MyZone FAQs
Listed below are the answers to some frequently asked questions. If you need further assistance please refer to our information on help and support for MyZone at the bottom of this page.
You may also wish to review the latest up-to-date particulars in Google's terms of service.
I am trying to 'Sign in' to MyZone for the first time but cannot
New students must set up their Trinity computer account with Microsoft 365 before being able to sign-in to MyZone for the first time. This includes setting their own password and two-step sign in for their account.
For more information see Log in to Microsoft 365 to complete the computer account set up.
How do I access MyZone
Browse to and click on the Students Sign-In link.
You will then be brought to a Microsoft Sign-in page where you need to enter your email address in the form, and your Trinity network password.
Once you have signed in successfully, you will be brought to your email inbox. You can access other services such as calendar and data storage (Drive) via the Apps icon at the top right of the screen.
Signing in for the first time
When signing into MyZone for the first time, there are a few things to remember:
- You must have set up your Trinity computer account with Microsoft 365 before signing into MyZone for the first time. For more information see Log in to Microsoft 365 to complete the computer account set up
- We recommend you use a web browser and not the Gmail App when using the service for the first time
I have signed in to MyZone but cannot see how to access my Calendar and Drive
After you sign-in to MyZone you will be able to access 'Calendar' and 'Drive' via the Apps buttons in the top right of the screen.
I am having difficulty setting the password for MyZone
When setting your Trinity IT computer account password you have to meet all the password criteria below. Your password:
- must be at least 8 characters long
- must have a mix of upper and lowercase characters
- must include at least one numeric character OR a special character such as ! @ $ % * _ - + = ~
- must not include £ € : ? | space
- must not include part of your first name, last name or username
What is Two Step Sign-In?
Two Step Sign-In provides added security to your account and ensures that your email cannot be used without your knowledge.
With Two Step Sign-In, you will be prompted to confirm your identity by a separate method - typically through a code provided by text message to your mobile phone or via the Microsoft Authenticator app.
I want to change my Two-Step Sign-In method
Please see Changing/adding sign-in methods for more information.
How can I change the MyZone password, for example if I have forgotten it?
You can change your password using the Microsoft 365 Self-Service Password Reset tool.
Can club and society email accounts switch to MyZone?
Trinity College sports clubs are entitled to a MyZone email account. Please contact the Trinity Sport Union for further information.
I want to forward my MyZone email to another email account
You can set email forwarding within the MyZone email settings. Please refer to Google's help page on how to forward your email.
I think some emails are not being delivered to my MyZone email account
Check the contents of the 'Spam' folder to ensure that legitimate emails have not been delivered there by mistake. If this is the case, and you wish to prevent emails from this user being mistakenly identified as Spam, then check the box beside the email in question and click the 'Not Spam' button.
I want to send a large file as an attachment but cannot
There is a limit in terms of the size of attachment you can send using the MyZone service. If you wish to send very large files you may consider using the HEAnet FileSender service instead.
Can I access MyZone email through an email client like Outlook or on a mobile device?
Instructions on configuring an email client such as Outlook to receive MyZone email are available from Google's help pages.
If configuring an Apple mobile device, you would access the Settings app, choose 'Mail, Contacts, Calendars', choose 'Gmail' and enter the details as below. Beyond the advice given here, no support for this functionality is available from IT Services.
The native Android app may not work with MyZone. IT Services recommend using the Gmail app for the best experience.
I am concerned that my MyZone account may be being accessed by someone else, what should I do?
In this situation it is vital that you change your password. You can also follow up and check when and where your account was last accessed from. Follow these steps:
- Change your password using the Microsoft 365 Self-Service Password Reset tool.
- Follow the steps on the Gmail support pages which explain how to check when your account was accessed and the approximate geographical location from where it was accessed. This information may help you determine if your account has been accessed by someone other than you.
Can I delete my MyZone account?
It is not possible to delete your MyZone account while you are still a current, registered student. All current, registered students must retain their Trinity email account as it an official means of College communication with students.
Getting Help - Current Students
If you need assistance in using the email, calendar, Drive and other facilities please refer to Google's learning centre, which can always be accessed via the Help link at the top of the screen when logged into MyZone.
If you are a current registered student and need assistance with MyZone password problems or technical email issues please contact the IT Service Desk.
It is important to note that the IT Service Desk is not in a position to assist with mobile device configuration issues, nor in the use of standard Gmail accounts or other Google services such as Google Chat or Google Sites.
MyZone is provided via Education Edition Google Apps and we encourage Trinity students to follow Trinity's policies and guidelines regarding Data Management when working with intellectual property or any form of Trinity Confidential Data in Google Apps.
Getting Help - Alumni
Support for the MyZone service for Trinity alumni is available from the Trinity Alumni Relations Office and not from IT Services. You may contact the Trinity Alumni Relations Office at +353 (0)1 896 2088.
What you need to know about your student email if you are an alumnus / alumna
You will retain limited use of your MyZone account (Gmail, Calendar, and Contacts apps only) if you fulfil the following two requirements:
- You are a graduate of the University;
- You commenced your studies prior to October 2023.
Please be aware that a storage quota of 5GB will be applied to your student email after your Trinity IT computer account expires. You should ensure that your student email does not exceed 5GB; accounts consistently over 5GB will be closed.
You will lose access to any files or photos stored in other MyZone apps, including Google Drive and Google Photos. If you wish to retain files stored in other MyZone apps, then you will need to move them to another location of your choosing (for example a personal Google account). You must ensure that you move or delete all files from your other MyZone apps; accounts with photos remaining in the Google Photos app will be closed.
Finally, you are advised not to use your student email as an account username for online services (e.g. online shops, airlines, and banking). Access to student email as an Alumnus / Alumna is provided at the discretion of the University and thus the terms of your student email are subject to change in the future.