Advantages of Partnering with Us

  • Partnership in world class research focussing on your challenges
  • Graduate and PhD Employment / Talent - Evaluate future employees
  • Significant Leveraged Research Funding - sharing costs / sharing the risks
  • State if the art nationally funded infrastructure - world class infrastructure
  • Ecosystem & Environment to network and influence - Ireland and beyond
  • Access to intellectual property - Strengthen your IP position
  • European Connectivity - Horizon Europe networks, Policy networks

Case Studies

Funding support for Collaborative Research

There are several opportunities for companies to benefit from research funding, and our professional corporate partnership team will work with you to navigate the complicated funding system and identify the right opportunity for the proposed partnership.

Funding support for Collaborative Research

Trinity offers services to support industry R&D, including: • Contract Research • Rapid Materials Analysis • Local Manufacturing Support • Consultancy • Specialist Training

Enterprise Ireland fosters the growth of Irish enterprises in global markets. Methods of engagement with Trinity: • Technology Centres • Innovation Partnerships • Innovation Vouchers • Technical Feasibility Study • Commercialisation Fund

Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) invests in scientific and engineering research, supporting researchers and teams to generate new knowledge and technologies in STEM. Methods of engagement with Trinity: • SFI Investigators Programme • SFI Industry Fellowships • SFI Research Centres • SFI Research Centre Spokes Programme • SFI Strategic Partnerships • SFI Short-Term Industry Visiting Fellowship

The EU funds various projects and programmes, including Horizon Europe, with nearly €95 billion available from 2021 to 2027. Methods of engagement with Trinity: • Framework Programme • Partnering with Leading Institutions • Leveraging EU Funding • Networking Opportunities • Service Agreements • Horizon 2020 • Recruitment, Placement & Exchange

Ireland's inward investment promotion agency, the IDA, promotes Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) through various services. Methods of engagement with Trinity: • Securing FDI • Promoting Irish Research Excellence • Showcasing 'Best-in-Class' Technologies • International Company Engagement • Technology Centre • Training Support

The Higher Education Authority is the statutory planning and policy body for higher education and research in Ireland. Methods of engagement with Trinity: • Delivery of Infrastructure Access • Enabling Fundamental Research Base • Core Research Foundation Delivery