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Senior Academic Promotions 2024

Human Resources are pleased to announce the call for Senior Academic Promotions in 2024. This call opens on Monday 20 May 2024 and the closing date for receipt of applications is 12 Noon on Thursday 5 September 2024.  

Trinity College Dublin is committed to promoting equality in all aspects of its activity, including promotions, in line with the University Equality Policy. Trinity is an equal opportunities employer and welcomes applications for promotion from all eligible sections of the University community.

Please Note: The information contained on this website is only intended to supplement information contained in the policy and this website does not act as a substitute. All candidates should familiarise themselves with the Policy before applying.

All queries relating to the Senior Academic Promotions Call 2024 can be made to

Main changes to Policy and Process from Previous Call

Main changes to the existing Senior Academic Promotions Policy

While the Senior Academic Promotions Review Project has many more elements that need to be addressed, Board (28/02/2024) has approved a promotion round in 2024 (with an implementation date of 1 October 2024 - without retrospection). This approval includes some changes to the existing SAP Policy based on outputs from the SAP Review Phase 1.

Applicants should familiarise themselves with the changes to the existing SAP Policy and Process for the 2024 Call before submitting an application for promotion.

Please see below the main changes to the Policy and Process:

  • For the call in 2024, the Senior Academic Promotions Committee will (i) attend to the Senior Academic Promotions backlog* from the previous four calls (2021, 2020, 2019 and 2018), and (ii) treat candidates seeking promotion in the new call in 2024 in the same way as those candidates from the four previous calls detailed above.
  • That Professor Of candidates who pass the threshold score will be invited to interview.
  • That the practice of collecting two external referee reports for Professor Of (Personal Chair), Professor In and Associate Professor candidates will be ceased.
  • That feedback meetings will normally be offered within eight working weeks from the date on which the letter of notification was sent to staff informing them of the outcome of their application and prior to the deadline for submitting an appeal.
  • That the deadline for lodging an appeal will increase from "four" working weeks to "eight" working weeks.
  • In the case of unsuccessful candidates seeking to appeal, they should normally attend a feedback meeting prior to submitting an appeal.
  • That Procedure 57, SAP Policy does not apply to (i) Clinical Staff who wish to apply for an honorary clinical academic title, (ii) Academic and Academic Consultant Staff employed by Dublin Dental University Hospital who hold a DDUH contractual arrangement.

* The current Senior Academic Promotions process uses threshold scoring, introduced in 2018. Since then, those that met the threshold were eligible to be considered for promotion, contingent on sufficient funds being available. We use the term “backlog” to describe the cohort of people who, having met the threshold, were deemed eligible to be considered for promotion, but were not promoted due to financial constraints

Main changes to External Referee Selection Process

There is no longer a requirement for external referees in the application process for promotion to Professor Of (Personal Chair), Professor In and Associate Professor.

The Policy

The Senior Academic Promotions Policy is available here.

Please note that the policy has been updated as approved by Board on 28 February 2024 and we recommend that you read through the policy to familiarise yourself with the procedure prior to submitting an application to this call. If you have any queries relating to the Senior Academic Promotions Policy please email

Types of Promotion Application

There is one online application process for all categories of applications.  Within the online form you must select the promotion grade and the Faculty that applies to your application. If you wish to use have an offline version of the application form please reach out to .

An academic member of staff with an appointment in more than one Faculty must determine in the promotions round in 2024 which Faculty they wish to have their application reviewed. For example, an Assistant Professor with a joint appointment in the Faculty of Health Sciences and the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences may decide to submit their application to either Faculty.

Applications for the 2024 call are divided into three promotional grades:

  • Professor Of (Personal Chair)
  • Professor In
  • Associate Professor

Eligibility Criteria

  • To be eligible to be considered for promotion to the above grades, staff must have passed probation prior to submitting an application and have been confirmed in appointment by Council and Board.
  • In the case of Assistant Professors on a fixed-term contract that may lead to a tenured role/permanency, they must have successfully passed their fourth year Tenure Track Review and have been confirmed in appointment by Council and Board.
  • Candidates for promotion to Professor Of (Personal Chair) would normally be from the Professor In cohort.
  • Candidates for promotion to Professor In would normally be from the Associate Professor cohort.
  • Candidates for promotion to Associate Professor would normally be at the top of the salary scale for Assistant Professor.
  • Each application shall be judged on its own merits, regardless of the outcome of any application in previous round(s).
  • An academic member of staff with an appointment in more than one Faculty will determine in a given promotions round which Faculty they wish to have their application reviewed.

For more information regarding eligibility please see Section 4. Eligibility, Senior Academic Promotions Procedure.

Senior Academic Promotions Backlog

The current Senior Academic Promotions process uses threshold scoring, introduced in 2018. Since then, those that met the threshold were eligible to be considered for promotion, contingent on sufficient funds being available. We use the term “backlog” to describe the cohort of people who, having met the threshold, were deemed eligible to be considered for promotion, but were not promoted due to financial constraints.

Candidates that are included in the Senior Academic Promotions backlog will not need to re-apply under the new call in 2024 in order to be recommended for promotion by the Senior Academic Promotions Committee to Council and Board. Please see below the follow-up actions that candidates need to complete in order for the recommendation to be progressed.

The Process for candidates notified they are part of the backlog

There are 4 steps in the process

  • Step 1. Human Resources will write to those candidates who are included in the Senior Academic Promotions backlog, at the same time as the new promotions call in 2024 is being issued.

    They will be told specifically that they do not need to reapply for promotion, however, to progress this, the Senior Academic Promotions Committee requires them to complete an online form to confirm their agreement to recommend them for promotion to the relevant grade given they met the threshold (as detailed in Appendix 1 of Procedure 57 etc.) in their application in one or more of the four previous calls (2021, 2020, 2019, and 2018), but were not promoted at the time due to financial constraints. These promotions will be made under the Senior Academic Promotions Call of 2024, and will take effect from 1 October 2024 without retrospection, subject to Council and Board approval.
  • Step 2. The candidate will complete an online form to confirm their agreement to have their application recommended for promotion by the Senior Academic Promotions Committee to Council and Board. The link to this form will be included in the email notification the candidate receives.

    N.B. Candidates that do not complete an online form to confirm their agreement to have their application recommended by the Senior Academic Promotions Committee, will not have their promotion recommended by the SAPC for implementation subject to Council and Board approval. 
  • Step 3. The Senior Academic Promotions Committee shall endorse the recommendation for promotion at the first meeting of the Senior Academic Promotions Committee after the closing date for applications to the Call in 2024, and submit their recommendations for promotion to Council and Board for approval.
  • Step 4. Following Council and Board approval, the promotion will be made under the Senior Academic Promotions Call in 2024 to take effect from 1 October 2024 without retrospection. It is expected that that the promotion will be implemented in the Payroll in March/April 2025.

If you have any queries relating to the above, please contact .

Information Workshops on the Senior Academic Promotion Process

We are holding Information Workshops for all applicants that are intending to apply to the Senior Academic Promotions Call 2024. Candidates are strongly encouraged to attend a workshop prior to submitting an application. If you are unable to attend the session specific to your faculty, you should attend one of the other faculty workshops.

If you are unable to attend one of the faculty workshops, please reach out to and we will do our best to accommodate you in a general workshop.

Date Time Event To Book
13 May 2024 14:00 – 15:30 STEM - Faculty Information Session on Senior Academic Promotions book here
31 May 2024 10:00-11:30 FHS- Faculty Information Session on Senior Academic Promotions book here
6 June 2024 11:00-12:30 AHSS - Faculty Information Session on Senior Academic Promotions book here


These online events will be hosted by the Faculty Dean and Fidelma Haffey, Human Resources.

The purpose of the workshop(s) is to provide information about recent changes to the Senior Academic Promotions Process for the 2024 call, filling in the application form and to get perspectives from previous applicants. These are separate workshops to the IT Clinics.

The agenda for the Faculty information workshop

Part 1 - Overview and updates on the Senior Academic Promotions process. (50 mins)

  • Introduction by Faculty Dean (5 mins)
  • Overview and Updates on the Senior Academic Promotions by Fidelma Haffey, Head of Talent, Human Resources (20 mins)
  • Speaker - Perspectives from the point of view of a previous reviewer (10 mins)
  • Q & A – 15 mins

Part 2 - Experiences of the process from an applicant's viewpoint (45 mins)

  • Panel of Speakers - Experience of a successful candidate at Associate Professor and/or Professor In level – 30 mins
  • Q&A – 15 mins - questions drawn from the chat.

For further information about the Workshops please email

The Online Application Process

There are 3 steps in the online application process:

  • Step 1, the applicant completes their user profile on the MyRSS by using the Promotions CV Wizard to fill out the Senior Academic Promotions Application Form. The applicant outputs their Promotions CV document to Word and completes Section 4.3 on Teaching and Section 4.5 on Supervision as well as reviewing the overall content of the application document.

If you wish to access an offline version of the application form please reach out to

  • Step 2, the applicant downloads the Head of School Report Form from the Promotions Webpage or within the e-recruitment system for completion.

Link to the Head of School Report Form

  • Step 3, the applicant uploads to e-recruitment their completed promotion application and Head of Discipline/Head of School report.

Step 1 – Using the MyRSS Promotions Wizard

My RSS User Guide (pdf 2.3 mb)

Go to the MyRSS and login.

  • The Promotions Wizard is accessible to all active RSS users here: and then select "MyApplication"
  • After clicking on the reports section of the RSS Launcher you will be brought to the location where the link to the promotions Wizard Page can be found.
  • First decide which type of promotion you would like to apply for and click save. There are 4 options: Clinical Academic Promotions, Senior Academic Promotions, Junior Academic Progressions and Online Review Form. You need to Select Senior Academic Promotions for this call.
  • Then complete each section of the Promotions Wizard by clicking next until you arrive at the final section - Output MyRSS Promotions CV.
  • Save the MyRSS Promotion CV file to your desktop or any other suitable location on your computer for review and completion. When you output the CV to Word you should then review the overall content of the application document, save it as a PDF.
  • For queries about the MyRSS Promotions Wizard or the RSS please email

Step 2 – Download the Head of School Report

The next step is to download the Head of School Report Form that is available here or within the e-recruitment system and ask your Head of Discipline/Head of School to complete. Committee members cannot sign this form.

In order to ensure that no Committee member signs your Head of School Report Form, you should check the list of Committee Members. Please discuss with the Committee member prior to submitting your application. If a Head of School is on the Committee, a Pro-Head of School will be appointed by the Dean to sign the form. If you believe that a member of staff other than your Head of School may be a more appropriate person to write commentary, please consult with the Secretary to the Senior Academic Promotions Committee

If a change of signature is required, please notify us at

Link to the Head of School Report Form

Step 3 – Use e-recruitment

E-Recruitment User Guide (pdf 1.8 mb)

The final part of the process for applying is via the e-recruitment system at

The Senior Academic Promotions Call will open on 20 May 2024. We recommend early application to avoid system difficulties near the closing date. We advise you register for e-recruitment in advance of the call, in case there are any difficulties accessing the platform.

Please ensure that all elements are completed before uploading and submitting, as once you have submitted your application cannot be changed in any way. Also please note the closing dates.

Please note that you must submit and receive a receipt email (please retain this for your records) to confirm that your application has been included in the promotion call.  The confirmation email may arrive up to 15 minutes after submission. It may also land in your Spam, so please check your spam folder if you do not receive this confirmation email to your main inbox within 15 minutes. If you do not receive a confirmation email from e-Recruitment this means that your application has not been submitted. Please ensure that you have followed all the steps in the e-Recruitment process and if you require assistance with this stage of the process, please email

User clinics on the 3 step Senior Academic Promotions Process

User Clinics on the 3-Step Senior Academic Promotions Process will be held on:

Day Date Time Event To Book
Thursday 6 June 2024 14:00 – 15:00 Senior Academic Promotions Application Process: IT User Clinic book here
Monday 10 June 2024 14:00 - 15:00 Senior Academic Promotions Application Process: IT User Clinic book here
Tuesday 18 June 2024 12:00 - 13:00 Senior Academic Promotions Application Process: IT User Clinic book here
Wednesday 26 June 2024 10:00 - 11:00 Senior Academic Promotions Application Process: IT User Clinic
Wednesday 3 July 2024 12:00 - 13:00 Senior Academic Promotions Application Process: IT User Clinic
Tuesday 9 July 2024 13:00 - 15:00 Senior Academic Promotions Application Process: IT User Clinic
Tuesday 16 July 2024 14:00 - 15:00 Senior Academic Promotions Application Process: IT User Clinic
Tuesday 23 July 2024 14:00 - 15:00 Senior Academic Promotions Application Process: IT User Clinic
Tuesday 30 July 2024 14:00 - 15:00 Senior Academic Promotions Application Process: IT User Clinic
Tuesday 6 August 2024 14:00 - 15:00 Senior Academic Promotions Application Process: IT User Clinic
Tuesday 13 August 2024 14:00 - 15:00 Senior Academic Promotions Application Process: IT User Clinic
Tuesday 20 August 2024 14:00 - 15:00 Senior Academic Promotions Application Process: IT User Clinic
Tuesday 27 August 2024 14:00 - 15:00 Senior Academic Promotions Application Process: IT User Clinic
Tuesday 3 September 2024 14:00 - 15:00 Senior Academic Promotions Application Process: IT User Clinic

If you would prefer a one-to-one tutorial, please secure a slot on the following booking page:  1:1 Senior Promotions User Clinic Bookings Page

Stages of the process

Stage 1 - Call for applications

  • Call for applications opens - Promotion Advertisement Date – Promotion Round will open 20 May 2024 (please note individual closing dates for promotions)
  • Use the Online Process to create your application.
  • Submit your Application and Head of School Report Form to
  • Applicants submit applications – NB - Closing Dates – No late applications accepted:
    • Associate Professor – 12 noon, 5 September 2024
    • Professor In – 12 noon, 5 September 2024
    • Professor Of (Personal Chairs) – 12 noon, 5 September 2024
  • User Tutorials on the online application process will be held on the following dates:
    • dates and times TBC

To book yourself in for one of these tutorials, please email us at

Stage 2 – For Associate Professor and Professor In Candidates - Faculty Senior Academic Promotions Committee Stage

Review of Applications for Associate Professor and Professor In

  • Following receipt of applications, the Faculty Senior Academic Promotions Committee will review applicants:
    • Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Senior Academic Promotions Committee; Review and make decisions
    • Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Senior Academic Promotions Committee; Review and make decisions
    • Faculty of Health Sciences Senior Academic Promotions Committee; Review and make decisions
  • All candidates and their Heads of Schools will be notified on completion of the Faculty Senior Academic Promotions Committee Stage.
  • Feedback can be requested by unsuccessful candidates. The relevant Faculty Dean, one member of the Committee and the Faculty HR Partner shall meet with unsuccessful candidates requesting feedback, having provided written feedback as outlined in advance of that meeting. (For more information on feedback please see the Policy, section 8. Feedback, Senior Academic Promotions Procedure)

Stage 2 – For Professor Of (Personal Chair) - Senior Academic Promotions Committee Review

Review of Applications for promotion to Professor Of

  • Following receipt of applications, the Senior Academic Promotions Committee will review Professor Of (Personal Chair) candidates
  • All candidates and their Heads of Schools will be notified on completion of the Senior Academic Promotions Committee stage.
  • Feedback can be requested by unsuccessful candidates. The Chair, or their nominee (normally the Vice-Provost) and one member of the Committee and the Director of HR (or nominee) shall meet with unsuccessful candidates requesting feedback, having provided written feedback as outlined in advance of that meeting. (For more information on feedback please see the Policy, section 8. Feedback, Senior Academic Promotions Procedure)

Stage 3 – Approval

Successful candidates, following Senior Academic Promotions Committee review will be recommended for promotion to the University Council and Board for approval.

Stage 4 – Implementation of Promotions

Promotions will be made under the SAP Call of 2024, and will take effect from 1 October 2024, subject to approval by Council and Board

Indicative Timelines

Indicative Timeline for Senior Academic Promotions Call in 2024

HR Open Call for Promotion Applications

20 May 2024

Education / Information Sessions for Community March - August 2024

Deadline for Submission of applications by candidates

5 September 2024

Application Checks Complete

9 September 2024

Issue Packs to FSAPCs and SAPC

13 September 2024

Meetings of the FSAPCs and SAPC to consider applications and make recommendations

October 2024

Candidates informed of the decision of the FSAPC and SAPS

week of 2-7 December 2024

Feedback Meetings scheduled

9 December 2024 - January 2025

Council to approve and Board to note recommendations for promotion TBC January 2025

Implementation of award on Payroll

TBC March 2025


Committee Membership

Senior Academic Promotions Committee - quorum of 7 (excluding Human Resources)

  Membership of the Senior Academic Promotions Committee Scoring Responsibility Membership Term
1 Chair: Provost (or nominee) No Ex Officio
2 Vice-Provost/Chief Academic Officer Yes Ex Officio
3-5 Faculty Deans x 3 Yes Ex Officio
6-8 Professors Of x 3 (one per Faculty) Yes 3 years
9-11 External members x 3* - distinguished academics corresponding to Faculty Areas Yes 3 years
12 Member nominated by IFUT/ASA at Professor Of or In grade Yes 3 years
13 Secretary: Director of Human Resources (or nominee) No In attendance

*Drawn from a panel of external members. The same three external members will be used for a promotion round.

Faculty Senior Academic Promotions Committees - quorum of 7 (excluding Human Resources)

  Membership of the Faculty Senior Academic Promotions Committee Scoring Responsibility Membership Term
1 Chair: Vice Provost, Chief Academic Officer No Ex Officio
2 Faculty Dean Yes Ex Officio
3-8 (9) Professors in the Faculty (Professor Of/In) reflecting a range of disciplinary interests x 5* Yes 3 years
9 (10) Member nominated by IFUT/ASA Yes 3 years
10-12 (11-13) External members x 3** - distinguished academics corresponding to Faculty Areas Yes 3 years
13 (14) Secretary: Director of HR (or nominee) No In attendance
14 (15) In attendance: Faculty HR Partner No In attendance

*Ideally 5, can be expanded to a maximum of 6.

**Drawn from a panel of external members. The same external members will be used for a promotion round. 

Senior Academic Promotions – Committee Membership, Call in 2024

The membership of the Senior Academic Promotions Committee and the Faculty Senior Academic Promotions Committees is detailed below. *

Senior Academic Promotions Committee

Provost – Linda Doyle - ex officio
Vice Provost/Chief Academic Officer – Professor Orla Sheils - ex officio
Dead of FAHSS - Professor Carmel O'Sullivan - ex officio
Dean of FSTEM - Professor Sylvia Draper - ex officio
Dean of FHS - Professor Brian O’Connell - ex officio
Professor Of (one per Faculty) - Professor Darryl Jones, Faculty of AHSS
Professor Of (one per Faculty – Professor Maeve Lowery, Faculty of HS
Professor Of (one per Faculty - Professor Stefano Sanvito, Faculty of STEM
Professor Christine Morris, School of Histories & Humanities (IFUT/ASA Staff Rep)
Professor Michael Bruter, Professor of Political Science and European Politics, London School of Economics (External, FAHSS)
Professor Keith Gull, Professor of Molecular microbiology, Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford (External, FSTEM)
Professor Angus Walls, University of Edinburgh (External, FHS)

Gender balance - 6 Female: 6 Male - 50%F: 50%M

Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Senior Academic Promotions Committee

Vice Provost/Chief Academic Officer – Professor Orla Sheils - ex officio
Dean of FAHSS - Professor Carmel O'Sullivan- ex officio
Professor Monica Gale - School of Histories and Humanities
Professor Richard Layte – School of Social Sciences and Philosophy
Professor Catherine Welsh – Trinity Business School
Professor Stephen Matterson – School of English
Professor Ladislav Timulak – School of Psychology
Professor Mark Bell – School of Law
Professor Paul Delaney - School of English (IFUT/ASA Staff Rep)
Professor Andrej Zwitter, Department of Political Sciences, University of Groningen (External)
Professor Luke Harding, Department of Linguistics & English Language, University of Lancaster (External)
Professor Matthew Bell, German and Comparative Literature, Kings College London (External)

Gender Balance - 4 Female: 8 Male - 33%F: 67%M

Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Senior Academic Promotions Committee

Vice Provost/Chief Academic Officer – Professor Orla Sheils - ex officio
Dean of FSTEM - Professor Sylvia Draper - ex officio
Professor Stephen Spence – School of Engineering
Professor Anna Davies – School of Natural Sciences
Professor Stefano Sanvito – School of Physics
Professor Siobhan Clarke – School of Computer Sciences and Statistics
Professor Katrin Wendland – School of Mathematics
Professor Mani Ramiswami – School of Genetics & Microbiology
Professor Iouri Gun'ko – School of Chemistry (IFUT/ASA Staff Rep)
Professor Keith Gull, Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford (External)
Professor Alistair Borthwick, School of Engineering, University of Plymouth (External)
Professor Lesley Yellowlees, University of Edinburgh (External)

Gender balance -  6 Female: 6 Male - 50%F: 50%M TBC

Faculty of Health Sciences Senior Academic Promotions Committee

Vice Provost/Chief Academic Officer – Professor Orla Sheils - ex officio
Dean of FHS - Professor Brian O’Connell - ex officio
Professor Noel McCarthy – Discipline of Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine
Professor Mark Cunningham – Discipline of Physiology, School of Medicine
Professor Juliette Hussey – Discipline of Physiotherapy, School of Medicine
Professor Anne-Marie Healy – School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Science
Professor Anne-Marie Brady – School of Nursing & Midwifery
Professor Derek Sullivan – School of Dental Science (IFUT/ASA Staff Rep)
Professor Hugh McKenna, School of Nursing, Ulster University (External)
Professor Hannah Batchelor, Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences, University of Strathclyde (External)
Professor Suzanne Turner, Department of Pathology, University of Cambridge (External)

Gender balance - 6 Female: 5 Male - 55%F: 45%M


* In line with Procedure 57, Senior Academic Promotions Procedure, members, other than those ex officio, normally serve a three-year term from the date of first appointment. As the senior academic promotions process is currently undergoing a review and pending the outcome (expected in March/April 2025) it is anticipated that this could change the composition and membership of the SAPC/ Faculty SAP Committees in 2025.

GDPR Statement for Senior Academic Promotions

For the purposes of the Senior Academic Promotions Call you will be required to complete an application form and a Head of School Report submitted by the candidate to Human Resources via e-Recruitment.

This information will be used to evaluate you for promotion.

To comply with GDPR we seek your consent to process your application. On filling in the online e-recruitment form you will be requested during the questionnaire section to give your consent by ticking yes. If you do not tick yes, then you will be unable to submit an application.

For Associate Professors and Professor In's - the content of your application including Head of School Report will be shared with members of the relevant Faculty Senior Academic Promotions Committee.

For Professor Of (Personal Chairs) - the content of your application including Head of School Report will then be shared with the Senior Academic Promotions Committee.

Please note that should you wish to withdraw your consent for either of the above you can do so by emailing us at, however this will render your application void.

Personal Circumstances

The Personal Circumstances Form can be downloaded here. Please return the completed form by e-mail to: prior to the closing date of application for promotion.

By submitting your application electronically, you are declaring that the information you are providing is factually correct.

Please note that confirmation of receipt of your Personal Circumstances Form from the relevant Committee Secretary shall be sent to the Trinity e-mail address you entered on this form.

If you have concerns about disclosing details of your personal circumstances because of its sensitive nature, please email for assistance.

What is the Personal Circumstances form?

Personal Circumstances are considerations which the relevant Faculty Senior Academic Promotions Committees and the Senior Academic Promotion Committee take into account at the time of promotion. The process assesses a candidate’s merit relative to their opportunity to accrue that merit.

A range of personal circumstances may be considered that have affected, interrupted or delayed the career path, performance or output of a staff member during their employment with the University, which the staff member wishes the r Committee to take into account.

This form must be used by all candidates who wish their Personal Circumstances to be taken into account at the time of a promotion application.

The Personal Circumstances may include but are not limited to protective leave (for example, maternity, adoptive, parental, paternity, carers' leave or disability); long-term caring responsibilities; illness; inability to travel abroad or to undertake field work; etc. They may be ongoing circumstances or situations of a fixed duration; the candidate is invited to indicate the time period involved.

Faculty Senior Academic Promotions Committee and Senior Academic Promotions Committee

Accommodation for Personal Circumstances may be allocated to a candidate where a prima facie case for Personal Circumstances is accepted by the Chair and the Secretary to the Committee prior to the meeting of the Committee. It shall then be incumbent upon the Chair of the Committee to ensure that the Committee are aware that Personal Circumstances and how they might be appropriately taken into account / their probable impact on the candidate's application for promotion.

Information storage

The information provided shall be kept in accordance with Trinity's Data Protection Policy and Privacy Statement.

The information provided shall only be considered for the promotion review indicated at this time and for no other purpose. A new application for consideration of Personal Circumstances must be made for each new promotion review to be considered.

Information provided by a candidate on their Personal Circumstances to the Faculty Senior Academic Promotions Committee and the Senior Academic Promotion Committee is strictly confidential and shall be disclosed only to the Committee Secretary and the Chair of the relevant Committee, as required. The information shall not be shared with any third party.

The Chair shall indicate to the Committee the probable impact of the Personal Circumstances on the candidate’s application for promotion without disclosing their specific nature.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions section for FAQs about Senior Academic Promotions.

Links to Resources for Senior Academic Promotions Process

Web Pages and Documents User Guides
Senior Academic Promotions Procedure  
Guidance Document on Criteria  
Head of School Report  
RSS MyRSS User Guide
e-recruitment E-Recruitment User Guide
Frequently Asked Questions