Professor Geraldine Smyth
Adjunct Assistant Professor, School of Religion
Email gsmyth@tcd.ie Phone www.tcd.ie/isePublications and Further Research Outputs
- Geraldine Smyth, Review Article: Michael Kinnamon, Can a Renewal Movement Be Renewed? Questions for the Future of the Ecumenism, William B. Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michigan / Cambridge, 2014, One in Christ, 48, (2), 2014, p320 - 326Journal Article, 2014
- Geraldine Smyth, The Role of the Church in Reconciling Memories, One in Christ, The Church: Towards a Common Vision, Edinburgh, 1st Dec. 2015, 50, (2), 2016, pp18 pagesConference Paper, 2016
- Geraldine Smyth, Theological Perspectives on Moving Beyond Violent Conflict In and About Northern Ireland: The Call to Reconcile and Forgive, Shifting Locations - Reshaping Methods (Conflict Resolution and Post-Conflict Theologies, Lublin, Poland, 15th-18th April 2015, 2015Conference Paper, 2015
- Geraldine Smyth, Endorsement , Review of Margaret O'Gara, No Turning Back: the Future of Ecumenism, by Margaret O'Gara (with Michael Vertin (ed.), Liturgical Press, Minn.USA , 2014Review, 2014
- Geraldine Smyth, 'Darkness to Dawn: Reflection for Maundy Thursday', BBC Northern Ireland, Belfast, NI, 2015, -Broadcast, 2015
- Geraldine Smyth, A Mind and Heart for the Long Road: Dominican Journeys of Reconciliation in Northern Ireland, Dominicans and the Social Question: Dominicans 800 Conference, Corvinus University, Budapest, Hungary, 24th Feb., 2017Conference Paper, 2017
- "Memory, Reconciliation and Mourning: Breaking the Cycle of Violence and Building Peace in Ireland" in, editor(s)Dong Jin Kim and David Mitchell , Reconciling Divided States: Peace Processes in Ireland and Korea. , UK, Routledge, 2022, pp20 , [Geraldine Smyth]Book Chapter, 2022
- Presenter and co-scripting, 'Sisters of the Troubles: The role of Catholic Nuns in Northern Ireland's Troubles', The Documentary, BBC Radio World Service , Belfast, 2018, -Broadcast, 2018
- Respecting Boundaries and Bonds in, editor(s)David Tombs and Joseph Liechty , Explorations in Reconciliation, Ashgate, Aldershot, 2006, pp137 - 155, [Smyth G.]Book Chapter, 2006
- Alive and Signalling: Theology as Communication in, editor(s)Gesa Theissen and Declan Marmion , Theology in the Making - Biography, Contexts, Methods, Dublin, Veritas Publications, 2005, pp144 - 158, [Smyth G.]Book Chapter, 2005
- Peace Ten Years On: And Where Are the Churches Now? in, Beyond Sectarianism? The Churches and Ten Years of the Peace Process, Belfast, Community Relations Council/ Profile Publishing, 2005, pp27 - 42, [Smyth G.]Book Chapter, 2005
- . Geraldine Smyth OP, A Way of Transformation: a Theological Evaluation of the Conciliar Process of Mutual Commitment to Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation - World Council of Churches, 1983-1991, Bern, Peter Lang (1995), 379 pp, Paperback, Berne, Berlin, Frankfurt, New York, Paris, Vienna, Peter Lang, 1995, vi - 377ppBook, 1995
- Wisdom to know the difference: reconfiguring a theological paradigm in the transition to peace in Ireland in, editor(s)O'Grady, John and Scherle, Peter , Ecumenics from the rim: explorations in honour of John D'Arcy May, Münster, LIT Verlag, 2007, pp151 - 167, [Smyth, Geraldine and Carroll, Lesley ]Book Chapter, 2007
- Peace ten years on: and where are the churches now? in, editor(s)Brandes, Dieter , Healing of memories in Europe: bridges between churches, cultures, religion, Cluj-Napoca, Accent, 2007, pp156 - 170, [Smyth, Geraldine]Book Chapter, 2007
- Healing of Memories in Europe: Bridges Between Churches, Cultures, Religions in, editor(s)Dieter Brandes , Peace ten years on: and where are the churches now?, Cluj-Napoca, Accent Pub, 2007, pp156 - 170, [Smyth, Geraldine]Book Chapter, 2007
- Smyth, Geraldine , 'Deep Symbols and Mythic Imagination in the Hermeneutics of Creation Texts', Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations , 20, (3), 2009, p227 - 245Journal Article, 2009
- Telling a Different Story: Hope for Forgiveness and Reconciliation in Northern Ireland in, editor(s)Philipa Rothfield, Cleo Fleming and Paul A. Komesaroff , Pathways to Reconciliation: Between Theory and Practice, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2008, pp67 - 78, [Geraldine Smyth OP]Book Chapter, 2008
- Creation in the Light of God's Reign - Reimaging the Theology of Creation in, editor(s)Geiko Mueller-Fahrenholz , Peace on Earth and Peace with the Earth, Geneva, John Knox Press, 2008, pp201 - 225, [Geraldine Smyth]Book Chapter, 2008
- In the Middle Ground and Meantime: a Call to the Churches in Northern Ireland to Find Themselves on the Edge in, editor(s)James P. Mackey and Enda McDonagh , Religion and Politics in Ireland at the Turn of the Millennium, Dublin, Columba Press, 2003, pp84 - 106, [Geraldine Smyth]Book Chapter, 2003
- Andrew Pierce and Geraldine Smyth, The Critical Spirit: Theology at the Crossroads of Faith and Culture, Dublin, Columba Press, 2003, 247ppBook, 2003
- Challenge and Change:1995-1999 in, editor(s)Michael Hurley S.J. , The Irish School of Ecumenics (1970-2007): 'Like Wheat that Springs up Green', Dublin, Columba Press, 2008, pp159 - 192, [Geraldine Smyth]Book Chapter, 2008
- Jerusalem, Athens, and Zurich: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Factors Inhibiting Receptive Ecumenism in, editor(s)Paul Murray , Catholic Learning: Explorations in Receptive Ecumenism, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008, pp285 - 302, [Geraldine Smyth]Book Chapter, 2008
- Sustaining Connections: the Field of Ecumenical Social Ethics in, editor(s)Linda Hogan and Barbara FitzGerald , Between Poetry and Politics: Essays in Honour of Enda McDonagh, Dublin, Columba Press, 2003, pp86 - 104, [Geraldine Smyth]Book Chapter, 2003
- Envisaging a New Identity and a Common Home: Seeking Peace on our Borders, Angela Bourke et al; (Section on 'Theology and Ethics in the Twentieth Century' Section, ed., Mary Condren), The Field Day anthology of Irish Writing, IV, Cork, Cork University Press, 2002, pp734 - 741, [Geraldine Smyth]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2002
- Brokenness, Forgiveness, Healing and Peace in Ireland in, editor(s)Raymond G. Helmick SJ and Rodney L. Petersen , Forgiveness and Reconciliation: Religion, Public Policy, and Conflict Transformation, Philadelphia, John Templeton Press, 2001, pp319 - 349, [Geraldine Smyth]Book Chapter, 2001
- Geraldine Smyth (with J. Mugambe and P. Scherle) , Liberating Communion, Geneva, World Council of Churches, Justice, Peace Creation Unit III, 1998, 100ppBook, 1998
- Ecumenism and Interchurch Relations in Ireland, James S. Donnelly Jr , The Encyclopaedia of Irish History and Culture (2 vols), 1, Farmington, Michigan, USA, Macmillan Reference, 2004, pp182 - 184, [Geraldine Smyth]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2004
- Geraldine Smyth, A Habitable Grief: Forgiveness and Reconciliation in a Divided Society , Milltown Studies, (Summer 2004), 2004, p94 - 130Journal Article, 2004
- Geraldine Smyth, Distance Becomes Communion: Dominican Journeys in Mission and Hope , Dublin, Dominican Publications, 2004, 160ppBook, 2004
- Geraldine Smyth, Truth and the Possibilities of Hope, Doctrine and Life, 58, (10), 2008, p14 - 15Journal Article, 2008
- Remembering to begin with peace in, editor(s)Enda McDonagh , Remembering to Forgive: A Tribute to Una O'Higgins-O'Malley, Dublin, Veritas Publications, 2008, pp121 - 140, [Geraldine Smyth]Book Chapter, 2008
- Lesley Carroll and Geraldine Smyth, Glimpses of God: Reflections for Days and Seasons, Dublin, Veritas Publications, 2010, 7 - 126ppBook, 2010
- Jaia Pasquini and Alberto Melloni (eds), Meditations on Forgiveness, 2010, - excerpts: commissioned essayMiscellaneous, 2010
- Geraldine Smyth, Unbar the Door: Ecumenical Reflections in Westminster Abbey, Doctrine and Life, 60, (9), 2010, p2 - 17Journal Article, 2010
- Forgiveness between the Theological and the Social in, editor(s)Thomas Eggensberger, Ulrich Engel and Angel F. Méndez Montoya , Edward Schillebeeckx: Impetus towards Theologies in the 21st Century, Ostfildern, Germany, Matthias-Grünewald-Verlag, 2012, pp110 - 137, [Geraldine Smyth]Book Chapter, 2012
- Geraldine Smyth, Forgiveness - Created Wisdom and Reconciling Grace, The Ecclesiology of Communion Conference Papers, 6-9 June 2012, Theology Symposium - 50th International Eucharistic Congress 2012 Web Publication: www.iec2012.ie/index.jsp?p=108&n=4866&a=2421, 2012, pp22Conference Paper, 2012, URL
- What Lies Beneath: From Purity and Power to Crisis and Kairos in, editor(s)Patrick Claffey, Joe Egan and Marie Keenan , Broken Faith: Why Hope Matters, Oxford and Bern, Peter Lang, 2013, pp145 - 173, [Geraldine Smyth]Book Chapter, 2013
- Geraldine Smyth, South-North Reflections on the Church and Society in Light of the Good Friday Agreement , Ireland North and South: Two Societies Growing Apart?, Lisdoonvarna, Co Clare, Ireland, 14-18 August (15th), 2013, Scoil Merriman/Merriman Summer School CommitteeInvited Talk, 2013
- Geraldine Smyth, Outside Creation, No Salvation: Losing Life and Finding Grace on Earth , Where We Dwell in Common: Pathways for Dialogue in the 21st Century, Assisi 2012, Assisi, Italy, Assisi, Italy, 17-20 April 2012, edited by Gerard Mannion , 2012Conference Paper, 2012
- Geraldine Smyth, Dominican Discomfort in Cathar Country: Whose Story? What Reconciliation? , Visioning Ecumenism for the 21st Century, Long Room Hub, Trinity College Dublin, 19th Dec. 2011, edited by Linda Hogan and Andrew Pierce , 2011Conference Paper, 2011
- Geraldine Smyth, South-North Reflections on the Church and Society in light of the Good Friday Agreement , Merriman Summer School, Lisdoonvarna, Ireland, 15th August, 2013Invited Talk, 2013
- The Turning Tide: Dominican Women in Reconciliation in Northern Ireland in, editor(s)Helen Alford and Francesco Compagnoni , Preaching Justice Volume II: Contributions of Dominican Sisters to Social Justice in the Twentieth Century, Dublin, Dominican Publications, 2016, pp341 - 374, [Geraldine Smyth]Book Chapter, 2016
- Body of Christ, Body of Life in, editor(s)Andrew Pierce and Oliver Schuegraff , Dialogue Inside Out: Ecumenism Encounters the Religions, Leipzig, Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2014, pp21 pages , [Geraldine Smyth]Book Chapter, 2014
- Creating Effective Programs and Policies to Reduce Violence and Promote Peace in, editor(s)James F. Leckman, Catherine Panter-Brick and Rima Salah , Pathways to Peace: The Transformative Power of Children and their Families, Cambridge, Mass., and London, England, The MIT Press, 2014, pp361 - 384, [Pia Britto ... Geraldine Smyth (co-authors)]Book Chapter, 2014
- Mein Ökumenischer Weg - Ein Erfahrungsbericht in, editor(s)Marita Koerrenz , Ökumene Lernen: Auf der Suche Nach Christlicher Geneinschaft in der Einen Welt, Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co, 2014, pp26 - 28, [Geraldine Smyth]Book Chapter, 2014
- Geraldine Smyth, Remembering and Mourning in time of Change , Lecture Series, Belfast, 14th April 2014, 2014, pp18Conference Paper, 2014
- Ecumenical Trends, 49, 4, (2020), 1 - 11p, Aaron Hollander, [Interviewee]Journal
- Beyond the Ethnic Frontier - Memory, Reconciliation and Mourning: Breaking the Cycle of Violence and Building Peace: Ireland, a Case Study in, editor(s)Dong Jin Kim and David Mitchell , Reconciling Divided States: Peace Processes in Ireland and Korea, UK, Routledge, 2021, pp22 , [Geraldine Smyth]Book Chapter
- Smyth G., City Limits, Review of City Limits: Mission Issues in Postmodern Times, Spirituality, 11, (62), 2005, p296-302Review
- Smyth G., Review of Open to the World, The Furrow, 56, (11), 2005, p633-635Review
- Smyth, Geraldine, A new and shocking valuation, Review of From Rwanda and back: liberation spirituality and reconciliation, by Grey, Mary C. , Doctrine and Life, 58, (2), 2007, p56-63Review
- Smyth, Geraldine, Review of The land of unlikeness: explorations into reconciliation, by Stevens, David , Milltown Studies, (57), 2006, p125-129Review
- Geraldine Smyth, Against Remembrance: A Response to David Rieff, 2011Working Paper
- Geraldine Smyth, Sermon for the Fortieth Anniversary of Trinity College Chapel dedicated for ecumenical use, Trinity Monday Ecumenical Service, Trinity College, 8th April, 2013, Trinity College DublinInvited Talk
- Geraldine Smyth, Once Alien Here: The Changing Faces of Ireland , I was a Stranger and you Welcomed me - Ecumenical Event for International Women's Day, Dublin, 1st March, 2013, Council of ChurchesInvited Talk
- Geraldine Smyth, A Creative Ecumenical Encounter: the Irish School of Ecumenics and the Lutheran Church in Ireland, Celebrating Ecumenical Unity, Lutheran Church Dublin, 20th January, 2013, Lutheran Church in IrelandInvited Talk
- Geraldine Smyth, Has Christ Been Divided? Reconciliation in a Broken World, Christian Unity Week, Dublin, 24th January, 2014, Council of ChurchesInvited Talk
Research Expertise
Ecumenical theology and ecclesiology; intercultural theology and interreligious dialogue; the role of ecumenism in peacebuilding and reconciliation in divided contexts; the wider field of ecumenics in late modernity - Life and Work/Faith and Order/interreligious theology and practice. Theology of creation; ecological theology and ethics of climate change and sustainability. Attachment, social trauma and loss: theological and psychological responses to separation/identities in opposition/cultural and religious bereavement. Truth, memory and justice in post-conflict societies. The theology, ethics and social theory of forgiveness and peacebuilding; hermeneutics of post-violence social and religious transformation.
TitleReligion in Conflict and ReconciliationSummaryIrish School of Ecumenics, Trinity College Coordinator: Erasmus-Socrates Programme Research Partnership with the Dept of Religions and Theology, University of Uppsala and the Dept of Theology, University of Muenster - including pilot and establishment 2007-8 of Univ. of Uppsala M.A. Programme Religion in Conflict and Reconciliation and the current development of a Reader in Religion, Conflict and PeacebuildingFunding AgencyEUDate From2006Date To2008
TitleErnst Strüngemann Forum: 'Formative Childhoods, Paths to Peace?': Member of Programme Advisory Committee (7 international experts) chaired by Profs. James F. Leckman, Catherine Panter-Brick (Yale) and Dr Rima Salah UNICEF. Cf., http://www.esforum.deSummaryThe Ernst Strüngmann Forum facilitates the continual expansion of knowledge by providing a creative environment within which experts scrutinize high priority problems from multiple vantage points. The goal of this Forum is to identify "gaps" in knowledge, pose key questions and find ways to "fill these gaps" via a unique synergism towards future research. . To assess child development in the context of familial/group relations, and its role in peacebuilding . To identify gaps in knowledge and communication . To examine novel approaches to translating knowledge into action. The thematic of this Forum brings together bio-scientists, physicians, theologians, educators and peace theorists and practitioners to address the challenge of formative childhoods and peacebuilding. Peace as a multi-faceted construct, defined differently from various disciplinary perspectives, most often refers to a state of harmony characterized by the lack of violent conflict. Peace-building is a term used by the international development community to describe the processes and activities involved in resolving violent conflict and establishing a sustainable peace. Peace-building activities promote conflict resolution and reconciliation; re-integrate former combatants into civilian society; strengthen the rule of law; and improve the standard of living and protecting human rights. Efforts to understand the mechanisms of peace-building and conflict resolution require an eclectic consideration of humans as biological beings and their behavior on multiple levels: intra- and inter-family, community, national, and international. Nonetheless, current understanding as well as resultant policies and programs have been based on perspectives that have emanated from mainly from political science, international relations, history, anthropology, and religion. Although nearly self-evident that the role of early child development and intra- and inter-familial relationships as well as the underlying biology of affiliations (e.g., bonding and parenting) must be considered, these integral perspectives have yet to be addressed or factored into an overall understanding. In summary, previous efforts to understand, define, and promote the mechanisms of peace-building and conflict resolution must be expanded. Informed by research on child development and the latest findings from the neuroscience community, a new paradigm is clearly needed. A cogent and empirically validated theoretical foundation is required to guide the novel approaches that can effect change, and guidelines are needed to assist the next generation of declarations. In summary, previous efforts to understand, define, and promote the mechanisms of peace-building and conflict resolution must be expanded. Informed by research on child development and the latest findings from the neuroscience community, a new paradigm is clearly needed. A cogent, empirically validated theoretical foundation is required to guide the novel approaches that effect change, and guidelines are needed to assist the next generation of Declarations. This Forum aims to advance the assessment of the role of early child development and familial relationships and their neurobiological underpinnings in peace-building. This Forum of invited international experts took place at the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIS), October 13-19, 2013. A major publication is anticipated - timely in contributing to the renewal process for at least two global Declarations in 2015, which will guide future programs and policies for children and families throughout the world: 1. United Nations Millennium Declaration (MDG, 2000), signed in 2000 by the representatives of 191 countries, calls for an investment in social and economic development through eight goals. 2. Education for All (UNESCO, EFA, 1990) declaration, signed by leaders of over 160 countries, aims to enhance the quality of life and to reduce poverty through education.Funding AgencyErnst Strüngemann FoundationDate FromSept. 2012Date To2015
TitleVisioning Ecumenism for the 21st Century: Diversity, Dialogue and ReconciliationSummaryProviding and sustaining opportunities for evaluation of the ecumenical movement, in Ireland and globally, elucidating new vision and prospects. This ground-breaking ISE research project provided a springboard for a major international conference in June 2010 - 'From World Mission to Interreligious Witness', to commemorate the centenary of what we know as modern ecumenism, by examining the role of ecumenism in global, Irish, and other national contexts, and identifying key areas in which ecumenism can contribute to ongoing global conversations on such issues as diversity, immigration, interreligious theology, dialogue and reconciliation. The project has stimulated research collaborations which are global in scope. The research consists of theological work, mainly from a Christian perspective, which critically examines and seeks to develop theological models of identity in plural contexts, extrapolating from biblical covenant traditions of exclusiveness-inclusiveness, justice and right relationship, and hospitality. Researchers are developing a theological perspective that will test the boundaries of ecumenism beyond the intra-Christian to interreligious approaches, and by ecumenical engagement within the public sphere, including politics, religion and the arts. In its final phase, the research has proceeded from a comparative religious studies ethnographic examination of the churches and other faith communities (Islam, Judaism, Hinduism) on the island of Ireland (including web-based surveys of clergy and laypeople - culminating in an Audited Report and conferences in Belfast in Nov. 2009 and Dublin 2011. A series of Expert Thematic Seminars (2011) enables a further theologically focussed analysis on paradigmatic issues in ecumenics. Through print-based and web-based publications the research will equip churches and other faith communities with theological and empirical resources for articulating a new ecumenical vision for the 21st century. The Lead Investigator is Professor Linda Hogan; Associate Researchers include: Professor Gladys Ganiel, Professor Andrew Pierce, Professor Geraldine Smyth, Professor David Tombs and Professor John D'Arcy May. Other staff and three Ph.D candidates are also engaged in correlative fields of research.Funding AgencyIRCHSSDate From8th Dec. 2008Date To7th Dec. 2011
TitleWomen Religious: Witness Seminars - Remembering the Conflict in and About Northern IrelandSummaryWitness testimony has a vital role in contributing to the academic integrity required for a comprehensive understanding of the years of the conflict in and about Northern Ireland. Women's voices have until recently been missing from the discourse, and only recently have community-based projects begun to remedy this via witness and archiving projects within cultural communities. This project works by convening, filming and archiving witness statements from women of faith, and initially, from female members of Catholic religious orders who lived and worked within and across various contexts in the years of violent conflict and subsequent transition. The conversation format facilitates the sharing of personal and shared recollections, insights and analysis from sisters and their communities in a safe and respectful space. They witness to personal, community social experiences from diverse vantage points and give expression to the ambiguities, tensions and challenges of living alongside or ministering with and to local communities or in cross community endeavour. The format of seminars is of a conversation seminar facilitated to evolve naturally and elicit personal or shared recollections, memories and reflections, acknowledging respectfully the range of socio-political and religious perspectives from religious women working across different and sometimes conflicting lines of church and community ideals and priorities in times of violence and peace building. Witness testimony has a vital role in contributing to the academic integrity required for a more inclusive, holistic and textured understanding of the period of the conflict. Such Witness Seminars complement and enrich academic data and archives by drawing on the indispensable knowledge of those who were actively involved with pastoral, community or educational activities within and between communities, often alongside those living in areas affected by violence - personally and structurally. The seminars are recorded and will be available via youtube and archived for access at the University of Winchester. The research project is led by Dr Dianne Kirby (Dept of History, Ulster Univ.) and Prof. Lisa Isherwood (Institute for Theological Partnerships, University of Winchester), in collaboration with Dr Geraldine Smyth, Irish School of Ecumenics, Trinity College Dublin, and Dr Jolene Mairs Dyer, (Media, Film and Journalism, Ulster University) .Funding AgencyUniv. of Winchester and private sourcesDate From2015Date To-
Philosophy, Ethics and Religion, Other social sciences,
- James McCord Award for 'advanced scholarship promoting ecumenical understanding in a global era', Center of Theological Inquiry, Princeton University. (James McCord: noted in Princeton as a 'great ecumenical statesman, President of Princeton Theological Seminary and the founder of its Center of Theological Inquiry': nominated by Professor Will Storrar 2005
- Mining Truths: Festschrift in honour of Geraldine Smyth OP - Ecumenical Theologian and Peacebuilder, ed. J O'Grady, C. Higgins, J Lall Fernando 2015, S. Otillien, Germany
- Honorary Doctorate, Queens University, Belfast, for services to reconciliation in public life 2003
- Research Associate and founding member, Centre for Post-Conflict Justice, Trinity College Dublin present
- Member, Church Initiatives Group, Northern Ireland present
- Member, Aquinas Seminar, Priory Institute, Tallaght 2010
- Registered Psychotherapist, Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy (2004 - present, an Associate Member).
- Member (institutional) of Societas Oecumenica - European Society for Ecumenical Theology present
- St. Cuthbert Visiting Research Fellow, Durham University, Dept. of Theology and Religion April 2010
- Member, Faith and Politics Group - interdenominational, cross-border association Present
- Member American Academy of Religion. present
- Member European Society for Catholic Theology present
- Member of Standing Committee, Glenstal Ecumenical Conference. 1999
- Member of Irish Theological Association; from 1995-1998, Executive Committee Member: conferences organised:'Theology Today' (Dublin, 26-27 April 1996); 'The Theology of Life and Death and Associated Ethical Issues' (9-10 May 1997); 'Through a Glass Darkly: Towards a Theology of Absence'(Maynooth, 8th-9th May 1998). ITA Committee Representative in dialogue meetings with the Theological Commission of the Episcopal Conference of the Roman Catholic Church, Ireland chaired by Dr Laurence Ryan, Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin (1996-1997). present
- Patron (one of four) World Vision Ireland - Aid and Development Agency present
- Part-time staff/team member, Eckhart House: Institute of Psychosynthesis and Transpersonal Theory, Dublin. 2009
- Member of Maze-Long Kesh Reference Group - working with Strategic Development Board and with Daniel and Nina Libeskind on the vision, conceptualisation and development of an International Conflict Transformation Centre in the context of the regeneration of the former Maze prison site in Northern Ireland. Currently "frozen". 2010-2014
- Chairperson of International Advisory Group INCORE, (International Conflict Research): a joint project of the University of Ulster and the United Nations University Tokyo - combining research, education and comparative analysis on conflict and reconciliation, nationally and internationally. 2005-2010
- Theological Adviser to World Council of Churches, and 2005 to present, consultant on the WCC Decade to Overcome Violence on themes of churches and peacebuilding; theology of creation and the ethics of climate change. 1994-
- Member Board of Directors: Healing Through Remembering: HTR is N.Ireland-based public body and limited company, addressing issues of dealing with the past in the context of the conflict in and about Northern Ireland: issues include Truth Recovery Processes; Network of Commemoration; Living Memorial Museum, Story-Telling. Methodologies include conferences, commissioning of research, and research collaboration. also during this period, Chair of Healing through Remembering 'Commemoration' Working Group. See www.healingthroughremembering.org 2005-present
- Founding member (2009 -), Board Member, Ara Pacis Initiatives for Peace Association,and its Council for Dignity, Forgiveness, Justice and Reconciliation, Rome www.arapacisiniitiative.org e.g., YaLa Young Leaders movement in Middle East and North Africa - dialogue, development and change; in partnership with Luiss University Rome, Italy. Current
- Editorial Board: One in Christ - Ecumenics Journal, published twice yearly. since 2008
- Member of Editorial Board; Studies 1997-2002