Nursing Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTLSCHST-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Chinese Studies Standing 1 |
RPTLSCHST-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Chinese Studies Standing 1 |
RPCRECTHE-2SP-1 | ROU Group for Christian Theology (P.Grad.Cert Framework) Standing 1 |
RPDRECTHE-2SP-2 | ROU Group for Christian Theology (P.Grad.Dip Top-up) Standing 2 |
RPDRECTHE-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Christian Theology (P.Grad.Dip) Standing 1 |
RFCRECTPR-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Christian Theology and Practice Standing 1 |
RPTRECTHE-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Christian Theology Standing 1 |
RPTRECTHE-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Christian Theology Standing 1 |
RPTRECTHE-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Christian Theology Standing 2 |
RPENMCCDM-2SM-1 | ROU Group for Chronic Cardiac Disease Management - MC Module Standing 1 |
RPMEGCSEE-3SF-1 | ROU Group for Civil Structural and Environmental Engineering Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPREGCSEE-2SP-1 | ROU Group for Civil Structural and Environmental Engineering Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPREGCSEE-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Civil Structural and Environmental Engineering Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPMEGCSEE-3SF-2 | ROU Group for Civil Structural and Environmental Engineering Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPMEGCSEE-2SP-2 | ROU Group for Civil Structural and Environmental Engineering Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPREGCSEE-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Civil Structural and Environmental Engineering Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPREGCSEE-2SP-2 | ROU Group for Civil Structural and Environmental Engineering Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPREGCSEE-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Civil Structural and Environmental Engineering Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPREGCSEE-2SP-4 | ROU Group for Civil Structural and Environmental Engineering Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPREGCSEE-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Civil Structural and Environmental Engineering Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RUIEGCSEE-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Standing 3 |
RUIEGCSEE-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Standing 4 |
RUIEGCSEE-2SF-5 | ROU Group for Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Standing 5 |
RUBAHGKCC-2MF-2 | ROU Group for CLAHA Ancient History and Archaeology Greek and Classical Civilisation Standing 2 |
RUBAHLTCC-2MF-2 | ROU Group for CLAHA Ancient History and Archaeology Latin and Classical Civilisation Standing 2 |
RUBJHCCEN-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Classical Civilisation and English Literature Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHCCEN-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Classical Civilisation and English Literature Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHCCEN-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Classical Civilisation and English Literature Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHCCES-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Classical Civilisation and English Studies Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHCCGR-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Classical Civilisation and German Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHCCGR-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Classical Civilisation and German Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHCCHA-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Classical Civilisation and History of Art Architecture Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHCCHA-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Classical Civilisation and History of Art Architecture Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHCCHA-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Classical Civilisation and History of Art Architecture Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHCCHA-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Classical Civilisation and History of Art Architecture Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHCCIR-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Classical Civilisation and Irish Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHCCIT-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Classical Civilisation and Italian Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHCCIT-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Classical Civilisation and Italian Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBHHCCLT-2JF-2 | ROU Group for Classical Civilisation and Latin Standing 2 |
RUBJHCCPI-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Classical Civilisation and Philosophy Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHCCPI-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Classical Civilisation and Philosophy Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHCCPI-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Classical Civilisation and Philosophy Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHCCSP-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Classical Civilisation and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHCCSP-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Classical Civilisation and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBHACCAH-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Classical Civilisation MAJ and Ancient History and Archaeology MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBHACCAH-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Classical Civilisation MAJ and Ancient History and Archaeology MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBHMCCAH-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Classical Civilisation MAJ and Ancient History and Archaeology MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJACCEN-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Classical Civilisation MAJ and English Literature MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJBCCEN-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Classical Civilisation MAJ and English Literature MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJMCCEN-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Classical Civilisation MAJ and English Literature MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJBCCHA-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Classical Civilisation MAJ and History of Art Architecture MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJMCCHA-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Classical Civilisation MAJ and History of Art Architecture MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJMCCIT-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Classical Civilisation MAJ and Italian MIN Standing 2 |
RUBHBCCLT-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Classical Civilisation MAJ and Latin MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBHMCCLT-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Classical Civilisation MAJ and Latin MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJACCPI-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Classical Civilisation MAJ and Philosophy MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJSCLCV-1SF-2 | ROU Group for Classical Civilisation Single Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJSCLCV-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Classical Civilisation Single Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJSCLCV-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Classical Civilisation Single Honours Standing 4 |
RUBHHCCIV-2SF-2 | ROU Group for Classical Civilisation Standing 2 |
RUBHHCLAS-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Classics Ancient History and Archaeology Standing 1 |
RUBHHCLCL-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Classics Ancient History and Archaeology(Columbia) Standing 1 |
RUBHHCLCL-2SF-2 | ROU Group for Classics Ancient History and Archaeology(Columbia) Standing 2 |
RUBHHCLCL-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Classics Ancient History and Archaeology(Columbia) Standing 3 |
RUBHHCLCL-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Classics Ancient History and Archaeology(Columbia) Standing 4 |
RUBHBCLAH-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Classics MAJ and Ancient History and Archaeology MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBHACLCC-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Classics MAJ and Classical Civilisation MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBHMCLCC-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Classics MAJ and Classical Civilisation MIN Standing 2 |
RPMHHCLAS-3SF-1 | ROU Group for Classics Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTHHCLAS-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Classics Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTHHCLAS-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Classics Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRHHCLAS-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Classics Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPMHHCLAS-3SF-2 | ROU Group for Classics Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPTHHCLAS-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Classics Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRHHCLAS-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Classics Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRHHCLAS-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Classics Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRHHCLAS-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Classics Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRHHCLAS-2SP-5 | ROU Group for Classics Single Pathway Standing 5 |
RUBHHCLCS-2SF-2 | ROU Group for Classics Standing 2 |
RUBHHCLCS-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Classics Standing 4 |
RPCIACENT-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Climate Entrepreneurship Standing 1 |
RPENSCLDE-1SM-1 | ROU Group for Climate Leadership Development - MC Module Standing 1 |
RPTMDCCHE-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Clinical Chemistry Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTMDCCHE-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Clinical Chemistry Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPDMDCEXE-1SO-1 | ROU Group for Clinical Exercise (Online Diploma FT) Standing 1 |
RPDMDCEXE-2SO-2 | ROU Group for Clinical Exercise (Online Diploma PT) Standing 2 |
RPTMDCEXT-1SP-3 | ROU Group for Clinical Exercise MSc (Framework) Standing 3 |
RPCMDCEXF-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Clinical Exercise P.Grad.Cert (Framework) Standing 1 |
RPDMDCEXT-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Clinical Exercise P.Grad.Dip (Framework) Standing 2 |
RPTNMCHSE-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Clinical Health Sciences Education Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTNMCHSE-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Clinical Health Sciences Education Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPMMDCMED-3SF-1 | ROU Group for Clinical Medicine Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRMDCMED-2SP-1 | ROU Group for Clinical Medicine Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPPMDCMED-2SP-1 | ROU Group for Clinical Medicine Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPMMDCMED-2SP-1 | ROU Group for Clinical Medicine Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRMDCMED-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Clinical Medicine Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPMMDCMED-2SP-2 | ROU Group for Clinical Medicine Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPMMDCMED-3SF-2 | ROU Group for Clinical Medicine Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPPMDCMED-2SP-2 | ROU Group for Clinical Medicine Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRMDCMED-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Clinical Medicine Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRMDCMED-2SP-2 | ROU Group for Clinical Medicine Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPPMDCMED-1SP-3 | ROU Group for Clinical Medicine Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPPMDCMED-2SP-3 | ROU Group for Clinical Medicine Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRMDCMED-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Clinical Medicine Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRMDCMED-2SP-3 | ROU Group for Clinical Medicine Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPPMDCMED-1SP-4 | ROU Group for Clinical Medicine Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRMDCMED-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Clinical Medicine Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRMDCMED-2SP-4 | ROU Group for Clinical Medicine Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPPMDCMED-1SP-5 | ROU Group for Clinical Medicine Single Pathway Standing 5 |
RPMMDCLMB-3SF-1 | ROU Group for Clinical Microbiology Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPMMDCLMB-2SP-1 | ROU Group for Clinical Microbiology Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRMDCLMB-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Clinical Microbiology Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPMMDCLMB-2SP-2 | ROU Group for Clinical Microbiology Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRMDCLMB-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Clinical Microbiology Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRMDCLMB-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Clinical Microbiology Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRMDCLMB-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Clinical Microbiology Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPPPSCLPS-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Clinical Psychology Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPPPSCLPS-1SF-2 | ROU Group for Clinical Psychology Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPPPSCLPS-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Clinical Psychology Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBLSCSLS-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Clinical Speech and Language Studies Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTLSCSLS-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Clinical Speech and Language Studies Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTLSCSLS-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Clinical Speech and Language Studies Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBLSCSLS-2SF-2 | ROU Group for Clinical Speech and Language Studies Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPTLSCSLS-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Clinical Speech and Language Studies Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRLSCSLS-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Clinical Speech and Language Studies Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRLSCSLS-2SP-2 | ROU Group for Clinical Speech and Language Studies Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBLSCSLS-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Clinical Speech and Language Studies Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRLSCSLS-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Clinical Speech and Language Studies Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBLSCSLS-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Clinical Speech and Language Studies Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRLSCSLS-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Clinical Speech and Language Studies Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRLSCSLS-2SP-4 | ROU Group for Clinical Speech and Language Studies Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRLSCSLS-2SP-5 | ROU Group for Clinical Speech and Language Studies Single Pathway Standing 5 |
RPMLSCSMS-2SP-1 | ROU Group for Clinical Speech and Language Studies Standing 1 |
RPMLSCSMS-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Clinical Speech and Language Studies Standing 1 |
RPDLLCOLI-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Comparative Literature (P.Grad.Dip) Standing 1 |
RPTENCOLI-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Comparative Literature Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTSPCSOH-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Comparative Social Change Standing 1 |
RPTEGEICE-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Computational Engineering Standing 1 |
RUIEGCMPE-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Computer Engineering Standing 3 |
RUIEGCMPE-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Computer Engineering Standing 4 |
RUIEGCMPE-2SF-5 | ROU Group for Computer Engineering Standing 5 |
RPTCSAVRE-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Computer Science - Augmented and Virtual Reality Standing 1 |
RPTCSDASC-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Computer Science - Data Science Standing 1 |
RPTCSFNSY-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Computer Science - Future Networked Systems Standing 1 |
RPTCSMINS-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Computer Science - Intelligent Systems Standing 1 |
RUBJHCXBU-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Computer Science and Business Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHCSBU-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Computer Science and Business Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHCSBU-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Computer Science and Business Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHCSBU-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Computer Science and Business Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHCSBU-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Computer Science AND Business Joint Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBJHCYGG-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Computer Science and Geography Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHCSGG-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Computer Science and Geography Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHCYLI-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Computer Science and Linguistics Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHCSLI-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Computer Science and Linguistics Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBMFCSLI-3DF-1 | ROU Group for Computer Science Linguistics & a Language - Dual Core AND Computer Science Linguistics and a Language (Irish) Standing 1 |
RUBMFCSLI-3DF-2 | ROU Group for Computer Science Linguistics & a Language - Dual Core AND Computer Science Linguistics and a Language (Irish) Standing 2 |
RUBMFCSLI-3DF-3 | ROU Group for Computer Science Linguistics & a Language - Dual Core AND Computer Science Linguistics and a Language (Irish) Standing 3 |
RUBMFCSLI-3DF-4 | ROU Group for Computer Science Linguistics & a Language - Dual Core AND Computer Science Linguistics and a Language (Irish) Standing 4 |
RUBMFCSLF-3DF-1 | ROU Group for Computer Science Linguistics and a Language (French) Standing 1 |
RUBMFCSLF-3DF-2 | ROU Group for Computer Science Linguistics and a Language (French) Standing 2 |
RUBMFCSLF-3DF-3 | ROU Group for Computer Science Linguistics and a Language (French) Standing 3 |
RUBMFCSLF-3DF-4 | ROU Group for Computer Science Linguistics and a Language (French) Standing 4 |
RUBMFCSLS-3DF-1 | ROU Group for Computer Science Linguistics and a Language (Spanish) Standing 1 |
RUBMFCSLS-3DF-2 | ROU Group for Computer Science Linguistics and a Language (Spanish) Standing 2 |
RUBMFCSLS-3DF-3 | ROU Group for Computer Science Linguistics and a Language (Spanish) Standing 3 |
RUBMFCSLS-3DF-4 | ROU Group for Computer Science Linguistics and a Language (Spanish) Standing 4 |
RUBJACSBU-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Computer Science MAJ and Business MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJACSBU-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Computer Science MAJ and Business MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJBCSBU-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Computer Science MAJ and Business MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJBCSBU-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Computer Science MAJ and Business MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJMCSBU-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Computer Science MAJ and Business MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJMCSEC-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Computer Science MAJ and Economics MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJACSGG-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Computer Science MAJ and Geography MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJACSGG-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Computer Science MAJ and Geography MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJBCSGG-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Computer Science MAJ and Geography MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJBCSGG-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Computer Science MAJ and Geography MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJACSLI-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Computer Science MAJ and Linguistics MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJACSLI-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Computer Science MAJ and Linguistics MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJBCSLI-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Computer Science MAJ and Linguistics MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJBCSLI-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Computer Science MAJ and Linguistics MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUICSICSC-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Computer Science Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUICSICSC-2SF-2 | ROU Group for Computer Science Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUICSICSC-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Computer Science Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUICSICSC-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Computer Science Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RUICSICSC-2SF-5 | ROU Group for Computer Science Single Pathway Standing 5 |
RUBMFCSLG-3DF-4 | ROU Group for Computer Science, Linguistics and a Language (German) Standing 4 |
RPRCSCOMP-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Computer Systems Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRCSCOMP-2SP-1 | ROU Group for Computer Systems Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPMCSCOMP-2SP-2 | ROU Group for Computer Systems Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPMCSCOMP-3SF-2 | ROU Group for Computer Systems Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRCSCOMP-2SP-2 | ROU Group for Computer Systems Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRCSCOMP-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Computer Systems Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRCSCOMP-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Computer Systems Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRCSCOMP-2SP-3 | ROU Group for Computer Systems Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRCSCOMP-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Computer Systems Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRCSCOMP-2SP-4 | ROU Group for Computer Systems Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRCSCOMP-2SP-5 | ROU Group for Computer Systems Single Pathway Standing 5 |
RPRCSCOMP-2SP-6 | ROU Group for Computer Systems Single Pathway Standing 6 |
RPTRECRRE-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Conflict Resolution & Reconciliation Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTRECRRE-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Conflict Resolution & Reconciliation Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPDEGCLCA-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Construction Law and Contract Administration Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTREITIS-2SP-1 | ROU Group for Contextual Theologies and Interfaith Relations Standing 1 |
RPTREITIS-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Contextual Theologies and Interfaith Relations Standing 1 |
RPTREITIS-2SP-2 | ROU Group for Contextual Theologies and Interfaith Relations Standing 2 |
RPPPSCOPS-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Counselling Psychology Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPPPSCOPS-1SF-2 | ROU Group for Counselling Psychology Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPPPSCOPS-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Counselling Psychology Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPEBUCVES-1SM-1 | ROU Group for Creating Value with ESG - MC Module Standing 1 |
RPTENCWRI-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Creative Writing Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBLSDEAS-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Deaf Studies Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBLSDEAS-2SF-2 | ROU Group for Deaf Studies Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBLSDEAS-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Deaf Studies Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBLSDEAS-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Deaf Studies Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPCNMDEMF-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Dementia (P.Grad.Cert FWK) Standing 1 |
RPDNMDEMT-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Dementia (Top-Up Dip) Standing 2 |
RPTNMDEME-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Dementia Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTNMDEME-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Dementia Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUDDEDHYG-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Dental Hygiene Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUDDEDHYG-1SF-2 | ROU Group for Dental Hygiene Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUDDEDNUR-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Dental Nursing Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUDDEDNUR-1SF-2 | ROU Group for Dental Nursing Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBDEDENS-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Dental Science Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBDEDENS-2SF-2 | ROU Group for Dental Science Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBDEDENS-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Dental Science Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBDEDENS-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Dental Science Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBDEDENS-2SF-5 | ROU Group for Dental Science Single Pathway Standing 5 |
RPSDEDSOS-1DF-2 | ROU Group for Dental Surgery Double (Core) AND Dental Surgery - Oral surgery Standing 2 |
RPSDEDSOR-1DF-1 | ROU Group for Dental Surgery Double (Core) AND Dental Surgery - Orthodontics Standing 1 |
RPSDEDSOR-1DF-2 | ROU Group for Dental Surgery Double (Core) AND Dental Surgery - Orthodontics Standing 2 |
RPSDEDSOR-1DF-3 | ROU Group for Dental Surgery Double (Core) AND Dental Surgery - Orthodontics Standing 3 |
RPSDEDSPD-1DF-3 | ROU Group for Dental Surgery Double (Core) AND Dental Surgery - Paediatric Dentistry Standing 3 |
RPSDEDSPE-1DF-2 | ROU Group for Dental Surgery Double (Core) AND Dental Surgery - Periodontology Standing 2 |
RPSDEDSPE-1DF-3 | ROU Group for Dental Surgery Double (Core) AND Dental Surgery - Periodontology Standing 3 |
RPSDEDSPR-1DF-1 | ROU Group for Dental Surgery Double (Core) AND Dental Surgery - Prosthodontics Standing 1 |
RPSDEDSPR-1DF-2 | ROU Group for Dental Surgery Double (Core) AND Dental Surgery - Prosthodontics Standing 2 |
RPSDEDSPR-1DF-3 | ROU Group for Dental Surgery Double (Core) AND Dental Surgery - Prosthodontics Standing 3 |
RPSDEDSPH-1DF-3 | ROU Group for Dental Surgery Double (Core) AND Dental Surgery - Public Health Standing 3 |
RPSDEDSPH-1DP-4 | ROU Group for Dental Surgery Double (Core) AND Dental Surgery - Public Health Standing 4 |
RPSDEDSSC-1DF-2 | ROU Group for Dental Surgery Double (Core) AND Dental Surgery - Special Care Dentistry Standing 2 |
RPSDEDSSC-1DF-3 | ROU Group for Dental Surgery Double (Core) AND Dental Surgery - Special Care Dentistry Standing 3 |
RPSDEDSSC-1DP-3 | ROU Group for Dental Surgery Double (Core) AND Dental Surgery - Special Care Dentistry Standing 3 |
RUBDEDTEC-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Dental Technology Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBDEDTEC-2SF-2 | ROU Group for Dental Technology Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBDEDTEC-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Dental Technology Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPTNSDPRA-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Development Practice Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTNSDPRA-3SF-1 | ROU Group for Development Practice Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTMDDIRA-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Diagnostic Radiography Standing 1 |
RPTMDDIRA-1SF-2 | ROU Group for Diagnostic Radiography Standing 2 |
RPTDMDAIP-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Digital Arts and Intermedia Practices - Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTDMDAIP-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Digital Arts and Intermedia Practices - Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPENMDHMH-1SM-1 | ROU Group for Digital health: understanding the application of technology in modern healthcare - MC Module Standing 1 |
RPTLLDHCU-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Digital Humanities and Culture Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTBUDMST-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Digital Marketing Strategy Standing 1 |
RPESWDCPT-2SM-1 | ROU Group for Disability, Mental Health and Child Protection TNU - MC Module Standing 1 |
RPTEDDIFT-1SP-3 | ROU Group for Diversity and Inclusion in Further Education and Training (M.Ed. Top-up) Standing 3 |
RPCEDDIFF-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Diversity and Inclusion in Further Education and Training (P.Grad.Cert FW) Standing 1 |
RPDEDDIFT-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Diversity and Inclusion in Further Education and Training (P.Grad.Dip Top-up) Standing 2 |
RUBMMDRCC-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Drama and Theatre Studies MAJ & Classical Civilisation MIN Standing 4 |
RUBMMDREN-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Drama and Theatre Studies MAJ & English MIN Standing 4 |
RUBMMDRFR-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Drama and Theatre Studies MAJ & French MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMDRHI-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Drama and Theatre Studies MAJ & History MIN Standing 3 |
RUBMMDRIR-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Drama and Theatre Studies MAJ & Irish MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMDRIT-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Drama and Theatre Studies MAJ & Italian MIN Standing 4 |
RUBMMDRMU-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Drama and Theatre Studies MAJ & Music MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMDRSO-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Drama and Theatre Studies MAJ & Social Policy MIN Standing 2 |
RUBDMDRTH-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Drama and Theatre Studies Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBDMDRTH-2SF-2 | ROU Group for Drama and Theatre Studies Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBDMDRTH-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Drama and Theatre Studies Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBDMDRTH-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Drama and Theatre Studies Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRDMDRAM-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Drama Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPMDMDRAM-3SF-2 | ROU Group for Drama Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRDMDRAM-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Drama Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRDMDRAM-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Drama Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRDMDRAM-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Drama Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRDMDRAM-2SP-6 | ROU Group for Drama Single Pathway Standing 6 |
RUBJHDRFI-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Drama Studies and Film Studies Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHDRFI-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Drama Studies and Film Studies Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHDRFI-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Drama Studies and Film Studies Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHDRGR-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Drama Studies and German Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHDRIR-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Drama Studies and Irish Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHDRIR-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Drama Studies and Irish Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHDRIT-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Drama Studies and Italian Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHDRIT-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Drama Studies and Italian Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHDRSP-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Drama Studies and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHDRSP-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Drama Studies and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHDRSP-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Drama Studies and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJADREN-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Drama Studies MAJ and English Literature MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJADREN-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Drama Studies MAJ and English Literature MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJBDREN-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Drama Studies MAJ and English Literature MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJMDREN-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Drama Studies MAJ and English Literature MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJMDRFI-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Drama Studies MAJ and Film Studies MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJBDRGR-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Drama Studies MAJ and German MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJMDRHA-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Drama Studies MAJ and History of Art & Architecture MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJADRIR-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Drama Studies MAJ and Irish MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJADRIT-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Drama Studies MAJ and Italian MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJBDRSP-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Drama Studies MAJ and Spanish MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJMDRSP-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Drama Studies MAJ and Spanish MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJSDRST-1SF-2 | ROU Group for Drama Studies Single Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJSDRST-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Drama Studies Single Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJSDRST-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Drama Studies Single Honours Standing 4 |
RPEBULBAD-3SM-1 | ROU Group for Driving Performance with AI and Analytics - MC Module Standing 1 |
RUBMMEAAH-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Early and Modern Irish MAJ & Ancient History and Archaeology MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMEAEN-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Early and Modern Irish MAJ & English MIN Standing 4 |
RUBMMEAGR-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Early and Modern Irish MAJ & German MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMEALI-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Early and Modern Irish MAJ & Linguistics MIN Standing 3 |
RUBMMEAMU-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Early and Modern Irish MAJ & Music MIN Standing 2 |
RUBLLEIMI-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Early and Modern Irish Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBLLEIMI-2SF-2 | ROU Group for Early and Modern Irish Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBLLEIMI-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Early and Modern Irish Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBLLEIMI-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Early and Modern Irish Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPTLLEIRI-1SF-2 | ROU Group for Early Irish Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPTHHEMHI-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Early Modern History Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTHHEMHI-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Early Modern History Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTSPEPOL-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Economic Policy Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPTSPECID-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Economics - International Development (strand) Standing 1 |
RUBJHECCS-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Economics and Computer Science Joint Honors Standing 2 |
RUBJHECCX-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Economics and Computer Science Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHECFR-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Economics and French Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHECFR-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Economics and French Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHECGG-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Economics and Geography Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHECGG-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Economics and Geography Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHECGG-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Economics and Geography Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHECGR-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Economics and German Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHECHI-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Economics and History Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHECHI-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Economics and History Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHECHI-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Economics and History Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHECHI-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Economics and History Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHECMA-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Economics and Mathematics Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHECMA-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Economics and Mathematics Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHECMA-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Economics and Mathematics Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHECMA-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Economics and Mathematics Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHECPI-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Economics and Philosophy Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHECPI-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Economics and Philosophy Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHECPI-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Economics and Philosophy Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHECPI-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Economics and Philosophy Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBBEECPO-2JF-2 | ROU Group for Economics and Political Science Standing 2 |
RUBBEECPO-2JF-3 | ROU Group for Economics and Political Science Standing 3 |
RUBBEECPO-2JF-4 | ROU Group for Economics and Political Science Standing 4 |
RUBJHECSY-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Economics and Social Policy Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHECSY-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Economics and Social Policy Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHECSY-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Economics and Social Policy Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHECSY-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Economics and Social Policy Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHECSO-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Economics and Sociology Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHECSO-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Economics and Sociology Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBBEECSO-2JF-2 | ROU Group for Economics and Sociology Standing 2 |
RUBBEECSO-2JF-3 | ROU Group for Economics and Sociology Standing 3 |
RUBBEECSO-2JF-4 | ROU Group for Economics and Sociology Standing 4 |
RUBJHECSP-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Economics and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHECSP-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Economics and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBSPECOP-2SF-2 | ROU Group for Economics for PPES Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBSPECOP-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Economics for PPES Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBSPECOP-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Economics for PPES Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBBAECBU-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and Business MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBBAECBU-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and Business MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBBBECBU-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and Business MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBBMECBU-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and Business MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJAECFR-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and French MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJAECFR-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and French MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJAECGG-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and Geography MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJAECGG-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and Geography MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJBECGG-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and Geography MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJMECGR-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and German MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJAECHI-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and History MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJBECHI-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and History MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJAECMA-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and Mathematics MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJBECMA-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and Mathematics MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJBECMA-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and Mathematics MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJAECPI-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and Philosophy MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJAECPI-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and Philosophy MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBPAECPH-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and Philosophy MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJBECPI-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and Philosophy MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBPBECPH-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and Philosophy MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJBECPI-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and Philosophy MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBPMECPH-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and Philosophy MIN Standing 2 |
RUBBAECPO-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and Political Science MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBBAECPO-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and Political Science MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBPAECPO-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and Political Science MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBPBECPO-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and Political Science MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBBBECPO-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and Political Science MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBPBECPO-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and Political Science MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBBBECPO-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and Political Science MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBBMECPO-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and Political Science MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJAECSY-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and Social Policy MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBBAECSO-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and Sociology MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJAECSO-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and Sociology MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBBAECSO-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and Sociology MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJBECSO-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and Sociology MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBBBECSO-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and Sociology MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBPBECSO-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and Sociology MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBPMECSO-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and Sociology MIN Standing 2 |
RUBBMECSO-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and Sociology MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJAECSP-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and Spanish MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJMECSP-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Economics MAJ and Spanish MIN Standing 2 |
RUBSPECSO-2JF-2 | ROU Group for Economics PPES and Sociology PPES Joint Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBSPECSO-2JF-3 | ROU Group for Economics PPES and Sociology PPES Joint Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBSPECSO-2JF-4 | ROU Group for Economics PPES and Sociology PPES Joint Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBJSECPI-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Economics Single Honours and Philosophy (10 ECTS) Standing 3 |
RUBJSECON-1SF-2 | ROU Group for Economics Single Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJSECON-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Economics Single Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJSECON-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Economics Single Honours Standing 4 |
RPTSPECON-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Economics Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTSPECON-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Economics Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRSPECON-2SP-1 | ROU Group for Economics Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRSPECON-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Economics Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRSPECON-2SP-2 | ROU Group for Economics Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRSPECON-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Economics Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRSPECON-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Economics Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRSPECON-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Economics Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRSPECON-2SP-5 | ROU Group for Economics Single Pathway Standing 5 |
RPRSPECON-2SP-6 | ROU Group for Economics Single Pathway Standing 6 |
RUBBEECON-2SF-2 | ROU Group for Economics Standing 2 |
RUBBEECON-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Economics Standing 3 |
RUBBEECON-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Economics Standing 4 |
RPMREECUM-3SF-2 | ROU Group for Ecumenics Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRREECUM-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Ecumenics Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRREECUM-2SP-6 | ROU Group for Ecumenics Single Pathway Standing 6 |
RPTEDEDIE-2SV-2 | ROU Group for Education (Intercultural Learning and Leadership) Standing 2 |
RPTEDEDPM-1SV-2 | ROU Group for Education (Primary Teaching - English) PME MIE Validated Standing 2 |
RPTEDEDBI-1DF-1 | ROU Group for Education PME AND Education (Biology) Standing 1 |
RPTEDEDBI-1DF-2 | ROU Group for Education PME AND Education (Biology) Standing 2 |
RPTEDEDBU-1DF-1 | ROU Group for Education PME AND Education (Business) Standing 1 |
RPTEDEDBU-1DF-2 | ROU Group for Education PME AND Education (Business) Standing 2 |
RPTEDEDEN-1DF-1 | ROU Group for Education PME AND Education (English) Standing 1 |
RPTEDEDEN-1DF-2 | ROU Group for Education PME AND Education (English) Standing 2 |
RPTEDEDFR-1DF-1 | ROU Group for Education PME AND Education (French) Standing 1 |
RPTEDEDFR-1DF-2 | ROU Group for Education PME AND Education (French) Standing 2 |
RPTEDEDGG-1DF-1 | ROU Group for Education PME AND Education (Geography) Standing 1 |
RPTEDEDGG-1DF-2 | ROU Group for Education PME AND Education (Geography) Standing 2 |
RPTEDEDGR-1DF-1 | ROU Group for Education PME AND Education (German) Standing 1 |
RPTEDEDHI-1DF-1 | ROU Group for Education PME AND Education (History) Standing 1 |
RPTEDEDHI-1DF-2 | ROU Group for Education PME AND Education (History) Standing 2 |
RPTEDEDIR-1DF-1 | ROU Group for Education PME AND Education (Irish) Standing 1 |
RPTEDEDIR-1DF-2 | ROU Group for Education PME AND Education (Irish) Standing 2 |
RPTEDEDIT-1DF-1 | ROU Group for Education PME AND Education (Italian) Standing 1 |
RPTEDEDMA-1DF-1 | ROU Group for Education PME AND Education (Mathematics) Standing 1 |
RPTEDEDMA-1DF-2 | ROU Group for Education PME AND Education (Mathematics) Standing 2 |
RPTEDEDMU-1DF-1 | ROU Group for Education PME AND Education (Music) Standing 1 |
RPTEDEDMU-1DF-2 | ROU Group for Education PME AND Education (Music) Standing 2 |
RPTEDEDPY-1DF-1 | ROU Group for Education PME AND Education (Physics) Standing 1 |
RPTEDEDPY-1DF-2 | ROU Group for Education PME AND Education (Physics) Standing 2 |
RPTEDEDSP-1DF-1 | ROU Group for Education PME AND Education (Spanish) Standing 1 |
RPTEDEDSP-1DF-2 | ROU Group for Education PME AND Education (Spanish) Standing 2 |
RPREDEDUC-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Education Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPSEDEDUC-2SP-2 | ROU Group for Education Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPREDEDUC-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Education Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPREDEDUC-2SP-2 | ROU Group for Education Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPSEDEDUC-2SP-3 | ROU Group for Education Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPREDEDUC-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Education Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPREDEDUC-2SP-3 | ROU Group for Education Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPSEDEDUC-2SP-4 | ROU Group for Education Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPREDEDUC-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Education Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPREDEDUC-2SP-4 | ROU Group for Education Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPREDEDUC-2SP-5 | ROU Group for Education Single Pathway Standing 5 |
RPSEDEDUC-2SP-6 | ROU Group for Education Single Pathway Standing 6 |
RPREDEDUC-2SP-6 | ROU Group for Education Single Pathway Standing 6 |
RPTEDECED-1SV-1 | ROU Group for Education Studies (Early Childhood Education) MIE Standing 1 |
RPTEDECED-1SV-2 | ROU Group for Education Studies (Early Childhood Education) MIE Standing 2 |
RPTEDEDLC-1SV-2 | ROU Group for Education Studies (Leadership in Christian Ed) MIE Standing 2 |
RPTEDESPM-1SV-1 | ROU Group for Education Studies (Primary Mathematics Education) MIE Standing 1 |
RPTEDESPM-1SV-2 | ROU Group for Education Studies (Primary Mathematics Education) MIE Standing 2 |
RPTEDEDVA-1SV-2 | ROU Group for Education Studies (Visual Arts) MIE Standing 2 |
RUIEGELCE-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Electronic and Computer Engineering Standing 3 |
RUIEGELCE-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Electronic and Computer Engineering Standing 4 |
RUIEGELCE-2SF-5 | ROU Group for Electronic and Computer Engineering Standing 5 |
RPREGEEEN-2SP-1 | ROU Group for Electronic and Electrical Engineering Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPMEGEEEN-2SP-1 | ROU Group for Electronic and Electrical Engineering Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPREGEEEN-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Electronic and Electrical Engineering Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPREGEEEN-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Electronic and Electrical Engineering Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPREGEEEN-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Electronic and Electrical Engineering Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPREGEEEN-2SP-4 | ROU Group for Electronic and Electrical Engineering Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPREGEEEN-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Electronic and Electrical Engineering Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPREGEEEN-2SP-5 | ROU Group for Electronic and Electrical Engineering Single Pathway Standing 5 |
RUIEGELEE-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Electronic Engineering Standing 3 |
RUIEGELEE-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Electronic Engineering Standing 4 |
RUIEGELEE-2SF-5 | ROU Group for Electronic Engineering Standing 5 |
RPTEGEIEN-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Electronic Information Engineering Standing 1 |
RPENMEHRL-1SM-1 | ROU Group for Enacting Human Rights in Lives of Adults w' Intellectual Disability - MC Module Standing 1 |
RPTPYENSC-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Energy Science Standing 1 |
RPTPYENSC-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Energy Science Standing 2 |
RUIEGENCL-2SF-5 | ROU Group for Engineering (Columbia) Single Pathway Standing 5 |
RPTEGENEN-1DF-1 | ROU Group for Engineering and Environ Eng Double (Strand) Standing 1 |
RPTEGENSG-1DF-1 | ROU Group for Engineering and Struct&Geotech Double (Strand) Standing 1 |
RPTEGENTR-1DF-1 | ROU Group for Engineering and Transportation Double (Strand) Standing 1 |
RPTEGENTR-1DP-2 | ROU Group for Engineering and Transportation Double (Strand) Standing 2 |
RPTEGENSE-1DF-1 | ROU Group for Engineering Double (Core) AND Sustainable Energy (Strand) Standing 1 |
RPDEGECAT-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Engineering for Climate Action (P.Grad.Dip Top-up) Standing 2 |
RUIEGENGI-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Engineering Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPMEGENGI-3SP-2 | ROU Group for Engineering Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUIEGENGI-2SF-2 | ROU Group for Engineering Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUIEGEMAN-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Engineering with Management Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUIEGEMAN-2SF-2 | ROU Group for Engineering with Management Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUIEGEMAN-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Engineering with Management Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUIEGEMAN-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Engineering with Management Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RUIEGEMAN-2SF-5 | ROU Group for Engineering with Management Single Pathway Standing 5 |
RPTLSELTE-1SP-1 | ROU Group for English Language Teaching Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTLSELTE-1SF-1 | ROU Group for English Language Teaching Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBJHENDR-1JF-2 | ROU Group for English Literature and Drama Studies Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHENDR-1JF-3 | ROU Group for English Literature and Drama Studies Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHENDR-1JF-4 | ROU Group for English Literature and Drama Studies Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHENFR-1JF-2 | ROU Group for English Literature and French Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHENFR-1JF-3 | ROU Group for English Literature and French Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHENFR-1JF-4 | ROU Group for English Literature and French Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHENGR-1JF-2 | ROU Group for English Literature and German Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHENGR-1JF-4 | ROU Group for English Literature and German Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHENHI-1JF-2 | ROU Group for English Literature and History Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHENHI-1JF-3 | ROU Group for English Literature and History Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHENHI-1JF-4 | ROU Group for English Literature and History Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHENHA-1JF-2 | ROU Group for English Literature and History of Art and Architecture Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHENHA-1JF-3 | ROU Group for English Literature and History of Art and Architecture Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHENHA-1JF-4 | ROU Group for English Literature and History of Art and Architecture Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHENIR-1JF-2 | ROU Group for English Literature and Irish Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHENIR-1JF-3 | ROU Group for English Literature and Irish Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHENIR-1JF-4 | ROU Group for English Literature and Irish Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHENPI-1JF-2 | ROU Group for English Literature and Philosophy Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHENPI-1JF-3 | ROU Group for English Literature and Philosophy Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHENPI-1JF-4 | ROU Group for English Literature and Philosophy Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHENRU-1JF-3 | ROU Group for English Literature and Russian Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHENSO-1JF-2 | ROU Group for English Literature and Sociology Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHENSO-1JF-3 | ROU Group for English Literature and Sociology Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHENSO-1JF-4 | ROU Group for English Literature and Sociology Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHENSP-1JF-2 | ROU Group for English Literature and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHENSP-1JF-3 | ROU Group for English Literature and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHENSP-1JF-4 | ROU Group for English Literature and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJAENCC-1MF-3 | ROU Group for English Literature MAJ and Classical Civilisation MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJAENCC-1MF-4 | ROU Group for English Literature MAJ and Classical Civilisation MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJBENCC-1MF-4 | ROU Group for English Literature MAJ and Classical Civilisation MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJAENFI-1MF-3 | ROU Group for English Literature MAJ and Film Studies MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJAENFI-1MF-4 | ROU Group for English Literature MAJ and Film Studies MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJBENFI-1MF-4 | ROU Group for English Literature MAJ and Film Studies MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJMENFI-1MF-2 | ROU Group for English Literature MAJ and Film Studies MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJAENFR-1MF-3 | ROU Group for English Literature MAJ and French MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJAENFR-1MF-4 | ROU Group for English Literature MAJ and French MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJBENFR-1MF-4 | ROU Group for English Literature MAJ and French MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJMENFR-1MF-2 | ROU Group for English Literature MAJ and French MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJAENGR-1MF-4 | ROU Group for English Literature MAJ and German MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJBENGR-1MF-3 | ROU Group for English Literature MAJ and German MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJMENGR-1MF-2 | ROU Group for English Literature MAJ and German MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJBENHI-1MF-3 | ROU Group for English Literature MAJ and History MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJBENHI-1MF-4 | ROU Group for English Literature MAJ and History MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJMENHI-1MF-2 | ROU Group for English Literature MAJ and History MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJBENHA-1MF-4 | ROU Group for English Literature MAJ and History of Art and Architecture MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJAENIR-1MF-3 | ROU Group for English Literature MAJ and Irish MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJAENLT-1MF-4 | ROU Group for English Literature MAJ and Latin MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJAENPI-1MF-3 | ROU Group for English Literature MAJ and Philosophy MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJAENPI-1MF-4 | ROU Group for English Literature MAJ and Philosophy MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJBENPI-1MF-3 | ROU Group for English Literature MAJ and Philosophy MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJBENPI-1MF-4 | ROU Group for English Literature MAJ and Philosophy MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJMENPI-1MF-2 | ROU Group for English Literature MAJ and Philosophy MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJAENSO-1MF-4 | ROU Group for English Literature MAJ and Sociology MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJMENSO-1MF-2 | ROU Group for English Literature MAJ and Sociology MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJAENSP-1MF-3 | ROU Group for English Literature MAJ and Spanish MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJAENSP-1MF-4 | ROU Group for English Literature MAJ and Spanish MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJBENSP-1MF-3 | ROU Group for English Literature MAJ and Spanish MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJSENFI-1SF-3 | ROU Group for English Literature Single Honours and Film Studies (10 ECTS) Standing 3 |
RUBJSENHI-1SF-4 | ROU Group for English Literature Single Honours and History (10 ECTS) Standing 4 |
RUBJSENGL-1SF-2 | ROU Group for English Literature Single Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJSENGL-1SF-3 | ROU Group for English Literature Single Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJSENGL-1SF-4 | ROU Group for English Literature Single Honours Standing 4 |
RPRENENGL-4SF-1 | ROU Group for English Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRENENGL-4SF-2 | ROU Group for English Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPMENENGL-3SF-2 | ROU Group for English Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPMENENGL-2SP-3 | ROU Group for English Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRENENGL-4SF-3 | ROU Group for English Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRENENGL-4SF-4 | ROU Group for English Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBENENCL-2SF-1 | ROU Group for English Studies (Columbia) Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBENENCL-2SF-2 | ROU Group for English Studies (Columbia) Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBENENCL-2SF-3 | ROU Group for English Studies (Columbia) Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBENENCL-2SF-4 | ROU Group for English Studies (Columbia) Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBJHESDR-1JF-1 | ROU Group for English Studies and Drama Studies Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHESFR-1JF-1 | ROU Group for English Studies and French Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHESGR-1JF-1 | ROU Group for English Studies and German Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHESHI-1JF-1 | ROU Group for English Studies and History Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHESHA-1JF-1 | ROU Group for English Studies and History of Art and Architecture Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHESIR-1JF-1 | ROU Group for English Studies and Irish Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHESME-1JF-1 | ROU Group for English Studies and Middle Eastern Jewish & Islamic Civilisations Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHESPI-1JF-1 | ROU Group for English Studies and Philosophy Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHESRU-1JF-1 | ROU Group for English Studies and Russian Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHESSO-1JF-1 | ROU Group for English Studies and Sociology Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHESSP-1JF-1 | ROU Group for English Studies and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBMMENAH-2MF-2 | ROU Group for English Studies MAJ & Ancient History and Archaeology MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMENCC-2MF-2 | ROU Group for English Studies MAJ & Classical Civilisation MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMENDR-2MF-3 | ROU Group for English Studies MAJ & Drama Studies MIN Standing 3 |
RUBMMENEC-2MF-2 | ROU Group for English Studies MAJ & Economics MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMENEC-2MF-3 | ROU Group for English Studies MAJ & Economics MIN Standing 3 |
RUBMMENFI-2MF-2 | ROU Group for English Studies MAJ & Film MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMENFI-2MF-3 | ROU Group for English Studies MAJ & Film MIN Standing 3 |
RUBMMENFI-2MF-4 | ROU Group for English Studies MAJ & Film MIN Standing 4 |
RUBMMENGR-2MF-2 | ROU Group for English Studies MAJ & German MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMENHI-2MF-2 | ROU Group for English Studies MAJ & History MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMENHI-2MF-3 | ROU Group for English Studies MAJ & History MIN Standing 3 |
RUBMMENHI-2MF-4 | ROU Group for English Studies MAJ & History MIN Standing 4 |
RUBMMENHA-2MF-2 | ROU Group for English Studies MAJ & History of Art and Architecture MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMENHA-2MF-3 | ROU Group for English Studies MAJ & History of Art and Architecture MIN Standing 3 |
RUBMMENIT-2MF-4 | ROU Group for English Studies MAJ & Italian MIN Standing 4 |
RUBMMENLI-2MF-2 | ROU Group for English Studies MAJ & Linguistics MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMENLI-2MF-3 | ROU Group for English Studies MAJ & Linguistics MIN Standing 3 |
RUBMMENLI-2MF-4 | ROU Group for English Studies MAJ & Linguistics MIN Standing 4 |
RUBMMENME-2MF-2 | ROU Group for English Studies MAJ & Middle Eastern Jewish and Islamic Civilisations MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMENME-2MF-3 | ROU Group for English Studies MAJ & Middle Eastern Jewish and Islamic Civilisations MIN Standing 3 |
RUBMMENME-2MF-4 | ROU Group for English Studies MAJ & Middle Eastern Jewish and Islamic Civilisations MIN Standing 4 |
RUBMMENMU-2MF-2 | ROU Group for English Studies MAJ & Music MIN Standing 2 |
RUBENENGS-2SF-1 | ROU Group for English Studies Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBENENGS-2SF-2 | ROU Group for English Studies Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBENENGS-2SF-3 | ROU Group for English Studies Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBENENGS-2SF-4 | ROU Group for English Studies Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPTBUENTR-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Standing 1 |
RPTMDESME-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Entrepreneurship of Smart Medicines Standing 1 |
RPTHHEVHI-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Environmental History Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTHHEVHI-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Environmental History Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUIMSESEN-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Environmental Science and Engineering Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUIMSESEN-1SF-2 | ROU Group for Environmental Science and Engineering Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUIMSESEN-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Environmental Science and Engineering Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUIMSESEN-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Environmental Science and Engineering Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPTNSENVS-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Environmental Sciences Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBSCBBES-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Environmental Sciences Standing 3 |
RUBSCBBES-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Environmental Sciences Standing 4 |
RPESWEDIN-1SM-1 | ROU Group for Equality Diversity and Inclusion - MC Module Standing 1 |
RPCMDEBHE-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Equity in Brain Health Standing 1 |
RUBEUEUCL-2SF-3 | ROU Group for European Studies (Columbia) Standing 3 |
RUBEUEUCL-2SF-4 | ROU Group for European Studies (Columbia) Standing 4 |
RUBMMFIDR-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Film MAJ & Drama MIN Standing 3 |
RUBMMFIFR-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Film MAJ & French MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMFIGG-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Film MAJ & Geography MIN Standing 3 |
RUBMMFIHI-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Film MAJ & History MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMFIHA-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Film MAJ & History of Art and Architecture MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMFIHA-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Film MAJ & History of Art and Architecture MIN Standing 3 |
RUBMMFIPH-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Film MAJ & Philosophy MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMFIRE-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Film MAJ & Religion MIN Standing 3 |
RUBMMFISO-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Film MAJ & Social Policy MIN Standing 3 |
RUBMMFISP-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Film MAJ & Spanish MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMFISP-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Film MAJ & Spanish MIN Standing 3 |
RUBDMFICL-1SF-1 | ROU Group for FILM Single Pathway (Columbia) Standing 1 |
RUBDMFICL-1SF-2 | ROU Group for FILM Single Pathway (Columbia) Standing 2 |
RUBDMFICL-1SF-3 | ROU Group for FILM Single Pathway (Columbia) Standing 3 |
RUBDMFICL-1SF-4 | ROU Group for FILM Single Pathway (Columbia) Standing 4 |
RUBDMFILM-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Film Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRDMFILM-1SF-1 | ROU Group for FILM Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRDMFILM-1SF-2 | ROU Group for FILM Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBDMFILM-1SF-2 | ROU Group for Film Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBDMFILM-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Film Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRDMFILM-1SF-3 | ROU Group for FILM Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRDMFILM-1SP-3 | ROU Group for FILM Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBDMFILM-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Film Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRDMFILM-1SF-4 | ROU Group for FILM Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPTDMFSSW-3SF-1 | ROU Group for Film Studies - Screenwriting Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTDMFSSW-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Film Studies - Screenwriting Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPTDMFSTH-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Film Studies - Theory History Practice Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBJHFIEN-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Film Studies and English Literature Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHFIEN-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Film Studies and English Literature Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHFIEN-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Film Studies and English Literature Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHFIES-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Film Studies and English Studies Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHFIFR-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Film Studies and French Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHFIFR-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Film Studies and French Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHFIFR-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Film Studies and French Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHFIHI-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Film Studies and History Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHFIHI-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Film Studies and History Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHFIHI-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Film Studies and History Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHFIHI-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Film Studies and History Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHFIIR-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Film Studies and Irish Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHFIIT-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Film Studies and Italian Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHFIMU-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Film Studies and Music Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHFIMU-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Film Studies and Music Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHFIMU-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Film Studies and Music Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHFISP-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Film Studies and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHFISP-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Film Studies and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHFISP-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Film Studies and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJAFIDR-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Film Studies MAJ and Drama Studies MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJBFIDR-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Film Studies MAJ and Drama Studies MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJAFIEN-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Film Studies MAJ and English Literature MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJAFIEN-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Film Studies MAJ and English Literature MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJBFIEN-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Film Studies MAJ and English Literature MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJBFIEN-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Film Studies MAJ and English Literature MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJMFIEN-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Film Studies MAJ and English Literature MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJBFIHI-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Film Studies MAJ and History MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJBFIHI-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Film Studies MAJ and History MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJMFIHI-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Film Studies MAJ and History MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJMFIIR-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Film Studies MAJ and Irish MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJMFIMU-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Film Studies MAJ and Music MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJMFISP-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Film Studies MAJ and Spanish MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJSFILM-1SF-2 | ROU Group for Film Studies Single Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJSFILM-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Film Studies Single Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJSFILM-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Film Studies Single Honours Standing 4 |
RPEBUFNFE-1SM-1 | ROU Group for Finance for Non-Finance Executives - MC Module Standing 1 |
RPTBUFINA-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Finance Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTBUFRMA-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Financial Risk Management Standing 1 |
RPDEGFSPR-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Fire Safety Practice Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RFCMFHEMS-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Foundation Studies - Mature Students Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RFCMFHEYA-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Foundation Studies - Young Adults Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPEBUFLOE-1SM-1 | ROU Group for Foundations in Lean Ops Excellence - MC Module Standing 1 |
RUBJHFRGR-1JF-1 | ROU Group for French and German Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHFRGR-1JF-2 | ROU Group for French and German Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHFRGR-1JF-3 | ROU Group for French and German Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHFRGR-1JF-4 | ROU Group for French and German Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBEUFRGR-2TF-1 | ROU Group for French and German Standing 1 |
RUBEUFRGR-2TF-2 | ROU Group for French and German Standing 2 |
RUBEUFRGR-2TF-3 | ROU Group for French and German Standing 3 |
RUBEUFRGR-2MF-4 | ROU Group for French and German Standing 4 |
RUBEUFRIR-2TF-1 | ROU Group for French and Irish Standing 1 |
RUBEUFRIR-2TF-2 | ROU Group for French and Irish Standing 2 |
RUBEUFRIR-2TF-3 | ROU Group for French and Irish Standing 3 |
RUBEUFRIR-2MF-4 | ROU Group for French and Irish Standing 4 |
RUBJHFRIT-1JF-1 | ROU Group for French and Italian Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHFRIT-1JF-2 | ROU Group for French and Italian Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHFRIT-1JF-3 | ROU Group for French and Italian Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHFRIT-1JF-4 | ROU Group for French and Italian Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBEUFRIT-2TF-1 | ROU Group for French and Italian Standing 1 |
RUBEUFRIT-2TF-2 | ROU Group for French and Italian Standing 2 |
RUBEUFRIT-2TF-3 | ROU Group for French and Italian Standing 3 |
RUBEUFRIT-2MF-4 | ROU Group for French and Italian Standing 4 |
RUBEUFRPL-2TF-1 | ROU Group for French and Polish Standing 1 |
RUBEUFRRU-2TF-1 | ROU Group for French and Russian Standing 1 |
RUBEUFRRU-2MF-4 | ROU Group for French and Russian Standing 4 |
RUBJHFRSY-1JF-1 | ROU Group for French and Social Policy Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHFRSY-1JF-2 | ROU Group for French and Social Policy Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHFRSY-1JF-4 | ROU Group for French and Social Policy Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBEUFRSP-2TF-1 | ROU Group for French and Spanish Standing 1 |
RUBEUFRSP-2TF-2 | ROU Group for French and Spanish Standing 2 |
RUBEUFRSP-2TF-3 | ROU Group for French and Spanish Standing 3 |
RUBEUFRSP-2MF-4 | ROU Group for French and Spanish Standing 4 |
RUBJMFRAH-1MF-2 | ROU Group for French MAJ and Ancient History and Archaeology MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJAFREN-1MF-4 | ROU Group for French MAJ and English Literature MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJAFRFI-1MF-3 | ROU Group for French MAJ and Film Studies MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJMFRFI-1MF-2 | ROU Group for French MAJ and Film Studies MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJBFRGR-1MF-3 | ROU Group for French MAJ and German MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJAFRIR-1MF-3 | ROU Group for French MAJ and Irish MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJAFRIT-1MF-3 | ROU Group for French MAJ and Italian MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJBFRIT-1MF-3 | ROU Group for French MAJ and Italian MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJAFRLT-1MF-3 | ROU Group for French MAJ and Latin MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJAFRLI-1MF-3 | ROU Group for French MAJ and Linguistics MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJAFRME-1MF-4 | ROU Group for French MAJ and Middle Eastern Jewish and Islamic Civilisations MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJBFRPI-1MF-4 | ROU Group for French MAJ and Philosophy MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJAFRSP-1MF-3 | ROU Group for French MAJ and Spanish MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJAFRSP-1MF-4 | ROU Group for French MAJ and Spanish MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJBFRSP-1MF-4 | ROU Group for French MAJ and Spanish MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJMFRSP-1MF-2 | ROU Group for French MAJ and Spanish MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJSFREN-1SF-2 | ROU Group for French Single Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJSFREN-1SF-3 | ROU Group for French Single Honours Standing 3 |
RPRLLFREN-4SF-1 | ROU Group for French Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRLLFREN-4SF-2 | ROU Group for French Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRLLFREN-4SF-3 | ROU Group for French Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRLLFREN-4SF-4 | ROU Group for French Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPTHHGWOS-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Gender and Women's Studies Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTHHGWOS-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Gender and Women's Studies Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTHHGWOS-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Gender and Women's Studies Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRHHGWOS-2SP-4 | ROU Group for Gender and Women's Studies Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBNMNUGN-2DF-1 | ROU Group for General Nursing Standing 1 |
RUBNMNUGN-2DF-2 | ROU Group for General Nursing Standing 2 |
RUBNMNUGN-2DF-3 | ROU Group for General Nursing Standing 3 |
RUBNMNUGN-2DF-4 | ROU Group for General Nursing Standing 4 |
RPMGMGENE-3SF-1 | ROU Group for Genetics Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRGMGENE-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Genetics Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRGMGENE-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Genetics Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRGMGENE-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Genetics Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRGMGENE-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Genetics Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBSCBBGE-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Genetics Standing 3 |
RUBSCBBGE-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Genetics Standing 4 |
RPTMDGMED-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Genomic Medicine Standing 1 |
RPTMDGMED-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Genomic Medicine Standing 1 |
RPTMDGMED-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Genomic Medicine Standing 2 |
RUBJHGGFR-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Geography and French Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHGGFR-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Geography and French Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHGGFR-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Geography and French Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHGGFR-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Geography and French Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBSCGGCL-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Geography and Geoscience Columbia Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBSCGGCL-1SF-2 | ROU Group for Geography and Geoscience Columbia Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBSCGGCL-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Geography and Geoscience Columbia Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBSCGGEO-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Geography and Geoscience Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBSCGGEO-1SF-2 | ROU Group for Geography and Geoscience Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBJHGGGR-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Geography and German Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHGGGR-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Geography and German Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHGGGR-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Geography and German Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHGGGR-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Geography and German Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHGGHI-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Geography and History Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHGGHI-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Geography and History Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHGGIT-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Geography and Italian Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHGGSO-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Geography and Sociology Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHGGSO-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Geography and Sociology Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHGGSO-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Geography and Sociology Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHGGSO-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Geography and Sociology Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJAGGAH-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Geography MAJ and Ancient History and Archaeology MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJBGGAH-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Geography MAJ and Ancient History and Archaeology MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJAGGFR-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Geography MAJ and French MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJAGGFR-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Geography MAJ and French MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJMGGFR-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Geography MAJ and French MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJBGGGR-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Geography MAJ and German MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJMGGGR-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Geography MAJ and German MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJAGGHI-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Geography MAJ and History MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJAGGPO-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Geography MAJ and Political Science MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJBGGPO-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Geography MAJ and Political Science MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJBGGPO-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Geography MAJ and Political Science MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJAGGSO-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Geography MAJ and Sociology MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJAGGSO-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Geography MAJ and Sociology MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJBGGSO-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Geography MAJ and Sociology MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJMGGSO-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Geography MAJ and Sociology MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJSGGPO-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Geography Single Honours and Political Science (10 ECTS) Standing 3 |
RUBJSGEOG-1SF-2 | ROU Group for Geography Single Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJSGEOG-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Geography Single Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJSGEOG-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Geography Single Honours Standing 4 |
RPMNSGGMS-3SF-1 | ROU Group for Geography Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRNSGEOG-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Geography Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRNSGEOG-2SP-1 | ROU Group for Geography Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRNSGEOG-2SP-2 | ROU Group for Geography Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPMNSGGMS-3SF-2 | ROU Group for Geography Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRNSGEOG-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Geography Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBSCGGGE-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Geography Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRNSGEOG-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Geography Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBSCGGGE-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Geography Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRNSGEOG-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Geography Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRNSGEOL-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Geology Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRNSGEOL-2SP-1 | ROU Group for Geology Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRNSGEOL-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Geology Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPMNSGEOL-3SF-2 | ROU Group for Geology Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRNSGEOL-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Geology Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRNSGEOL-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Geology Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBSCGGGS-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Geoscience Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBSCGGGS-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Geoscience Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBEUGRIR-2TF-1 | ROU Group for German and Irish Standing 1 |
RUBEUGRIR-2TF-2 | ROU Group for German and Irish Standing 2 |
RUBEUGRIR-2TF-3 | ROU Group for German and Irish Standing 3 |
RUBEUGRIR-2MF-4 | ROU Group for German and Irish Standing 4 |
RUBJHGRIT-1JF-1 | ROU Group for German and Italian Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHGRIT-1JF-2 | ROU Group for German and Italian Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHGRIT-1JF-3 | ROU Group for German and Italian Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHGRIT-1JF-4 | ROU Group for German and Italian Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBEUGRIT-2TF-1 | ROU Group for German and Italian Standing 1 |
RUBEUGRIT-2TF-2 | ROU Group for German and Italian Standing 2 |
RUBEUGRIT-2TF-3 | ROU Group for German and Italian Standing 3 |
RUBEUGRIT-2MF-4 | ROU Group for German and Italian Standing 4 |
RUBEUGRRU-2TF-1 | ROU Group for German and Russian Standing 1 |
RUBEUGRRU-2TF-2 | ROU Group for German and Russian Standing 2 |
RUBJHGRSY-1JF-1 | ROU Group for German and Social Policy Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHGRSY-1JF-3 | ROU Group for German and Social Policy Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHGRSY-1JF-4 | ROU Group for German and Social Policy Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHGRSP-1JF-1 | ROU Group for German and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHGRSP-1JF-2 | ROU Group for German and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHGRSP-1JF-3 | ROU Group for German and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHGRSP-1JF-4 | ROU Group for German and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBEUGRSP-2TF-1 | ROU Group for German and Spanish Standing 1 |
RUBEUGRSP-2TF-2 | ROU Group for German and Spanish Standing 2 |
RUBEUGRSP-2TF-3 | ROU Group for German and Spanish Standing 3 |
RUBEUGRSP-2MF-4 | ROU Group for German and Spanish Standing 4 |
RUBJAGRIR-1MF-3 | ROU Group for German MAJ and Irish MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJAGRIT-1MF-3 | ROU Group for German MAJ and Italian MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJMGRIT-1MF-2 | ROU Group for German MAJ and Italian MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJAGRLT-1MF-3 | ROU Group for German MAJ and Latin MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJAGRSP-1MF-4 | ROU Group for German MAJ and Spanish MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJSGERM-1SF-2 | ROU Group for German Single Honours Standing 2 |
RPRLLGRMS-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Germanic Studies Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPMLLGRMS-3SF-1 | ROU Group for Germanic Studies Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRLLGRMS-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Germanic Studies Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRLLGRMS-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Germanic Studies Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRLLGRMS-2SP-6 | ROU Group for Germanic Studies Single Pathway Standing 6 |
RPTNMGTNU-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Gerontological Nursing Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBBUBBST-3SF-1 | ROU Group for Global Business Standing 1 |
RUBBUBBST-3SF-2 | ROU Group for Global Business Standing 2 |
RUBBUBBST-3SF-3 | ROU Group for Global Business Standing 3 |
RUBBUBBST-3SF-4 | ROU Group for Global Business Standing 4 |
RPTNSGCFS-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Global Challenges for Sustainability (Charm EU) Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTNSGCFS-1SF-2 | ROU Group for Global Challenges for Sustainability (Charm EU) Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPTMDGHEA-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Global Health Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTPSGMHE-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Global Mental Health Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTPSGMHE-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Global Mental Health Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBJHGAHA-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Greek A and History of Art and Architecture Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHGKEN-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Greek and English Literature Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHGKME-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Greek and Middle Eastern Jewish and Islamic Civilisations Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHGBES-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Greek B and English Studies Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBHAGKCC-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Greek MAJ and Classical Civilisation MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJMGKGR-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Greek MAJ and German MIN Standing 2 |
RPRMDHEMA-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Haematology Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRMDHEMA-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Haematology Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRMDHPMA-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Health Policy and Management Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRMDHPMA-2SP-3 | ROU Group for Health Policy and Management Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRMDHPMA-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Health Policy and Management Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRMDHPMA-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Health Policy and Management Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPTMDHSMA-2SP-1 | ROU Group for Health Policy and Management Standing 1 |
RPTMDHSMA-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Health Policy and Management Standing 1 |
RPTMDHSMA-2SP-2 | ROU Group for Health Policy and Management Standing 2 |
RPTMDHIMA-2SP-1 | ROU Group for Healthcare Infection Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTMDHIMA-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Healthcare Infection Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPDMDHIMA-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Healthcare Infection Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTMDHIMA-2SP-2 | ROU Group for Healthcare Infection Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPCIAHINO-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Healthcare Innovation Standing 1 |
RPDMDHINN-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Healthcare Innovation Standing 1 |
RPTMAHPCO-1SF-1 | ROU Group for High Performance Computing Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRLLSPAN-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Hispanic Studies Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRLLSPAN-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Hispanic Studies Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRLLSPAN-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Hispanic Studies Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRLLSPAN-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Hispanic Studies Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRMDHMAN-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Histopathology and Morbid Anatomy Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRMDHMAN-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Histopathology and Morbid Anatomy Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRMDHMAN-2SP-3 | ROU Group for Histopathology and Morbid Anatomy Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRMDHMAN-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Histopathology and Morbid Anatomy Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRMDHMAN-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Histopathology and Morbid Anatomy Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRMDHMAN-2SP-6 | ROU Group for Histopathology and Morbid Anatomy Single Pathway Standing 6 |
RUBHHHICL-2SF-1 | ROU Group for History (Columbia) Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBHHHICL-2SF-2 | ROU Group for History (Columbia) Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBHHHICL-2SF-3 | ROU Group for History (Columbia) Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBHHHICL-2SF-4 | ROU Group for History (Columbia) Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBJHHIGR-1JF-1 | ROU Group for History and German Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHHIGR-1JF-2 | ROU Group for History and German Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHHIGR-1JF-3 | ROU Group for History and German Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHHIHA-1JF-1 | ROU Group for History and History of Art & Architecture Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHHIHA-1JF-2 | ROU Group for History and History of Art & Architecture Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHHIHA-1JF-3 | ROU Group for History and History of Art & Architecture Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHHIHA-1JF-4 | ROU Group for History and History of Art & Architecture Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHHIIR-1JF-2 | ROU Group for History and Irish Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHHIIR-1JF-3 | ROU Group for History and Irish Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHHIPI-1JF-1 | ROU Group for History and Philosophy Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHHIPI-1JF-2 | ROU Group for History and Philosophy Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHHIPI-1JF-3 | ROU Group for History and Philosophy Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHHIPI-1JF-4 | ROU Group for History and Philosophy Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHHIPO-1JF-1 | ROU Group for History and Political Science Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHHIPO-1JF-2 | ROU Group for History and Political Science Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHHIPO-1JF-3 | ROU Group for History and Political Science Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHHIPO-1JF-4 | ROU Group for History and Political Science Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHHIRE-1JF-4 | ROU Group for History and Religion Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHHISP-1JF-2 | ROU Group for History and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHHISP-1JF-3 | ROU Group for History and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHHISP-1JF-4 | ROU Group for History and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBMMHIAH-2MF-2 | ROU Group for History MAJ & Ancient History and Archaeology MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMHIAH-2MF-3 | ROU Group for History MAJ & Ancient History and Archaeology MIN Standing 3 |
RUBMMHIAH-2MF-4 | ROU Group for History MAJ & Ancient History and Archaeology MIN Standing 4 |
RUBMMHICC-2MF-2 | ROU Group for History MAJ & Classical Civilisation MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMHIEC-2MF-2 | ROU Group for History MAJ & Economics MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMHIEC-2MF-3 | ROU Group for History MAJ & Economics MIN Standing 3 |
RUBMMHIEN-2MF-2 | ROU Group for History MAJ & English MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMHIEN-2MF-3 | ROU Group for History MAJ & English MIN Standing 3 |
RUBMMHIEN-2MF-4 | ROU Group for History MAJ & English MIN Standing 4 |
RUBMMHIGG-2MF-2 | ROU Group for History MAJ & Geography MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMHIIR-2MF-2 | ROU Group for History MAJ & Irish MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMHIIR-2MF-4 | ROU Group for History MAJ & Irish MIN Standing 4 |
RUBMMHIIT-2MF-4 | ROU Group for History MAJ & Italian MIN Standing 4 |
RUBMMHILI-2MF-2 | ROU Group for History MAJ & Linguistics MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMHIPH-2MF-2 | ROU Group for History MAJ & Philosophy MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMHIPH-2MF-4 | ROU Group for History MAJ & Philosophy MIN Standing 4 |
RUBMMHISO-2MF-2 | ROU Group for History MAJ & Social Policy MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMHISO-2MF-3 | ROU Group for History MAJ & Social Policy MIN Standing 3 |
RUBMMHISO-2MF-4 | ROU Group for History MAJ & Social Policy MIN Standing 4 |
RUBMMHISP-2MF-2 | ROU Group for History MAJ & Spanish MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMHISP-2MF-3 | ROU Group for History MAJ & Spanish MIN Standing 3 |
RUBJBHIEC-1MF-3 | ROU Group for History MAJ and Economics MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJAHIEN-1MF-4 | ROU Group for History MAJ and English Literature MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJMHIEN-1MF-2 | ROU Group for History MAJ and English Literature MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJBHIFI-1MF-3 | ROU Group for History MAJ and Film Studies MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJAHIGG-1MF-4 | ROU Group for History MAJ and Geography MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJAHIGR-1MF-3 | ROU Group for History MAJ and German MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJAHIHA-1MF-3 | ROU Group for History MAJ and History of Art & Architecture MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJAHIIR-1MF-3 | ROU Group for History MAJ and Irish MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJAHILW-1MF-4 | ROU Group for History MAJ and Law MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJAHIPO-1MF-3 | ROU Group for History MAJ and Political Science MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJAHIPO-1MF-4 | ROU Group for History MAJ and Political Science MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJBHIPO-1MF-4 | ROU Group for History MAJ and Political Science MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJHHAFR-1JF-1 | ROU Group for History of Art & Architecture and French Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHHAFR-1JF-2 | ROU Group for History of Art & Architecture and French Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHHAFR-1JF-3 | ROU Group for History of Art & Architecture and French Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHHAFR-1JF-4 | ROU Group for History of Art & Architecture and French Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHHAIR-1JF-1 | ROU Group for History of Art & Architecture and Irish Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHHAIR-1JF-2 | ROU Group for History of Art & Architecture and Irish Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHHAIR-1JF-3 | ROU Group for History of Art & Architecture and Irish Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHHAIT-1JF-1 | ROU Group for History of Art & Architecture and Italian Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHHAIT-1JF-2 | ROU Group for History of Art & Architecture and Italian Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHHAIT-1JF-3 | ROU Group for History of Art & Architecture and Italian Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHHAPI-1JF-1 | ROU Group for History of Art & Architecture and Philosophy Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHHAPI-1JF-2 | ROU Group for History of Art & Architecture and Philosophy Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHHAPI-1JF-3 | ROU Group for History of Art & Architecture and Philosophy Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHHASO-1JF-1 | ROU Group for History of Art & Architecture and Sociology Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHHASO-1JF-2 | ROU Group for History of Art & Architecture and Sociology Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHHASO-1JF-3 | ROU Group for History of Art & Architecture and Sociology Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHHASO-1JF-4 | ROU Group for History of Art & Architecture and Sociology Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHHASP-1JF-1 | ROU Group for History of Art & Architecture and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHHASP-1JF-3 | ROU Group for History of Art & Architecture and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHHASP-1JF-4 | ROU Group for History of Art & Architecture and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJAHAFR-1MF-3 | ROU Group for History of Art & Architecture MAJ and French MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJAHAFR-1MF-4 | ROU Group for History of Art & Architecture MAJ and French MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJMHAFR-1MF-2 | ROU Group for History of Art & Architecture MAJ and French MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJMHAIT-1MF-2 | ROU Group for History of Art & Architecture MAJ and Italian MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJAHASO-1MF-3 | ROU Group for History of Art & Architecture MAJ and Sociology MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJMHASO-1MF-2 | ROU Group for History of Art & Architecture MAJ and Sociology MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJAHASP-1MF-3 | ROU Group for History of Art & Architecture MAJ and Spanish MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBHHHACL-1SF-1 | ROU Group for History of Art and Architecture (Columbia) Standing 1 |
RUBHHHACL-1SF-2 | ROU Group for History of Art and Architecture (Columbia) Standing 2 |
RUBHHHACL-1SF-3 | ROU Group for History of Art and Architecture (Columbia) Standing 3 |
RUBHHHACL-1SF-4 | ROU Group for History of Art and Architecture (Columbia) Standing 4 |
RUBMMHAFI-1MF-2 | ROU Group for History of Art and Architecture MAJ & Film MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMHAFR-1MF-3 | ROU Group for History of Art and Architecture MAJ & French MIN Standing 3 |
RUBMMHAGG-1MF-2 | ROU Group for History of Art and Architecture MAJ & Geography MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMHAGG-1MF-4 | ROU Group for History of Art and Architecture MAJ & Geography MIN Standing 4 |
RUBMMHAIR-1MF-2 | ROU Group for History of Art and Architecture MAJ & Irish MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMHASO-1MF-2 | ROU Group for History of Art and Architecture MAJ & Social Policy MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMHASP-1MF-2 | ROU Group for History of Art and Architecture MAJ & Spanish MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMHASP-1MF-4 | ROU Group for History of Art and Architecture MAJ & Spanish MIN Standing 4 |
RUBJMHAAH-1MF-2 | ROU Group for History of Art and Architecture MAJ and Ancient History and Archaeology MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJAHAEN-1MF-3 | ROU Group for History of Art and Architecture MAJ and English Literature MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJBHAEN-1MF-3 | ROU Group for History of Art and Architecture MAJ and English Literature MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJMHAEN-1MF-2 | ROU Group for History of Art and Architecture MAJ and English Literature MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJAHARE-1MF-4 | ROU Group for History of Art and Architecture MAJ and Religion MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RPTHHIAHI-3SP-1 | ROU Group for History of Art and Architecture Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTHHIAHI-3SP-2 | ROU Group for History of Art and Architecture Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBSNHAFR-1MF-3 | ROU Group for History of Art and Architecture Single Honours & French (10 ECTS) Standing 3 |
RUBSNHAGG-1MF-4 | ROU Group for History of Art and Architecture Single Honours & Geography (10 ECTS) Standing 4 |
RUBSNHAHI-1MF-3 | ROU Group for History of Art and Architecture Single Honours & History (10 ECTS) Standing 3 |
RUBSNHAPH-1MF-4 | ROU Group for History of Art and Architecture Single Honours & Philosophy (10 ECTS) Standing 4 |
RUBJSHAAR-1SF-2 | ROU Group for History of Art and Architecture Single Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJSHAAR-1SF-3 | ROU Group for History of Art and Architecture Single Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJSHAAR-1SF-4 | ROU Group for History of Art and Architecture Single Honours Standing 4 |
RPTHHIAHI-3SF-1 | ROU Group for History of Art and Architecture Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBHHHAAR-1SF-1 | ROU Group for History of Art and Architecture Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBHHHAAR-1SF-2 | ROU Group for History of Art and Architecture Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBHHHAAR-1SF-3 | ROU Group for History of Art and Architecture Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBHHHAAR-1SF-4 | ROU Group for History of Art and Architecture Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBJAHACC-1MF-3 | ROU Group for History of Art Architecture MAJ and Classical Civilisation MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJAHACC-1MF-4 | ROU Group for History of Art Architecture MAJ and Classical Civilisation MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJBHACC-1MF-3 | ROU Group for History of Art Architecture MAJ and Classical Civilisation MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJBHACC-1MF-4 | ROU Group for History of Art Architecture MAJ and Classical Civilisation MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RPRHHHART-2SP-1 | ROU Group for History of Art Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRHHHART-4SF-1 | ROU Group for History of Art Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPMHHHART-3SF-1 | ROU Group for History of Art Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPMHHHART-3SF-2 | ROU Group for History of Art Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRHHHART-4SF-2 | ROU Group for History of Art Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPMHHHART-2SP-3 | ROU Group for History of Art Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRHHHART-4SF-3 | ROU Group for History of Art Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRHHHART-4SF-4 | ROU Group for History of Art Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RUDHHHEPA-1SP-1 | ROU Group for History of European Painting Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBSNHIAH-2MF-3 | ROU Group for History Single Honours & Ancient History and Archaeology (10 ECTS) Standing 3 |
RUBSNHIEN-2MF-3 | ROU Group for History Single Honours & English (10 ECTS) Standing 3 |
RUBSNHIEN-2MF-4 | ROU Group for History Single Honours & English (10 ECTS) Standing 4 |
RUBJSHIAH-1SF-4 | ROU Group for History Single Honours and Ancient History and Archaeology (10 ECTS) Standing 4 |
RUBJSHIST-1SF-2 | ROU Group for History Single Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJSHIST-1SF-3 | ROU Group for History Single Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJSHIST-1SF-4 | ROU Group for History Single Honours Standing 4 |
RUBHHHISY-2SF-1 | ROU Group for History Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRHHHISY-4SF-1 | ROU Group for History Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBHHHISY-2SF-2 | ROU Group for History Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRHHHISY-4SF-2 | ROU Group for History Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRHHHISY-2SP-2 | ROU Group for History Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBHHHISY-2SF-3 | ROU Group for History Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRHHHISY-4SF-3 | ROU Group for History Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBHHHISY-2SF-4 | ROU Group for History Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRHHHISY-4SF-4 | ROU Group for History Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRHHHISY-2SP-5 | ROU Group for History Single Pathway Standing 5 |
RPRHHHISY-2SP-6 | ROU Group for History Single Pathway Standing 6 |
RPTPHHPHA-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Hospital Pharmacy Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTPHHPHA-1SF-2 | ROU Group for Hospital Pharmacy Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBSCBBHG-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Human Genetics Standing 3 |
RUBSCBBHG-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Human Genetics Standing 4 |
RUBMDHHDI-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Human Health and Disease Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBMDHHDI-2SF-2 | ROU Group for Human Health and Disease Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBMDHHDI-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Human Health and Disease Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBMDHHDI-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Human Health and Disease Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBMDHNDI-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Human Nutrition and Dietetics Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBMDHNDI-2SF-2 | ROU Group for Human Nutrition and Dietetics Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBMDHNDI-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Human Nutrition and Dietetics Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBMDHNDI-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Human Nutrition and Dietetics Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPTBUHRMA-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Human Resourse Management Standing 1 |
RPTLLICEU-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Identities and Cultures of Europe Standing 1 |
RPMMDMIMM-3SF-1 | ROU Group for Immunology Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPMBIIMMU-3SF-1 | ROU Group for Immunology Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRMDMIMM-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Immunology Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTBIMIMM-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Immunology Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRBIIMMU-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Immunology Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRMDMIMM-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Immunology Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRBIIMMU-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Immunology Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPMBIIMMU-3SF-2 | ROU Group for Immunology Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRBIIMMU-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Immunology Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRBIIMMU-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Immunology Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRMDMIMM-2SP-4 | ROU Group for Immunology Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBSCBBIM-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Immunology Standing 3 |
RUBSCBBIM-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Immunology Standing 4 |
RPTBIIMTH-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Immunotherapeutics Standing 1 |
RPCIAIEDE-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Innovation and Entrerprise Development Standing 1 |
RUBNMNUID-2DF-1 | ROU Group for Intellectual Disability Nursing Standing 1 |
RUBNMNUID-2DF-2 | ROU Group for Intellectual Disability Nursing Standing 2 |
RUBNMNUID-2DF-3 | ROU Group for Intellectual Disability Nursing Standing 3 |
RUBNMNUID-2DF-4 | ROU Group for Intellectual Disability Nursing Standing 4 |
RPTLWIEIP-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law Standing 1 |
RPTCSIDME-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Interactive Digital Media Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTLWICLA-1SF-1 | ROU Group for International and Comparative Law Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTLWIEBL-1SF-1 | ROU Group for International and European Business Law Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RFVMFIFYR-2SF-1 | ROU Group for International Foundation Programme - Joint MIE Standing 1 |
RPTBUIMAN-1SF-1 | ROU Group for International Management Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTREIPES-1SF-1 | ROU Group for International Peace Studies Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTREIPES-1SP-1 | ROU Group for International Peace Studies Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTREIPES-1SP-2 | ROU Group for International Peace Studies Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPTSPIPOL-1SP-1 | ROU Group for International Politics Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTSPIPOL-1SF-1 | ROU Group for International Politics Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTSPIPOL-1SP-2 | ROU Group for International Politics Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPEEGXRAT-1SM-1 | ROU Group for Intro to XR Applications and Tech - MC Module Standing 1 |
RPRLLIRCS-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Irish and Celtic Studies Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRLLIRCS-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Irish and Celtic Studies Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRLLIRCS-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Irish and Celtic Studies Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRLLIRCS-2SP-6 | ROU Group for Irish and Celtic Studies Single Pathway Standing 6 |
RUBJHIRFR-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Irish and French Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHIRFR-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Irish and French Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHIRFR-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Irish and French Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHIRFR-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Irish and French Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHIRGR-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Irish and German Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHIRGR-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Irish and German Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RPCEDITEF-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Irish for Teachers (P.Grad.Cert FWK) Standing 1 |
RUBJMIRAH-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Irish MAJ and Ancient History and Archaeology MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJAIRFR-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Irish MAJ and French MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJBIRFR-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Irish MAJ and French MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJBIRFR-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Irish MAJ and French MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJBIRGR-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Irish MAJ and German MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJMIRGR-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Irish MAJ and German MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJAIRHI-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Irish MAJ and History MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJBIRHA-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Irish MAJ and History of Art & Architecture MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJBIRMA-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Irish MAJ and Mathematics MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJBIRMU-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Irish MAJ and Music MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJAIRSO-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Irish MAJ and Sociology MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJSIRSH-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Irish Single Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJSIRSH-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Irish Single Honours Standing 4 |
RPTENIWRI-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Irish Writing Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTEDIMGE-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Irish-Medium and Gaeltacht Education Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTEDIMGE-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Irish-Medium and Gaeltacht Education Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBEUITFR-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Italian and French Standing 4 |
RUBJHITGR-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Italian and German Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHITIR-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Italian and Irish Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBEUITIR-2TF-3 | ROU Group for Italian and Irish Standing 3 |
RUBJHITRU-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Italian and Russian Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHITSY-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Italian and Social Policy Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHITSP-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Italian and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHITSP-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Italian and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHITSP-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Italian and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHITSP-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Italian and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBEUITSP-2TF-1 | ROU Group for Italian and Spanish Standing 1 |
RUBEUITSP-2TF-2 | ROU Group for Italian and Spanish Standing 2 |
RUBEUITSP-2TF-3 | ROU Group for Italian and Spanish Standing 3 |
RUBJMITCC-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Italian MAJ and Classical Civilisation MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJAITGK-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Italian MAJ and Greek MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJAITPI-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Italian MAJ and Philosophy MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJAITSO-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Italian MAJ and Sociology MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJBITSP-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Italian MAJ and Spanish MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJSITFR-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Italian Single Honours and French (10 ECTS) Standing 4 |
RPRLLITAL-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Italian Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRLLITAL-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Italian Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRLLITAL-2SP-5 | ROU Group for Italian Single Pathway Standing 5 |
RUBJHLALI-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Latin A and Linguistics Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHLTEN-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Latin and English Literature Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHLTHA-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Latin and History of Art and Architecture Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHLTLI-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Latin and Linguistics Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHLTLI-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Latin and Linguistics Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHLBFR-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Latin B and French Standing 1 |
RUBJHLBIT-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Latin B and Italian Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHLBLI-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Latin B and Linguistics Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHLBRU-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Latin B and Russian Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJMLTLI-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Latin MAJ and Linguistics MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJHLWBU-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Law and Business Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHLWBU-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Law and Business Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHLWBU-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Law and Business Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHLWBU-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Law and Business Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RPTLWLFIN-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Law and Finance Standing 1 |
RUBLWLAFR-2DF-1 | ROU Group for Law and French Double (Strand) Standing 1 |
RUBLWLAGR-2DF-1 | ROU Group for Law and German Double (Strand) Standing 1 |
RUBJHLWHI-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Law and History Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHLWHI-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Law and History Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHLWHI-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Law and History Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHLWPO-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Law and Political Science Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHLWPO-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Law and Political Science Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJALWBU-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Law MAJ and Business MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJALWBU-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Law MAJ and Business MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJBLWBU-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Law MAJ and Business MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJBLWBU-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Law MAJ and Business MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJMLWBU-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Law MAJ and Business MIN Standing 2 |
RUBLBLAFR-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Law MAJ and French MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBLBLAFR-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Law MAJ and French MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBLWLAFR-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Law MAJ and French MIN Standing 2 |
RUBLBLAGR-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Law MAJ and German MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBLBLAGR-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Law MAJ and German MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBLWLAGR-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Law MAJ and German MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJALWHI-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Law MAJ and History MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJBLWHI-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Law MAJ and History MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJBLWHI-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Law MAJ and History MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJMLWHI-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Law MAJ and History MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJALWPO-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Law MAJ and Political Science MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJALWPO-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Law MAJ and Political Science MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJBLWPO-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Law MAJ and Political Science MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBABLWPO-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Law MAJ and Political Science MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJBLWPO-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Law MAJ and Political Science MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJMLWPO-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Law MAJ and Political Science MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJSLWPO-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Law Single Honours and Political Science (10 ECTS) Standing 4 |
RUBLWLAWF-2SF-2 | ROU Group for Law Single Honours Standing 2 |
RUBLWLAWG-2SF-2 | ROU Group for Law Single Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJSLAWS-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Law Single Honours Standing 3 |
RUBLWLAWF-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Law Single Honours Standing 3 |
RUBLWLAWG-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Law Single Honours Standing 3 |
RUBLWLAWF-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Law Single Honours Standing 4 |
RUBLWLAWG-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Law Single Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJSLAWS-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Law Single Honours Standing 4 |
RUBLWLAWS-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Law Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTLWLAWS-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Law Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRLWLAWS-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Law Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBLWLAWS-2SF-2 | ROU Group for Law Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPMLWLAWS-3SF-2 | ROU Group for Law Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRLWLAWS-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Law Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBLWLAWS-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Law Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRLWLAWS-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Law Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRLWLAWS-2SP-3 | ROU Group for Law Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBLWLAWS-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Law Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRLWLAWS-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Law Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRLWLAWS-2SP-5 | ROU Group for Law Single Pathway Standing 5 |
RPRLWLAWS-2SP-6 | ROU Group for Law Single Pathway Standing 6 |
RPEBULDMS-1SM-1 | ROU Group for Leading Digital Marketing Strategy - MC Module Standing 1 |
RPEBULTEA-1SM-1 | ROU Group for Leading Teams - MC Module Standing 1 |
RUBJHLIFR-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Linguistics and French Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHLIFR-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Linguistics and French Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHLIFR-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Linguistics and French Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHLIGR-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Linguistics and German Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHLIGR-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Linguistics and German Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHLIGR-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Linguistics and German Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHLIIR-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Linguistics and Irish Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHLIIR-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Linguistics and Irish Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHLIIR-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Linguistics and Irish Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHLIPI-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Linguistics and Philosophy Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHLISP-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Linguistics and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHLISP-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Linguistics and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHLISP-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Linguistics and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJALIFR-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Linguistics MAJ and French MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJALIFR-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Linguistics MAJ and French MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJBLIFR-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Linguistics MAJ and French MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJMLIFR-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Linguistics MAJ and French MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJALIGR-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Linguistics MAJ and German MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJBLIGR-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Linguistics MAJ and German MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJMLIGR-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Linguistics MAJ and German MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJMLIGK-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Linguistics MAJ and Greek MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJALIIR-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Linguistics MAJ and Irish MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJMLILT-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Linguistics MAJ and Latin MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJALIME-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Linguistics MAJ and Middle Eastern Jewish & Islamic Civilisations MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJALIPI-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Linguistics MAJ and Philosophy MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJMLISP-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Linguistics MAJ and Spanish MIN Standing 2 |
RPTLSLING-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Linguistics Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTLSLING-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Linguistics Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPTLLLTRT-1SP-3 | ROU Group for Literary Translation (M.Phil Top-up) Standing 3 |
RPCLLLTRF-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Literary Translation (P.Grad.Cert Framework) Standing 1 |
RPDLLLTRT-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Literary Translation (P.Grad.Dip Top-up) Standing 2 |
RPDLLLTRA-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Literary Translation (P.Grad.Dip) Standing 1 |
RPTLLLTRA-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Literary Translation Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPEEGLCPT-1SM-1 | ROU Group for Low Carbon Power Technology - MC Module Standing 1 |
RPRRELINS-1SP-6 | ROU Group for Loyola Institute Standing 6 |
RPTEDEMCP-1SF-1 | ROU Group for M.Ed. Critical Perspectives on Education Standing 1 |
RPTEDEMCP-1SP-2 | ROU Group for M.Ed. Critical Perspectives on Education Standing 2 |
RPTEDEMDI-1SF-1 | ROU Group for M.Ed. Diversity and Inclusion Standing 1 |
RPTEDEMDI-2SP-2 | ROU Group for M.Ed. Diversity and Inclusion Standing 2 |
RPTEDEMDE-2SP-1 | ROU Group for M.Ed. Drama in Education Standing 1 |
RPTEDEMDE-1SP-1 | ROU Group for M.Ed. Drama in Education Standing 1 |
RPTEDEMDE-1SF-1 | ROU Group for M.Ed. Drama in Education Standing 1 |
RPTEDEMDE-1SP-2 | ROU Group for M.Ed. Drama in Education Standing 2 |
RPTEDEMEI-1SP-1 | ROU Group for M.Ed. Early Intervention Standing 1 |
RPTEDEMEI-1SF-1 | ROU Group for M.Ed. Early Intervention Standing 1 |
RPTEDEMEI-1SP-2 | ROU Group for M.Ed. Early Intervention Standing 2 |
RPTEDEMEI-2SP-3 | ROU Group for M.Ed. Early Intervention Standing 3 |
RPTEDEMGC-1SP-2 | ROU Group for M.Ed. Guidance and Counselling Standing 2 |
RPTEDEMHE-2SP-1 | ROU Group for M.Ed. Higher Education Standing 1 |
RPTEDEMHE-1SP-1 | ROU Group for M.Ed. Higher Education Standing 1 |
RPTEDEMHE-1SF-1 | ROU Group for M.Ed. Higher Education Standing 1 |
RPTEDEMHE-2SP-2 | ROU Group for M.Ed. Higher Education Standing 2 |
RPTEDEMHE-2SP-3 | ROU Group for M.Ed. Higher Education Standing 3 |
RPTEDEMLE-2SP-1 | ROU Group for M.Ed. Language Education Standing 1 |
RPTEDEMLE-1SF-1 | ROU Group for M.Ed. Language Education Standing 1 |
RPTEDEMLM-1SP-1 | ROU Group for M.Ed. Leadership and Management in Education Standing 1 |
RPTEDEMLM-1SF-1 | ROU Group for M.Ed. Leadership and Management in Education Standing 1 |
RPTEDEMLM-1SP-2 | ROU Group for M.Ed. Leadership and Management in Education Standing 2 |
RPTEDEMLM-2SP-3 | ROU Group for M.Ed. Leadership and Management in Education Standing 3 |
RPTEDEMMA-1SP-2 | ROU Group for M.Ed. Mathematics Education Standing 2 |
RPTEDEMMU-1SP-2 | ROU Group for M.Ed. Music Standing 2 |
RPTEDEMPE-1SF-1 | ROU Group for M.Ed. Psychology of Education Standing 1 |
RPTEDEMPE-1SP-1 | ROU Group for M.Ed. Psychology of Education Standing 1 |
RPTEDEMPE-1SP-2 | ROU Group for M.Ed. Psychology of Education Standing 2 |
RPTEDEMSE-1SF-1 | ROU Group for M.Ed. Science Education Standing 1 |
RPTEDEMSE-1SP-2 | ROU Group for M.Ed. Science Education Standing 2 |
RPTEDEMSN-1SP-2 | ROU Group for M.Ed. Special Educational Needs Standing 2 |
RPTEDEMSN-2SP-3 | ROU Group for M.Ed. Special Educational Needs Standing 3 |
RPTHHIHIS-1SF-1 | ROU Group for M.Phil. in International History Standing 1 |
RUBCSMSIS-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Management Science and Information Systems Studies Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBCSMSIS-2SF-2 | ROU Group for Management Science and Information Systems Studies Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBCSMSIS-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Management Science and Information Systems Studies Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBCSMSIS-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Management Science and Information Systems Studies Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPTBUBMAN-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Management Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTPSMRSC-2SO-1 | ROU Group for Managing Risk and System Change (Top-up) Standing 1 |
RPDPSMRSC-2SO-1 | ROU Group for Managing Risk and System Change (Top-up) Standing 1 |
RPDPSMRSC-1SO-1 | ROU Group for Managing Risk and System Change Standing 1 |
RPCPSMRSC-1SO-1 | ROU Group for Managing Risk and System Change Standing 1 |
RPTPSMRSC-1SO-1 | ROU Group for Managing Risk and System Change Standing 1 |
RPTPSMRSC-1SO-2 | ROU Group for Managing Risk and System Change Standing 2 |
RPTBUMARK-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Masters in Marketing Standing 1 |
RUBJHMAGR-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Mathematics and German Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHMAGR-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Mathematics and German Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHMAMU-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Mathematics and Music Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHMAMU-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Mathematics and Music Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHMAMU-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Mathematics and Music Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHMAMU-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Mathematics and Music Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHMAPI-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Mathematics and Philosophy Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHMAPI-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Mathematics and Philosophy Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHMAPI-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Mathematics and Philosophy Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHMARU-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Mathematics and Russian Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBMMMADR-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Mathematics MAJ & Drama Studies MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMMADR-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Mathematics MAJ & Drama Studies MIN Standing 3 |
RUBMMMAEC-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Mathematics MAJ & Economics MIN Standing 3 |
RUBMMMAEC-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Mathematics MAJ & Economics MIN Standing 4 |
RUBMMMAFR-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Mathematics MAJ & French MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMMAFR-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Mathematics MAJ & French MIN Standing 3 |
RUBMMMAIR-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Mathematics MAJ & Irish MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMMAIT-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Mathematics MAJ & Italian MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMMAPH-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Mathematics MAJ & Philosophy MIN Standing 3 |
RUBMMMASP-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Mathematics MAJ & Spanish MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMMASP-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Mathematics MAJ & Spanish MIN Standing 4 |
RUBMMMAST-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Mathematics MAJ & Statistics MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMMAST-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Mathematics MAJ & Statistics MIN Standing 3 |
RUBMMMAST-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Mathematics MAJ & Statistics MIN Standing 4 |
RUBJAMAEC-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Mathematics MAJ and Economics MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJAMAEC-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Mathematics MAJ and Economics MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJAMAGR-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Mathematics MAJ and German MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJAMAMU-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Mathematics MAJ and Music MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJAMAPI-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Mathematics MAJ and Philosophy MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJMMAPI-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Mathematics MAJ and Philosophy MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJAMASP-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Mathematics MAJ and Spanish MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBSNMAEC-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Mathematics Single Honours & Economics (10 ECTS) Standing 3 |
RUBSNMAIR-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Mathematics Single Honours & Irish (10 ECTS) Standing 4 |
RUBSNMAMU-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Mathematics Single Honours & Music (10 ECTS) Standing 3 |
RUBSNMAST-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Mathematics Single Honours & Statistics (10 ECTS) Standing 3 |
RUBSNMAST-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Mathematics Single Honours & Statistics (10 ECTS) Standing 4 |
RUBJSMAMU-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Mathematics Single Honours and Music (10 ECTS) Standing 4 |
RUBJSMATH-1SF-2 | ROU Group for Mathematics Single Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJSMATH-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Mathematics Single Honours Standing 3 |
RUBMAMACL-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Mathematics Single Pathway (Columbia) Standing 1 |
RUBMAMACL-2SF-2 | ROU Group for Mathematics Single Pathway (Columbia) Standing 2 |
RUBMAMACL-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Mathematics Single Pathway (Columbia) Standing 3 |
RUBMAMATH-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Mathematics Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPMMAMATH-3SF-1 | ROU Group for Mathematics Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRMAMATH-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Mathematics Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBMAMATH-2SF-2 | ROU Group for Mathematics Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRMAMATH-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Mathematics Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBMAMATH-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Mathematics Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRMAMATH-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Mathematics Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBMAMATH-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Mathematics Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRMAMATH-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Mathematics Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPEEGMEIL-1SM-1 | ROU Group for Measuring Environmental Impact: Life C - MC Module Standing 1 |
RPMEGMEME-3SF-1 | ROU Group for Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPREGMEME-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPREGMEME-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPREGMEME-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPREGMEME-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RUIEGMEME-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Standing 3 |
RUIEGMEME-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Standing 4 |
RUIEGMEME-2SF-5 | ROU Group for Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Standing 5 |
RPTEGMENG-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Mechanical Engineering Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRMDMDEN-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Medical Education Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRMDMGER-2SP-1 | ROU Group for Medical Gerontology Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRMDMGER-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Medical Gerontology Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPMMDMGER-3SF-1 | ROU Group for Medical Gerontology Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRMDMGER-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Medical Gerontology Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRMDMGER-2SP-2 | ROU Group for Medical Gerontology Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRMDMGER-2SP-3 | ROU Group for Medical Gerontology Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRMDMGER-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Medical Gerontology Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRMDMGER-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Medical Gerontology Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRMDMGER-2SP-5 | ROU Group for Medical Gerontology Single Pathway Standing 5 |
RPTMDMIMA-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Medical Imaging Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUVMDMINT-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Medical Internship Standing 1 |
RUBSCCSMC-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Medicinal Chemistry Standing 3 |
RUBSCCSMC-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Medicinal Chemistry Standing 4 |
RUBMDMEDI-3SF-1 | ROU Group for Medicine Standing 1 |
RUBMDMEDI-3SF-2 | ROU Group for Medicine Standing 2 |
RUBMDMEDI-3SF-3 | ROU Group for Medicine Standing 3 |
RUBMDMEDI-3SF-4 | ROU Group for Medicine Standing 4 |
RUBMDMEDI-3SF-5 | ROU Group for Medicine Standing 5 |
RPTHHMSCC-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Medieval Studies Culture and Civilisation (Strand) Standing 1 |
RPTHHMSHI-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Medieval Studies History (Strand) Standing 1 |
RPTHHMSLL-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Medieval Studies Language and Literature (Strand) Standing 1 |
RPTHHMSLL-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Medieval Studies Language and Literature (Strand) Standing 1 |
RPTHHMSLL-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Medieval Studies Language and Literature (Strand) Standing 2 |
RPCNMMHPF-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Mental Health - Psychosocial Intervention (P.Grad.Cert FWK) Standing 1 |
RPCNMMHEF-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Mental Health (P.Grad.Cert FWK) Standing 1 |
RPTNMMPIN-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Mental Health (Psychosocial Interventions Strand) Standing 1 |
RPTNMMPIN-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Mental Health (Psychosocial Interventions Strand) Standing 2 |
RPEPSMHPS-1SM-1 | ROU Group for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Humanitarian Emergencies - MC Module Standing 1 |
RUBNMNUMH-2DF-1 | ROU Group for Mental Health Nursing Standing 1 |
RUBNMNUMH-2DF-2 | ROU Group for Mental Health Nursing Standing 2 |
RUBNMNUMH-2DF-3 | ROU Group for Mental Health Nursing Standing 3 |
RUBNMNUMH-2DF-4 | ROU Group for Mental Health Nursing Standing 4 |
RPTNMMHEA-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Mental Health Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTNMMHEA-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Mental Health Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTNMMHEA-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Mental Health Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPMGMMICR-3SF-1 | ROU Group for Microbiology Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRGMMICR-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Microbiology Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRGMMICR-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Microbiology Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRGMMICR-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Microbiology Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRGMMICR-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Microbiology Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBSCBBMI-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Microbiology Standing 3 |
RUBSCBBMI-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Microbiology Standing 4 |
RPCLLMEGF-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Middle East in a Global Context (Framework) Standing 1 |
RPDLLMEGT-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Middle East in a Global Context (Framework) Standing 2 |
RPTLLMEGT-1SP-3 | ROU Group for Middle East in a Global Context (Framework) Standing 3 |
RPTLLMEGC-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Middle East in a Global Context (M.Phil) Standing 1 |
RPDLLMEGC-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Middle East in a Global Context (P.Grad.Dip) Standing 1 |
RUBLLMELC-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Middle Eastern and European Languages and Cultures Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBLLMELC-2SF-2 | ROU Group for Middle Eastern and European Languages and Cultures Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBLLMELC-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Middle Eastern and European Languages and Cultures Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBLLMELC-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Middle Eastern and European Languages and Cultures Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBLLMECL-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Middle Eastern EU Languages Cultures (Columbia) Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBLLMECL-2SF-2 | ROU Group for Middle Eastern EU Languages Cultures (Columbia) Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBLLMECL-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Middle Eastern EU Languages Cultures (Columbia) Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBLLMECL-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Middle Eastern EU Languages Cultures (Columbia) Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBJHMEAH-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Middle Eastern Jewish and Islamic Civilisations and Ancient History and Archaeology Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHMEAH-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Middle Eastern Jewish and Islamic Civilisations and Ancient History and Archaeology Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHMEAH-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Middle Eastern Jewish and Islamic Civilisations and Ancient History and Archaeology Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHMEAH-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Middle Eastern Jewish and Islamic Civilisations and Ancient History and Archaeology Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHMECC-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Middle Eastern Jewish and Islamic Civilisations and Classical Civilisation Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHMEFR-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Middle Eastern Jewish and Islamic Civilisations and French Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHMEHI-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Middle Eastern Jewish and Islamic Civilisations and History Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHMEIT-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Middle Eastern Jewish and Islamic Civilisations and Italian Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHMERE-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Middle Eastern Jewish and Islamic Civilisations and Religion Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHMERE-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Middle Eastern Jewish and Islamic Civilisations and Religion Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHMERE-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Middle Eastern Jewish and Islamic Civilisations and Religion Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHMESO-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Middle Eastern Jewish and Islamic Civilisations and Sociology Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHMESO-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Middle Eastern Jewish and Islamic Civilisations and Sociology Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHMESO-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Middle Eastern Jewish and Islamic Civilisations and Sociology Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHMESO-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Middle Eastern Jewish and Islamic Civilisations and Sociology Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJAMEFR-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Middle Eastern Jewish and Islamic Civilisations MAJ and French MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJMMEHI-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Middle Eastern Jewish and Islamic Civilisations MAJ and History MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJBMELT-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Middle Eastern Jewish and Islamic Civilisations MAJ and Latin MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJMMESO-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Middle Eastern Jewish and Islamic Civilisations MAJ and Sociology MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJSMEJI-1SF-2 | ROU Group for Middle Eastern Jewish and Islamic Civilisations Single Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJSMEJI-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Middle Eastern Jewish and Islamic Civilisations Single Honours Standing 3 |
RPTNMMIDW-2SP-2 | ROU Group for Midwifery Practice and Leadership Standing 2 |
RUBNMMIDW-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Midwifery Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPGNMMIDW-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Midwifery Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBNMMIDW-2SF-2 | ROU Group for Midwifery Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBNMMIDW-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Midwifery Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBNMMIDW-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Midwifery Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPMREPSTU-1SP-2 | ROU Group for MLitt Peace Studies Standing 2 |
RPTENMCLS-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Modern and Contemporary Literary Studies Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTENMCLS-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Modern and Contemporary Literary Studies Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPTHHMIHI-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Modern Irish History Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTHHMIHI-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Modern Irish History Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTHHMIHI-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Modern Irish History Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPTMDMMED-3SF-1 | ROU Group for Molecular Medicine Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTMDMMED-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Molecular Medicine Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBSCBBMM-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Molecular Medicine Standing 3 |
RUBSCBBMM-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Molecular Medicine Standing 4 |
RUBJHMUDR-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Music and Drama Studies Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHMUDR-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Music and Drama Studies Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHMUFR-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Music and French Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHMUFR-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Music and French Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHMUFR-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Music and French Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHMUGR-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Music and German Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHMUIR-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Music and Irish Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHMUIR-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Music and Irish Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHMUIR-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Music and Irish Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHMUIR-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Music and Irish Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RPTEGMMTE-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Music and Media Technologies Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTEGMMTE-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Music and Media Technologies Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTEGMMTE-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Music and Media Technologies Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBJHMUPI-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Music and Philosophy Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHMUPI-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Music and Philosophy Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHMUPI-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Music and Philosophy Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHMURE-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Music and Religion Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHMUSP-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Music and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHMUSP-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Music and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHMUSP-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Music and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHMUSP-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Music and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBEDMEDU-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Music Education Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBEDMEDU-2SF-2 | ROU Group for Music Education Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBEDMEDU-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Music Education Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBEDMEDU-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Music Education Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBMMMUCC-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Music MAJ & Classical Civilisation MIN Standing 4 |
RUBMMMUDR-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Music MAJ & Drama Studies MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMMUDR-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Music MAJ & Drama Studies MIN Standing 3 |
RUBMMMUEC-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Music MAJ & Economics MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMMUEC-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Music MAJ & Economics MIN Standing 3 |
RUBMMMUEC-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Music MAJ & Economics MIN Standing 4 |
RUBMMMUEN-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Music MAJ & English MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMMUEN-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Music MAJ & English MIN Standing 3 |
RUBMMMUEN-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Music MAJ & English MIN Standing 4 |
RUBMMMUFI-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Music MAJ & Film MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMMUFI-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Music MAJ & Film MIN Standing 4 |
RUBMMMUFR-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Music MAJ & French MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMMUHA-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Music MAJ & History of Art and Architecture MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMMURU-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Music MAJ & Russian MIN Standing 3 |
RUBJMMURU-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Music MAJ and Russian MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJMMUSP-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Music MAJ and Spanish MIN Standing 2 |
RPTDMMPER-1SV-1 | ROU Group for Music Performance Standing 1 |
RPODMMPER-1SV-1 | ROU Group for Music Performance Standing 1 |
RUBDMMPER-1SV-2 | ROU Group for Music Performance Standing 2 |
RPTDMMPER-1SV-2 | ROU Group for Music Performance Standing 2 |
RPODMMPER-1SV-2 | ROU Group for Music Performance Standing 2 |
RUBDMMPER-1SV-3 | ROU Group for Music Performance Standing 3 |
RPODMMPER-1SV-3 | ROU Group for Music Performance Standing 3 |
RUBDMMPER-1SV-4 | ROU Group for Music Performance Standing 4 |
RPODMMPER-1SV-4 | ROU Group for Music Performance Standing 4 |
RUBJSMUFI-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Music Single Honours and Film Studies (10 ECTS) Standing 4 |
RUBJSMUSI-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Music Single Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJSMUSI-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Music Single Honours Standing 4 |
RUBDMMUSI-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Music Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBDMMUSI-2SF-2 | ROU Group for Music Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRDMMUSI-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Music Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRDMMUSI-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Music Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBDMMUSI-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Music Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBDMMUSI-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Music Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRDMMUSI-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Music Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRDMMUSI-2SP-5 | ROU Group for Music Single Pathway Standing 5 |
RUBDMMCOM-2SV-1 | ROU Group for Music Standing 1 |
RUBDMMCOM-2SV-2 | ROU Group for Music Standing 2 |
RUBDMMCOM-2SV-3 | ROU Group for Music Standing 3 |
RUDDMMTPE-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Music Teaching and Performance Standing 1 |
RUBSCPSNA-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Nanoscience Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBSCPSNA-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Nanoscience Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBSCCSNA-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Nanoscience Standing 3 |
RUBSCCSNA-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Nanoscience Standing 4 |
RPRLLNMES-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Near and Middle Eastern Studies Standing 1 |
RPRLLNMES-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Near and Middle Eastern Studies Standing 3 |
RPRLLNMES-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Near and Middle Eastern Studies Standing 4 |
RPEBUNFVA-1SM-1 | ROU Group for Negotiating for Value - MC Module Standing 1 |
RPSMFNEUR-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Neuroscience Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTMDNEUR-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Neuroscience Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBSCBBNE-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Neuroscience Standing 3 |
RUBSCBBNE-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Neuroscience Standing 4 |
RPRENDENG-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Non-Resident PhD English Standing 1 |
RPRENDENG-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Non-Resident PhD English Standing 2 |
RPRENDENG-1SF-2 | ROU Group for Non-Resident PhD English Standing 2 |
RPRENDENG-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Non-Resident PhD English Standing 4 |
RPRPSDPSY-1SF-2 | ROU Group for Non-Resident PhD Psychology Standing 2 |
RPENMARRP-2SM-1 | ROU Group for Nurse Authority Refer Radiological Proced - MC Module Standing 1 |
RPTNMANED-3SP-1 | ROU Group for Nursing - Advanced Practice (ANP) Standing 1 |
RPTNMANED-3SP-2 | ROU Group for Nursing - Advanced Practice (ANP) Standing 2 |
RPCNMACHF-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Nursing - Advancing Child Health and Wellbeing (Framework) Standing 1 |
RPTNMACHW-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Nursing - Advancing Child Health and Wellbeing Standing 1 |
RPTNMACHW-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Nursing - Advancing Child Health and Wellbeing Standing 1 |
RPDNMCHWT-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Nursing - Child Health and Wellbeing (P.Grad.Dip Top-up) Standing 2 |
RPTNMCHWE-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Nursing (Child Health and Wellbeing) Standing 2 |
RPCNMNMPR-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Nursing (Nurse/ Midwife Prescribing) Standing 1 |
RUBNMNUCG-2DF-1 | ROU Group for Nursing and Child and Gen Nurs Double (Strand) Standing 1 |
RUBNMNUCG-2DF-2 | ROU Group for Nursing and Child and Gen Nurs Double (Strand) Standing 2 |
RUBNMNUCG-2DF-3 | ROU Group for Nursing and Child and Gen Nurs Double (Strand) Standing 3 |
RUBNMNUCG-2DF-4 | ROU Group for Nursing and Child and Gen Nurs Double (Strand) Standing 4 |
RUBNMNUCG-2DF-5 | ROU Group for Nursing and Child and Gen Nurs Double (Strand) Standing 5 |
RPRNMGNUR-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Nursing and Midwifery Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRNMGNUR-2SP-1 | ROU Group for Nursing and Midwifery Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRNMGNUR-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Nursing and Midwifery Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRNMGNUR-2SP-2 | ROU Group for Nursing and Midwifery Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRNMGNUR-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Nursing and Midwifery Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRNMGNUR-2SP-3 | ROU Group for Nursing and Midwifery Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRNMGNUR-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Nursing and Midwifery Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRNMGNUR-2SP-4 | ROU Group for Nursing and Midwifery Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRNMGNUR-2SP-5 | ROU Group for Nursing and Midwifery Single Pathway Standing 5 |
RPRNMGNUR-2SP-6 | ROU Group for Nursing and Midwifery Single Pathway Standing 6 |
RPTNMNURS-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Nursing Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTNMNURS-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Nursing Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTNMNURS-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Nursing Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRMDOGYN-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Obstetrics and Gynaecology Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBMDOTHY-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Occupational Therapy Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRMDOTHY-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Occupational Therapy Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPMMDOTHY-3SF-1 | ROU Group for Occupational Therapy Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBMDOTHY-2SF-2 | ROU Group for Occupational Therapy Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPMMDOTHY-2SP-2 | ROU Group for Occupational Therapy Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBMDOTHY-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Occupational Therapy Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRMDOTHY-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Occupational Therapy Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRMDOTHY-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Occupational Therapy Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBMDOTHY-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Occupational Therapy Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRMDOTHY-2SP-6 | ROU Group for Occupational Therapy Single Pathway Standing 6 |
RPDLLOIRI-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Old Irish Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTBUOSCM-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Operations and Supply Chain Management Standing 1 |
RPRDEOBIO-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Oral Biosciences Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRDEOBIO-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Oral Biosciences Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRDEOBIO-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Oral Biosciences Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRDEOSMP-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine and Oral Pathology Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUFDEOTHE-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Orthodontic Therapy Standing 1 |
RPRMDPAED-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Paediatrics Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRMDPAED-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Paediatrics Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRMDPAED-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Paediatrics Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRMDPAED-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Paediatrics Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPTNMPCAT-1SP-3 | ROU Group for Palliative Care (M.Sc. Top-up) Standing 3 |
RPCNMPCAF-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Palliative Care (P.Grad.Cert FWK) Standing 1 |
RPDNMPCAT-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Palliative Care (P.Grad.Dip Top-up) Standing 2 |
RPTNMPCAR-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Palliative Care Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTNMPCAR-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Palliative Care Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPVAHPAHH-1SF-1 | ROU Group for PG Visiting AHSS Hilary Term Standing 1 |
RPVAHPAHM-1SF-1 | ROU Group for PG Visiting AHSS Michaelmas Term Standing 1 |
RPVAHAHYR-1SF-1 | ROU Group for PG Visiting AHSS One Year Standing 1 |
RPVMFPAEH-1SF-1 | ROU Group for PG Visiting AHSS, EMS + HS Hilary Term Standing 1 |
RPVMFPAEM-1SF-1 | ROU Group for PG Visiting AHSS, EMS + HS Michaelmas Term Standing 1 |
RPVMFPAEY-1SF-1 | ROU Group for PG Visiting AHSS, EMS + HS One Year Standing 1 |
RPVMFPEMH-1SF-1 | ROU Group for PG Visiting EMS + HS Hilary Term Standing 1 |
RPVMFPEMM-1SF-1 | ROU Group for PG Visiting EMS + HS Michaelmas Term Standing 1 |
RPVMFPEMY-1SF-1 | ROU Group for PG Visiting EMS + HS One Year Standing 1 |
RPTPHPMTE-3SO-1 | ROU Group for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Technology (Online) Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTPHPMTE-3SO-2 | ROU Group for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Technology (Online) Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPTMDPMED-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Pharmaceutical Medicine Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPTPHPANA-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Pharmaceutical Sciences Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRMDPMYT-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Pharmacology and Therapeutics Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRMDPMYT-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Pharmacology and Therapeutics Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRMDPMYT-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Pharmacology and Therapeutics Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBPHPHAR-3SF-1 | ROU Group for Pharmacy (Integrated) Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBPHPHAR-3SF-2 | ROU Group for Pharmacy (Integrated) Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBPHPHAR-3SF-3 | ROU Group for Pharmacy (Integrated) Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBPHPHAR-3SF-4 | ROU Group for Pharmacy (Integrated) Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRPHPHAR-2SP-1 | ROU Group for Pharmacy Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPIPHPHAR-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Pharmacy Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRPHPHAR-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Pharmacy Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRPHPHAR-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Pharmacy Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRPHPHAR-2SP-2 | ROU Group for Pharmacy Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPMPHPHAR-3SF-2 | ROU Group for Pharmacy Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRPHPHAR-2SP-3 | ROU Group for Pharmacy Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPMPHPHAR-2SP-3 | ROU Group for Pharmacy Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRPHPHAR-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Pharmacy Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRPHPHAR-2SP-4 | ROU Group for Pharmacy Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRPHPHAR-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Pharmacy Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRREPSTU-1SF-1 | ROU Group for PhD Peace Studies Standing 1 |
RPRREPSTU-1SF-2 | ROU Group for PhD Peace Studies Standing 2 |
RPRREPSTU-1SF-3 | ROU Group for PhD Peace Studies Standing 3 |
RPRREPSTU-1SF-4 | ROU Group for PhD Peace Studies Standing 4 |
RPRRERSTU-1SP-1 | ROU Group for PhD Religious Studies Standing 1 |
RPRRERSTU-1SF-1 | ROU Group for PhD Religious Studies Standing 1 |
RPRRERSTU-1SF-2 | ROU Group for PhD Religious Studies Standing 2 |
RPRRERSTU-1SP-2 | ROU Group for PhD Religious Studies Standing 2 |
RPRRERSTU-1SF-3 | ROU Group for PhD Religious Studies Standing 3 |
RPRRERSTU-1SF-4 | ROU Group for PhD Religious Studies Standing 4 |
RUBSPPHCL-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Philosophy (Columbia) Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBSPPHCL-2SF-2 | ROU Group for Philosophy (Columbia) Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBSPPHCL-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Philosophy (Columbia) Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBSPPHCL-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Philosophy (Columbia) Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBJHPIFR-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Philosophy and French Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHPIFR-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Philosophy and French Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHPIFR-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Philosophy and French Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHPIGR-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Philosophy and German Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHPIIT-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Philosophy and Italian Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHPIIT-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Philosophy and Italian Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHPIRU-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Philosophy and Russian Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHPISO-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Philosophy and Sociology Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHPISO-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Philosophy and Sociology Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHPISO-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Philosophy and Sociology Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBMMPHAH-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Philosophy MAJ & Ancient History and Archaeology MIN Standing 3 |
RUBMMPHEC-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Philosophy MAJ & Economics MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMPHEC-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Philosophy MAJ & Economics MIN Standing 3 |
RUBMMPHEC-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Philosophy MAJ & Economics MIN Standing 4 |
RUBMMPHEN-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Philosophy MAJ & English MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMPHEN-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Philosophy MAJ & English MIN Standing 3 |
RUBMMPHGK-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Philosophy MAJ & Greek MIN Standing 3 |
RUBMMPHHA-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Philosophy MAJ & History of Art and Architecture MIN Standing 3 |
RUBMMPHIT-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Philosophy MAJ & Italian MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMPHLT-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Philosophy MAJ & Latin MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMPHLI-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Philosophy MAJ & Linguistics MIN Standing 3 |
RUBMMPHRE-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Philosophy MAJ & Religion MIN Standing 3 |
RUBMMPHSO-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Philosophy MAJ & Social Policy MIN Standing 2 |
RUBPAPHEC-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Philosophy MAJ and Economics MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBPBPHEC-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Philosophy MAJ and Economics MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBPMPHEC-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Philosophy MAJ and Economics MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJAPIEN-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Philosophy MAJ and English Literature MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJAPIEN-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Philosophy MAJ and English Literature MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJMPIEN-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Philosophy MAJ and English Literature MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJBPIHI-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Philosophy MAJ and History MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJAPIHA-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Philosophy MAJ and History of Art & Architecture MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJAPIHA-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Philosophy MAJ and History of Art & Architecture MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJMPIHA-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Philosophy MAJ and History of Art & Architecture MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJBPIMA-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Philosophy MAJ and Mathematics MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJMPIMU-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Philosophy MAJ and Music MIN Standing 2 |
RUBPAPHPO-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Philosophy MAJ and Political Science MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBPBPHPO-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Philosophy MAJ and Political Science MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJAPISO-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Philosophy MAJ and Sociology MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBPAPHSO-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Philosophy MAJ and Sociology MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBSPPPES-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Philosophy Political Sci Economics and Sociology Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBSPPHEC-2JF-3 | ROU Group for Philosophy PPES and Economics PPES Joint Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBSPPHEC-2JF-4 | ROU Group for Philosophy PPES and Economics PPES Joint Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBSPPHPO-2JF-2 | ROU Group for Philosophy PPES and Pol Sci PPES Joint Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBSPPHPO-2JF-3 | ROU Group for Philosophy PPES and Pol Sci PPES Joint Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBSPPHPO-2JF-4 | ROU Group for Philosophy PPES and Pol Sci PPES Joint Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBSPPHSO-2JF-2 | ROU Group for Philosophy PPES and Sociology PPES Joint Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBSPPHSO-2JF-4 | ROU Group for Philosophy PPES and Sociology PPES Joint Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBSNPHEC-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Philosophy Single Honours & Economics (10 ECTS) Standing 3 |
RUBSNPHSO-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Philosophy Single Honours & Social Policy (10 ECTS) Standing 4 |
RUBJSPHIL-1SF-2 | ROU Group for Philosophy Single Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJSPHIL-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Philosophy Single Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJSPHIL-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Philosophy Single Honours Standing 4 |
RUBSPPHIL-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Philosophy Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRSPPHIL-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Philosophy Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRSPPHIL-2SP-1 | ROU Group for Philosophy Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBSPPHIL-2SF-2 | ROU Group for Philosophy Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRSPPHIL-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Philosophy Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBSPPHIL-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Philosophy Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRSPPHIL-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Philosophy Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBSPPHIP-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Philosophy Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBSPPHIL-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Philosophy Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRSPPHIL-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Philosophy Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPTSPPHIL-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Philosophy Standing 1 |
RUBSCPSCI-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Physical Sciences Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBSCPSCI-1SF-2 | ROU Group for Physical Sciences Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBSCPSCI-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Physical Sciences Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBSCPSPA-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Physics and Astrophysics Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBSCPSPA-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Physics and Astrophysics Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRPYPYSC-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Physics Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPMPYPYSC-3SF-2 | ROU Group for Physics Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRPYPYSC-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Physics Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBSCPSPH-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Physics Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRPYPYSC-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Physics Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBSCPSPH-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Physics Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRPYPYSC-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Physics Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPMMDPHYS-3SF-1 | ROU Group for Physiology Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRMDPHYS-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Physiology Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPMMDPHYS-3SF-2 | ROU Group for Physiology Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRMDPHYS-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Physiology Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRMDPHYS-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Physiology Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRMDPHYS-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Physiology Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBSCBBPH-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Physiology Standing 3 |
RUBSCBBPH-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Physiology Standing 4 |
RPRMDPTHY-2SP-1 | ROU Group for Physiotherapy Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBMDPTHY-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Physiotherapy Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPMMDPTHY-3SF-1 | ROU Group for Physiotherapy Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRMDPTHY-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Physiotherapy Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRMDPTHY-2SP-2 | ROU Group for Physiotherapy Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPMMDPTHY-3SF-2 | ROU Group for Physiotherapy Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBMDPTHY-2SF-2 | ROU Group for Physiotherapy Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBMDPTHY-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Physiotherapy Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRMDPTHY-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Physiotherapy Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRMDPTHY-2SP-4 | ROU Group for Physiotherapy Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBMDPTHY-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Physiotherapy Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRMDPTHY-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Physiotherapy Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRMDPTHY-2SP-6 | ROU Group for Physiotherapy Single Pathway Standing 6 |
RPTDMPLAY-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Playwriting Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBSPPOEC-2JF-2 | ROU Group for Pol Sci PPES and Economics PPES Joint Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBSPPOEC-2JF-3 | ROU Group for Pol Sci PPES and Economics PPES Joint Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBSPPOEC-2JF-4 | ROU Group for Pol Sci PPES and Economics PPES Joint Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBSPPOSO-2JF-2 | ROU Group for Pol Sci PPES and Sociology PPES Joint Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBSPPOSO-2JF-3 | ROU Group for Pol Sci PPES and Sociology PPES Joint Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBSPPOSO-2JF-4 | ROU Group for Pol Sci PPES and Sociology PPES Joint Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBEUPLSP-2TF-1 | ROU Group for Polish and Spanish Standing 1 |
RUBJHPOGG-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Political Science and Geography Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHPOGG-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Political Science and Geography Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHPOGG-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Political Science and Geography Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHPOGG-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Political Science and Geography Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHPOSY-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Political Science and Social Policy Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHPOSY-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Political Science and Social Policy Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHPOSY-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Political Science and Social Policy Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHPOSY-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Political Science and Social Policy Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBBEPOSO-2JF-2 | ROU Group for Political Science and Sociology Standing 2 |
RUBBEPOSO-2JF-3 | ROU Group for Political Science and Sociology Standing 3 |
RUBBEPOSO-2JF-4 | ROU Group for Political Science and Sociology Standing 4 |
RUBSPPOLP-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Political Science for PPES Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBBAPOBU-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Political Science MAJ and Business MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBBAPOBU-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Political Science MAJ and Business MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBBBPOBU-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Political Science MAJ and Business MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBBAPOEC-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Political Science MAJ and Economics MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBPAPOEC-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Political Science MAJ and Economics MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBBMPOEC-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Political Science MAJ and Economics MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJAPOGG-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Political Science MAJ and Geography MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJMPOGG-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Political Science MAJ and Geography MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJAPOHI-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Political Science MAJ and History MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJAPOHI-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Political Science MAJ and History MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJBPOHI-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Political Science MAJ and History MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJMPOHI-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Political Science MAJ and History MIN Standing 2 |
RUBPAPOPH-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Political Science MAJ and Philosophy MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBPAPOPH-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Political Science MAJ and Philosophy MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBPBPOPH-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Political Science MAJ and Philosophy MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBPBPOPH-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Political Science MAJ and Philosophy MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBPMPOPH-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Political Science MAJ and Philosophy MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJAPOSY-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Political Science MAJ and Social Policy MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJBPOSY-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Political Science MAJ and Social Policy MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJMPOSY-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Political Science MAJ and Social Policy MIN Standing 2 |
RUBPAPOSO-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Political Science MAJ and Sociology MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBPAPOSO-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Political Science MAJ and Sociology MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBBAPOSO-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Political Science MAJ and Sociology MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBPBPOSO-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Political Science MAJ and Sociology MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBPMPOSO-2MF-2 | ROU Group for Political Science MAJ and Sociology MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJSPOLS-1SF-2 | ROU Group for Political Science Single Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJSPOLS-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Political Science Single Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJSPOLS-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Political Science Single Honours Standing 4 |
RPSSPPOLS-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Political Science Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPSSPPOLS-1SF-2 | ROU Group for Political Science Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPSSPPOLS-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Political Science Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPSSPPOLS-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Political Science Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBBEPOLS-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Political Science Standing 3 |
RUBBEPOLS-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Political Science Standing 4 |
RPCIACCEN-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Postgraduate Certificate in Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship Standing 1 |
RPDBUACCO-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting Standing 1 |
RPVMFDTHT-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Postgraduate Visiting Doctorate MF Hil Term Standing 1 |
RPVMFDTMT-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Postgraduate Visiting Doctorate MF Mich Term Standing 1 |
RUPPHPOEC-2MF-2 | ROU Group for PPES Philosophy Political Science and Economics Standing 2 |
RUPPHPOSO-2MF-2 | ROU Group for PPES Philosophy Political Science and Sociology Standing 2 |
RUPPOECSO-2MF-2 | ROU Group for PPES Political Science Economics and Sociology Standing 2 |
RPEIAPFIN-1SM-1 | ROU Group for Practical Frameworks for Innovation - MC Module Standing 1 |
RPENMPELC-1SM-1 | ROU Group for Professional Ethical Legal Commun - MC Module Standing 1 |
RPDEGPMAN-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Project Management Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRMDPSYI-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Psychiatry Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRMDPSYI-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Psychiatry Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRMDPSYI-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Psychiatry Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRMDPSYI-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Psychiatry Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRMDPSYI-2SP-6 | ROU Group for Psychiatry Single Pathway Standing 6 |
RPTMDPPSY-2SP-2 | ROU Group for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPTPSPSYS-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Psychoanalytic Studies Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPGPSPSYC-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Psychology Conversion Course Standing 1 |
RPGPSPSYC-2SF-2 | ROU Group for Psychology Conversion Course Standing 2 |
RPMPSPSMS-3SF-1 | ROU Group for Psychology for Master in Science Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBPSPSYC-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Psychology Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRPSPSYC-6SF-1 | ROU Group for Psychology Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBPSPSYC-2SF-2 | ROU Group for Psychology Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRPSPSYC-6SF-2 | ROU Group for Psychology Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRPSPSYC-3SP-2 | ROU Group for Psychology Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBPSPSYC-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Psychology Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRPSPSYC-6SF-3 | ROU Group for Psychology Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRPSPSYC-3SP-3 | ROU Group for Psychology Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBPSPSYC-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Psychology Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRPSPSYC-6SF-4 | ROU Group for Psychology Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRPSPSYC-3SP-6 | ROU Group for Psychology Single Pathway Standing 6 |
RPRDEPCDH-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Public and Child Dental Health Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRDEPCDH-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Public and Child Dental Health Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRDEPCDH-2SP-3 | ROU Group for Public and Child Dental Health Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRDEPCDH-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Public and Child Dental Health Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRDEPCDH-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Public and Child Dental Health Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRDEPCDH-2SP-6 | ROU Group for Public and Child Dental Health Single Pathway Standing 6 |
RPMMDPUHP-3SF-1 | ROU Group for Public Health and Primary Care Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRMDPUHP-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Public Health and Primary Care Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPMMDPUHP-3SF-2 | ROU Group for Public Health and Primary Care Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRMDPUHP-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Public Health and Primary Care Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRMDPUHP-2SP-3 | ROU Group for Public Health and Primary Care Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRMDPUHP-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Public Health and Primary Care Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRMDPUHP-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Public Health and Primary Care Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRMDPUHP-2SP-4 | ROU Group for Public Health and Primary Care Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPTHHPHCH-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Public History and Cultural Heritage Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTHHPHCH-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Public History and Cultural Heritage Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPCNMQMDA-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Quantitative Methods and Data Analysis for Healthcare Standing 1 |
RPTMAQFSG-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Quantum Fields, Strings and Gravity Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTPYQSTE-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Quantum Science and Technology Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTSPRECO-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Race Ethnicity Conflict Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUVMDRTHY-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Radiation Therapy (Singapore) Standing 1 |
RUBMDRTHY-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Radiation Therapy Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRMDRTHY-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Radiation Therapy Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBMDRTHY-2SF-2 | ROU Group for Radiation Therapy Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBMDRTHY-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Radiation Therapy Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRMDRTHY-2SP-3 | ROU Group for Radiation Therapy Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRMDRTHY-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Radiation Therapy Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRMDRTHY-2SP-4 | ROU Group for Radiation Therapy Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBMDRTHY-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Radiation Therapy Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRMDRTHY-2SP-6 | ROU Group for Radiation Therapy Single Pathway Standing 6 |
RPTMDRAMD-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Regulatory Affairs for Medical Devices Standing 2 |
RUBRERECL-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Religion (Columbia) Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBRERECL-1SF-2 | ROU Group for Religion (Columbia) Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBRERECL-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Religion (Columbia) Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBJHRECC-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Religion and Classical Civilisation Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHRECC-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Religion and Classical Civilisation Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHRECC-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Religion and Classical Civilisation Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHREEN-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Religion and English Literature Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHREEN-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Religion and English Literature Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHREEN-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Religion and English Literature Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHREES-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Religion and English Studies Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHREFR-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Religion and French Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHREHA-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Religion and History of Art and Architecture Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHREHA-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Religion and History of Art and Architecture Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBMMREAH-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Religion MAJ & Ancient History and Archaeology MIN Standing 3 |
RUBMMREEC-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Religion MAJ & Economics MIN Standing 2 |
RUBMMREEC-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Religion MAJ & Economics MIN Standing 3 |
RUBMMREEN-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Religion MAJ & English MIN Standing 3 |
RUBJARECC-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Religion MAJ and Classical Civilisation MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBSNREEN-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Religion Single Honours & English (10 ECTS) Standing 3 |
RUBJSRELI-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Religion Single Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJSRELI-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Religion Single Honours Standing 4 |
RUBRERELI-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Religion Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBRERELI-1SF-2 | ROU Group for Religion Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBRERELI-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Religion Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBRERELI-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Religion Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRRERTHE-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Religions and Theology Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRREDRRS-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Religious Studies Standing 4 |
RPTBURBSU-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Responsible Business and Sustainability Standing 1 |
RPRDERDPE-2SP-3 | ROU Group for Restorative Dentistry and Periodontology Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRDERDPE-2SP-4 | ROU Group for Restorative Dentistry and Periodontology Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRDERDPE-2SP-6 | ROU Group for Restorative Dentistry and Periodontology Single Pathway Standing 6 |
RUBJHRUFR-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Russian and French Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHRUFR-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Russian and French Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHRUIR-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Russian and Irish Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHRUIR-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Russian and Irish Standing 1 |
RPRLLRUSS-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Russian and Slavonic Studies Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRLLRUSS-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Russian and Slavonic Studies Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRLLRUSS-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Russian and Slavonic Studies Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBJHRUSY-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Russian and Social Policy Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBEURUSP-2TF-1 | ROU Group for Russian and Spanish Standing 1 |
RUBEURUSP-2TF-2 | ROU Group for Russian and Spanish Standing 2 |
RUBEURUSP-2TF-3 | ROU Group for Russian and Spanish Standing 3 |
RUBJARUFR-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Russian MAJ and French MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJMRUFR-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Russian MAJ and French MIN Standing 2 |
RPTDMSCST-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Screen Studies - Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTDMSCST-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Screen Studies - Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUVAHSSHT-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Semester Start Up AHSS Hilary Term Standing 1 |
RUVAHSSMT-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Semester Start Up AHSS Michaelmas Term Standing 1 |
RUVAHSSYE-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Semester Start Up AHSS One Year Standing 1 |
RUVMFMFYR-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Semester Start Up AHSS, EMS + HS One Year Standing 1 |
RUVMFSMHT-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Semester Start-up AHSS, EMS + HS Hilary Term Standing 1 |
RUVMFSMMT-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Semester Start-up AHSS, EMS + HS Michaelmas Term Standing 1 |
RUVMFSEHT-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Semester Start-up EMS + HS Hilary Term Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTNSSSCI-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Smart and Sustainable Cities Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTSPASST-2SO-1 | ROU Group for Social Policy and Practice (Online) Standing 1 |
RPDSPASST-2SO-1 | ROU Group for Social Policy and Practice Standing 1 |
RUBJBSYFR-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Social Policy MAJ and French MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJASYSO-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Social Policy MAJ and Sociology MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJASYSO-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Social Policy MAJ and Sociology MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJMSYSO-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Social Policy MAJ and Sociology MIN Standing 2 |
RUBSWSOCS-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Social Studies Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRSPSOCS-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Social Studies Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBSWSOCS-2SF-2 | ROU Group for Social Studies Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRSPSOCS-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Social Studies Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBSWSOCS-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Social Studies Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRSPSOCS-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Social Studies Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRSPSOCS-2SP-3 | ROU Group for Social Studies Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBSWSOCS-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Social Studies Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRSPSOCS-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Social Studies Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRSWSWSP-2SP-1 | ROU Group for Social Work and Social Policy Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRSWSWSP-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Social Work and Social Policy Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRSWSWSP-2SP-2 | ROU Group for Social Work and Social Policy Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRSWSWSP-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Social Work and Social Policy Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRSWSWSP-2SP-3 | ROU Group for Social Work and Social Policy Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRSWSWSP-2SP-4 | ROU Group for Social Work and Social Policy Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRSWSWSP-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Social Work and Social Policy Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRSWSWSP-2SP-5 | ROU Group for Social Work and Social Policy Single Pathway Standing 5 |
RPRSWSWSP-2SP-6 | ROU Group for Social Work and Social Policy Single Pathway Standing 6 |
RPTSWSWOR-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Social Work Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTSWSWOR-1SF-2 | ROU Group for Social Work Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBBESOBU-2JF-2 | ROU Group for Sociology and Business Standing 2 |
RUBBESOBU-2JF-3 | ROU Group for Sociology and Business Standing 3 |
RUBBESOBU-2JF-4 | ROU Group for Sociology and Business Standing 4 |
RUBJHSOGR-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Sociology and German Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHSOGR-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Sociology and German Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHSOGR-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Sociology and German Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHSOIR-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Sociology and Irish Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHSOIR-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Sociology and Irish Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHSOIR-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Sociology and Irish Standing 2 |
RUBJHSOIT-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Sociology and Italian Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHSOIT-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Sociology and Italian Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHSORU-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Sociology and Russian Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHSORU-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Sociology and Russian Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHSOSY-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Sociology and Social Policy Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHSOSY-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Sociology and Social Policy Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHSOSY-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Sociology and Social Policy Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHSOSY-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Sociology and Social Policy Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBJHSOSP-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Sociology and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHSOSP-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Sociology and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHSOSP-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Sociology and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHSOSP-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Sociology and Spanish Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBBASOBU-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Sociology MAJ and Business MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBBBSOBU-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Sociology MAJ and Business MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBBASOEC-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Sociology MAJ and Economics MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBPBSOEC-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Sociology MAJ and Economics MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJBSOEN-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Sociology MAJ and English Literature MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJMSOEN-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Sociology MAJ and English Literature MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJASOGG-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Sociology MAJ and Geography MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJASOGG-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Sociology MAJ and Geography MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJBSOGG-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Sociology MAJ and Geography MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJBSOGG-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Sociology MAJ and Geography MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJMSOGG-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Sociology MAJ and Geography MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJBSOGR-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Sociology MAJ and German MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJMSOGR-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Sociology MAJ and German MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJASOHA-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Sociology MAJ and History of Art & Architecture MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJMSOHA-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Sociology MAJ and History of Art & Architecture MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJASOIR-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Sociology MAJ and Irish MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJASOIR-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Sociology MAJ and Irish MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJMSOME-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Sociology MAJ and Middle Eastern Jewish and Islamic Civilisations MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJASOPI-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Sociology MAJ and Philosophy MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJASOPI-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Sociology MAJ and Philosophy MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJBSOPI-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Sociology MAJ and Philosophy MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBPBSOPO-2MF-3 | ROU Group for Sociology MAJ and Political Science MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBPBSOPO-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Sociology MAJ and Political Science MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJASOSY-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Sociology MAJ and Social Policy MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJBSOSY-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Sociology MAJ and Social Policy MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJMSOSY-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Sociology MAJ and Social Policy MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJASOSP-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Sociology MAJ and Spanish MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJBSOSP-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Sociology MAJ and Spanish MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJMSOSP-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Sociology MAJ and Spanish MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJSSOCI-1SF-2 | ROU Group for Sociology Single Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJSSOCI-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Sociology Single Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJSSOCI-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Sociology Single Honours Standing 4 |
RUBBESOCI-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Sociology Standing 4 |
RPEEGSECA-1SM-1 | ROU Group for Solar Energy Conversion and Application - MC Module Standing 1 |
RUBJHSPFR-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Spanish and French Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHSPFR-1JF-2 | ROU Group for Spanish and French Joint Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJHSPFR-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Spanish and French Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJHSPFR-1JF-4 | ROU Group for Spanish and French Joint Honours Standing 4 |
RUBEUSPFR-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Spanish and French Standing 4 |
RUBEUSPGR-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Spanish and German Standing 4 |
RUBEUSPIR-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Spanish and Irish Standing 4 |
RUBEUSPIT-2MF-4 | ROU Group for Spanish and Italian Standing 4 |
RUBJHSPRU-1JF-1 | ROU Group for Spanish and Russian Joint Honours Standing 1 |
RUBJHSPRU-1JF-3 | ROU Group for Spanish and Russian Joint Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJMSPFR-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Spanish MAJ and French MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJBSPGR-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Spanish MAJ and German MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJBSPGR-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Spanish MAJ and German MIN Option B Standing 4 |
RUBJMSPGR-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Spanish MAJ and German MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJASPIT-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Spanish MAJ and Italian MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJASPIT-1MF-4 | ROU Group for Spanish MAJ and Italian MIN Option A Standing 4 |
RUBJMSPIT-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Spanish MAJ and Italian MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJASPME-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Spanish MAJ and Middle Eastern Jewish and Islamic Civilisations MIN Option A Standing 3 |
RUBJBSPRU-1MF-3 | ROU Group for Spanish MAJ and Russian MIN Option B Standing 3 |
RUBJMSPSO-1MF-2 | ROU Group for Spanish MAJ and Sociology MIN Standing 2 |
RUBJSSPAN-1SF-2 | ROU Group for Spanish Single Honours Standing 2 |
RUBJSSPAN-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Spanish Single Honours Standing 3 |
RUBJSSPAN-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Spanish Single Honours Standing 4 |
RPEEGSAUD-1SM-1 | ROU Group for Spatial Audio - MC Module Standing 1 |
RPTNMSNAE-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Specialist Nursing - Accident & Emergency Specialist Nursing (M.Sc./P.Grad.Dip - exit) Standing 1 |
RPTNMSNAE-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Specialist Nursing - Accident & Emergency Specialist Nursing (M.Sc./P.Grad.Dip - exit) Standing 2 |
RPDNMSNAT-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Specialist Nursing - Accident and Emergency Nursing (P.Grad.Dip Top-up) Standing 2 |
RPTNMSNCH-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Specialist Nursing - Cancer Care & Haematology Standing 1 |
RPTNMSNCH-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Specialist Nursing - Cancer Care & Haematology Standing 2 |
RPCNMSNVF-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Specialist Nursing - Cardiovascular Care Nursing (P.Grad.Cert FWK) Standing 1 |
RPTNMSNCV-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Specialist Nursing - Cardiovascular Care Specialist Nursing (M.Sc./P.Grad.Dip - exit) Standing 1 |
RPTNMSNCV-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Specialist Nursing - Cardiovascular Care Specialist Nursing (M.Sc./P.Grad.Dip - exit) Standing 2 |
RPCNMSNGF-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Specialist Nursing - Gerontological Nursing (P.Grad.Cert FWK) Standing 1 |
RPTNMSNGE-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Specialist Nursing - Gerontological Nursing Standing 1 |
RPTNMSNGE-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Specialist Nursing - Gerontological Nursing Standing 2 |
RPTNMSNIC-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Specialist Nursing - Intensive Care Standing 1 |
RPTNMSNIC-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Specialist Nursing - Intensive Care Standing 2 |
RPTNMSNPO-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Specialist Nursing - Peri-operative Specialist Nursing (M.Sc) Standing 1 |
RPTNMSNPO-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Specialist Nursing - Peri-operative Specialist Nursing (M.Sc) Standing 2 |
RPTNMSNRT-1SP-3 | ROU Group for Specialist Nursing - Renal Nursing (M.Sc. Top-up) Standing 3 |
RPCNMSNRF-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Specialist Nursing - Renal Nursing (P.Grad.Cert FWK) Standing 1 |
RPDNMSNRT-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Specialist Nursing - Renal Nursing (P.Grad.Dip Top-up) Standing 2 |
RPTNMSNRE-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Specialist Nursing - Renal Standing 1 |
RPTNMSNRE-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Specialist Nursing - Renal Standing 2 |
RPTLSSLPR-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Speech and Language Processing Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTLSSLPR-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Speech and Language Processing Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPTMDSMED-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Sports Medicine Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTDMSDES-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Stage Design Standing 1 |
RPTDMSDES-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Stage Design Standing 1 |
RPTDMSDES-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Stage Design Standing 2 |
RUBDMSMTT-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Stage Management and Technical Theatre Standing 1 |
RUBDMSMTT-1SF-2 | ROU Group for Stage Management and Technical Theatre Standing 2 |
RUBDMSMTT-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Stage Management and Technical Theatre Standing 3 |
RPDCSSTFT-1SP-2 | ROU Group for Statistics and Data Science (P.Grad.Dip FW Top-up) Standing 2 |
RPCCSSTAF-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Statistics and Data Science P.Grad.Cert (Framework) Standing 1 |
RPTCSSSUS-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Statistics and Sustainability Standing 1 |
RPMCSSTAT-3SF-1 | ROU Group for Statistics Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRCSSTAT-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Statistics Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRCSSTAT-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Statistics Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRCSSTAT-2SP-3 | ROU Group for Statistics Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRCSSTAT-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Statistics Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPMCSSTAT-2SP-3 | ROU Group for Statistics Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRCSSTAT-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Statistics Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPRCSSTAT-2SP-6 | ROU Group for Statistics Single Pathway Standing 6 |
RPRMDSURG-2SP-1 | ROU Group for Surgery Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPMMDSURG-3SP-1 | ROU Group for Surgery Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPMMDSURG-3SF-1 | ROU Group for Surgery Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRMDSURG-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Surgery Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRMDSURG-2SP-2 | ROU Group for Surgery Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPMMDSURG-3SP-2 | ROU Group for Surgery Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRMDSURG-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Surgery Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRMDSURG-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Surgery Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRMDSURG-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Surgery Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPCBUSDBU-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Sustainable Development for Business Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPDEGSENE-2SP-1 | ROU Group for Sustainable Energy and the Environment Standing 1 |
RPTDMTPER-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Theatre and Performance Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTDMTPER-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Theatre and Performance Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTDMTDIR-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Theatre Directing Standing 1 |
RPTDMTDIR-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Theatre Directing Standing 1 |
RPTDMTPRO-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Theatre Producing Standing 1 |
RPTRETHES-4SP-1 | ROU Group for Theology Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTRETHES-3SP-1 | ROU Group for Theology Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPTRETHES-4SP-2 | ROU Group for Theology Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPTRETHES-3SP-2 | ROU Group for Theology Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPTRETHES-3SP-3 | ROU Group for Theology Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPTRETHES-4SP-3 | ROU Group for Theology Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPTRETHES-4SP-4 | ROU Group for Theology Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBESTPHY-2SF-1 | ROU Group for Theoretical Physics Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RUBESTPHY-2SF-2 | ROU Group for Theoretical Physics Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RUBESTPHY-2SF-3 | ROU Group for Theoretical Physics Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RUBESTPHY-2SF-4 | ROU Group for Theoretical Physics Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RPTMDTONC-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Translational Oncology Standing 1 |
RPEEGTMPL-1SM-1 | ROU Group for Transport Modelling and Planning - MC Module Standing 1 |
RUVAHAHHT-1SF-1 | ROU Group for UG Visiting AHSS Hilary Term Standing 1 |
RUVAHAHMT-1SF-1 | ROU Group for UG Visiting AHSS Michaelmas Term Standing 1 |
RUVMFAEHT-1SF-1 | ROU Group for UG Visiting AHSS, EMS + HS Hilary Term Standing 1 |
RUVMFAEMT-1SF-1 | ROU Group for UG Visiting AHSS, EMS + HS Michaelmas Term Standing 1 |
RUVMFAEYR-1SF-1 | ROU Group for UG Visiting AHSS, EMS + HS One Year Standing 1 |
RUVMFEMHT-1SF-1 | ROU Group for UG Visiting EMS + HS Hilary Term Standing 1 |
RUVMFEMMT-1SF-1 | ROU Group for UG Visiting EMS + HS Michaelmas Term Standing 1 |
RUVAHYEAR-1SF-1 | ROU Group for UG Visiting Students AHSS Standing 1 |
RUVMFEMYR-1SF-1 | ROU Group for Under Graduate Visiting EMS + HS 1YR Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPCIAWPWE-1SP-1 | ROU Group for Workplace Wellness Standing 1 |
RPEBULPEO-2SM-1 | ROU Group for You as Leader Crafting Your Own Leadership Style - MC Module Standing 1 |
RPRNSZOOL-4SF-1 | ROU Group for Zoology Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPMNSZOOL-3SF-1 | ROU Group for Zoology Single Pathway Standing 1 |
RPRNSZOOL-4SF-2 | ROU Group for Zoology Single Pathway Standing 2 |
RPRNSZOOL-4SF-3 | ROU Group for Zoology Single Pathway Standing 3 |
RPRNSZOOL-4SF-4 | ROU Group for Zoology Single Pathway Standing 4 |
RUBSCBBZO-1SF-3 | ROU Group for Zoology Standing 3 |
RUBSCBBZO-1SF-4 | ROU Group for Zoology Standing 4 |