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International Conference on Global Intersections: Communication and Resilience Across Borders 

Deadline EXTENDED for submissions: now 14th April 2025, 17:00 (Irish Standard Time). 

Call for Contributions (PDF)
Dates of conference: 20 - 21 May 2025 
Venue: Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin (Ireland) 

The Trinity Centres for Global Intercultural Communications; Resistance Studies; and Forced Migration Studies invite scholars, postgraduate students, educators, policymakers, and activists in diverse settings to   submit papers exploring the intersections of modern communication across four vital themes: the intersection of language with identity formation, power structures and resistance movements; the evolving landscapes of communication technologies and their societal impact; the communicative dimensions of border and migration experiences; and innovative approaches to training and education that foster resilience in an increasingly complex world. We welcome empirical research, theoretical frameworks, case-studies and practice-based investigations that contribute to our understanding of how communication shapes and is shaped by contemporary global challenges. 

Deadline EXTENDED for submissions: now 14th April 2025, 17:00 (Irish Standard Time). 


Applications are open for the MPhil in The Middle East in a Global Context

The MPhil in The Middle East in a Global Context (online) is a fully online course, designed for students who hold a degree in any discipline and are interested in studying the region of the Middle East, its histories, cultures, politics and language.

The course provides a foundation in the methods and disciplines relevant to the study of the Middle East. It provides intensive training in several fields of knowledge through a combination of online lectures, seminars, tutorials and essay writing, allowing you to develop research and writing skills with training in theoretical and methodological approaches. You also complete a research project (dissertation) on a subject chosen by you in consultation with your supervisor.  Arabic language can, optionally, be studied at beginner's level.

The full-time course is year-long. It can also be taken part-time over two or three years.