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Adjunct Assistant Professor Yaser Alashqar

Adjunct Assistant Professor Yaser Alashqar

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Email: ALASHQAY@tcd.ie

Yaser Alashqar is an adjunct assistant professor in the International Peace Studies MPhil programme at Trinity College (the University of Dublin) in Ireland. He completed his PhD in civil society and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict at Trinity College. Born in Gaza, he holds a Master’s Degree in Conflict and Peace Studies from the University of Coventry in England and a Bachelor’s Degree in English Literature from Palestine. His expertise includes civil society role at the national and political level, Middle Eastern issues in international relations, conflicts and political movements in the Middle East, mediation processes, peacebuilding, comparative politics Northern Ireland and Palestine, Gaza and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

He is an associate academic member of the Center for Palestine Studies in the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London. He also works as a training consultant with the Glencree Reconciliation Centre in Ireland.

Areas of Expertise

Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Middle East, NGOs and civil society, comparative studies (Northern Ireland and Palestine), transformative and political mediation, peacebuilding and conflict resolution processes.


Research and Teaching Areas

Middle Eastern politics
Israeli-Palestinian issues
Comparative peace processes: Northern Ireland and Palestine
Conflict analysis
Mediation in theory and practice


Select publications

Alashqar, Yaser. 'Heritage in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Sociopolitical Perspective.' In AlDajani, I.M., Leiner, M. (eds) Reconciliation, Heritage and Social Inclusion in the Middle East and North Africa, Springer- Cham, London, 2022.

Alashqar, Yaser. 'National Identity in Conflict and Colonial Processes: the Cases of Ireland and Palestine.' In: Marie-Claire Logue (ed.) Being Irish: New Views on Irish Identity Today, The Liffey Press, Dublin, 2021.

Alashqar, Yaser. 'Civil Society and Peacebuilding: Critical Review.' In: Richmond O., Visoka G. (eds.) The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Peace and Conflict Studies, Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2022.

Alashqar, Yaser. ‘Case Studies of Contemporary State Recognition: Palestine.’ In: Visoka G., Doyle J. and Newman E. (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of State Recognition, Routledge, London, 2019.

Alashqar, Yaser. ‘Evolution of Palestinian Civil Society and the Role of Nationalism, Occupation and Religion.’ In: Ratuva St. (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Ethnicity, Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore, 2019.


Alashqar, Yaser. 'The Politics of Social Structures in the Palestinian Case: From National Resistance to Depoliticization and Liberalization', Social Sciences Journal, 2018.

Alashqar, Yaser. 'Comparative Perspective: The United States and Conflict Resolution in Northern Ireland and Israeli-Palestinian Conflict', Palestine-Israel Journal of Politics, Economics and Culture, 2017.

Alashqar, Yaser. 'Abbas' Credibility and Leadership: Palestinian Challenges into the Future, Near East Quarterly Journal, 2011.

Online Articles

'On External Actors, Mediation, International Aid, Middle East Politics, Conflict and Colonial Dynamics in Israel/Palestine': Interview with E-International Relations, September 2021. The full interview is available here: https://www.e-ir.info/2021/09/09/interview-yaser-alashqar/

‘The Impact of the Arab Spring on Palestine’: https://inmenas.blogspot.com/2021/05/the-impact-of-arab-spring-on-palestine.html?m=1

‘The Story of Palestine - over a century of national struggle’: https://www.thejournal.ie/readme/middle-east-gaza-israel-palestine-5440174-May2021/

‘On Challenges of Peace and Conflict, Israel-Palestine, US Policy, the Middle East and Beyond’: Interview with the Organization for Defending Victims of Violence, December 2020. The full interview is available here: http://www.odvv.org/blog-3153-ODVV-interview-Humanitarian-situation-in-Gaza-critical-as-the-COVID-19-pandemic-evolves

‘From Covid-19 to the 'Deal of the Century', Palestine and International Law’ https://mondoweiss.net/2020/04/from-covid-19-to-the-deal-of-the-century-palestine-is-undefeated/

‘The Gaza Crisis: Restrictions and Challenges to the Humanitarian Space in Gaza’ https://www.e-ir.info/2019/11/30/the-gaza-crisis-restrictions-and-challenges-to-the-humanitarian-space-in-gaza/

‘Gaza: what life is like under the continuing Israeli blockade’ https://theconversation.com/gaza-what-life-is-like-under-the-continuing-israeli-blockade-124528

‘The Implications of the Israeli War on Gaza’ https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20140815-the-implications-of-the-israeli-war-on-gaza/

‘Revisiting Palestine’s Membership at the UN and Evolving Implications’ https://www.e-ir.info/2019/03/01/revisiting-palestines-membership-at-the-un-and-evolving-implications/

‘On Palestine and the Responsibility of Academia and Civil Society in the International Arena’, (page 38) http://www.iacdglobal.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Practice-Insights-13-low-resolution.pdf

‘Palestinians are not Powerless, They Can Take the Initiative’ https://theconversation.com/palestinians-are-not-powerless-they-can-take-the-initiative-97487

'Civil Society in Gaza: Critical Challenges to Secular and Nationalist Civil Society Organizations and their Role in Promoting Human Rights and Conflict Transformation', https://mjmes.wordpress.com/2014/05/06/article-7-2/