ISE Trust
The ISE Trust exists to support the academic work of ISE and to support programmes for reconciliation and ecumenism more widely.
Trust Scholarships and Prizes
The Trust supports student life in ISE through the provision of scholarships and the James Haire Memorial Prize for the best essays and dissertations in the MPhil courses each year. Visit the School of Religion, Theology, and Peace Studies website for further information on ISE Trust scholarships.
Trust Programmes
For many years the ISE Trust supported the adult education work of the School’s Education for Reconciliation programme in Northern Ireland and the border counties. This programme has now ended but the Trust continues to support the following:
1) The development of ecumenical inter-church fora throughout Northern Ireland through the work of Eileen Gallagher.
2) A community programme in Belfast’s Sandy Row where we fund a community worker helping parents to encourage primary school children to maximize the benefits of education.
3) The development of inter-church links and adult theological education in Birr, Co. Offaly. We are pleased that the church authorities in the area have agreed to have Birr designated as an area of ecumenical experimentation and we hope the work in this area will be replicated in others in due course.