CONSULT Trinity offers a swift and efficient service to support consultancy activities by Trinity academics. We enable Trinity academics to share their knowledge with businesses, charities, State bodies and the Public Sector. We want to make it easy for organisations and academics to collaborate. By working with us, academics are protected from potential risks, and clients receive a reliable service.

CONSULT Trinity works with external partners offering solutions to specific problems:

  • Designing bespoke training programmes for your business or organisation
  • Providing expert advice and reports
  • Conducting analysis using Trinity resources and facilities
  • Participating in advisory boards
  • Reviewing government strategies and policies
  • Giving recommendations on cultural projects
  • Providing advice for, or appearing in, film and television shows or documentaries

For Trinity Academics:

  • You can make an impact on industry or society by the application of your unique expertise
  • You can build relationships with external organisations which may lead to other forms of partnership such as research collaborations
  • You can gain up-to-date commercial/technical/cultural insights that can inform your research and teaching
  • You can generate financial support for research, teaching activities, student placements, PhD funding