Decision-making Procedures

The Admissions Office website contains full details of the admissions requirements and application procedures for Trinity courses. Applications for undergraduate courses are made through the Central Applications Office (CAO) or the Trinity Access Programmes. Postgraduate applications are made through the system and assessed by the department offering the course.

Trinity provides accommodation for students, on a competitive basis, in Trinity Hall and on campus. A student may seek special consideration for his or her application for accommodation, based on individual extenuating circumstances. 
A quota of rooms is set aside for international students.
There is also an Irish Language Residency Scheme / Scéim Chónaithe which has its own application procedures and selection criteria.
Students in the following roles are automatically offered university accommodation:

Student Regulations
Regulations regarding the awarding of degrees, academic appeals, disciplinary matters and more can be found in the University Calendar (Parts II and III).
Information about local academic decision-making procedures (e.g. module assessment details) can be found in course handbooks. Please visit the relevant academic department's webpages to access a course handbook.

Trinity offers a great number of awards for academic and other achievement, amongst students, staff and alumni. Many of these awards are accompanied by financial reward or other prizes.  These awards include:

Staff Appointments and Elections