Google Android Support Statement

This information is relevant to staff and students using a smartphone or tablet running Android. Read our information on protecting your mobile device.

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This information is relevant to staff and students using a smartphone or tablet running Android. Read our information on protecting your mobile device.

Protect your mobile device

Supported versions of Android

Google provides security updates for the versions of Android listed below. Google no longer provides security updates for older versions. To help ensure the security of College systems and your data, IT Services will only provide support for the same versions.

Although it may be possible to connect to our network and access certain apps and services from devices running older, unsupported versions, this is not recommended by IT Services.

Supported versions

  • Android 14
  • Android 13
  • Android 12

Rooted devices and sideloading apps

IT Services cannot provide support for any devices that have been rooted.

Also, we cannot provide support for apps that have been 'Sideloaded'. Sideloading is the process of downloading and installing apps from an unofficial source; for example from outside the official Google Play Store.

We can only provide support for Android devices that use the official Google Play store natively; we cannot support devices that use their own app store, or which do not ship with the Google Play store as the default app store.

Third-party app support on Android

Certain third-party app providers will only support the use of their apps on the versions of Android supported by Google. For example, Microsoft will only support the use of the Teams and Outlook apps on the versions of Android supported by Google and will not guarantee the security or operation of these apps on unsupported versions of Android.