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How staff can change their password

The options available to staff to change their password are listed below.

Password change options

Option 1: Using Microsoft 365 Self-Service Password Reset

The Microsoft 365 self-service password reset tool allows you to change your password if you know it, reset your password if you have forgotten it, or unlock your account. This tool is available via

Self-Service Password Reset

Option 2: Using a Windows computer registered for the College network

To reset your password using a Windows computer connected to the College network:

  1. On the keyboard, press Ctrl+Alt+Del.
  2. Click the Change a password link.
  3. Depending on how your computer is enrolled on the Trinity network, the next screen will be one of the following options:

    1. For older devices setup for the domain, when shown the screen below type the old (current) password, then the new password and confirm it.

      Note: If you are working remotely, you must be connected to the VPN service to use this method.

    2. For newer devices setup since August 2024, an internet browser window will open showing your Microsoft 365 Security info page. In the popup window, enter your new password, confirm it and click Submit.

Why do I need to change my password?

Passwords are often broken, stolen or cracked without the knowledge of the victim. For instance, this can happen as a result of a phishing email or through malware.

Very often stolen passwords are not used immediately. If you change your password regularly, even if your password is somehow stolen, the thief does not have the opportunity to use it.

For security reasons, staff must change their password every 180 days. An automatic email notification will be sent from IT Services 14-16 days in advance of password expiry.

You can use methods listed above to change your network login password.

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