Service Catalogue and Corporate Service Level Agreement

Click on the relevant section below to find out more about our Service Catalogue and Corporate Service Level Agreement.

IT Service Catalogue

IT Services uses the professional discipline of IT Service Management as a way to ensure we have a customer-focused approach to delivering information technology for staff and students at Trinity. Having a Service Catalogue provides IT Services with a framework to structure IT-related activities and to define services that are of value to you in your work and study, thus allowing you to do business without worrying about underlying technology or IT infrastructure.

View the IT Service Catalogue

The IT Service Catalogue describes all of the services offered by IT Services for Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin.

What is in the IT Service Catalogue?

The IT Service Catalogue provides information about our services, including:

  • description of each service
  • information on how to access each service
  • help and advice details for each service

IT services are arranged into 10 areas as follows:

  • Help and Support
  • Training and Development
  • My IT Services
  • Collaboration and Communications
  • Teaching and Learning
  • Research IT
  • Desktop and Software Services
  • Business Services
  • Technical Services
  • Cyber Security and Governance


Corporate Service Level Agreement

IT Services has selected to use a multi-level structure for defining and managing our Service Level Agreements. As Trinity is a large, and sometimes complex, organisation this structured approach will reduce the duplication of effort while still providing customisation for customers and services by inheritance. The corporate level service agreement will apply to everybody and every department in Trinity, while customer level service agreements will apply to a specific department and so on.

IT Services Multi-Level Service Level Agreement Structure

IT Services has selected to use a multi-level structure for defining and managing our Service Level Agreements. As Trinity is a large, and sometimes complex, organisation this structured approach will reduce the duplication of effort while still providing customisation for customers and services by inheritance. The corporate level service agreement will apply to everybody and every department in Trinity, while customer level service agreements will apply to a specific department and so on.

  • Corporate Level Service Agreements: All generic issues pertaining to the University IT are covered, and are the same for the entire University. For example, in the Cyber Security and Governance SLA at the University level, every staff and student member of Trinity needs to have password of 8 characters. This is the book of Corporate Level Service Agreements.
  • Customer Level Service Agreements: These agreements are for those issues specific to a Trinity customer's/department's specific IT needs. For example, Cyber Security requirements of one or more departments within the University might be different in regard to passwords, e.g. the Financial Services Division may need higher Cyber Security measures in regard to password management than other areas of Trinity due to the sensitivity of the data they access and analyse.
  • Service Level Service Agreements: These are the agreements that cover all issues relevant to a specific service in relation to a Trinity customer\department. For example, the Research IT services for a particular department, say Digital Humanities, may need to be specifically documented and agreed in this specialist area.
SLA Diagram

View the Corporate Service Level Agreement

Our service-level agreements (SLAs) document the services IT Services provides to Trinity staff and students, and define the performance standards we are obligated to meet. Our Corporate Level Service Agreement is arranged into the following categories - click on any category to access a PDF containing further details:

We carry out a number of service review activities which help us identity where future improvements can be made.

The SLAM Report is compiled and published monthly and details the levels of service achieved over a rolling 12-month period for the 10 service areas of the IT Services Corporate Service Level Agreement.

SLAM Report Archive is viewable here: SLAM Report Archive

SLAM Reports 2024

Month Chart Link Infographic Link
January 2024 SLAM Chart SLAM Infographic
February 2024 SLAM Chart SLAM Infographic
March 2024 SLAM Chart SLAM Infographic
April 2024 SLAM Chart SLAM Infographic
May 2024 SLAM Chart SLAM Infographic
June 2024 SLAM Chart SLAM Infographic