SFI Awards

SFI Procedures for PI 

Specifically for SFI awards with a 5 days deadline as per Letter of Offer:

  1. PI to print 2 Award Acceptance Certificates from CO e-mail attachments – PI signs both – one certificate ONLY should be signed by HoS.  These 2 certificates with original wet signatures have to be returned to CO before the deadline as specified in the CO e-mail.
  2. PI to complete the Housing Letter from CO e-mail attachment – (only if award to be housed in a different school to the one the PI is affiliated to ) –this document has to be signed by HoS or head of TR&I - scanned copy to be sent to CO.
  3. PI to complete the CAF and RAS budget forms from CO e-mail attachments (this is for the Research Account to be set up)– scanned copy to be sent to CO